Need for little hackers

Chapter 241 Big Disclosure Celebrity Awareness

Chapter 241 Public Disclosure ([-]) Celebrity Awareness


Lisa hung up Zheng Xiumin's phone, went to Ye Tingfei, and scolded him severely. Ye Tingfei found Chen Jiao through his contacts, and probably knew what the relevant manuscripts contained, so he was already in a mess. They tried to persuade Chen Jiao to take down the relevant manuscripts, but Chen Jiao and her magazine kept clenching their teeth, refused to give in, and insisted on freedom of the press, which made Ye Tingfei's teeth ache.

And Ye Tingfei, through his own relationship, tried to get the magazine's supervisory unit to suppress the manuscript, but he quickly got a rejection answer.

As the time passed, Lisa hoped to get help from a higher authority, but Ye Tingfei's channel had already been blocked, and Du Juan was perfunctory here, and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Lisa could only give up all her efforts in the end, she called Zheng Xiumin, Zheng Xiumin sighed again, and then said: "Forget it, even if it is exposed, it's nothing! Anyway, I won't respond."

The response she said was that Chen Jiao's manuscript was very likely to involve three people living together.

Lisa finally said: "Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!"

She gritted her teeth, and Zheng Xiumin laughed out loud.

On the Internet, netizens are eagerly looking forward to the launch of the celebrity magazine, but the latest gossip about Qi Na has begun to circulate in large numbers.His classmates and friends in his youth also came out to write articles to recall the past.

Qi Na's fame has reached its peak in the past few days. For a person who deliberately keeps a low profile, this is simply a disaster.

Qi Na has always been based on technology in the industry. Apart from his friends and partners, the only ones who know and understand him are those technical experts who cherish each other.Even though a lot of gossip reports and financial news made many ordinary people know about Qi Na in the past year, they all vaguely linked him to Qilin Wings and Life Online, but what did he really do and how did he do it? Yes, what else to do, most people don't know.That's why the media used the word "mysterious" when reporting on him.

And with this round of hype, it finally boosted Qi Na's reputation and put him on the throne of a well-known figure.Even if Qi Na was annoyed, it was useless.

The next day, newsstands all over the country ushered in a wave of buying celebrity magazines. In just one morning, the magazines were sold out at the newsstands in major central cities.

With the arrival of phone calls asking for purchases, celebrity magazines began to be reprinted for an unprecedented time.The head of the distribution department and the editor-in-chief of the magazine laughed from ear to ear.

And the people who bought the magazine were pleasantly surprised. The complete report made them feel that they were worth the money, and they were amazed and addicted.

Chen Jiao's manuscript presents Qi Na in a complete manner, including personal resume, emotional history, partners, lofty ideals, etc. Obviously, the whole manuscript is not a criticism or deliberate criticism of him, but generally speaking, it is a objective description.

For readers, it is a good reading to know about Qi Na.

But Lisa, Zheng Xiumin, Xiang Yuyao and others could clearly feel that there were too many mistakes and omissions in the whole article. It might have been better if it had been handed over to Qi Na for review. Of course, this is obviously impossible.

The content of these four parts, the personal resume introduces the major events that happened in each stage of Qi Na from childhood to adulthood, and the memories of the classmates who have a good relationship——Qina is very strange, where did these classmates with a good relationship come from? .Teacher comments on elementary, middle, and high school transcripts, childish essays—my ideal.Memories of teachers in college, group photo.

He almost got a close look at Qi Na's details.

And even Qi Na's hacking experience in college is also mentioned in this article, but because there is not much information, the article only says that he spent a lot of time exchanging experience with friends on the Internet, and neglected to communicate with classmates.In fact, it should have spent a lot of time studying hacking techniques and participated in too many hacking attacks.

And in the emotional process, middle and high school were even fictionalized as a goddess without unrequited love, which made Qi Na bitterly laugh.

What surprised him, Lisa, and Zheng Xiumin was that the current emotional experience was not included in it.Instead, he mentioned that his relationship with Xiang Yuyao was extremely close.

When Xiang Yuyao saw this article, she was both surprised and happy.But Lisa and Zheng Xiumin have a special taste in it.

In the chapter on partners, it analyzes in detail the cooperation and differences between Zheng Xiumin of Life Online, Duan Zhengfei of SPE Browser Software, and Xiang Yuyao and Gu Jianzhong of Sanyang.

Different from the analysis and speculation of previous financial articles, Chen Jiao got the equity statement of SPE browser software, which proved that Qi Na has a 17.00% share in SPE software. The current SPE valuation exceeds 200 billion US dollars, so Qi Na's worth is getting higher and higher. It is clear that his name as the richest man may not need to be identified with quotation marks and question marks, but to be sure that he is the richest man.

The analysis of Kirin Wings may be affected by the non-disclosure agreement, the content of the introduction is not very much, only a few sentences.

