Need for little hackers

Chapter 230 Deliberation

Chapter 230 Deliberation ([-]) Verification of authenticity

Lisa's refusal of Ye Tingfei's dinner invitation was not intentional, but she did have other arrangements. An executive from the railway department made an appointment with her. This executive gave great help in the previous high-speed rail freight cooperation negotiations. , so that Kirin Wings successfully obtained the freight license of the national high-speed rail line.

Only two licenses were issued, which shows its rarity, and the most grateful person for this is Ms. Zhou Rong, a senior official of the railway department who gave Qilin Wings the qualification to bid.

After winning the bid, Lisa was ready to express her gratitude to Zhou Rong in person, but the matter was delayed again and again, and it finally dragged on until November.I thought I couldn't delay any longer, otherwise people would find out, and I really thought that Qilin's Wings crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and I didn't know the etiquette.

So today, Ye Tingfei graciously invited her, but she still refused.

Ye Tingfei was not reconciled, and asked Lisa, and Lisa did not hide the matter of the freight license of the high-speed rail line.

Ye Tingfei laughed and said: "So you still have to eat, I thought you became a fairy." He joked, and then said: "How about this, Lisa, just talk to Ms. Zhou Rong, just talk to me, no, just talk to me." Said that a big boss in the army is with you, and the big boss invited her to have a simple meal together, hoping she would appreciate it. Of course, if she is inconvenient, forget it, and I won't bother you. "

Ye Tingfei was very polite, which made it difficult for Lisa to refuse, so she called Zhou Rong. As soon as Zhou Rong heard that he was an officer from the Military Equipment Research Institute, he knew that his background was not too small, so he agreed after a little hesitation. She told them to come to the city, and she hosted Lisa and Ye Tingfei.

Lisa said embarrassingly: "How can it be, I'm here to entertain you, and I've sent someone to book a hotel."

Zhou Rong refused and said: "When you get here, you have to listen to me. You come here first. I will listen to Major Ye's opinion. No matter what, how can you let a guest be the host? Isn't this a joke?"

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Lisa was very moved when she heard it.

When they met, they became familiar with each other as soon as they greeted each other, and they gave way for a long time, but Ye Tingfei drove them to his designated restaurant.

The private room was seated firmly, and everyone was still a little reserved. First, they talked about major international events, and then they started to gossip, who was going to be in the next session, who was being investigated recently, and so on.

But in the end they all talked about Kirin Wings, especially Zhou Rong, who was full of praise for Kirin Wings.She especially praised Quan Xuejun, the interface person of Qilin Wings.

Quan Xuejun used to be the person in charge of the milk tea chain store. During the internal strife, he firmly opposed the attempts of Qi Hong and Kong Zhen, and even stood up to take the lead. This allowed him to be reused by Qi Na and Lisa afterwards. The so-called trust is needed in this way. At the critical moment, he fought with real swords and guns.

Quan Xuejun was then transferred to the logistics system, and took over as the person in charge of the logistics system a few days later.Soon, he devoted himself to the work of obtaining a freight license for high-speed rail lines.

One of the characteristics of Quan Xuejun is the staunch implementer of Qi Na's famous saying: "Only when you die can you rest, and when you are alive, you must stay up late and work overtime." The strongest and the highest technical content.

With the help of a little network, winning the bid and getting the license is a matter of course.

The railway department hopes that in this way, the platform will be released, and the freight utilization rate of high-speed rail lines will be improved, in order to obtain greater benefits.

In fact, in the future, the high-speed rail line will send two freight trains every morning and evening when the passenger traffic is low. During the non-peak period, each passenger train will split a freight area for cargo transfer in cities along the line.

Utilizing the high-speed and stable operation of the high-speed rail will bring about the high efficiency of Kylin Wing's logistics system. Of course, cargo transportation will also bring stable operational efficiency to the high-speed rail.

This is a win-win project for both parties to learn from each other's strengths and obtain their own benefits.

But why did the railway department choose Kirin Wings?Why not SF Express, Sitong Yida, EMS, or even China Railway, its own son?
This is not simply relying on relationships, but relying more on the extremely advanced management skills demonstrated by Kirin Wings and the super high efficiency brought by the mechanical arms, which impressed the railway department.

We must know that on the high-speed rail line, the stop time of each station will not exceed 2-3 minutes. What does the up and down of the goods depend on at this time?Do you still rely on your shoulders to lift your hands in narrow passages?
If there is an abnormality, who will guarantee the punctuality of the high-speed rail operation?
The solutions given by many express logistics companies are ambiguous. Only Kirin Wings, who later participated in the high-speed rail freight project, gave a perfect solution. It uses a mobile-style mechanical arm with a version number of Vm to stack goods. , Handling.

At the same time, using the powerful software development capabilities of Kirin Wings, according to the characteristics of high-speed rail lines such as compact timetables, narrow space passages, etc., the freight management system of the high-speed rail line Kirin Wings was developed accordingly.

Similarly, Kirin Wing even made a guarantee that as long as the railway department allows, each platform and each train will be equipped with two robotic arms.

In some service occasions, Kirin Wings will sell mechanical arms to the railway department at a preferential price to provide services for passengers.

Through this series of efforts and commitments, the railway department finally issued freight licenses to Kirin Wings and China Railway, allowing them to start using high-speed trains on high-speed rail lines for freight transportation.

