Need for little hackers

Chapter 217 Infighting Communication

Chapter 217 Infighting ([-]) Communication


The sudden turbulence of Qilin Wings for a whole month is not simply known to only the people in the game, and not only people related to Qilin Wings know about the strange changes in the situation.

In these days, a large number of media have begun to focus on the internal turmoil in Qilin Wings, and these articles have been reprinted and disseminated in large numbers on the Internet.

Including the leakage of the meeting documents of the board of directors later, it pushed the entire Kirin Wings to the forefront.

After the media focused on it, it fueled the flames. With the disclosure of a large amount of internal information, some media directly began to use "Brothers fight against each other, brother and sister turn against each other, unicorn wings are everywhere" as the headline of the report.

Some of the media are friendly with Kirin Wings, no matter how the content of the report changes, the ultimate goal is to place hope on Kirin Wings, while some media are full of malice in their reports.Constantly adding fuel to the story, and implying that the previous Suzaku robot project of Kirin Wings was a fraud, defrauding government subsidies, etc., trying to incite ordinary people's resentment towards Kirin Wings through these rumors, and trying to use a "said" on the title to clear the blame.

Although Qi Hong is a puppet, and even a dou who cannot be supported, Kong Zhen and Jenny behind the scenes are not slow. Actions have maintained a consistent countermeasure - a resolute counterattack.

As a result, the lawyer team of Kirin Wings became the busiest team during this period, often collecting information all night, sending lawyer letters, and even flying across the country to fight lawsuits against newspapers and media.

As for the online media, Kylin Wings Tuoqina's reputation on Life Online has long been known all over the world, so there is no website that will confront them about the official letter sent by Kylin Wings, and will soon delete those who pretend to be news spread. Internet rumors spread by name.

When Qi Na gradually recovered and returned to Qilin Wings, as usual, the media that made good friends with Qilin Wings used words such as ending the infighting and returning to the right track to report, and some sensational media used words and phrases such as the return of the king .

However, the media that are determined to be against Kirin Wings continued to manipulate their morals, and wrote headlines and phrases such as Kirin Wing's internal fighting upgrade, capital chain emergency, dream broken robot, etc., wishing that Kirin Wing would fall into the bottomless abyss and could not turn over .

But at this time, Qi Na no longer let lawyers fight lawsuits all over the world, and let the media talk about it, using his explanation: the best way to fight back should be the product.

Although the current situation of Kirin Wings is full of ups and downs and dramatic conflicts in TVB dramas, it is really good material for all kinds of gossip, but the media just piled up some rumors and wrote two nonsense analysis to cope with the matter, and did not face it at all. After a few months, many people in the media began to regret the paparazzi behavior of entertainment stars. If they knew it earlier, they should use the paparazzi's tricks to deal with Qi Na.

But even so, some media still found out the news that Qi Na's sister-in-law opened a pedicure shop.And also dug out Xiaoxue and Qi Na, another partner of the pedicure shop, also knew each other.As mentioned earlier, traditional media people are still too disciplined, no one is willing, and no one thinks on a deeper level, so this information will stop here and come to an end.

In the ward of the hospital, Qi Na was flipping through the newspapers left by the visitors who came and went. When he saw the news, his back was covered with cold sweat. After waiting, the impact of this kind of news on himself and Xiaoxue was too great.

Thinking about it this way, Ding Yiyi still has the romantic debt left by him. Fortunately, it has been more than a year since he revisited the mandarin dream, otherwise it would be even more difficult to clean up.

No matter what, I still have to be careful in the future and take good care of my little brother.

After Qi Na's parents came over, they simply set up a family banquet in the apartment, and invited Xiang Yuyao, Wu Jun, Xiao Xu, Min Rui, Gao Qinglin, Lin Hui, Emily, Li Xiangjun and others. It is to thank them for their care during Qi Na's illness.Of course, Qi Na's sister-in-law and Xiaoxue were also there, and Gu Yuanxia, ​​the goddaughter of Qi Na, also came. Surprisingly, Zheng Xiumin was not present.

Qi's mother was obviously very concerned about this situation, and secretly asked Li Xiangjun.Li Xiangjun said awkwardly: "She is on a business trip and can't come."

Qi's mother complained: "Oh, why are you on a business trip at this time!"

Li Xiangjun laughed along with him: "Young people, work comes first, they work harder."

Xiang Yuyao also knew the inside story, so she stood up and toasted Qi's mother, which changed the topic.

After dinner, Qi Na asked Gu Yuanxia about her father.

Gu Jianzhong's life has entered a countdown, and every day is not as good as one day.

Gu Yuanxia has apparently calmly accepted the fact that his father is about to leave him, and he no longer has the sadness he had before, Qi Na said: "I will visit Mr. Gu tomorrow, if you need anything, please tell me, and if you are unhappy, please tell me , if someone bullies you in the hospital or Sanyang, I will stand up for you."

Gu Yuanxia was still a little depressed at first, but when he heard his words, he smiled: "Whoever saw you, a big man, didn't throw away his helmet and armor. Wherever you go like this, you will block hundreds with one and sweep away thousands of troops."

Qina smiled, originally she recognized her goddaughter, but she had never communicated with her before. Emily helped to deal with the general matters. A few simple words today brought the two of them closer together.

Gu Yuanxia said again: "I'm taking a leave of absence this semester, and I don't want to go to it until the winter vacation. Can you let me do an internship with you?! Anyway, I always have to do an internship, and it would be cool to do an internship with you."

Qi Na raised his eyebrows: "Okay, Life Online is still Qilin Wings. If you want, you can go to the SPE browser, but you have to go to the United States."

Emily leaned over and said, "Recently, we have a cooperation project with Lifeline and Sanyang. If you are interested, you can follow it. It is closer to your home, and it is Sanyang. What do you think?"