However, in the description of Qi Na's lofty ideals, Kirin Wings was introduced emphatically, a company that can provide artificial intelligence services for human beings, and the slogan "Let everyone use the services of intelligent robots" was repeatedly mentioned, which is very exciting. Unforgettable.

Just when people were surprised and unbelievable by Qi Na's splendid experience, outside this group of manuscripts, there is another manuscript of Qi Na, Qi Na's current women!

Starting from the candid photo of Lisa and Zheng Xiumin walking out of Qi Na's apartment at the same time, it gave a good account of Qi Na's womanhood.This article is not as restrained as the previous manuscripts. Every line in the article proves one thing, that Qi Na is a playboy.

Lisa saw a photo of herself and Qi Na, and was secretly photographed walking with Zheng Xiumin intimately, and the words used in the text, such as big wife and second wife, which she thought were insulting, made Lisa furious .

Li Wenwen was too scared to come in outside the office. Although she didn't see the magazine, the troublemaker had already scanned it, took pictures, and moved the text to the Internet.

After reading these contents, she has a new understanding of Qi Na in general.

Emily didn't care so much, she had to remind Lisa to let go of her anger and analyze and deal with this set of manuscripts.

The only thing that makes Emily regret is that there is no mention of herself in the manuscript, which makes her a little dissatisfied.

Xiaoxue also had the same idea.

However, just the vague mention of some women in the article has already made Lisa unable to control her emotions.

She even wanted to leave the company and go back to the apartment, pack her luggage, and leave Ningnan. She felt that she would not be able to stay in Qilin Wings.

She couldn't face the feeling of her privacy being made public and being dissected a little bit, and she couldn't face her boyfriend's privacy being made public, and she was once again the one being talked about behind her back.

But Emily strongly stopped her, reassuring her not to be influenced by outsiders, and even joked that since Qi Na is a man, he will not suffer, and the final big winner is Lisa.This kind of joke eased Lisa's tense emotions, and finally Lisa reluctantly accepted the reality.

Although it is an objective and realistic manuscript as a whole, due to the outer part, sensitive words such as one husband and two wives, big wife, second wife, lover, mistress, etc. have touched the fragile nerves of netizens. I am very curious about the relationship between them, so this article has the highest popularity and hits on the Internet, and countless people are watching curiously.

On the second and third day, the heat continued, and more and more TV media joined the gossip reports. Some interviews and talk shows mentioned this, and some entertainment programs couldn’t help but make fun of it. , making fun of Qi Na.

For a while, the whole people were discussing this matter.

Even the insiders started pointing and pointing at Lisa's back.

Facing Lisa who was already a little at a loss, Emily exercised her powers in her place and convened a board meeting.

Xiang Yuyao also knew that Lisa's condition was not good, so she didn't attend at all, but asked Xu Xu to replace her, while Zheng Xiumin still asked Wu Jun to attend the meeting.

And Emily asked Lisa to go back to rest, fearing that something would happen to her, so she asked Gu Yuanxia, ​​who came to Qilin Wings as an intern, to accompany Lisa.

And it was Li Wenwen who attended the meeting instead of her.

So the board meeting was attended by a circle of proxies for the first time.

In fact, the final result of the meeting is to divert the attention of the world with new hot news as soon as possible, and end this slightly boring and gossip hype.

Emily returned to the office after the meeting and found that Qi Na had already been resting in the office. Seeing Emily, she waved for Emily to come to her.

After listening to Emily's suggestion, Qi Na said, "Then hold a new product launch event and unveil the Suzaku II robot."

Emily shook her head: "Not compelling enough."

Qina thought for a while and said: "Then invite the chief to come over, and we will make a comprehensive display, showing everything at the bottom of the box. Let the publicity cooperate to suppress this wave of gossip and rumors."

Emily's eyes lit up and she nodded, she was going to do it, but Qina stopped her, Emily's heart moved, and Qina pulled her into his arms, kissed her lightly, and apologized to her.

Emily was a little surprised, and said: "Although I didn't see any trace of me in the article, I feel a little regretful, but the more I hide it like this, the more happiness I feel in my heart. This is a secret in my heart, and I don't want to share it with others. "

Qi Na smiled, and said: "I promised you that the 1% of the shares have been delayed until now, and there has been no movement. That's what I'm talking about."

Emily froze, she had forgotten about it.When the board of directors was rejected, Qi Na didn't insist on it, and she didn't fantasize about it after that. She didn't expect Qi Na to mention it suddenly today.

Qi Na said: "What has been promised must be fulfilled."

Emily hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "It doesn't matter to me whether I have these or not. Being by your side is my greatest happiness."

Qi Na was also touched, and his heart was flustered, and he couldn't help but kiss her again, and he couldn't help it, but at least he was in the office, Emily hesitated a little, trying to stop him, and Qi Na immediately calmed down.

Emily whispered, "Go to my place another day."

Qina smiled wryly: "Forget it, maybe someone is staring at you every day and secretly taking pictures of you."

He finally had a sense of celebrity.

(End of this chapter)

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