Need for little hackers

Chapter 229 Deliberation Meeting

Chapter 229 Deliberation ([-]) Meeting


It was one o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in BJ, and the Buick commercial vehicle arranged by Lifeline at the BJ branch came to pick us up.

In addition to the relationship in equity, Life Online and Kylin Wings have become more and more intimate in their daily cooperation, so close that Kylin Wings can directly use all resources of Life Online.

In the past, authorization from relevant leaders such as Wu Jun was still needed, but now there is no need for it. The reason is not only the close cooperation in logistics and other business, but also because of the close relationship between Lisa and Zheng Xiumin.

Lisa not only verbally, but also in official emails, calls Zheng Xiumin Sister Min. Zheng Xiumin calls her Xiaoyun and Yunmei.

Colleagues at Lifeline don't understand very much, they feel that their boyfriend has been snatched away, how come Zheng Xiumin has a better relationship with Lisa instead.

Of course, all the discussions are just discussions, and no one dared to ask Zheng Xiumin.

The commercial vehicle exited the airport expressway, headed south, and stopped in front of a gate with a sentry near the Dahongmen. The driver and Li Wenwen got out of the car and negotiated with the guard. After a while, Ye Tingfei came out to pick them up.

Ye Tingfei was very happy to see Lisa, and said to Lisa: "Mr. Kong is here today, it's really rare."

He said this politely, Lisa responded with a smile, and said, "Major Ye, you are being polite, just call me Lisa, I am not used to being called Mr. Kong."

Ye Tingfei chuckled, and said, "I'll take you to the conference room, we'll have a brief chat, General Hong is still on his way."

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. She only listened to General Hong by his name and hadn't met him yet, but if he could come to this meeting, it showed that the other party's sincerity had been greatly improved.Today's negotiations are almost certain to come to fruition.

Ye Tingfei saw her relaxed and kept silent. When everyone sat down at the conference table, Ye Tingfei said: "I'm really sorry, General Hong was delayed on the way, he will be there soon, Lisa, don't worry, don't worry ,Do not worry."

Ye Tingfei unexpectedly said three words, don't worry, which suddenly alerted Lisa, she glanced at Ye Tingfei, is his words a hint? Lisa doesn't know.

Ye Tingfei stared at her with half a smile but not a smile.

Lisa said indifferently: "General Hong is an elder, and we as juniors should wait a little longer."

Ye Tingfei chuckled and said, "Okay."

For a while, the venue fell silent.

An officer knew Li Wenwen, and when he saw the cold scene, he teased her: "Assistant Li seems to have lost weight, did that boyfriend make you angry?!"

Lisa was startled, afraid that Li Wenwen would be sad, but unexpectedly, Li Wenwen was very familiar with this officer, and said, "I'm a loner, a boyfriend from there. I just ask for your help, we don't need to go to BJ and Ningnan, Definitely gain weight."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Hey, Ye Tingfei said to Lisa, "Has President Qi gone to work recently?"

Lisa nodded: "He basically regards the research room as his home, and he doesn't have much rest at all."

"Yes, this is his characteristic. He is like Saburo desperately. If others want to make sarcastic comments about Qilin Zhiyi, it is because they have not seen the working status of the team led by Qi Na. If they see his status, how can anyone who sees it not admire him? , with all five bodies thrown to the ground." Ye Tingfei sincerely admired it.

Everyone was chatting casually, and after waiting for less than a quarter of an hour, they heard someone coming to report, and then General Hong showed up.

General Hong was in his 60s, with gray hair, glasses, and a standard general uniform. He waved Ye Tingfei and the others to sit down.

Ye Tingfei immediately introduced General Hong.

General Hong nodded at Lisa: "Mr. Kong, that's an appropriate name. You are young and promising. You are less than 30 years old, and you are already flourishing."

Lisa didn't dare to take it too seriously, and immediately replied: "General Hong, you're too good-for-nothing."

General Hong smiled heartily and said, "Young people, don't be humble. I heard that a lot of things happened on your side. As the promoter of the cooperation between you and me, we are also under a lot of pressure. How is the recent progress? Already?"

Faced with General Hong's sudden question, Lisa's mind turned quickly, and she immediately explained it in two aspects: "The previous chaos was mainly due to an accident in the battery laboratory, and Qi Na was seriously injured, resulting in the leaderless group. It was the first time for the team to encounter such a blow, and it was really a bit at a loss at the beginning, which made people laugh.” She briefly brought up the previous infighting, and then said: “The current research and development progress is relatively smooth. In terms of batteries, we There has been some progress! But because the chief is going to Ningnan, we consider that the planned release of new products may be delayed.”

General Hong nodded and continued to ask: "Then what kind of preventive measures will your team take in the future?"

Lisa was taken aback. She only thought about this question in the dead of night. If something goes wrong with the research and development of Kirin Wings, what should she do! ?

In the final analysis, it would be good for me to follow Qi Na for the rest of my life.

She hesitated for a moment, then said calmly: "Our shareholding structure clearly defines the dominant position of Qi Na, so we really haven't considered the precautionary measures you mentioned, and this is indeed a loophole."

General Hong pointed her finger: "Young people should learn to make decisions before acting, and learn strategies instead of just being able to work."

