Need for little hackers

Chapter 220 Infighting Blackout

Chapter 220 Infighting ([-]) Power outage


Annoyed, Keener asked Emily to take him back to the apartment.

Emily waited for him to get off the car and was ready to go home, but Qi Na said: "I have to go there at night, so don't run away, just stay and have dinner together."

Emily hesitated and agreed.

Mother Qi was very happy to see a guest coming, and said: "Wait a while, I still have a soup, the dinner will start right away."

Emily was a little embarrassed to be a pure eater, so she followed up with the kitchen to help.

Mother Qi said no need, but let Emily pass the vegetables through the clear water, and then asked Emily, "Why does that little Zheng keep disappearing!?"

The little Zheng she mentioned was Zheng Xiumin. Emily regretted coming to the kitchen, and said bravely, "It seems that I have been on business trips recently."

Qi's mother said again: "Oh, I'm not a fool, and I've heard people say that Qi Na and others have a good relationship, but a third party suddenly appeared, um, I watched the interview on TV, Xiao Zheng This girl looks pretty good, but I don't know what Qin Na thinks, you know, he has been disobedient since he was a child."

Mother Qi chattered in Emily's ear, and Emily just answered with a hmm. After a long time, she put the vegetables in the soup pot and brought it to a boil, and Mother Qi said, "The pork rib soup is too oily. Put some vegetables to relieve the greasy."

Emily still coped with it.

She managed to bring the soup pot to the table, and when she saw Qina, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and making a grimace.

Qina had heard his mother's nagging, and smiled slightly.

At this time Father Qi brought the dishes to the table, there were only four of them, but the table was full of dishes.

At the end, Mother Qi served a plate of pickled fish, and said to Emily, "Qina's favorite is this home-made pickled fish."

Qi Na smiled.In fact, for most people, childhood delicacies may not be so delicious, but more of a memory of the past.

Qi Na is no exception.

Seeing the table full of dishes, Emily said, "There are so many dishes, why don't you let Mrs. Qina come over, they are not far from here."

Just as Qina agreed, the room went dark and the power went out.He yelled: "Why is there a power outage? I don't have any candles here!"

Father Qi pushed open the balcony door, looked around, came back and said, "Only this community has a power outage, and the surrounding lights are still on."

Emily smiled: "Okay, this is for candlelight night."

Qina said: "That's not necessary, let my sister-in-law come over and bring some candles by the way!"

Emily touched the phone, shook her head, and said, "Forget it, my phone is still in the car, I'll go down to get it and buy a candle, don't bother your sister-in-law.",

Thinking about the darkness in the underground garage, Qina accompanied her downstairs.

The elevator couldn't be used, so they carefully smeared and walked down the stairs.

After walking two steps, Qi Na grabbed Emily's hand and walked down together hand in hand.

There was a power outage in the first place, and the corridor was opaque, so I couldn't see my fingers.

Occasionally, there is a fluorescent sign indicating an emergency exit in the corridor, which is strange in the dark.

Emily became more and more frightened as she walked, and hugged Qina tightly. Qina could clearly hear her heart beating, obviously she was extremely scared. It is inevitable for women to be afraid of the dark.

Qina hugged her and comforted her softly.

Going down a few more floors, I gradually saw lights. It turned out that the neighbors who came downstairs in the dark were carrying flashlights, and they smiled knowingly when they saw each other.

Going further down, the more people went downstairs, everyone gradually began to talk and complain about the damn power supply bureau. Some people said that they saw a fire in the direction of the substation room, so it must be something abnormal.

Another said: "I'll know when I see the property later."

Qi Na accompanied Emily into the underground parking garage with the crowd, got into the car, everything returned to normal, and with the light, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Emily rolled over the car, found her satchel on the back seat, and took out her phone. Emily started the car and got out of the underground parking garage. The ground of the community was already crowded with neighbors, surrounded by several property staff.

Emily was about to get out of the car to find out what was going on, when she heard a continuous beep from the phone, which was the sound of a text message.

Qina said: "There was no signal in the underground parking garage just now, it should be a call to remind the text message."

Emily swiped open the screen and screamed: "Fifty text messages? What happened?"

She was not familiar with the phone number, so she read it to Qina, who frowned and said, "It's from Xiao Xu and Tian Xiu. What's the matter with them?"

Emily wanted to call back, but Qi Na said, "There should be nothing wrong. I'll go back to Qilin's Nest later."

Because there are only Xiao Xu and Tian Xiu on the phone, Emily is at ease and doesn't think there is any serious problem.

She honked her horn and walked through the crowd. Some people in the crowd were complaining: "How can there be a fire in the substation room? If it's not a management problem, it's arson."

"Nonsense, arson is a crime, it's no joke."

Emily listened amusedly, turned her head and said to Qi Na: "It's true that there was a fire in the substation room. Alas, this neighborhood is good, but it feels quite chaotic anyway."

"Well, the key point is that there are too many people living there. Some owners divide the house into several rooms and rent it out to several people. It's true that people live in mixed places, so it's a little messy." Qi Na said indifferently.

"Go back and buy a villa." Emily said: "I will build all the infrastructure myself, photovoltaic home, satellite communication, rainwater purification, etc. Even if the world is destroyed, I will not be afraid."

