Need for little hackers

Chapter 240 Small Harassment What to Do? !

Chapter 240 Small Harassment ([-]) What to Do? !

Lisa's entire deployment involves the company's new year's layout, so she has to meet with Qi Na to revise the company's new year's plan.

Qi Na finally turned from impatience to concentration, and after Lisa finished speaking, he pondered for a while before saying: "The foundation is a good idea, I have no objection, but have you thought about a more thorough assistance plan. "

Lisa froze for a moment: "More thorough, more thorough should be the national guarantee, and we shouldn't worry too much."

"No," Qi Na began to talk about what happened around him, about Jian Ning's narrow escape, and about the infidelity and faithlessness of his good friend Xiaoxue's sister, and then said: "I'm not a saint, but I often think, if I didn't If I help them, then Jian Ning may no longer be in this world, and Xiaoxue has already fallen into dust and dust in order to save her sister, and is beyond redemption."

Lisa hesitated.

"Whether I have more or less assets now, in fact, I don't pay too much attention to it. I have experienced life and death, and I don't have much memory of money. I will give everyone who follows me a treat if I am on the right track. Explain that Emily, Wu Jun, Xiaolan, Xiao Gao, Xiao Lin, and Min Rui will all get what they deserve. Then the rest, more or less, is actually even more irrelevant to me.”

Lisa hesitated even more after Qi Na's remarks, and she said slowly: "Do you want to be like Bill Gates, donate naked?"

Qi Na smiled: "That's not the time yet, I still have to control the overall direction, and the Qilin Wing has not yet given up."

He continued: "I want to build a public welfare hospital on my own, purchase all the high-end precision instruments in the world, and hire elites from all walks of life. While doing business, I will help those patients who are in trouble due to illness. For those incurable patients, give the last humane care."

Lisa was stunned. All her previous charity and compassion were based on media communication and news hype, and she never had real compassion.

Hearing what Qina said, she felt a little ashamed, and even felt that she didn't understand Qina.

Lisa stayed there for a long time, until Qi Na said: "You won't say I'm hypocritical, will you?"

Lisa said in shame: "No, I feel my hypocrisy."

There were only the two of them in the office, and Qi Na put his arms around Lisa and said, "I've had this idea for a long time, and I hope you can support me."

Lisa nodded, and said again: "Can we stay together more in the future, I feel that I feel more and more unfamiliar with you during this time."

Qina smiled slightly: "When the press conference is over and the chief's inspection is over, I will be able to have most of the time."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Turn around and throw the CEO away, let's go travel around the world."

Lisa was taken aback for a moment, full of joy, but was discouraged in an instant: "What about Miss Min?"

Qina let out an uh, and immediately said, "The three of you are together."

Lisa twisted his ears: "You think beautiful."

According to Qi Na's design, Lisa first announced the news on the second day that she will help the family and provide medical treatment for terminally ill children. At the same time, she announced that based on this situation, Qilin Wings will restart the wish and dream activity. Lisa said in the announcement, Simply write, it turns out that our meager power can help you get what you want.Whether it is a future plan or a difficult life, we hope that we can accompany you.

In the second announcement, Kirin Wings announced the plan to establish the Xinyu Public Welfare Foundation. When Yang donated, he should have an opinion in his heart.

The announcement only mentioned the three-stage work objectives of the Xinyu Foundation, but did not elaborate. This announcement was considered perfunctory, or just to get rid of the dilemma of being kidnapped by charity ethics.

However, Kirin Wings will not respond to these analyses, as if this incident never happened.

Just when Qilin Wings and everyone in Lifeline calmed down, thinking that this year should pass peacefully, another piece of news related to Qilin Wings and Lifeline caused a sensation.

A reporter's microblog and blog published an article: "The mysterious "richest man" is not just a simple guess."