Lisa was a little dissatisfied in her heart, but it was only natural for her to make a statement because of her high weight and age.She just nodded and said yes.

General Hong continued: "Postponing the new product launch is also a good choice." Lisa thought he wanted to continue talking about the breakthrough in battery research and development, but unexpectedly, General Hong hesitated for a moment and turned the topic back to the issue of Kirin Wings' equity structure. .

He continued: "I have a proposal. We buy shares from you in the name of the Military Equipment Research Institute, or buy the shares of the shareholders. With our huge investment in Kirin Wings in the early stage, I believe this request is not too much!"

Lisa was stunned, she never thought that General Hong would make such a suggestion on this occasion, it was obviously a surprise attack.

General Hong continued: "There is nothing we can do about this motion. The violent turbulence of Qilin Wings directly affects our interests, which puts us under enormous pressure at the headquarters. After all, billions of dollars have been invested in it, but we have not seen it To the slightest splash, that's problematic."

Lisa gradually understood what he meant, because the original contract with Kirin Wings was just an agreement for joint research and development. Affected by the infighting of Kirin Wings, this agreement was questioned, so General Hong tried to invest billions of dollars, Kneading it into the shares is a way to ensure income in drought and flood, but will Qina agree?Obviously, I can't agree with this plan.

But General Hong continued: "Because of the friendly cooperation between the two parties, I hope to reach a cooperation intention with Ms. Kong, and Qilin Wing's financial pressure is also very high, our intervention can obviously help you. This is a win-win situation." plan."

Lisa's mind continued to turn, what he meant was that the investment of billions was only a prelude, and we will continue to invest later.

If this is the case, it seems that Qilin Wing's financial pressure will be relieved immediately. Lisa is thinking that if her side agrees, it means that Qilin Wing will go to the military, which runs counter to Qi Na's request that he will never be attached to any political forces. .

Another reason for Qi Na's decisive isolation from capital is that he is unwilling to be influenced by capital. He firmly believes in his own choice and judgment, so any capital intervention is a huge gap for him, even Zhenyun, San Institutions such as Yang and Zhun Dian cooperated with him, and he set a voting power of 1 to 100 out of precaution, and always controlled Qilin Wings in his own hands.

As for General Hong's intervention, it might be difficult to be taken advantage of quietly, and it may be inevitable to take control of Qilin Wings.

She thought of the peculiarity and directness of soldiers.

Lisa raised her head to look at General Hong's old face, and then at Ye Tingfei. Ye Tingfei wrote and drew with his head down, without making a sound or looking at Lisa.

Lisa is very curious about what he is writing and drawing?Is it to record the content of the conversation between the two parties?
Lisa was secretly amused. She felt that this decision might not be hers to make. It would be better to report to Qina before answering. But just as she was about to speak, she suddenly remembered what Ye Tingfei said before General Hong came: "Don't in a hurry."

At that time, he said three times not to worry, did he mean General Hong's intention?

Do not worry?Don't worry about what?
Don't rush to agree to General Hong's request?
Don't rush to reply to General Hong?
Don't rush to talk, show your attitude?

A flash of lightning flashed through Lisa's mind, and she immediately had an epiphany, and the words she blurted out changed: "Thanks to General Hong and all the officers for their support and tolerance for Qilin Wing, but since the day of its birth, Qilin Wing has established We have achieved the goal of independent development, so we really only appreciate your kindness."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tingfei raised his head and showed an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lisa said in her heart that there was indeed a way. What she said just now was specious. It was true that she rejected General Hong, but she did not refuse to cooperate. At this moment, she tried her best to be euphemistic and thoughtful.

But in fact, there is no need. General Hong's face turned from bright to dark, and then from dark to bright again. He nodded calmly and said, "Well, alas, young people are always impulsive. You go back and convey it, don’t always reject others, accepting us will do you all good and no harm, you go back and discuss it carefully, think about it.”

Lisa nodded, but in fact, he only took his words as if he was trying to find a way out for himself.

The most important paragraph of the meeting flashed by inadvertently, and then General Hong asked some research and development issues. Lisa had done some work before, but it was limited to confidentiality. She just gave a brief introduction according to the script.The focus is on how to use super-large server computing clusters to perform chemical calculations, simulations, etc.

When he heard that the cluster used [-] servers and the data center was in Asakawa, General Hong glanced at Ye Tingfei and said, "Is this data center invested by us?"

Ye Tingfei nodded awkwardly.

General Hong stopped talking.

The meeting continued until after four o'clock in the afternoon. During the meeting, Lisa wanted to mention the time when Ye Ting would fly back to Qilin Nest, but she felt that the other party would need them, so she simply kept silent.

After the meeting, General Hong left in a hurry and asked Ye Tingfei to entertain Lisa before leaving.

For a moment, Lisa still felt that the soldiers were still upright.

Lisa wanted to ask Ye Tingfei a question, but Ye Tingfei coughed and said: "Lisa, I will be the host tonight, please have a simple meal, don't be burdened, we just eat, not talk about work. Last time you came over, come here Go in a hurry, my host really didn't do it right."

"Uh, oh, forget it, Major Ye, you are too polite." Lisa understood, but she still had an arrangement and rejected Ye Tingfei.

(End of this chapter)

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