Hearing what she said was funny, Qina smiled, but was thinking in his heart, feeling that something was a little strange.

But this power outage is not my own family, it seems that I am worrying too much.He was uneasy, but he could only comfort himself that maybe it was just a coincidence.

Qi Na and Emily drove around a street corner and bought candles at a small grocery store nearby. Emily joked, "Maybe when we get home, the electricity will come on."

Qina said: "If it's a circuit failure, it's really possible. If it's a fire, it will be great if you can call tomorrow."

Back in the community, as expected by Qi Na, some neighbors couldn't bear the loneliness, and they were already taking their families to go out to stay in a hotel.

Qi Na said to Emily: "I will trouble you to send my parents back later."

The apartment was too big, and the old man was not comfortable to live in, and Qin Na didn't want his private life to be disturbed too much by his parents, so he bought a new house nearby when he brought his parents over during the Chinese New Year.

Qi Na lit the candle, and Qi's father said, "Well, big cities also have their disadvantages, that is, they are too big, and it is not convenient to buy anything."

Emily laughed, and Qi Na said, "Just get used to it."

Mother Qi said: "Forget it, we'll stay for a few days, we'll go back when you recover, and your brother took good care of us."

In the eyes of Qi's father and Qi's mother, the eldest son may have achieved much less than the second son, but he did not underestimate the eldest son because of this.

Emily glanced at Qi Na, who remained calm and said lightly: "Xiang Yuyao still owes me an apartment. When it's built, my parents will live there. It's a blessing. There are many relatives Walk around, if you don’t have enough money, my son will take care of it.”

Qi's father shook his head: "Oh, dripping grace, Dou Michou, let's go out less, just to save you from trouble." The social favor of the elderly is much deeper than that of the young.

Qina nodded.

While talking, Qi's mother served up the rice.

Qina picked up a piece of pickled fish with his chopsticks, and was about to put it in his mouth when he heard a knock on the door.

The knocker was knocking on the door, and Qina scolded: "What's the matter today? They don't allow people to eat."

Qina put down his chopsticks, told his parents not to move, and went to open the door by himself.

Emily followed, and as soon as the door was opened, a figure rushed in. Qina stepped aside, and the man fell straight to the ground.

Qina's parents were taken aback, thinking something had happened.

The man fell to the ground and didn't care about anything else, he shouted: "Boss Qi, Alex, someone poisoned him, it's impossible."

Qina's heart beat wildly, and then he looked at Emily, but Emily didn't know why, and then he looked at the person who turned out to be Wu Jun.

There was another person standing outside the door, but it was Xiao Xu.

Father Qi was holding a piece of meat on his chopsticks, Wu Jun rushed over and knocked the chopsticks off Father Qi's hand, saying, "Don't eat it, don't eat it."

Xiao Xu followed in, looking a little nervous.He stammered and said to Qi Na, Emily and Qi Na's family: "Don't eat it, it's dangerous." The more nervous he was, the more he stuttered.He didn't even dare to look at Qi Na.

Qina suddenly understood the reason for his uneasiness.

He clearly remembered that Tian Xiu mentioned to him that the intelligence agencies of the Ministry of National Defense had set up eyeliners around Qina to monitor his situation.

It must be that Tianxiu got the information, and she was trapped by her own identity, so Xiao Xu became the best channel, and it was most appropriate for him to handle the matter.

But Xiao Xu himself was cowardly, and finally turned to Wu Jun for help.

Father Qi said dissatisfiedly, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Wu Jun and Father Qi have dealt with each other several times, and they are very familiar with each other. He gasped and said, "Old man, we were scared to death. We wished we could fly over, but we didn't expect the power outage. We thought something had happened, so we followed Bang the door. Fortunately, you are all right."

Qina's back felt cold for a while, if it wasn't for the power outage, the family would have already had dinner.If it was true, as they said, someone poisoned, the family and Emily must have lost their lives.

At this time, Wu Jun, who had already recovered, didn't say much. He pulled Qi's father and Qi's mother, and said to Emily and Xiao Xu, "Go down and start the car first, and we will leave right away."

Wu Jun moved quickly and his attitude was very firm. Since there are such rumors, he is responsible for the safety of Qi Na and his family.

Even if he was questioned by Qi's father, he would not compromise.

Qi Na followed them downstairs, bought a hamburger at a McDonald's restaurant on the way, and then opened a room in a five-star hotel in the city to settle down Qi's father and Qi's mother. Although Qi's father kept complaining and didn't want to stay in a hotel, but Wu Jun coped happily, and Qin Na also comforted his parents, maybe it was just a false alarm, so don't worry.

Having said that, but Qi Na is already frowning, he is already very uneasy, but unlike before, he seems to feel a greater crisis.

Wu Jun was contacting his familiar police friends, and after a while, a police car pulled up beside them.

Wu Jun got off the car to communicate with them.Seems to have made a decision, and then came back to discuss with Qi Na.

Just now, Qina's parents were present, so Wu Jun didn't communicate much with Qina. At this moment, he said, "Boss Qi, do you need them to take the things to the police station for testing?"

Emily interjected immediately: "Is your information reliable?"

Wu Jun didn't say a word, he thought that Qi Na would understand the mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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