Need for little hackers

Chapter 228 Deliberation Battery

Chapter 228 Deliberation ([-]) Battery


When Qi Na led Lisa back to the apartment with tired steps, he still had some gentle thoughts. Last time, Zheng Xiumin disturbed her. Zheng Xiumin simply moved into the apartment, and it became an embarrassing triangle relationship. The river water is safe and sound, and Zheng Xiumin is not around after all, and finally there is a world of two people. Lisa seemed to have thought of this too, her heart skipped a beat, her cheeks flushed.

But to their surprise, when they pushed the door of the apartment, Zheng Xiumin was lying on the sofa, watching TV, but she was already asleep.

Lisa was a little disappointed, why did she come back?
Qina heaved a sigh of relief, but was a little disappointed. The sound of closing the door disturbed Zheng Xiumin, and he was startled when he found them appearing at the same time. He woke up and said, "What a coincidence today, do you know that I'm coming back?"

Her tone was slightly teasing, Lisa blushed and hit back at Zheng Xiumin: "It's really time for Sister Zheng to come back."

Zheng Xiumin burst into laughter, Lisa also pursed her lips and smiled.

Qi Na waved his hand: "I'm going back to my room to sleep."

But his rare sweet dream didn't last until the next morning, and he was woken up in the middle of the night.

"News from the laboratory."

Qi Na was sleepy and unhappy, and said: "If you disturb someone's dream, you will lose your life."

Zheng Xiumin and Lisa looked at each other, and pulled off the blanket on him together, Lisa said: "The laboratory has produced results, and the theoretical calculations have perfectly fulfilled the chemical performance and safety requirements of the battery."

Qi Na turned over, stood up, and exclaimed: "Really?" He couldn't believe it. If calculated according to the normal speed, it would take at least around New Year's Day. The result he had been hoping for.

Of course, it still needs to be completed step by step from the computer system virtualization calculation to get the information to the implementation of the physical experiment.But there is no doubt that this calculation is a major breakthrough.

Qi Na casually took off his pajamas, ignoring the fact that the two beauties were right in front of him, revealing their muscular bodies. The two women looked at each other, embarrassed, but each had their own thoughts. What Zheng Xiumin thought was that the scars on his body were for herself, but Lisa Thinking about when he could be with him, he glanced at Zheng Xiumin again.

Qi Na got dressed quickly, and said to Zheng Xiumin and Lisa: "I'll go to Qilin's Nest right away, I'll take a taxi, you can sleep at home."

He walked out without thinking about it, but seemed to remember something, turned around and hugged Lisa and kissed, Zheng Xiumin's eyes widened, unexpectedly, Qi Na let go of Lisa, turned around and hugged Zheng Xiumin and kissed her too.

The two women with their own thoughts felt that the whole world had collapsed, and even Qina didn't respond when he put on his shoes and slammed the door.

Zheng Xiumin's first reaction was: He kissed Lisa and then me, what is he going to do?
Lisa was mixed with joy and sorrow: she was happy because she kissed herself in front of Zheng Xiumin, and sad because he also kissed Zheng Xiumin, but in the end he kissed herself first.

The two women looked at each other, thoughts in their hearts were chaotic.

The next day Lisa arrived at Qilin Nest and rushed to the battery laboratory. After communicating with Qi Na and several other researchers, she ignored Qi Na's objection and posted a message on the official website: "The research on the battery used by the Suzaku robot has achieved Certain progress is expected to ensure safer applications under more efficient and energy-efficient conditions. The breakthrough of this research is expected to have broader prospects in other fields.”

The content of a Weibo is only 140 characters, but it caused a lot of repercussions.

This year, the Kirin Wings had a hot start, with endless topics and undiminished enthusiasm, followed by bloody infighting.It is full of topics, and everyone who cares about it is gripped and full of expectations.

But it is unavoidable that there are still some people with dark minds who wait coldly in the dark for the decline of Qilin Wings. At that time, they can't wait to announce that Qilin Wings is a big scam. They already know it .

So in the past year, this is the first time that news about research and development has been released, which immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

Some people speculate that this is the smoke bomb of Qilin Wings, but in fact there is still no progress. Letting out some wind first, to fool people, is a way to delay the attack.

There are also people who feel that Kirin Wings has always been cautious about the release of this kind of news. If it is not sure, it will never be released to the public. But if it is made public, all promises and goals have been fulfilled, and the credibility is excellent.

Others are guessing, what is the breakthrough of this battery?Most people are complaining that this news is too general, too erratic, and has no real content.

The chain reaction caused by this ambiguous statement was within Lisa's expectations. She just wanted to stir up a topic, and then took advantage of the opportunity to achieve the effect of word of mouth.

Afterwards, some foreign media also began to reprint this information, and the export of information to domestic sales made some domestic skeptics start to waver and believe in Kirin Wings.

