Need for little hackers

Chapter 218 Infighting Separation of life and death

Chapter 218 Internal strife ([-]) Parting of life and death


Qi Na let out a long sigh, and it took him a long time to say: "He is my brother, maybe I did not handle the matter between him and you inappropriately, and did not take his face into account, that's why he was dissatisfied with me. "

"Forget it, this matter is over, and you don't need to tell your parents. He will take the position of COO in the company and get a high salary. Let's not violate the river."

The sister-in-law also sighed and said: "When I had no money, I thought he was fine except for having no money. Now that he has money, everything has changed."

Qi Na remembered that Qi Hong met with college student Liang Yan in the provincial capital Hechuan last year. At that time, he was busy with his own affairs, and inadvertently chose to ignore his brother's behavior, but unexpectedly, from a certain point of view, it was precisely His inaction at the beginning connived at his later behavior, even refusing to go home on New Year's Eve, abandoning his family and wife, which is ridiculous.

So Qi Na apologized to his sister-in-law in a low voice.

The sister-in-law panicked and said, "What does this have to do with you? It's all his fault."

Xiaoxue followed behind and said: "Qina, we are actually very hesitant to come to you to talk about this matter like this, for fear of irritating you. At the dinner table today, aunt and uncle praised Qi Hong several times for being sensible and good-looking. Your sister-in-law is afraid that you will suffer a loss if you don’t understand Qi Hong, although it’s a bit of a fool to talk about brothers and sisters, but after all, you are our friend, and if we don’t talk about it, it will be irresponsible to you.”

What Xiaoxue means is that we don't know your brother well, and it's not easy to judge this kind of thing, but we still decided to make it clear to you, and you can judge for yourself.

Qina understood that she was speaking in front of her sister-in-law, but there was an allusion in her words: Qi Hong is too dishonest and a bit wolfish, so be careful.

Qina nodded, reassuring them that he had his own measure.

Xiaoxue and sister-in-law Qina came out of the ward. In the empty elevator, the sister-in-law said, "He speaks properly, why are you still staying by his side as a COO?"

Xiaoxue also had a sad face, but she still comforted her partner: "Qina is a cat, so how could he be so easily harmed by others?"

Sister-in-law Qina nodded, and just wanted to say yes, but immediately felt that it was wrong, and said, "What kind of cat, cats have nine lives, you mean Qi Hong wants to harm Qina?!"

Xiaoxue immediately realized that her metaphor was inappropriate, and hurriedly explained: "I am just a metaphor, so don't make a fuss."

Sister-in-law Qina was still muttering, Xiaoxue put on her earphones and pretended not to hear.

After leaving the hospital lobby, Xiang Yuyao's car was parked outside. Xiang Yuyao lowered the car window and greeted them.

It turned out that Xiang Yuyao had been waiting outside for a long time.

Finally, Qi Na was free, lying alone on the hospital bed, thinking of all the past events, especially playing and chasing after his brother's buttocks in childhood. Naturally, it was an era of innocence. What good things would my brother know? Leave it to the younger brother, the younger brother will remember the older brother.At that time, the family was poor and there was not much good food. My father’s factory gave out some benefits in the summer, and a popsicle in the afternoon. My father didn’t think it was troublesome. Popsicles are divided into two pieces, half for each person.

The small head will always belong to my elder brother, and the big one will belong to Qina. In the end, Qina still has to suck the popsicle stick for a long time.

At that time, how could he have thought that one day he would become strangers to his brother?

Qi Na waved his hand, determined to spare a day to have a good talk with his brother after the progress of the Suzaku robot and Qinglong robot projects at this stage, and explain everything thoroughly.

If my elder brother wants to divorce, then let's get a divorce, whether Liang Yan or Sun Yan, as long as he likes it.

Anyway, I have already given my sister-in-law a way out, so I should treat my brother as an aftermath.

