Need for little hackers

Chapter 214 Infighting Recovery

Chapter 214 Infighting ([-]) Recovery


Every time Yang Tingting passed by Qina's ward, she would go in, turn Qina over, pinch his back, buttocks and thighs, change the urine bag and so on.

Inadvertently, she really saw the giant in the nurse's mouth. Although she was a little girl, it did not hinder her common sense. She was amazed and suddenly understood why there were so many beautiful women around him.Not only because of admiration for his talent and character, but also a little bit of other things.

It's six o'clock in the afternoon, and Emily hasn't come back, nor has Qi Na's family. Yang Tingting is a little strange, but she didn't leave Emily's mobile phone number, so she can't be contacted, but since she promised Emily, she decided to wait for Emily to come back. , and then get off work.

She regularly turned Qi Na over every 10 minutes, washed his face, and wiped his body. It was past seven o'clock after all the work. Yang Tingting went downstairs by herself and got some food at the snack bar in front of the hospital. , and brought some porridge back, the doctor said that if you can try to feed Qi Na some fluids such as porridge.

Back in the ward, the local news in Ningnan was broadcast on the TV. It was about the large-scale traffic jam on the Yangtze River Bridge in Ningnan. .

She carefully put the porridge on the bedside table, turned around to unload the satchel, and then went to the bathroom to wash her face. Although it was September, the weather was still extremely hot, the so-called autumn tiger.

She unbuttoned her coat, and it was cool, cool, and she would not come over in the bathroom anyway, so she would not be seen.

Just as she was wiping her face with a towel, she heard movement in the ward. Yang Tingting thought it was the round doctor, but she remembered that it was Dr. Su, so she said casually, "Good morning, Dr. Su."


Yang Tingting was surprised, turned around, leaned half of her body out of the bathroom, and wanted to ask Dr. Su why he didn't speak.

"Ah!!!" Yang Tingting screamed instantly.

She jumped out of the bathroom, completely forgetting that her shirt was unbuttoned, her breasts were half exposed, youthful and beautiful, she pointed at Qi Na on the hospital bed and shouted: "You, you, you!"

Qina tremblingly picked up the white porridge on the bedside table, took a sip carefully, looked at Yang Tingting, who was disheveled, and said with a smile: "Okay. Hungry."

When Qina woke up, Yang Tingting was so happy. She didn't put on her clothes properly, so she rushed over and hugged Qina. Qina was too weak, and she couldn't hold the porridge firmly, so she fell on the hospital bed.

Only then did Yang Tingting calm down, and said, "Wait for me to clean up."

She turned to go to the bathroom to get a broom, and then turned back, only to see Qina grabbing the white porridge on the hospital bed and feeding it to her mouth.

so hungry.Yang Tingting couldn't help shedding tears, she threw the broom in her hand and said, "Mr. Qi, I'm going to buy porridge, and I'll be right back."

After she tied up her clothes, she turned around and walked out. Behind her, Qina said forcefully, "I want mustard."

Yang Tingting smiled in tears and nodded in agreement.

She was very fast, walking and running all the way, and came back in a quarter of an hour. Qina had already fallen asleep leaning on the hospital bed, but he slept lightly. Yang Tingting closed the door, and he woke up. When Yang Tingting just passed the nurse's station I want my colleagues to call the doctor and tell them that the patient, Qi Na, is awake.But after thinking about it, she gave up. She really wanted to be alone with Qina for a while longer.So silently did not say a word.

Yang Tingting helped him clean up the porridge on the bed sheet, and then spread dry towels on it, so as not to get the porridge on his clothes.

At this moment, she blushed, picked up the porridge bowl, and fed it to Qina spoon by spoon.

This feeling is so wonderful, Yang Tingting thought, I am afraid that I will never forget this moment in my life, but unfortunately I still have to tell the doctors later, then such a moment will never come back.

After finishing the last mouthful of porridge, Qi Na chewed the mustard, as if reminiscing the taste of porridge and mustard, closed his eyes, and after a while, he said to Yang Tingting, "Thank you, Tingting."

