Need for little hackers

Chapter 249 Big Open Robot Revolution

Chapter 249 Big Open ([-]) Robot Revolution

After receiving the chief executive and releasing new products, the Internet was full of hustle and bustle, and even the media surrounded the door of Qilin Nest that day, trying to seek opportunities for interviews at close range, but obviously, apart from the routine protests of the green world, The reporters did not have access to a single Kirin Wings staff member.

Kirin Wings started an unprecedented three-day vacation to adjust the pressure of all employees.

The entire factory area is quiet and quiet, and the dozens of buses parked in the open space were just bought, in order to ensure the convenience and safety of employees' travel.

There are a few tall and tall security guards at the entrance, who face every visitor meticulously.

At about ten o'clock, a Buick business car drove in and stopped near the office building. The driver chose a very special way to park, backing up more than ten meters, almost next to the edge of the office building. The line of sight is completely blocked.

Lisa stood aside, and she came out to greet the staff of the Ministry of National Defense who came to negotiate the Qinglong robot contract.

At the same time, Qi Na was sleeping soundly in the apartment.

Until Zheng Xiumin's phone call woke him up.

It turned out that Wu Jun's child was celebrating his first birthday.

Qi Na was stunned for a long time, according to his memory, wasn't the kid from Wu Jun's family born in October?It's the New Year's Eve now, why not celebrate the first year?

Jung Soo Min explained that October is the busiest month, Wu Jun wanted to make arrangements at the time but everyone advised him to make arrangements after a few days of leisure.As a result, the time was missed, and Wu Jun was quite regretful, so when everyone was clean now, they all wanted to help Wu Jun make up for this regret, so today's first birthday arrangement was made.

Qina groaned, groaned again, slowly woke up from the groggy state, and said, "Then I'll go there later, come and pick me up."

Zheng Xiumin snorted: "I want you to learn to drive and buy a car. You are unwilling to live or die. Look, it's inconvenient to travel now."

Qina said, "Then I'll take a taxi."

Zheng Xiumin complained: "You, the richest man, have to rely on taxis to get around, how can we poor dicks live!"

Qina laughed out loud.

After getting in a taxi, the driver heard that he was going to Jiangjun Lane, so he said, "Going to work? Live online?"

Qina didn't have the nerve to say yes, but shook his head and said no.

The driver let out a sound of regret, and was silent for a moment, and then said: "Well, you have to be educated to have a way out."

Qi Na was caught off guard by his inexplicable and sad words, and asked curiously: "Master, what are you talking about?"

The driver said: "Have you seen the Qilin Wings press conference yesterday? Alas, I got out of the car yesterday and met a lot of people talking about it. After returning home after a shift, I looked it up on the Internet, and it turned out that My goodness, now that robots are just like people, how can those of us who rely on physical strength and hard work to survive with these robots compete with these robots.”

Qina thought the driver had recognized him, so he purposely picked on the conversation, but seeing the driver staring at the road ahead, it didn't seem like he was deliberately pretentious.

The driver apparently didn't realize that the tall boy in ordinary clothes beside him was Qi Na, the boss of the Qilin Wings he was talking about.Otherwise, I'm afraid I will jump up on the spot.

Qina laughed secretly, and said, "Master, you are too worried."

Hearing strangers talking about Kirin Wings, Qi Na couldn't help explaining: "Now the first batch of engineering prototypes sell for 150 million yuan, not counting the later maintenance costs. If ordinary people are replaced and robots are used, then according to the current If the annual per capita income of ordinary workers is 6 yuan, it will take 25 years to recover the cost, and the design life of a robot, including the electronic circuit, may only be seven or eight years. Therefore, it is obviously wrong to try to use robots to completely replace ordinary labor. possible."

When the driver heard this, he said, "I didn't expect you to know this so well, so what use will these robots have in the future?"

Qina smiled slightly: "It is used in dangerous working environments, earthquake rescue and disaster relief, high-end business applications, etc."

"Oh." The driver was a little happy when he heard that.

But Qina fell into deep thought. He comforted ordinary people like this, but the fact is not the case. The current price is high, mainly because he wants to use the high price to recover part of the investment in research and development. In the future, 150 units will almost follow this price, 300 billion plus There are 450 billion military robots, and this year's target is [-] billion, which should be well accomplished.

Then starting next year, the price of robots will continue to plunge with the dilution of research and development costs and future mass production lines.

This is inevitable, and the price plunge will lead to more and more people starting to use robots as tools to gradually replace labor.For example, in the service industry, robots are undoubtedly a very good tool to achieve standardized services.

For example, on the assembly line, the existing robotic arm usually needs to change the assembly line or even rebuild a new assembly line for the robotic arm, so as to meet the production environment requirements of the robotic arm, but the emergence of robots will change the current situation. In the past assembly line, human beings are replaced by robots, all layouts do not need to be changed, and no additional investment is required to adapt to production. Robots can carry out production for a longer period of time, and there is no need to worry about whether the robot needs to rest or pay for overtime work. Don't worry, and don't worry about someone asking for leave.

This is a new industrial revolution, and it may become the fourth industrial revolution after the third industrial revolution.

He remembered what was said in the history book that in the first industrial revolution, a large number of farmers lost their land and became industrial workers. They had to accept the tide of history and became a grain of sand in the vast sea.

The popularity of robots may become the engine of a new round of industrial transformation, and unlike history, the emergence of new technologies also provides more jobs for ordinary people, and the future of robots will undoubtedly take away ordinary people. of jobs.