Qina was thinking about Yang Tingting pushing the door and walking in.

Yang Tingting was still smiling at first, but when she saw Qina, she sullenly said, "Why aren't you sleeping, what time is it?"

Qina waved his hand embarrassingly and said right away.

Yang Tingting didn't let him go, and said, "No, I want to watch you sleep."

Qina was extremely embarrassed, but he knew that this little girl had a tough temper and was absolutely unambiguous about her work. She was not accommodating at all when the doctor set a time limit.

Yang Tingting looked at Qi Na's ink marks again, and said: "Hurry up, hurry up, take off your clothes and go to sleep."

Qina was a little unnatural, and said: "How about you avoid it, so I can take off my clothes."

Yang Tingting blushed, but soon tensed up again: "I'm a nurse, I haven't seen anything, there is nothing to avoid, tell you, I have seen your naked body several times, and I have massaged you many times !"

She seemed to be protesting, and her words were rigid, and Qina rolled her eyes when she heard it, because she was already transparent in front of others.

As soon as Qi Na raised his hand, he took off his T-shirt, revealing his small vest. Although he had been in a coma for a month in the hospital, he looked thin when he was dressed, and his physique was still very strong when he took off his clothes.As soon as she untied the belt, she bent down and took off her pants. There was no place for clothes beside the bed. Yang Tingting blushed and reached out to pick up the clothes, and put them on the sofa beside the bed.

Qina sat on the bed, her huge body shook the bed, Yang Tingting shouted: "Be careful, you are going to demolish the building?!"

She lowered her head and glanced in surprise. Qina was wearing boxer bottoms, and she saw a big piece somewhere. She thought of her little actions a few days ago, and what the nurse said, and a word popped into her mind: so big.In an instant, she blushed, turned around and ran away before Qi Na covered the quilt, and Qi Na called her from behind: "Turn off the light for me."

Yang Tingting heard it and turned back to turn off the light, and told him to press the emergency button above his head.

Qina smiled: "My body can be discharged from the hospital, why are you still so worried?"

Yang Tingting rolled his eyes at him, and left him again.

Qina thought the little nurse was extremely cute.

Qi Na stayed in the hospital at night and went to work during the day. This strange arrangement persisted for a week. On the first day, Qi Na worked for three hours before being escorted back to the hospital. On the second and third days, Qi Na worked for six hours. On the fourth day, Qi Na went to and from get off work on time and worked for eight hours. On the fifth day, Qi Na wanted to work overtime, but was refused by the doctor.There was a family dinner on the sixth day, and he got off work on time.

On the seventh day, Qi Na visited Gu Jianzhong, who was dying in the morning, and worked for half a day in the afternoon. In the evening, he found the dean and mentioned that he would be discharged from the hospital. The dean promised to have a comprehensive physical examination the next day, and he could only give him an answer after the evaluation .

Faced with the responsible director of the hospital, Qi Na had no choice but to accept it honestly.

But that night when he was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Xiang Yuyao walked in with two lines of tears: "President Gu is gone?"

Qi Na was taken aback: "I went to visit him in the morning!"

Xiang Yuyao nodded: "He probably knew that something happened to you, and he has been insisting on it. When he sees you, he will be relieved of you and leave."

Qina was so lost that he couldn't speak, and it took him a long time before he said, "I'll go over."

Xiang Yuyao nodded, took Qina's clothes and helped him put them on like a wife, and finally couldn't help crying, and hugged Qina tightly.

Gu Jianzhong's care and support for her is the biggest turning point in Xiang Yuyao's life. It can be said that without Gu Jianzhong, where would Xiang Yuyao's glory and status at this time be? !
Qin Na comforted her, and didn't bother to change her shoes, so she followed Xiang Yuyao to the ICU ward wearing slippers.

In the ward, Gu Jianzhong was already covered by a white sheet, and Gu Yuanxia's mother and daughter sat aside in a daze, choking speechlessly.