Yang Tingting did not expect that he would still remember herself after the serious illness, and said in surprise: "You still remember me."

Qina smiled slightly: "Why don't you remember, little fellow."

Yang Tingting blushed, a little shy, and said, "I'll find a doctor for you."

Qina shook his head: "No need, I'm fine, so there's no need to bother them at this late hour!"

But Yang Tingting refused, saying: "You are an important patient, according to regulations they must be the first to know."

Qi Na didn't have the strength to argue with her, so he said, "Okay. But you should unbutton your shirt first, so you don't make people laugh at you."

Yang Tingting looked down and saw that the buttons on the hem of her shirt were misplaced, and her fair skin was faintly visible. She was ashamed and turned her back to tidy up.Then I went to the nurse's station to call the doctor.

The doctor on duty was overjoyed when he heard the news, and contacted the dean, but found that he couldn't get through the phone, so he said, "I'll go and see Mr. Qi, and you can go to the dean, he is on duty today in the office building."

As soon as Yang Tingting went downstairs, she saw Emily walking towards her with a melancholy face, but she didn't care about these changes in Emily at all, she went up to meet Emily happily, and said to Emily, "Mr. Qi is awake, Mr. Qi is awake."

Emily was taken aback for a moment, as if she had been hit by a giant hammer, and she couldn't react instantly.

Yang Tingting grabbed her arm and shook it, only then did Emily realize that this was unprecedented good news.

Emily reacted very quickly, immediately grabbed Yang Tingting's hand, and said, "Don't tell others, come back with me."

Yang Tingting is very strange, isn't this good news?Why not tell others? !

Doctor Su on duty also felt that Emily's request was very strange, but Emily repeatedly emphasized that she was not allowed to tell others, as if Qi Na hadn't woken up today.

Qi Na said lightly from the side: "Emily, are you going to give everyone a surprise?"

Emily smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid many people will not be happy to see this surprise, we will talk about it in detail later."

Doctor Su hesitated for a long time, and finally Emily gave him some promises, and he nodded in agreement.

Emily left Yang Tingting behind and asked her to take care of Qina for herself.

Emily said specifically: "You are our lucky star, and I will ask your dean to ask you to come here and be Alex's life secretary. Don't be such a hard-working nurse, and you don't have a salary of a few dollars."

Yang Tingting's eyes lit up, she felt that today was really a lucky day.But she still turned her head to look at Qina, and Qina smiled slightly: "I will work hard for you in the future, Tingting."

When Tian Xiu arrived at the company early in the morning, she found colleagues in the company whispering. Someone saw her approaching and seemed to be wary of her, turned around and stopped talking, as if nothing had happened.

Tian Xiu was secretly amused, since she came to Kirin Wings, she worked hard to cooperate with Qina to complete the development of the robotOS operating system. The kind of sympathy that foreign masters meet.Except for work, she hardly interacts with other colleagues. This kind of maverick, coupled with the title of senior assistant, makes her a little detached in the company. Even Lisa is very polite when she sees her, which makes the system development department The senior people are very surprised what is her origin.

These factors also caused Tian Xiu's prestige to plummet after Qi Na fell into a coma, and his relationship with other colleagues gradually became more embarrassing.

Tian Xiu sat back at her workstation, turned on the computer, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and took a sip. Early in the morning, the office smelled like meat buns. Someone brought breakfast to the office.

In order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the company no longer provides breakfast, and the company is full of complaints.

But from time to time there are food deliveries in and out of the office, and there is even a strong smell, which makes Tian Xiu, who is a bit of a clean freak, a little unbearable, but now that Qi Na is not here, she has no choice but to endure it silently.

OA in ERP has a reminder, two new notices: Lisa resigns, thank Lisa for her outstanding contribution to the company's development, her last working day was yesterday.

Lisa is gone. When she first knew Lisa, she was just a timid little girl. Unexpectedly, there is endless energy in that small body.

