Need for little hackers

Chapter 219 Infighting 1

Chapter 219 Infighting ([-]) Eleven

Qi Na convened a meeting of the backbone, and deployed the next progress goals and detailed work arrangements in a few words. Everyone present at the meeting had no objections, but was full of expectations and hopes for the work.There is a natural difference from the previous mood of fear of hardship and war.

Qina smiled, and when the meeting was about to end, he took out his mobile phone, threw it on the table, and said, "I will stop using mobile phones in the next few days."

He did this to avoid external disturbances and to devote himself wholeheartedly to his work. Of course, after Lisa left, he needed to personally do many things, so how could such disturbances be avoided.

His actions are more of a gesture, showing his determination to go all out.

When doing management, many times it is not only about doing it personally, but also giving more spiritual encouragement to these go-getters under his command.

Qina threw the phone away, and everyone was terrified. Unexpectedly, Min Rui also threw the phone in his hand, followed by Gao Qinglin, Tian Xiu also threw the phone over, and the rest of the backbones were a little bit confused. Embarrassed, Lin Hui bit the bullet and pushed the phone over.Others followed suit.

Qina smiled and asked them, "What are you doing, allegiance?"

He smiled and shook his head: "What should you do? You need to work overtime and work hard, but it doesn't mean that you hand over everyone to the company. You still need to have your own life."

Lin Hui touched the back of his head in embarrassment, then took out another mobile phone from his pocket, and said, "I have dual phones."

His behavior made everyone laugh, and Qi Na also smiled and asked them to take back their mobile phones. Lin Hui said on behalf of everyone: "Mr. Qi, please rest assured, we will do our best in the future work."

Qina nodded with a smile.

But in front of the conference table, the mobile phones of Min Rui, Gao Qinglin and Tian Xiu were still left behind.Min Rui only said one sentence: "The Qilin Nest is my home, and I don't need to bring my mobile phone at home!"

Tian Xiu said: "I don't need to use my mobile phone even if I'm alone."

Gao Qinglin said honestly: "I don't want to be disturbed by the phone."

Qi Na didn't say much, just nodded.

When Qi Na returned to the office and was about to explain something to Emily, she saw her and Li Wenwen sitting in the staff lounge and watching TV intently.

Qi Na frowned, but still walked in without saying a word, while Emily and Li Wenwen were obviously attracted by the TV show, and didn't notice that Qi Na came in at all.

Qi Na was a little curious, looked up, and saw that a certain CCTV program was being shown on the TV, but it was Qilin Wings that was being analyzed.

"I think that the mechanical performance of Kirin Wing's mechanical arm may not be said to be the most advanced in the world. I think many colleagues in the industry have similar views on this point of view, but its software intelligence is absolutely nothing. It is undoubtedly the most advanced level in the world."

"Look at the business window on the front of his milk tea shop. How many cameras are there! That camera is not for recording, but for data input. A large amount of avatar information is immediately converted into data, and is captured by the background management system of Kirin Wings. Storage, management, and the most important analysis. This system can determine that this cup of milk tea is yours, so no matter how many steps you move left and right, the system will always associate the information on the milk tea cup with you, and then the robotic arm will perform related operations.”

"I agree with Professor Wang's analysis. There is no doubt that the core of Kirin Wings is their key and system. As far as I know, of course, I did not propose it. In the computer circle and the AI ​​​​artificial intelligence In the circle, it is generally accepted that Qi Na is the No.1 in the world today." Another guest said: "Look at the SPE browser, and now there is news that the developer is Qi Na, what is the core of the SPE browser? That Smart core, it can even help ordinary users overcome the compatibility issues of the web version and solve the plug-in compatibility issues, the idea of ​​this software is definitely beyond our era.”

"Furthermore, the background management and control system of Life Online is named Peter, which is a robot program with elementary artificial intelligence, so many details of Life Online are operated so quickly, and the response is consistent within 24 hours. It is not done by humans. , is processed by artificial intelligence. Reminiscent of Kirin Wings, the three companies themselves have a good relationship, but the connection shows that the instigator of this artificial intelligence is Qi Na, so people in the circle say that he is No.1. Not false."

"But we seem to have discovered that the Qi Na whom you two admire so much seems to be unknown, even lower than the CEO and general manager of the company where you work. What is the reason for this?" The host asked: "Is it because of his personality? Caused it?"

"It's hard to say, after all, we are not Qi Na." Professor Wang smiled: "I personally think that his personal character should be a big reason."

"As far as I know, he works very hard. He can write code alone for three days and three nights without sleep. I heard from someone who saw him write code that when he tapped the keyboard with both hands and there was no error, The fingers of both hands rise and fall one after another, which is almost exactly the same as when a pianist plays a movement, and it is very appropriate to see the characters on the screen pouring mercury." The guest introduced: "I heard that person say this, and I am very curious, and I hope to see it once in my lifetime. But the unicorn More than [-]% of Yi's entire software was completed by him alone, if he didn't have this efficiency, he probably wouldn't be able to complete it."