The loved ones are unable to cry when their loved ones pass away.

Qi Na stood silently in the group without speaking, waiting until the doctor came to arrange the procedure.

Xiang Yuyao signed for them to communicate, and at the same time called the leaders of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and several vice presidents of Sanyang, and soon the funeral committee was established.

sleepless night,
On the second day, according to the custom, the venue for the memorial service was set up in the funeral home in Ningnan, and people kept coming to send wreaths.

Originally, only friends in the system and business units arranged people to come to worship, and there were very few people from outside, but Du Juan suddenly appeared in the afternoon and sat with Gu Jianzhong's widow for two hours before leaving. That was the weather vane. From that afternoon onwards, not only the city government arranged for wreaths and condolences, but the district government, streets, bureaus, and halls also showed up one after another. At noon, Asakawa County sent a mourning team led by high-level county officials.

Qiao Wenming, the new county official, said to Gu Jianzhong's widow, "Someone from the province will come this afternoon."

Sure enough, the city and province of HC arranged for people to pay tribute to Gu Jianzhong one after another, so the provincial government also arrived on the third day.

Seeing Gu Yuanxia's indifferent face, Qi Na went to comfort her. Gu Yuanxia looked at the scene in front of him and said to Qi Na: "This is the human relationship in the adult world."

Qina nodded: "It's nothing, it's just that people go out to cool off the tea. There are so many things in the world, there is nothing like this."

Gu Yuanxia turned to Qi Na and said, "Godfather, will you really take care of me from now on?"

Shocked by the coldness and warmth of human feelings, she suddenly became worried.

Qina put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Don't worry, if I have something to eat, you won't be hungry!"

Gu Yuanxia's mother heard it clearly, with complicated emotions, she lowered her head and wondered what she was thinking? !

Waiting to send Gu Jianzhong up the mountain—Ningnan dialect, that is, to be buried in the ground, and sent to the cemetery for burial.Qi Na finally got the medical examination report from the hospital, and he is ready to be discharged from the hospital.

The director of the hospital said puzzledly, "How did his body recover so quickly?"

The directors and experts next to him all looked puzzled, and finally someone said: "This man is born extraordinary, what he does is extraordinary, and his physical recovery is also extraordinary."

Everyone smiled indifferently. Without an explanation, Qi Na would not cooperate with them in their research, so this explanation is the best explanation.

Qi Na did not go home, but went straight to Kirin's Nest. For him, and for the entire R&D team of Kirin Wings, when Qi Na was discharged from the hospital, it meant that the non-stop R&D work was back on track and a new round of R&D process started. .

It's thrilling, exciting, and terrifying.

When a person is dead, he can sleep, so if he is alive, he should work overtime and work overtime without sleep.

It was Qi Na who said this was wronged by the media, and Wu Jun clarified it afterwards, but after Qi Na woke up, he liked this sentence very much, pondered it over and over again, and said to Zheng Xiumin, Xiang Yuyao, Emily and others: "Even if this is what I said, life is about working overtime without sleep, otherwise what's the point of life?"

Zheng Xiumin shook her head: "Working overtime may not lead to high efficiency, and not working overtime may be more efficient."

Qina waved his hand: "I never heard that the research and development project can produce results from nine to five!"

In addition to the overtime madmen Gao Qinglin, Lin Hui, and Min Rui, Tian Xiu also joined the queue, and even worked harder than most of them. This made Emily very puzzled. She didn't have to work overtime, but as Qi Na's main assistant , how can she stay out of it, so she spends every day in the unicorn nest.

She saw Tian Xiu in the middle of the night and couldn't help asking Tian Xiu: "RobotOS is not that urgent, do you need to work overtime?"

Tian Xiu looked at her blankly, as if hearing a joke that wasn't funny, turned and left.

In that scene, Emily seemed to be clicked on x in Tianxiu's field of vision, and was directly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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