Qi Na couldn't help lamenting, should robot technology come?Where is robotics headed?
But I am just a technical person, and those social ethics and moral judgments are still for sociologists, historians and even politicians to judge and consider. All I need to do is to continue to move forward along this road.

Wu Jun's baby's birthday party was still held on Dongshan Street, Dongshan District, but the restaurant was changed to a more upscale hotel, with one private room and four large round tables.

The arrival of Qi Na is undoubtedly the biggest focus of the audience except for the baby.

Unexpectedly, besides Wu Jun's relatives and friends, there were many college classmates, but Li Chenguang was nowhere to be seen.This made Qi Na a little strange, so he asked Wu Jun, Wu Jun explained that BJ's marketing activities were too much recently, and Li Chenguang didn't have time to come here at all.

And Wu Jun also took the opportunity to apologize to Qi Na, he just said in the classmate group that the child is one year old, and as a result, some classmates wanted to join in the fun, he is not the kind of unreasonable person.

Qin Na didn't want to show that he was too colorful, so he put on a smile and said, "Here he is, you can explain yourself."

But in the face of unfamiliar classmates, Qi Na never relaxed, so the atmosphere of the audience was always a little cold.

This situation was not until the gang of mechanics who used to be lifeline thugs came to toast with Qina, and the atmosphere became cheerful. At this time, Qina put down his identity and said: "I just said that you are familiar with each other, so it turned out that you played for me. frame."

The person in the lead said: "We are acquaintances, so we can't drink one cup, but two cups."

He said a two or two cups of white wine and downed it.

Qi Na smiled and said: "How about two cups, you have two cups, I have four cups." He took Zheng Xiumin's cup and asked for a big bowl, and poured two cups into it. Wine, the people around are stunned.

Qina picked up the big bowl and gulped it down. The whole audience was shocked and admired.

Zheng Xiumin felt distressed, and said, "Hurry up and eat some vegetables and suppress the wine."

Wu Jun was at a loss, but fortunately his wife Wan Lin was clever and brought the pig's trotters that had just been served to Qina. Qina waved his hand and said, "This little wine is nothing."

Zheng Xiumin didn't drink and drove Qi Na to the city, and complained that Qi Na didn't restrain himself and drank so much alcohol.

But Qi Na was very sober and said: "I'm not drunk, don't worry about it."

Qi Na and Zheng Xiumin chatted for a while, and couldn't help talking about Qilin Wing's robot strategy, full of worry.

Zheng Xiumin can only say that this is the inevitable progress of history, if it is not initiated by Qi Na, then other people may have a greater impact on ordinary people.

Qi Na was a bit conservative about this point, so Zheng Xiumin asked back if he and she hadn't started the journey of living online three years ago, how would life have changed.

Zheng Xiumin didn't let Qi Na answer, she nodded and shook her head, and rushed to say: "Maybe we got married a long time ago or you married Lisa, maybe we met as passers-by."

She went on to say: "Therefore, there are no ifs in life and the world. When things happen, you can only move forward and move forward. Instead of shrinking back."

Qi Na laughed, unexpectedly, Zheng Xiu Min started to comfort herself in this way.But after what she said, Qina felt that his mind was really relaxed.

While the two were talking, the car suddenly turned off.Zheng Xiumin thought it was because she had pushed the accelerator too hard, but when she turned on the ignition again, the car couldn't start. After tossing for a while, seeing no hope, Qi Na pushed the car to the side of the road, and Zheng Xiumin called the car emergency call , but had to wait two hours.

It was snowing lightly in the middle of the night, Qina sniffed the cold air, and pulled Zheng Xiumin to lean against the fence beside the road with him.

Zheng Xiumin inadvertently discovered that there were seven or eight cars parked in sequence more than 200 meters behind her.

She was very curious, and wanted to go to ask these people for help, but Qina held her back and said, "You didn't just see it, did you. These people have been following us, most likely they are gossip reporters or paparazzi."

Zheng Xiumin was startled, and pulled Qi Na into the car.

In fact, there have been media reporters tracking the people of Kirin Wings recently. Emily has already issued a warning internally, but hasn't Emily notified Life Online?
Maybe Zheng Xiumin didn't care.

Qina said: "This is not far from the city, let's just run back."

Zheng Xiumin immediately agreed, she also has a whole set of running suits in her car, not only for women, but also for men, facing Qi Na's curiosity, Zheng Xiumin snorted, Qi Na suddenly remembered that she had bought two years ago I bought a few sets of sports clothes, and they put them in Zheng Xiumin's car. At that time, I also said that I would exercise and run together every night in the future. Unexpectedly, things are changing, and the two of them didn't use them for a day. I didn't expect that Zheng Xiumin would always kept.

Qi Na changed into sports shorts outside the car, and Zheng Xiumin changed into sports clothes in the car.

The two jumped off the road cliff, avoided the vehicles on the side road, stretched their bodies on the sidewalk, and started jogging.

In winter, in the damp and cold air, under the dim street lamps, Qi Na and Zheng Xiumin walked forward quickly, Qi Na felt the biting cold wind, and his heart became more open than ever. He said to Zheng Xiumin: "What did you say? Yes, although there are difficulties, but this should not be an excuse for us to retreat, we must work harder when there are difficulties."

"Well, come on." Zheng Xiumin panted heavily, responding to him with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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