Gu Yuanxia nodded: "Just give me an internship, I have no other ideas."

Qi Na was stunned, and thought to himself: In the past, she would definitely be picky and picky, but her father's serious illness must have made her see the warmth and coldness of the world, so the flamboyance of her personality disappeared, and she became a little more mature.

At night, Qi Na had to go back to the ward according to the doctor's request, so the family banquet ended early. Li Xiangjun sent Gu Yuanxia home, and Emily sent Qi's father and mother back to their residence, which is the house that Qi Na bought for his parents nearby.

And Xiang Yuyao sent Qina back to the hospital, and brought along Qi Na's sister-in-law and Xiaoxue along the way.

In the car, Qi Na asked how his sister-in-law and Xiaoxue's pedicure shop was doing.
The sister-in-law told Qi Na that the operation was very good, Xiaoxue was in charge of internal management, and she was in charge of publicity, promotion and financial control. The two cooperated very well.

Xiaoxue interjected: "We want to open another branch in Ningnan at the end of the year."

Qina let out a sigh, and said, "Okay."

The sister-in-law said: "It's best to give us a discounted price. We also want to buy a robotic arm, so that the cashier at the front desk can be unmanned."

Qi Na chuckled: "Why do you want to use a robotic arm? Our robot will be available at that time, and basic services can be handed over to robots. You can apply for priority testing, and I can give special approval."

Xiaoxue's eyes widened, and it took her a long time to say: "The robot waiter, that, that, will the robot do foot massage directly from now on?"

Her words not only made Qi Na laugh, but also Xiang Yuyao who was driving the car.

Qi Na said: "If you have this demand, you can mention it, and we can try to realize it."

Xiaoxue didn't react for a long time, but just muttered: "It's incredible."

The car arrived at the hospital, but Qina's sister-in-law and Xiaoxue got out of the car with Qina, and wanted to send him to the ward. Xiang Yuyao saw something at this moment, and said: "I'll go to refuel, you send him to rest. I'll come down and I'll pick you up."

Xiaoxue said, "No need, we'll take a taxi back later, it's very convenient."

Xiang Yuyao was more certain that they had something to say to Qina, so she nodded, Xiaoxue turned her back to Qina's sister-in-law, winked at Xiang Yuyao, Xiang Yuyao nodded knowingly and left.

The ward was clean and tidy. As soon as Qina entered the ward, the nurse Yang Tingting rushed over to take Qina's temperature.

Qina said puzzledly, "Don't you take a rest?"

Yang Tingting blushed and said: "I really want to, but someone can't be free, so I have to follow suit."

Qi Na smiled awkwardly: "My body recovers quickly, you don't have to be so careful, go home and rest."

Yang Tingting sighed: "Brother, I still want to make a living. If you say that, I will be fired sooner or later."

Sister-in-law Qina burst out laughing.

After Yang Tingting finished tossing, Qina asked Xiaoxue and sister-in-law what's the matter?
The sister-in-law hesitated for a moment, looked at Xiaoxue, and Xiaoxue said: "Qina, the matter is rather troublesome, so we want to talk to you alone."

Xiaoxue started from Qi Na's older brother Qi Hong who came to Ningnan to visit his unconscious younger brother, how Qi Hong broke down the pedicure shop, and then was picked up from the police station by a mysterious man.Although this matter was strange, they just briefly talked about it, and then Mrs. Qina described it.

Qi Hong wanted to replace Qi Na in Ningnan South Africa and inherit his younger brother's shares, which made many people feel incredible. Faced with Qi Hong's pressing every step of the way, Emily found Qi Na's sister-in-law and asked her to help report the situation to Qi's father and Qi's mother. The younger brother is still in the hospital, and the elder brother plots his younger brother's property in this way, which is a bit disregarding the brother's affection.

Although sister-in-law Qina hesitated, after all, she had already decided to divorce Qi Hong, and in this way, the matter of their brothers was just an internal issue of their family, and people with other surnames would inevitably be gossiping.

Xiaoxue didn't hesitate at that time, she must go to Father Qi and Mother Qi to clarify the situation.After opening a shop, she and Xiaoxue had a close relationship and cooperated tacitly, so she listened to Xiaoxue's words and went back to Qianchuan to find Qi's father and Qi's mother.

To her surprise, Qi's father and Qi's mother disappeared, and she went all over Qianchuan's relatives, but no one could tell where the old man of the Qi family had gone.

At that time, she was not only anxious about the matters entrusted by Emily, but also worried about the safety of Qi's father, Qi's mother, and Qi Na's grandparents.

Fortunately, Qi Na already had a certain influence in Qianchuan. The county magistrate Qiao Wenming learned of the situation and personally came forward to arrange for people to find Qi's family.

This search was insane. It turned out that in a villa in the west of Qianchuan, Qi Hong found more than a dozen people and indirectly put his parents and grandparents under house arrest.

When my father wanted to go fishing, someone drove him around.

My mother was going out to buy vegetables, and someone drove her to a nearby vegetable market.

The landlines at home are all forwarded to Qi Hong's mobile phone. When relatives and friends call, and they want to give favors and red envelopes, there are special people in charge of handling them. Two hundred for each, and later the youngest son became famous, and the favor was given higher, six hundred for ordinary relationships, eight hundred for good relationships, and one thousand for non-good relationships.

But in Qi Hong's hands, they are always given two thousand or six thousand.

Anyway, family members are not allowed to have contact with outsiders, let alone contact with familiar people.

After listening to these, Qina naturally understood what they meant. Qi Hong didn't simply want to seek his fortune, but tried his best to scheme, and he was a little unscrupulous.

He let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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