Need for little hackers

Chapter 250 Big Open Press Conference

Chapter 250 Big Open ([-]) Press Conference

Unicorn Wing's robot news is getting hotter and hotter, and it hasn't dampened people's enthusiasm over time.

To Qina's surprise, everyone was eagerly looking forward to more news about Kirin Wings, and to explore the meaning behind every message in the previous press conference of Kirin Wings. It seemed that Qi Na was a prophet, and every sentence It is a crime not to dissect the words and dissect them into five hundred characters.

In the same message as Wang Yang, there is not a single objection.

Not even information that casts doubt on the future of robotics.

Conformity, lack of independent thinking readers and media, made Qi Na even more disturbed. Of course, he understands the truth that the so-called water can capsize a boat and carry it.

Internationally, it has attracted even greater attention. All major news agencies have broadcast the content of the new product launch conference of Kirin Wings. Among them, the pictures of the Suzaku II robot have been reproduced by various media.

There are various comments, and there are voices of criticism and worry, but the overall evaluation is positive, and it is believed that Kirin Wings has reached the forefront of the times.And some media praised Kirin Wings as a super cool company.

Reuters simply exclaimed that the age of robots has arrived.

And what followed was that reporters from various news agencies and media stationed in BJ rushed to Ningnan one after another, hoping to find out and have a close contact with the robot.

In addition, after some impatient media got some information, they gave up their inherent thinking of contempt after several calculations, and put the cover page and headline news of the month on the photos of the press conference of the Suzaku II robot or Qi Na.

These covers and headlines stimulated the domestic news media to carry out a second round of secondary news dissemination.It can be described as adding fuel to the fire and heating up the heat.

Lisa hasn't rested these days. She has been closely following the media trends. The popularity of the Suzaku II robot continues to heat up, even covering up the activities of wishing and dreaming.

Lisa's advances and retreats are quite methodical, slowly waiting for the news to stabilize, and then timely put the twenty Suzaku II robots in her hand on the logistics platform.

Of course, for the sake of influence, it is impossible for Lisa to let robots go to warehouses and distribution posts. Lisa arranged these [-] robots on the high-speed rail line, and cooperated with the mechanical arm to carry out the connection and transfer of goods.

So every time the high-speed rail stops at a certain station, there are Suzaku robots getting on and off the train for cargo transfer and handover.At this time, many passengers took pictures and selfies around the Suzaku robot regardless of the flight attendant's obstruction, which even affected the operation of the high-speed rail.

Although these people affected the punctuality of the high-speed rail, the information they sent on social media continued to fuel the news of the Unicorn Wing Suzaku robot.

And not only ordinary people, but also some reporters, seeing that they couldn’t get a few words from Kirin Wings, they simply sat back and forth on the high-speed rail, communicated with the high-speed rail employees, took some photos of the robots doing the connecting and transshipment work, and then wrote some nonsense. , and send it back to the editorial department with a photo, and the job is done.

Time passed slowly like this. The three-day long vacation of Kirin Wings ended, and the work and rest of the employees returned to normal. At [-] o'clock in the morning of that day, Kirin Wings issued an announcement that all users who made reservations on the spot would be issued three days later. Start supplying.

The announcement also stated that the smart version of the Kirin Wing Suzaku II robot will be supplied this time, which can learn, adapt to a variety of practical environments, and provide more services.

At the end of the announcement, a list of the top ten users is appended.

People envied this lucky guy and envied these ten rich people.

At the internal working meeting of Kirin Wings, Lisa reported to Qi Na the details of the contract with the Ministry of Defense three days ago. 300 million in place within a week.

However, there are still some additional terms, such as maintenance technician training, use training, and spare parts prices.

Qi Na and Ye Tingfei had communicated with each other before, and it was basically within the scope of approval of both parties.

There is an additional item that surprised Qi Na. This item requires that the first batch of [-] devices will be practiced by Kirin Wings and relevant personnel from Party A, the Ministry of National Defense. In this regard, all costs of Kirin Wings are included in the down payment. , the Department of Defense is not paying extra.

Qi Na didn't understand this article, Lisa found this article, and then pointed to the brackets behind the words "actual combat drill" "Please refer to the appendix for details."

Then open the appendix, there are two actual combat exercises: a counter-terrorism actual combat exercise will be conducted after the delivery of [-] robots, and a high-level military exercise will be conducted in conjunction with the exercise.

Qi Na pouted, according to his understanding, it would be embarrassing not to cut Ye Tingfei several hundred million for this kind of thing.But Lisa probably felt that the 90 billion was about to be handed over, so she didn't want to make extra troubles.

Seeing Qi Na's strange expression, Lisa said embarrassedly: "Is it my fault?"

Qina shook his head, but couldn't help but speak out.

Lisa looked a little embarrassed, and said: "I thought it would be a very good thing if we got the data for this kind of actual combat exercise? So I took it."

Qina nodded and said: "Actually, even if they don't look for us now, they will still look for us in the future. People like Ye Tingfei don't have the ability to conduct research in this field. Of course, if they recruit Tian Xiu, it will be hard to say. "

Seeing Lisa's embarrassment, Qi Na immediately said, "It's okay, now they want to take advantage, and we can still sell the data when we get the data later. It's the same if we earn early or late."

Lisa nodded and began to report on the situation of media public relations. It is self-evident that the enthusiasm of the recent media communication is so intense, but in the face of interview invitations from nearly a thousand media at hand, Lisa carefully weighed and made a choice.

She tried to convince Kiener to do a face-to-face media interview.

In order to avoid Qi Na's impatience, there will be no additional interviews in a certain period of time, but in order to accommodate more media, it will be a joint multimedia interview, or to avoid Qi Na's impatience, the multimedia will also There will be no more than five.