For Zhou Rong, freight transportation has increased the operating income of the high-speed rail line by nearly [-] percentage points, but there has not been a single delay or delay accident. These achievements are on the table. Even if she takes care of Qilin Wing, she can do it Upright and sitting upright.

So the big boss of the railway department has continuously praised Zhou Rong and Zhou Rong's department these days.

Ye Tingfei smiled. A series of changes in the railway area have recently appeared in newspapers and other media. The Kirin Wings have become one of their highlights. Of course Ye Tingfei understands that in fact, what Zhou Rong is doing is for himself. It can be regarded as saving capital for the big boss of the railway.

However, Kirin Wing's huge investment is not without gains, and in the recent Double Eleven event, Kirin Wing spent a lot of money on a fully automatic, all-machine logistics platform that resisted the pressure and perfectly completed all logistics needs. In particular, the mechanical arm on the high-speed rail line has played a huge role.

In the region, such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other high-speed rail lines, the same-day shipments reached 90.00%, while the second-day shipments reached almost 90.00%, three-day shipments [-]%, and the remaining percentage One of them may be problematic items. What is unexpected is that large-scale express delivery such as major appliances and furniture is also guaranteed to arrive within three days.

The scenes of courier packages that can often be seen everywhere in the corners of major cities across the country still exist, but there are no unicorn wings. This kind of force only exists with unicorn wings.

The seamless and impeccable logistics transshipment channel ensures that every express delivery is transshipped at the first time, instead of waiting for a certain amount to be collected before delivery.

Such timeliness will inevitably increase the toil of the staff, but more than [-]% of the automated operations allow ordinary people not to have to work too hard, so they spent the Double Eleven smoothly and easily.

The logistics platform of Kirin Wings also seems to have proved itself at this moment, reflecting its own existence value.

The media who have been observing the changes of Kirin Wings have given amazing comments, and Lisa herself said that the logistics of Kirin Wings has been verified.

And another beneficiary——Life Online made full use of the logistics advantages of Kirin Wings, and the power accumulated for many months broke out at this moment, and the website's transaction volume and load reached the highest point in history.

According to a third-party survey, in the first- and second-tier cities, the market share of Life Online has already kept pace with JD and Taozhen, and most of the market share that Life Online has grabbed is Taozhen.

Some people exclaimed that with the help of Qilin Wings, an alliance with obvious advantages, Life Online had already defeated Taozhen.

When Zhou Rong mentioned the alliance between Life Online and Kirin Wings, he expressed his sincere admiration, thinking that this model will definitely replace Taozhen.

Lisa's face was flushed, but her heart was very sweet, and she hurriedly said, "You are too good."

Zhou Rong couldn't help but asked again: "How did you think of dividing the Kirin Wings instead of investing in the entirety of Life Online?"

Lisa was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Zhou Rong to ask this question, she thought about it, and then said: "Back then, Life Online was short on funds, so where was the spare money to invest in hardware research and development? A few more investments were brought in, and in this way, it became independent within the life online system."

"Oh." Zhou Rong said with a smile: "Now this old colleague is smiling. I saw that your valuation has reached 200 billion a few days ago. It is said that the capital market looks at Qilin Wing like a hungry wolf. Big eyes, jealousy can't eat."

Everyone laughed together, and Ye Tingfei jokingly said: "Don't look at us as the guest now, but notice that we are inviting a rich lady who is worth billions." He said it casually on the surface, but he was teasing her relationship with Qi Na, The implication is that husbands and wives follow each other. Doesn't Qi Na's worth of hundreds of millions belong to Lisa?
Zhou Rong is a short, fat woman in her 40s. All she can see is the official media and portal websites, so she has only a limited understanding of Qilin Wings and Life Online, and she doesn't even know about Lisa's scandal, let alone Qi Accept this character.He just laughed it off.

Lisa glanced at Ye Tingfei and muttered something in her heart.

Although the dinner was very pleasant, it was the first time that Zhou Rong and Ye Tingfei met, and Zhou Rong was not a beautiful woman, so it gradually became cold, so Lisa pushed back to the hotel for an early rest, and the dinner ended.

Ye Tingfei followed Lisa and sent her to the parking lot. On the way, Ye Tingfei suddenly said, "Lisa."

Lisa stopped and turned to wait for him to continue.

Ye Tingfei smiled slightly: "I also hope to return to Ningnan as soon as possible, but it still depends on the attitude of the superior, that is, General Hong."

Lisa nodded: "I understand."

"However, you understand," Ye Tingfei hesitated, "I also hope to go back as soon as possible. I guess your funds are also very difficult."

Lisa smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Now I will try my best to pay you the money I promised before. I will do my best. Don't worry, it's not my money anyway. It won't be wasted in your hands." Ye Tingfei said with a smile.He still didn't speak clearly, but Lisa understood very well, and responded to Ye Tingfei with a smile: "Brother Ye, thank you very much. We will meet again when you come to Ningnan."

Ye Tingfei said again: "I still need your help. I have a leader. His daughter is a reporter. He contacted Qilin Zhiyi several times and wanted to interview you, but he was rejected. See if you can spare some time tomorrow. Go see her."

Lisa nodded: "It's a trivial matter, let her contact me tomorrow."

Lisa shook hands with him to say goodbye, and Ye Tingfei finally said, "You have to take good care of Mr. Qi, his body will not be able to bear it if he works so hard."

Lisa smiled slightly, turned around and waved.

"This chapter is over, the next chapter will be more exciting"

(End of this chapter)

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