The reporter directly carried out a relay report on the previous analysis article of the financial media. She first affirmed the judgment of this report, then conducted a more detailed analysis, and provided more detailed and detailed data to support it.At the end of the article, there is no doubt that although all of Qi Na’s assets are still in the valuation stage, it can be said that he is the richest man in the country. I have to admire his low-key and thrifty.

The article specially appended a group photo of the technician from the Cundian Company and Lisa Qina. In the corner of the group photo was the rice bowl that was just served at that time.The name of Lao Zhang Donburi is clearly visible on the small price tag on the table.

At the end of the article, readers are even more stimulated: Do you understand the mysterious richest man, Qi Na?The reporter went to Ningnan several times, and communicated and communicated with Qi Na’s former colleagues, partners, friends, and close friends several times, so that you can understand a real Qi Na and how an IT scumbag counterattacks——please pay attention recently A special feature on celebrities and personalities that will be released tomorrow.

This blog post and Weibo post were reposted by several well-known media professionals, and immediately aroused people's curiosity again. In addition, the previous article has paved the way, and there are still suspense in the follow-up. After experiencing the feeling of the last bloody drama of the year, the public opinion is noisy, and keywords such as Qi Na and the new richest man quickly become the most popular keywords in various media.

Perhaps because of the rumors of the new richest man before, those friends of Qi Na are already immune to this title, and they don't find it surprising.But what made them feel weird was that towards the end of the year, it seemed that someone was making a fuss about Qi Na and Qilin Wings? !

One wave after another, one round after another.

Dai Xiaolan's phone rings off the hook, all of which are roaring from the media who have collaborated before and are still cooperating now: Aren't you not accepting interviews?Why is there a special issue of famous figures?

Dai Xiaolan had no choice but to complain, and wrote on the status bar of IM tools such as QQ, including the communication tool of Life Online: "Look all over the world, how long will you wait for Xiao Xiao to be rampant?" The implication is to tell the media that someone is Make a fuss.

But to her surprise, faced with the fortress-like Unicorn Wings and Life Online, in order to complete the publication and follow up the report, the reporters, after being bored, interpreted Dai Xiaolan's signature and published a manuscript .

Who made Dai Xiaolan the media director of Life Online?

Lisa was so tired of it, how could it be endless, do you want someone to celebrate the New Year.

As New Year's Day was approaching, the media public relations department of Kirin Wings had no choice but to give up the holiday and continue to pay attention to the development of this incident.

Lisa first checked the information of the reporter who posted the blog. A familiar but unfamiliar name, Chen Jiao? !
Who is she? Lisa flipped through her business card folder for a while, and finally remembered that this was the young female reporter that Ye Tingfei asked her to help meet when she went to BJ.

At that time, Lisa sincerely asked Chen Jiao to come to Ningnan when she was free, but she remembered that before the meeting, Chen Jiao signed a confidentiality agreement with Li Wenwen. If it was really her who published the report, she could stop it through legal means. Issue of magazines.

Lisa immediately asked Li Wenwen to contact Chen Jiao, stating that if Famous People magazine dared to violate the agreement between the two parties and publish a series of related reports about Qi Na, the CTO of Qilin Wings, without Lisa reviewing the manuscripts, then Qilin Wings would resort to Law, so that the other party can't bear to walk around.

What made people feel angry was that Chen Jiao transferred the call to the lawyer, who told them very clearly that Qilin Wings was welcome to communicate and negotiate about the confidentiality agreement for the interview.

But Lisa still couldn't know what she was worried about.Knowing that Zheng Xiumin called: "Lisa, could the stalking and stalking we encountered before be these reporters?!"

There was dense cold sweat on Lisa's forehead. She finally understood that she lived in the same apartment with Zheng Xiumin and Qi Na. As long as the reporters had one report, it was enough to draw all the attention to personal privacy. From curious Qi Na to Curious about Qi Na's private life.

One man and two women, this is simply a scandal.

Zheng Xiumin groaned on the phone: "Lisa, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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