Need for little hackers

Chapter 248 Big Opening Lalang Parting

Chapter 248 Grand Opening ([-]) Lalang Matching

The official Weibo of Kirin Wings posted a Weibo just after the press conference, using a set of pictures and the video of the live conference to judge, and briefly introduced the situation of the conference.

But before that, the scene of the press conference has been broadcasted one after another through the audience's mobile phones, Pads and other devices. It has become the hottest and hottest keyword in the entire Internet world.

As for Qi Na's last-minute announcement of the delivery of 150 engineering machines, many people expressed doubts about whether the engineering machines could operate normally? !However, although there were only 600 units of the first test version of the Suzaku II robot, and the price was as high as [-] million, more than [-] units were ordered immediately at the press conference. Fortunately, Qi Na made a request that no more orders were allowed. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be sold out immediately.

The reservation page of the official website was also swallowed by the number of visits, but the number of people who visit this page to order is one to two out of ten thousand, and most of them are here to watch the fun.


Qi Na leaned on the desk to pick up a piece of pizza, chewed it slowly, and said, "It's the first time I feel that this pizza is quite delicious."

Lisa sat across from him, covering her mouth with her hands, her cheeks stuffed full of smiles, speechless.

Emily didn't care so much, and said while eating: "Isn't that clear? You are hungry."

Qina shook his head: "You won't please me at all, you should say this: it's because the work is going well, the pressure is reduced, and the appetite has increased."

Lisa laughed. She swallowed this mouthful of pizza, and she relaxed.

Emily couldn't help but laugh too.

Lisa said: "You rested today, and you will find another job tomorrow. I don't know if you are going to toss another Fire Phoenix and Fire Dragon's Wrath company."

Qi Na slapped his thigh: "Fire Dragon's Wrath, that's a good name. Emily came back from vacation and registered the name."

Lisa was dumbfounded: "You're not serious, are you?"

"Why are you in a hurry, register first, maybe it will be useful in the future? Why are you so short of money?" Qi Na smiled.

They sat together eating pizza, on the one hand, they were actually waiting for the news on CCTV's news broadcast about the chief inspector's inspection of the Qilin Nest.

Lisa is eager to get more information about this inspection, especially the official stance and market reaction.

Although they are not listed, Lisa is very nervous about the changes in information regarding the sensitivity of the media and the development of the company.

At 7 o'clock, the familiar music played, and the two always serious anchors spoke the same words to the audience, highlighting all the beauty and purity of this country.

The headline was indeed that the chief inspector was in Ningnan, but the order of inspections was adjusted. First, the ribbon-cutting of the new line of the state-owned enterprise Sanyang. The lead said: Ningnan is an important milestone in industrial transformation.

Emily said yes, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Then there is Life Online, there are not many scenes in Life Online, and the screen is occupied by a large amount of data, but Zheng Xiumin and Wu Jun both showed their faces.

Lisa laughed and said, "Look, it's Miss Min."

Qin Na shot her a sideways look, thinking how he could become her sister Min.

I finally saw the news about Kirin Wings. Although it was ranked third, the magnitude of the news was the sum of the first two.

Lisa, Qi Na, Min Rui, Lin Hui and others appeared on the stage one by one, leading the chief to visit. There are a lot of close-ups of the mechanical arm and the last robot QRBii01010020.

The lead said: The Suzaku II robot is currently the humanoid robot with the highest maturity, the strongest performance and broader application prospects in the world. in a world-leading position.

The introduction continues: the Suzaku II robot of Kirin Wings has become the vanguard of my country's industrial transformation, which is of symbolic significance.

Then came a close-up of the chief, with Qi Na standing beside him, Lisa, Min Rui, Gao Qinglin, and even Ye Tingfei beside him.

The chief said: "Here I see your entrepreneurial spirit in the new era of being brave in innovation and striving to become stronger. I am greatly encouraged. You have not only made the world's best humanoid robots, but also carried out fruitful research and development in other fields. Breakthrough, led the entire region's scientific research units to tackle key problems, a bit of a face, made contributions to the country and the people."

Big applause here.

Then the chief said: "I hope you will continue to carry forward this aggressive entrepreneurial spirit and persistent research spirit, and work hard to reach a higher level."

Applause again, more enthusiastically.

What follows is a piece of news about other leaders inspecting.

Qi Na was taken aback: "Didn't Ye Tingfei's Qinglong robot come out?"

Lisa nodded: "It seems to be stuck."

Just as someone was talking, someone came in, and as soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Are there any mistakes? The whole company is invisible, but you are hiding here and stealing food."

Emily gave the visitor a bad look: "The dog can't spit out ivory, and the gate is open. What is stealing, it's really ugly."

Ye Tingfei laughed straight, and didn't care about Emily's statelessness. Everyone was very familiar with it. No one would care about a few jokes.

Lisa clapped her hands, wiped her hands with a tissue, and said, "I was looking for you? Why haven't I seen any news about you?" You are referring to the Qinglong robot.

Ye Tingfei chuckled and shrugged: "I'm going to tell you! The superior has instructed that it is not appropriate to announce the news of military robots at this stage."

"Oh." Although everyone guessed it, Ye Tingfei's news confirmed the guess.

Lisa immediately asked again: "What about the order? I don't care when your news will be announced, what about the order?"

