Need for little hackers

Chapter 221 Deliberation Who and whom

Chapter 221 Deliberation ([-]) Who and Who

Of course, Qina knew what Wu Jun meant. If he shook his head, then this incident would be over. Except for a few people, today's incident would be as if it never happened. Even Emily didn't know the details.

But if you nod, it means that all problems must be completely opened up to face.

Whether he has this determination, Qi Na doesn't know.

Wu Jun stood aside and did not urge him.

Qina walked towards Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu was a little nervous.

Qina asked him in a low voice: "Did Tian Xiu tell you?"

Xiao Xu nodded.

Qina said again: "She asked you to find me?"

Xiao Xu was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and said: "No, after she got the information, she had some doubts, so she discussed it with me. I thought I would rather believe it than believe it, so I wanted to come to you, at least as an early warning , but we couldn’t get in touch with you, Tian Xiu and I were a little worried, and I didn’t dare to talk to other people, so I went to Wu Jun. When we arrived in your community, we heard from the security guard that there was a fire in the substation room and the power went out, so we thought about it It must be bad but it’s okay!!!”

Qi Na is very satisfied with his carefulness, and is also very grateful for his prudence.Pat him on the shoulder.Turning around and walking back, he nodded to Wu Jun: "Things have to be figured out."

Wu Jun nodded and waved to Xiao Xu, and the two left in the car with the police.

Seeing them go away, Qina felt as if the most important thing had been taken away from his body in an instant. He lazily got into the car and said to Emily, "Let's go."

Emily seemed to have guessed some inside story, she didn't say a word, and the car drove north, when Qi Na suddenly said, "No, let's go to your house."

Emily turned the corner without thinking twice.

Early the next morning, Qi Na came to the company and saw that Wu Jun was already waiting for him in the office.Nod at him.Wu Jun took out a test report and said, "It's confirmed. It was tampered with your favorite pickled fish." This sentence almost made the murderer behind the scenes almost want to say it.

Qina nodded, did not accept the report, but said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Wu Jun shook his head: "The police have officially filed a case, but I didn't let them harass the elderly. The police may talk to Qi Hong directly."

Wu Jun paused for a moment. Seeing that Qi Na's face became more serious, he felt a little sympathetic to him, and said, "I asked Tian Xiu for some clues. It seems that Qi Hong is in Ningnan."

Qina snorted.

Wu Jun waited for a long time to see that he didn't respond, and turned to leave, then Qina said: "Okay, when you have further results, I think it's up to me to make the decision."

Wu Jun didn't understand what Qina meant for a while, and then he nodded and left.

Wu Jun walked forward, and Tian Xiu came in.

Qina looked at her and smiled, Tian Xiu was a little embarrassed, as if he had made a mistake.

It took Tian Xiu a long time to say: "I called you yesterday, and then I remembered that you threw your phone in the conference room. Then I called Emily, but she was not in the service area."

Qina nodded and said, "Thank you."

Tian Xiu said: "I didn't expect this to be the case! The monitoring of you is not only for intelligence, but also for security, so everyone around you has been screened, and after determining the level of danger, we will take care of those who are dangerous to you. I have monitored all those who are hostile, and may have some clues."

She talked about the caring care of the Ministry of National Defense, but Qi Na didn't have the heart to listen, and said: "Well, thank you, no matter what, thank you, and your team."

Tian Xiu blushed and said, "I'm sorry."

Qina smiled wryly: "I'm sorry, where did I come from, I should thank you. I was poisoned to death, but secondly, my parents, and Emily who had dinner together yesterday, if something happened to them, I would be unforgivable."

Tian Xiu shook her head: "That has nothing to do with you, it's Qi." She was about to say Qi Hong's name, but Qi Na immediately interrupted her: "Okay, let's talk about it when the matter has a further result."

Qi Na spent the whole morning sitting in the office, his mood was terrible, even if he was cut by someone, it was just a pain in the flesh, but his mood had never been better, and now his whole body was cold and trembling, Can't help myself.

Perhaps knowing about Qi Na's status, Emily prevented all meetings.Leaving Qi Na alone to lick the calf's wound.

When Liu Shuangshuang came over in the afternoon, Emily knew that she would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so she had no choice but to let her go.

Qina forced a smile and said, "Why is Shuangshuang free to come here today?"

Liu Shuangshuang curled her lips: "I'll see if you're still alive and kicking."

Qina continued to laugh: "Not dead yet."

Liu Shuangshuang nodded: "I said you are a cat, and you won't die for a while."

Qin Na believed that Qilin Wings had such strength, nodded, and said, "Okay, this is a good thing."

Liu Shuangshuang felt that Qi Na's calmness was puzzling, and said, "Why so calm? Could something have happened?"

Qina shook his head: "What's the matter, I'm just a little tired."

Liu Shuangshuang looked at him with contempt: "Come on! I think you love your little Lisa."

She is about the same age as Lisa, but she works in an agency, her experience is getting deeper and deeper in the city, and her speech is a bit old-fashioned, and she casually teases him and Lisa.