From her point of view, her old classmate Zheng Xiumin might not be Lisa's opponent. Lisa's ability to see the big picture and control the situation far exceeds Zheng Xiumin. The only thing Zheng Xiumin can compare to is her kind and easy-going personality, which makes her subordinates willing Follow her to conquer the world.

The second notice: The board of directors decided to appoint Qi Hong as the company's COO to preside over the company's operations, Min Rui as the acting CTO to be responsible for all technical work, and Gao Qinglin as the chief engineer to cooperate with Min Rui's work.

Oh, Tian Xiu suddenly understood that those whispering colleagues were gossip about these two notices.

Tian Xiu sneered, these eight women.

She got up and left her seat, went straight to find Min Rui, the new supervisor of HR came over, saw Tian Xiu, and immediately said: "Director Tian, ​​Supervisor Tian, ​​have a meeting right away, upstairs in the conference room, don't delay."

Tian Xiu ignored her. For Tian Xiu, she did not admit this so-called HR supervisor, because the company did not write a document. In her opinion, the HR supervisor was still Emily.

Some people have already arrived in Min Rui's office, but they are not reporting work, but congratulating Min Rui, Tian Xiu sneered: "Congratulations are over? I still have work report!"

Some of these colleagues understood Tian Xiu's weird temper, some rolled their eyes at her, and some of them muttered, "Qina is gone, and you are still screaming."

But Min Rui said: "You all go out."

There were only Min Rui and Tian Xiu in the office, and before Tian Xiu could speak, Min Rui said first: "First, I will not accept this work arrangement, and second, please wait for Qi Na to come back for all technical problems, or you can find a solution yourself. Please don't report to me about all your work."

Tian Xiu was taken aback for a moment, but instead smiled, without being wordy, she turned and left the office.

As soon as I got back to my work station and sat down, I saw Min Rui replying to the notice. She has a higher authority, so she can reply to everyone: I have little talent and little knowledge, so I can’t take on this important task. Please choose another talented person. Because Gao Qinglin is the chief engineer, I am demoted voluntarily. R&D Manager, above, thank you all.

This e-mail immediately sparked a lot of discussion in the company, but Min Rui said what he said, and was categorical. After 10 minutes, he moved out of the independent office, called a meeting of the Suzaku robot project team, and declared two things. He is no longer the chief engineer. Yes, if it wasn't special, she would not resign, and she must complete the Suzaku robot as scheduled.

Everyone understands the meaning of these words.

At eleven o'clock, Qi Hong, the COO of Kirin Wings, arrived. Jenny and Kong Zhen accompanied him. They arranged a meeting and communicated with all the middle-level cadres.

However, Min Rui, Gao Qinglin, Lin Hui, Tian Xiu, and others from the technical department in the meeting room did not show up. Only the newly appointed HR supervisors, administrative supervisors, and sales line supervisors attended the meeting.

Quan Xuejun, the project manager in charge of the Kirin Milk Tea Shop, asked a question: "Why did the HR director and administrative director change, but we didn't receive any notice? Min Rui responded to the notice, how will the company arrange? Why didn't we see Li Wenwen and Emily?"

Jenny's face changed slightly, thinking that someone would question her face to face.

Qi Hong smiled coldly: "I didn't have time to post the notice from the administrative and HR supervisors, but now I can." He nodded at the HR supervisor, and the HR supervisor immediately opened his notebook and sent a message, "The original HR, administrative backbone Emily, because she has not been on duty for many days, she is now dismissed from her position, and Chen Qin will take over the HR work, and Wu Tiantian will take over the administrative work."

Quan Xuejun shook his head again and again, wanting to speak, but the colleague next to him touched him, so he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Qi Hong continued: "Min Rui is more devoted to work, and she doesn't want to be affected by administrative work. This is commendable, and the company also accepts her suggestion."

"Li Wenwen and Emily left without permission. HR will contact them in accordance with the company's regulations. The initiative is in their hands, and the company will do its best."

At this time, the venue suddenly became quiet, and no one said anything. Quan Xuejun looked up at the ceiling, even though his eyes were dazzled by the fluorescent light, he didn't bother to lower his head.

(End of this chapter)

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