"That's really a godlike person, but after this injury, I don't know how his body is recovering. I read some discussion forums of netizens in the private sector, and some of them said that he has been discharged from the hospital and started working. It is said that a few days ago When I was working, I was still using a bottle, how hard it must have been!" The host, who is a beautiful woman, expressed her sincere admiration.

"How else can he create an incredible Kirin Wing Company in more than half a year?" Professor Wang disagrees.

"Entrepreneurs! There are so many people working so hard, and he's not the only one." The guests didn't find it so strange to work hard. Isn't it natural for entrepreneurs to work hard? !
"Actually, when it comes to Qi Na, he returned from injury and resolved the internal strife in Kirin Wings. However, the original shareholders split the camp and the CEO resigned. What kind of impact will these problems have on Kirin Wings? The two are What do you think?" the host asked.

"This question first depends on a series of designs such as their internal shareholding structure, the authority of the board of directors, etc., but they never disclose these things, but through the analysis of documents leaked from the Internet, Qi Na probably owns 15.00% of the shares, and at the same time lives The rumored girlfriend of Qi Na, the CEO of Online and Life Online, still has a total of [-]% of the shares. These are all shares that Qi Na can control. If you win Sanyang Group, even if you can control Qilin Wings. Of course, this is the most conservative analysis, but I guess, Qi Na must have his own way to control the board of directors, such as voting rights and other agreements, so I am full of confidence in Qi Na's control of Qilin Wings. In addition, as for how much impact and impact this series of changes will have on Qilin Wings, different people have different opinions. Kirin Wings is a flag and a monument, and with him, no matter how great the impact is, it is just a sneeze or at most a cold." The guests agreed, and the analysis made sense.

The host is still asking questions, and the guests continue to do gossip analysis.

Qi Na stood behind Emily, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Emily suddenly noticed someone standing up behind her, and felt a little embarrassed when she saw that it was Qi Na.

Li Wenwen turned her head to look at it, and said a little embarrassedly: "We just saw this news, so come here for a while, and watch the news by the way."

Emily then said: "Lisa is very good at media, without her, I don't know how to do this job, and the wish and dream activities are still suspended. Didn't I come here to familiarize myself with the characteristics of media as soon as possible?"

"What's the use of this kind of rubbish news. These people just do these useless analysis, no matter how accurate the analysis is, so what?" Qi Na waved his hand, very disapproving.

Li Wenwen heard the displeasure in Qi Na's tone, stuck out her tongue, and whispered, "I'm off to work."

Qina nodded.Li Wenwen disappeared in a flash.

Emily scolded Li Wenwen for being meaningless, but she quickly found an opportunity to change the subject: "Auntie called you just now, but she didn't answer, and then asked me to bring you a message, telling you to go back to dinner at night, and said that since you were discharged from the hospital Now, the food taboos should not be so heavy, they cooked pickled fish and sausages, alas, my mouth is watering."

Qina couldn't help but smack his mouth, and said, "Well, from today onwards, I won't use my mobile phone anymore, and my parents will trouble you to take care of it, but I still have to go back to eat tonight."

Emily understood what he meant, that is to devote all her efforts to research and development, and not care about world affairs, but she was a little worried: "What about the CEO's job? You can't completely rely on me!"

Qina nodded: "Of course it's you. Do you want me to manage the progress of the infrastructure project? Approve the reimbursement form? Listen to the HR work report?"

Emily was downcast, and Qi Na winked at her: "Or you get Lisa back?"

When Emily heard the word Lisa, she seemed to have found a gap, and said loudly to Qi Na, "I'll find it when I get it back, but I'm afraid I'll call her Mrs. Wei when I get it back!"

Qi Na froze for a moment, his expression darkened, he worked hard to forget this fact, and armed himself with feigned freedom and life as armor, but Emily just raised a sword and pierced through all his armor, revealing the truth in the in front of him.

"Hmph, what do I think you should do? Is it possible that you really want to go to the wedding to snatch the marriage?" Emily suddenly became venomous.

Qi Na said angrily, "I'll take care of my own affairs, so don't worry about it." Then he turned and left, leaving Emily alone.

He strode back to the R&D office, Gao Qinglin remembered clearly that Qi Na left happily, why did he look so angry when he came back?

But Gao Qinglin didn't have the courage to go up to inquire, so he lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

Qi Na got up together, found Min Rui and said, "My parents are here, I'll go back to have a meal, and say hello by the way."

Min Rui nodded, as if thinking of something, said: "Is Emily really acting as the interim CEO? There is still a big gap between her and Lisa."

Qi Na shrugged and said that there was no way.

Min Rui said, "Then why don't you go find Lisa and come back?"

Qina froze for a moment: "Do you have any clues?"

Min Rui nodded: "She has to come back the day after tomorrow because she and Wei Kexin are going to get a marriage certificate!"

Qina was stunned. It turned out that the time left for him was not eleven, but the day after tomorrow.I don't know anything.

He sat down annoyed and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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