Liu Shuangshuang continued: "Young Master Wei asked for leave and said he was getting a certificate. I went to the city government to do business these days, but I didn't meet him. Let me just say, you, Qi Na, just let little Lisa jump into the fire pit like this? "

"Sure enough, sitting in the office alone and waiting for Ai Ai's sentimentality is really uncomfortable. Apart from being a man on the bed, can't you stand up at this time?" Liu Shuangshuang was almost scolding him.

Qi Na retorted unwillingly: "How do you know I'm sad about this? I'm just not feeling well." He still wanted to make an excuse, but he thought about his brother Qi Hong's reckless attempt to put himself to death, and then thought about his love traveling far away. , no longer has nothing to do with oneself.

It was as if two gears were crushing him repeatedly, and in an instant he no longer had the strength to confront Liu Shuangshuang.

Liu Shuangshuang snorted, ignored him, and turned to look for Emily.

Qi Na left the office alone and the base of Qilin Nest alone. The security guard at the entrance was a little surprised to see him alone and looking down, so he found a colleague to change shifts and followed him secretly.

Qi Na recalled the product launch conference on January 31. Lisa was in high spirits explaining the products, ideas, and dreams of Kirin Wings on the stage.

Undoubtedly, after owning Lisa, the company's operation ideas are clearer and the steps are closer. Various activities and promotions have made Kirin Wings full of the demeanor of an international company. Word of mouth is overwhelming.Many people couldn't believe that all these moves were made by a weak little woman.

He thought of his time at NMC, and there were always colleagues who privately praised Lisa and himself as the twin engines of NMC.It was such a wonderful time.

Qi Na strolled onto the Yangtze River Bridge, and could see the Qilin Nest building in the distance. He firmly believed that the Qilin Nest would become a symbol of Ningnan in the future.

Moving on, he was again ashamed of his cowardice and selfishness.

It was his own selfishness that hurt Lisa and Jung Soo Min.

Until now, I am pushing Lisa step by step to the point of no return.

Now is the time to make a choice. I have to make a choice. Time does not allow me to delay any longer. I have to make a choice.

Going south from the Yangtze River Bridge, you have to walk for at least two hours to reach Jiangjun Lane.

As he moved on, Qi Na remembered a sentence: "Life is one difficulty after another." This is inevitable, and one cannot sing the song of victory forever.

But you must not be overwhelmed by difficulties.

There is no need to worry about the matter of elder brother Qi Hong. My father said that dripping favor and fighting against each other is life and society. If you can't adapt, who can be blamed for being eliminated by society and life?

The two things that have troubled him in recent days, finally made a decision during this long-distance hike, and Qina's whole body came alive, and his steps became more and more relaxed as he walked.

When it was dark, Qi Na came to the life online company in General Lane, Zheng Xiumin was not in the company, Wu Jun was not in the company, only Dai Xiaolan was still on the phone.

The colleagues who worked overtime in the company were very surprised to see Qi Na who hadn't seen him for a long time, and they were also very surprised, and then happily came over to shake hands with him and take a photo with him.

After dismissing these people, Qina returned to his office alone. The computer, desk, and chairs were already covered with a layer of dust.

Dai Xiaolan came over and greeted him curiously. Qi Na was already in a relaxed mood, and asked about her recent private life, mainly about her boyfriend.
Dai Xiaolan was a little embarrassed, and said: "It's my hometown, also working in Ningnan, a lawyer."

Qina nodded and said, "Congratulations, I hope you will be happy forever."

Dai Xiaolan blushed, and said: "Thank you, I am a very ordinary girl, I am lucky to meet you, but I know that you do not belong to me, and I do not belong to you."

Qi Na smiled: "The past is over, and no one will mention it again."

Dai Xiaolan nodded, thanked her, and asked, "Is Lisa back?"

She hadn't contacted Lisa for a long time, and she didn't know Lisa's situation at all, so she asked this question.

Qina shook his head: "I should be back tomorrow."

"Oh," she hesitated, and finally turned and walked out.

Watching her leave his office, Qina finally breathed a sigh of relief, took the time to sort out a document, printed it and bound it, asked Dai Xiaolan for a signature pen, signed his name on it seriously, and put The bound documents were placed on the laptop keyboard on Zheng Xiumin's desk.

He carefully locked Zheng Xiumin's door, and then said to Dai Xiaolan: "After Zheng Xiumin comes back, tell her that I have a document on her computer, and she must sign it!"

Dai Xiaolan nodded: "Don't worry."

Qina smiled slightly, turned around and went back to his office door, closed the door carefully, couldn't help but look back at the office again, finally locked the door, said hello to Dai Xiaolan, and strode out of the life online office .

He continued to walk on foot for more than an hour, and it was already midnight when Qi Na stopped by the side of the road and looked around. He simply found a flower bed and sat on the side of the road.

The guard who had been following him looked around curiously, but he didn't see anything unusual, let alone someone coming to pick him up.Surprised in my heart: "What the hell is Boss Qi doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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