The last item of cooperation with Kirin Wings a year ago was that after the product was formed, the Ministry of National Defense would order [-] military robots.

Ye Tingfei was still smiling, and said: "There will be orders and banknotes, don't worry."

The unit price of the Qinglong robot is more expensive than the Suzaku II robot released in the morning. Although the appearance and skeleton of the two robots are similar, the Suzaku II robot is only 1.7 meters high, and the battery capacity is much smaller. The surface steel plate is only one millimeter It is thicker and weighs only about 1.8 kilograms, so the cost is lower. Qinglong robot is not only [-] meters tall, the battery is three times that of Suzaku, the steel plate is twice as thick, and it also uses special alloy steel plate with better hardness. There are many unique designs, such as magazines, infrared night vision devices, laser equipment, etc., so the cost is higher.

"Uh, it's just that the price is a bit high. When the chief saw the unit price, he hesitated for a while. Later, he probably realized that it was the first batch, so he still wanted to buy it." Ye Tingfei said.

"It's only 300 million units, and you eat and drink more than that in a year." Qi Na joked.

"Haha." Ye Tingfei laughed, and said again: "The down payment is 90% and 90 billion. Someone will come to sign the contract tomorrow. When the procedures are completed, the [-] billion will be paid."

He said this to Lisa.

Lisa was really beaming.

Recently, because Yue Dujuan's relationship has not been handled harmoniously, the bank has no offense at all, and the funds are gradually stretched. When the 90 billion arrives in the account, Lisa feels her waist stiffen immediately.

Qina then said to Ye Tingfei: "The Qinglong robot is in your hands, have you considered how to use it?"

Ye Tingfei hesitated for a moment: "We are already preparing to build a robot organization, which will be directly commanded by the chief, and the deputy commander will be General Hong. Lisa knows it."

Qi Na smiled: "Looking at you like this, I know that you are thinking more about robot individual combat or special operations. Have you ever thought about using a system to conduct a team attack combat mode?!"

Ye Tingfei hesitated even more, and seemed to have made up his mind after a while: "Actually, we are already considering this aspect. We plan to recall Tianxiu to take charge of the development of this aspect."

Qi Na was taken aback, and his inadvertent question exposed Ye Tingfei's plot.He said dissatisfiedly: "Except for those under your command, you can't take anyone else away, and you can't even think about taking Tianxiu away."

Although Tian Xiu is still serving Ye Tingfei, she is actually living under the shadow of the system under her protection, and I believe she will not be willing to return to that strict system.

Ye Tingfei wondered: "This is General Hong's idea..."

"You can't make up your mind, so let General Hong come and talk to me." Qina interrupted Ye Tingfei very rudely.

On the other hand, Emily and Lisa felt a little strange. Could it be that Tian Xiu and Qi Na are also inextricably linked?Why is he in such a hurry?Such a gaffe?
Thinking of this, Lisa couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "Brother Ye, you are most likely the one who recommended Tianxiu, and Tianxiu is still in charge of the development of the important robotOS system, and Qilin's wings are also inseparable." Drive her! You have to know that the colleagues in the hardware department have started to take vacations and relax recently, but she has been working overtime all the time."

Emily looked at Lisa in surprise, thinking why Lisa had changed her personality, but she didn't get mad at this moment.

After all, Ye Tingfei was much older, and knew that it was hard to talk about such things, so he laughed and said: "Oh, look at your seriousness, aren't we cooperating? There are many kinds of cooperation. You don't want Tian Xiu to leave Qilin Wings, Can we talk!"

Qina snorted coldly, and said, "Lao Ye, Lisa calls you big brother, you are also older than the people here, I won't say anything bad, just one sentence, don't mess with my people."

Lisa felt more and more strange. Although she knew that Tianxiu had really helped Qi Na's software development work a lot, but it was the first time she saw Qi Na's hideous face, which made Lisa very curious.

Ye Tingfei was pushed hard by Qi Na, so he could only say: "President Qi, why don't I go back and communicate with General Hong about this matter, so we can't affect our cooperation because of this person, right?"

Qina nodded and said nothing more.

As soon as Ye Tingfei left, Emily followed and left the office.

Lisa couldn't help asking Qina Tianxiu's questions curiously.

Qi Nadao: "First of all, Tianxiu's value is not lower than that of Min Rui or Gao Qinglin. She is even more important at the moment when the product is formed and mass production begins." Min Rui and Gao Qinglin are the most important in the current robot research and development work. leader of.But Lisa didn't think that Tianxiu was more important than them.

"Secondly, Xiao Xu regards Tianxiu as a goddess, and wished he could confess himself to pieces. As a master, I haven't taught Xiao Xu any skills for a long time, and I always want to help him fight for this matter."

"If Tianxiu is taken away by Ye Tingfei, the fate between Xiao Xu and her will be difficult to say."

Lisa didn't expect this to be the reason. She thought about it too much, but then she shouted: "Damn, you're playing with the man. Have you asked Tian Xiu's mind?"

When she said this, her eyes rolled: "Maybe, Miss Tian's heart is for you."

Qina chuckled: "That's for sure, I'm so handsome and talented, that woman doesn't like me."

Lisa's eyes were about to pop out, and she yelled, but Qina immediately changed her words and said, "But, I have an owner, and I won't give it away." Then he hugged Lisa.

Surprised and delighted, Lisa stretched out her hand and pinched his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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