Need for little hackers

Chapter 215 Infighting Opposition

Chapter 215 Infighting ([-]) Opposition


"Remove Ge Lulu, the financial manager, and appoint Song Gongwen as the financial manager. Effective immediately." This change is to reverse Lisa's previous arrangement, and Song Gongwen was arranged by Kong Zhen.It also means that the rear platform of Qilin Wings is controlled by the alliance of Kong Zhen and Qi Hong.

"The disbandment and merger of bionics and other laboratories will be implemented by Gao Qinglin!" This is the business strategy that Qi Hong has been advocating for a long time.

Outsiders have no way of knowing whether this is Qi Hong's operation idea, or whether he just repeated Kong Zhen's request.

But to the outside world, Qi Hong has always told others that he is not an uneducated person. He has his own understanding of business operations. He insists that companies need to be responsible to employees, shareholders, and society.

Few of the people who heard him say these words thought it was wrong, and they all thought that Qi Hong was thoughtful. Even if he was a little lacking as a CEO, it seemed that it would not be difficult to keep the field of Qilin Wings.Especially since this land was laid down by his younger brother.

But whenever Qi Hong hears others mentioning Qi Na, his face always flickers and changes. It is difficult for others to really understand his inner thoughts, maybe it is just his reserved character.

Qi Hong went from a workshop worker to a workshop director, and then he became an infrastructure contractor under the favor of his younger brother. Each change of identity brought him different contacts, gave him a higher vision, and made him unexpected. A more narrow understanding stimulated his inner desire.

He is not reconciled to just being a contractor, let alone live under the shadow of his brother's great success, even his own marriage is interfered by his brother.He wanted to divorce but was stopped by his younger brother.

This made his desire crash against the steep partition wall.

He can't stand it.

When he heard that his younger brother had an accident, he was surprised at first, but then he thought that he could get a divorce.

And when he came to Ningnan with his parents, looking at his still tall brother on the sickbed, the jealousy in his heart finally reached its peak.

Qi Na was surrounded by beauties, and no one was sad and crying.

On the one hand, the younger brother is interfering in his marriage with dignity, and on the other hand, he is in two boats. Why should he?What qualifications does he have?
Qi Hong's inner affection for his younger brother was gradually weakening. When he saw his wife and his friend Xiaoxue appearing in front of him together, he was amazed at the change with his wife. In half a year, it was not what it used to be. With the support of Qi Na, she opened her own foot massage club. It is said that Xiaoxue has opened a foot massage shop before and is very experienced.

It is said that the business was very good. He went to look for his wife that night, but saw her joking with other men. He was so angry that he smashed the counter on the spot and was taken to the police station. What disappointed him was that it was not his wife who came to reconcile. He came out, but a young man named Wei Shao.

Kong Zhen came forward to look for Wei Shao. At three o'clock in the morning, Wei Shao wanted to shock Qi Hong. He thought he was just looking for a place to drink, but unexpectedly he saw what a rich man's life is, and what a rich man's life is like. The world is so obscene and absurd.

Only then did he realize that women are for play, not for use, let alone for love.

Walking out of the clubhouse where Wei Shao gave him a shock, he felt that his outlook on life had completely changed. When he saw Wei Shao paying 20 without blinking his eyes, he was determined to be a rich man.

How can I be rich?

Damn, aren't you a rich man?Wei Shao said: Your brother has so much property, isn't it all yours?

That's right, I'm a rich man, Qi Hong's mind was like a thunderbolt, and the illusory feeling of being rich made him stand upright, but when he was alone, he immediately realized that he couldn't bypass the hurdle of his parents.

So he desperately fooled his parents to go back to take care of his grandparents, and with the statements of Emily, Xiaoxue, Wu Jun and others, Qi's father and Qi's mother decided to run at both ends and visit their youngest son every week.

His little tricks deceived everyone, but they couldn't escape Kong Zhen's eyes.

Kong Zhen asked him to tell the truth, almost without any effort, Qi Hong decided to cooperate with Kong Zhen, because Kong Zhen knew him so well and gave him everything he wanted.

That night, he reveled all night in the Rapture Cave, for which Kong Zhen paid hundreds of thousands of bills.

This time, Qi Hong told Kong Zhen without hesitation, now you spend money for me, but in the future you will feel that this small amount of money is worth paying.

The world always says that it is possible to share adversity, but it is difficult to share wealth.

Qi Hong abandoned his wife and his family, and chose a path full of ego and self-interest.

Except for Min Rui’s different voices in the appointment and removal of the technical department, the appointment and dismissal of the post-platform went very smoothly, and almost no one raised any objections, but everyone could see that the middle-level cadres did not approve of these actions in their hearts.

It's just that no one has come forward to express their disapproval.

Qi Hong saw it and did not hesitate. He nodded, and the financial manager Song Gongwen threw out a carrot, "The bonus for August will be paid out at [-] times the bonus for July."

That is to say, everyone got [-]% bonus.

But in an instant, the middle-level cadres showed disdain on their expressions, and many of them laughed in their hearts: Do you want to buy us with [-]% of the bonus?
Qi Hong was a little sullen. These people are so stubborn, don't they know their identities?
But all the middle-level cadres were silent, no one spoke out, and everyone looked solemn. The venue was so strangely quiet that Kong Zhen's faint smile couldn't hold back.