The press conference at the beginning of the year had a huge impact in China, and foreign media were still in a skeptical attitude, because they did not believe that the Chinese could make such a big breakthrough in the fields of artificial intelligence and humanoid robots in such a short period of time.Although they are all actively reporting, they all leave room for it. The development of the situation in the past year, especially the spread of various gossip, has made foreign media begin to pay attention to its unicorn wings.

Speaking of gossip, although Qi Na has made a lot of efforts through management and technical means, some confidential information is still spread out. Although it is not the highest level of confidential information, there is no doubt that every time a leak occurs, Kirin Wings will strengthen security and confidentiality measures.

However, it is precisely because of the leakage of this information that foreign media, research institutions, and intelligence agencies have gone from disbelief, to half-belief, to disbelief, and finally to complete belief.Therefore, foreign media reports have gradually begun to pay attention to it, and the methods and specifications adopted are also obviously different.

Lisa has her own methods and deep understanding of the manipulation of media and public opinion. She has also noticed the changes in the attitude of foreign media, and has observed them with the most careful thought.

They were watching the unicorn wings, and Lisa was also watching them.

Soon, the Wish Dream event, which had been suspended for a long time, started again, but it was not reopened to the public and you can shop and win prizes again!Instead, re-visit the winners of all the previous wish and dream activities, and publish the relevant information to the public. In this way, everyone can see the promise of Kirin Wings to keep their promises and the promises they bring. What was given to these winners was different, or changed the lives of the winners.

This is sort of a documentary. Lisa had previously contracted with a public relations company, and they were to track some of these special people in depth. After communication, the video materials left by these tracking were edited into a documentary.

These documentaries were edited, accompanied by sensational music, and promoted by Life Online, and soon gained super popular hits.

Lisa does not intentionally highlight the changes brought about by the Kirin Wings' wish and dream activity, but rather talks about the lives of ordinary people. The wish and dream activity is only an episode in it, but it has a major impact on the lives of ordinary people. Impact.

This kind of display without leaving traces makes it easier for netizens to watch for a long time. Of course, each video is as long as 10 minutes, and as short as 3 minutes or 5 minutes. Netizens can easily watch it patiently.

At the same time, since the entire wish and dream activity has not taken long from the beginning to the present, it is conceivable that the changes to ordinary people will not be too great. Therefore, the video also tells netizens that these follow-up videos will continue to be released in half a year.This will whet the appetite of netizens.

Lisa seemed to be punching a combo. Li Wenwen admired it very much. She felt that Lisa hadn't done anything before, but unexpectedly, there was progress in the battery laboratory. She immediately used this spark to ignite the entire network.In just a few days, the entire network was filled with the content of Qilin Wings, which is breathtaking.

Lisa hurriedly finished this round of media promotion activities, and then caught the plane to BJ.

She was going to see Ye Tingfei again.

Recently, there are always rumors that some officials have problems, and some high-ranking officials have even been sacked because of corruption. At the same time, the military is inevitably affected by the storm of clean government.

So this time when Lisa went to Beijing, she came to find out the facts, and on the other hand, she still hoped that Ye Tingfei would bring the people from the Ministry of Defense back to the Qilin nest. When they came back, the money would come back, and the pressure on the capital chain would be much less. .

Lisa didn't want the business class, but the economy class. Of course, this does not mean that she has no money, but to save money.

She had to lead by example while reminding herself of the company's financial woes.

Li Wenwen stuffed the bag, sat down on the seat on the farthest edge, and then complained to Lisa: "Don't have flow control again, the weather is bad."

Lisa hadn't spoken yet, but someone behind her said, "The weather might be smog, BJ's airport might be closed."

It got colder in November and the effects of the smog became more severe, but this was a natural disaster and it was useless to complain.

Lisa comforted Li Wenwen, and then said: "Well, I will let you have a night off tomorrow night, and you will return to the company the next morning. I will come back tomorrow night alone."

Li Wenwen pouted and said, "Come on less, why should I leave BJ alone? Do you want to open a room to watch TV?"

Lisa pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't fool me. Your boyfriend is in the Northeast. Tell him to let him come to BJ. If you dare not come, interrupt his dog legs. If you can't, you can go there. Hurry up, there is not much travel expenses. At worst, I will give you half a day off, and you will return to the company at noon the day after tomorrow."

Li Wenwen's expression darkened, and she shook her head: "Don't mention it, it's broken."

Lisa froze for a moment, then heard Li Wenwen say: "His company is not going well. He quarrels with colleagues and leaders every day. I don't understand. Doesn't he know that newcomers should restrain themselves? Even if you are right, you You are a newcomer, what qualifications do you have? Why should others trust you?"

Li Wenwen was talking about her boyfriend, Zhao Hu, whom Qi Na had met before. Qi Na's evaluation of Zhao Hu was that a man has a woman's heart in his chest.That is to say, it is too small.

Lisa didn't know Zhao Hu well, but she just advised Li Wenwen not to be too sad.

Just as he was talking, the cabin closed, the captain's announcement started, and he entered the runway immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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