Qi Na exclaimed: "Five media jointly interviewed me? Crazy."

Lisa shrugged: "Then how about we come one by one!"

Qina shook his head like a rattle: "Come together, by the way, the interview time should not exceed two hours, I'm afraid I will fall asleep."

Lisa pursed her lips and smiled: "Got it."

Emily, who had been by the side all the time, interjected at this moment: "Where is the interview arranged, do I need to make any arrangements?"

Lisa asked Emily: "Do you have any suggestions?"

Emily said: "Gong Ye contacted me yesterday, hoping to make an appointment with Alex. General Hong wants to have a face-to-face communication with Alex."

She went on to say: "If Lisa's side is arranged in BJ, then it's just a matter of time to make an appointment with Ye Gong, so that one visit to BJ will solve two things."

Qina snorted and said, "Then you two communicate, and let me know when the time comes."

He stretched his waist, thought of a question, and said, "Which one of you will go with me?"

Emily's eyes lit up, but immediately dimmed: "The New Year is coming soon, and it is a critical time for production. The new production line is about to start, and there are still a lot of things to do at the Asakawa base, so let me forget it. These things also involve Lisa, Do you want to go?" The last sentence was for Lisa.

Lisa was also a little disappointed and shook her head: "These things about you are also my business. If you can't leave, I will stay even more."

Qi Na was quite disappointed, but Lisa snorted coldly, "You can find a girl to go for a leisurely night run in BJ's winter with you."

Qina was stunned, then laughed loudly and asked, "How do you know?"

"Hey," Emily magically took out a stack of newspapers from her back. The headline on it was that the CEO of Qilin Wings and the CEO of Lifeline jogged ten kilometers late at night, exchanging heartfelt feelings.

Looking at the first paragraph of text, it was normal, but the last four words almost made Qi Na spit.

Qina looked at the headline of the newspaper, Ningnan Evening News, and cursed, "It's this March [-]th newspaper again."

The photos in the newspaper are the back and profile of Qi Na and Zheng Xiumin when they are jogging, and there is also a photo of the distant view holding hands and walking briskly. In the photo, there are snowflakes floating in the sky.

Qi Na explained to Lisa: "At that time Lisa's car couldn't start, we called for rescue, but it took them two hours to come, so we thought about jogging back to the city. That's it, the [-] media is too annoying."

"Hmph, come on." Lisa said dissatisfiedly, "Let's run back to the apartment together tonight."

Qina froze for a moment, Emily covered her mouth and kept smiling.

"Okay." Looking at Lisa who was dissatisfied, Qi Na had no choice but to agree.

After talking about the private affairs, Emily reported on the recent work situation - administration and HR, but Qi Na immediately said: "Administration and HR are related to the technical department, and you can discuss the rest yourself. Lisa is the CEO."

Emily said dissatisfied: "If you want to talk nonsense, will I not know?"

"Okay, okay." Emily has been very angry recently, and often choked on Qi Na, and Qi Na wondered if she had become angry recently and needed to let go.

"Hey, let's talk to you, don't desert yourself." Emily was angry again.

Qi Na raised his hand to express his embarrassment.

Emily's few things are actually key issues such as personnel salary structure and benefits.

Qi Na raised his hand again and surrendered: "Please, please let Lisa decide these matters. I will never interfere. Whoever says nothing is a grandson, but the only thing I ask is to give Tianxiu a salary increase. I sent an email before, please Master Lisa please approve."

Lisa said dissatisfiedly: "You have an email on the left to raise someone's salary, and an email on the right to send a bonus to someone or a certain department. Do you think our money comes from the Yangtze River? Don't you need to consider the salary structure and personnel structure?"

Qina let out an "uh" and had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender: "Please make it clear, both of you."

Because the company was divided into two offices at the beginning, this led to an inconsistent salary structure. Later, after the merger, Lisa tried her best to gradually change the salary to seven grades, but recently they obviously feel that this division is still not ideal.Moreover, in the ERP system, the problem of different levels of personnel structure and salary levels is becoming more and more obvious. That is to say, under the same authority, the salary gap is huge, which makes many employees complain.

Qi Na spread his hands: "Then what do you think should be done?" On Lifeline, it seemed that there was a similar problem at that time, but Wu Jun and Doris dealt with it later, and Qi Na didn't know the specific method.

Emily coughed, "I communicated with Lisa. The salary structure of these seven grades is still not very scientific. We will gradually divide each grade into three grades, so that there are a total of 21 grades."

"This is also gradually connecting with the authority of the ERP system, and it is easy to be understood by ordinary employees. Of course, our salary structure is not much related to this authority. We will increase salary and reward according to the contribution of employees. .”


Emily said more and more details, it can be seen that they have spent a lot of time on this salary reform, Qi Na finally nodded and said: "I can basically understand and support it, but as for the salary increase based on the contribution of employees, this is my opinion." I have doubts, how do you understand and distinguish the degree of contribution?"

He also compared: "If a person finds a bug in the system, this bug is enough to affect the normal operation of the system, how is this contribution reflected, in other words, can you understand these things?"

Emily and Lisa looked at each other, and Lisa said cautiously: "What you said is what we are worried about, so we have to report to you!!!"

When Qina heard this, his head grew bigger.

But he quickly came up with a suggestion: "We shouldn't be working on this matter behind closed doors here. You should brainstorm and have Min Rui, Xiao Gao, Lin Hui, and Tian Xiu come over and have a meeting. It's best to let Xiang Yuyao, Zheng Xiumin and Wu Jun also came over to listen to their opinions."

When he saw that Emily was about to speak again, he immediately said, "Of course I can give my opinion, but these are just arguments on paper, not of much value."

Lisa nodded: "Then we can arrange the meeting ourselves."

Qina nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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