Jenny finally spoke at this time: "Dear colleagues, as you all know, the company has changed a lot recently, and the deficit in the early stage is also relatively large. Even the bonus of [-] is also collected by the company."

Qi Hong suppressed his dissatisfaction, and immediately echoed: "Yes, if the activities of wishing and dreaming hadn't been stopped, I'm afraid this bonus would not have been issued. That's why I've always asked for the importance of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure."

But Quan Xuejun was puzzled and said: "The last part of this year's naming fee for the milk tea shop Feng Piaopiao has also arrived this month. Adding the operating income of the milk tea shop, the income of these two pieces will be more than 2000 million. How could it be possible?" There is no money in the account!?"

"After the explosion, the Ningnan City Government also gave an additional subsidy. It was said that it was 3000 million. Even if it was not in place at one time, it would be 1000 million." Another colleague said.

"Sanyang's mechanical arm purchase contract final payment, Mr. Xiang said that it will be paid in August, and there are still some on time, JD's, DD's. I don't know if they have fulfilled their promises, at least 3000 to [-] million."

At this time, with the Quanxue Army as the center, the middle-level cadres rallied together and questioned: "At least half a billion income, although the investment is huge, but there must be a lot of liquid funds in the account before, so why? Talk about the company's operating difficulties?"

"Okay, okay, the bonuses for you will be distributed according to the ratio of 1 in July. This is only for middle-level cadres. It's okay." Qi Hong wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible, so he immediately added 5, but he wrong.

Jenny gave him a sad look, realizing that she was working with someone who was a million times worse than Qi Na.

Kong Zhen said: "The matter of the bonus ratio is easy to talk about, but increasing income and reducing expenditure will be the company's long-term policy. If you want to buy happy money, that would be the best. If you really have opinions on this ratio, we can talk about it. Mr. Qi gave a suggestion to increase the middle level to 1. I don’t think it’s impossible, it’s up to you how about?"

Kong Zhen dismissed Qi Hong's reckless remarks lightly, and opened the skylight to speak brightly.

Quan Xuejun and his colleagues were stunned for a moment.

Quan Xuejun pondered for a moment, and said: "[-] and [-] are not important to us. The company's financial situation is what we care about. Lisa and Alex will never disclose these data, but they will never Tell us that we have no money and we need to save money. Even if we really have no money, I believe they will not feed back the results to us. Our job is to do work, not to operate. They have a clear division of labor with us. We will fulfill the promises, instead of finding all kinds of excuses for not fulfilling them, or using various reasons to claim credit from us..."

"Lisa has resigned, and Qi Na is dead, dead, don't mention them again, are you clear?" Qi Hong finally didn't hold back his emotions. He could be looked down upon by others, but he couldn't bear it. After taking this position, he was once again belittled by comparison with his younger brother.

"No, Alex just hasn't woken up yet!" Quan Xuejun said calmly, without any excitement or extra emotion.

"President Qi, control your emotions!" Kong Zhen was a little dissatisfied with Qi Hong, but he will be his agent, and he must support him.

"I think everyone should understand that Lisa and Qi Na are in the past tense after all, and Qi Hong will be in the future tense. If you can't understand this, please go back and think about it. If you figure it out, please communicate with Mr. Qi alone. Today Let's end our meeting here." Jenny didn't want to babble anymore, and decided to end the meeting alone, and Kong Zhen had already wanted to do so, and got up immediately.

But Quan Xuejun said, "Are you leaving like this? I think you should answer our questions too."

Kong Zhen sneered, and said impatiently: "If you love to do it, don't do it, get out, this is not your home."

Qi Hong was taken aback for a moment, this should be his line, why Kong Zhen said it out, he felt a little regretful, even annoyed.

"Boss Kong is so direct, then we have nothing to talk about, I resign!" Quan Xuejun said.He took off his work badge, which recorded every movement track after he entered the company's office area. Colleagues often joked that it was a dog badge, but the dog badge meticulously recorded the behavior of his colleagues, and according to These trajectories are used to adjust the work rhythm, rest methods, etc., and take care of all colleagues meticulously. Unfortunately, I will bid farewell to it in the future.

He handed over the job card, and the colleagues behind him were hesitant, and some were as determined as Quan Xuejun, and threw out the job card.

"It's just work, it's not slavery, everyone chooses freedom." Qi Hong felt that he had finally said a very chic and beautiful sentence, but unfortunately no one responded to him.

Jenny said solemnly: "Please don't resign first, and talk about it after thinking it over."

"What to talk about, it's their own choice." Qi Hong felt a little annoyed at these people who sang against him.Can't wait for them to leave immediately.

But what Jenny is worried about is that the resignation of these middle-level cadres will bring about greater fluctuations, greater resignation waves, and worse media influence.It's a pity that Qi Hong's small pattern would never have thought of this.

But for Kong Zhen, if Qi Hong can't do it, he has more space, so he won't treat Qi Hong as a treasure.

Jenny was still talking, when suddenly there was a burst of sound and noise from outside. The sound insulation effect of the conference room was so good that there was only a buzzing sound, which couldn't be heard clearly.

Jenny looked at Kong Zhen strangely, and Kong Zhen was also looking at her.

Qi Hong's mind was weird, and he said, "What's the noise? Did it explode again?"

(End of this chapter)

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