Need for little hackers

Chapter 251 Green Security

Chapter 251 Green Insurance ([-])

Qi Na got on the high-speed rail, which was the VIP business class at the front of the car, but Qi Na felt a slight sense of insecurity.If he derailed, the front of the car would be smashed into a discus, and even if he had a steel body, he would probably be turned into meat.

But this business class is indeed spacious and comfortable for people to sit in.

It's just that there are quite a lot of people in the business class, and Qina turned his head to look behind him, full of holes.

Qina was curiously observing every facility around when the train conductor walked into the business class. While greeting everyone, she walked straight to Qina, bent down and said enthusiastically to Qina: "Mr. , welcome to take this high-speed train.”

Qi Na raised his eyebrows and was taken aback: "Oh, thank you." He was a little puzzled, who leaked his itinerary.

The train conductor said again: "If you need it, you can call us at any time. In addition, if you are interested, I can take you to visit this high-speed rail train."

Qina was happy to hear that he was able to visit, but after thinking about it, he said, "No, you guys have your own jobs, so I won't bother you. By the way, if you can, please bring me a cup of green tea or mineral water."

The beautiful mature train conductor said yes happily.In less than 3 minutes, a cup of Biluochun was brewed and delivered. The train conductor explained that this Biluochun was specially prepared for Qi Na.

Qina didn't care what was so special about the tea.After receiving the tea, smelling the aroma of the tea, he naturally knew it was good tea. He thanked the train conductor repeatedly.

As soon as the train conductor left, the surrounding passengers were extremely curious, who was the tall young man sitting in the front row, who would be entertained with such a high standard.The train conductor personally made tea and delivered it to him.

Next to Qi Na was a bald man in his fifties who curiously asked what kind of job Qi Na did.

Qi Na said that he is in IT.

"Oh," the bald man said enthusiastically, "I'm also in IT, and I'm in system integration. We're in the same industry." He took out his business card to exchange, and Qi Na was a little embarrassed to face this kind of familiarity. , said: "I don't have a business card."

The bald man didn't take it seriously, he handed his business card to Qina, and said, "It's a way to make one more friend, the train conductor was your friend just now?"

Qina was secretly amused, and immediately nodded in agreement.

The passengers behind him also came over: "Brother, you are working in that yamen, the train conductor is so warm and polite."

"Needless to say, it must be on the railway line."

"This brother is in IT, you all think too much."

Unexpectedly, the originally quiet business class became lively.Qi Na was speechless.

At this time, two tall and beautiful conductors came over, and after routinely asking everyone what help they needed, they also walked up to Qina and asked if they could take a photo with him.

Although Qi Na was embarrassed, he still nodded in agreement, so the two flight attendants took more than a dozen group photos before letting Qi Na go.

At this time, the passengers in the same room became even more curious. Could it be that this tall young man is a star, otherwise why would these flight attendants treat him as a star?

Faced with more and more curious eyes, Qina couldn't hold back, and finally found the train conductor, hoping that she could help change the seat, even if it was an ordinary seat.

The train conductor apologized repeatedly, and suggested that Qi Na and himself go to the crew rest area to rest, but Qin Na felt that it was a little inconvenient when he thought that there were only women there, so the train conductor said that he should just go to the dining car and sit.

Although the seat was a bit hard and the sitting posture was uncomfortable, it was clean after all.

The train conductor gave him another cup of freshly brewed Biluochun.

However, the suspicion against him in the business class did not stop until the flight attendant appeared just now, and the bald man asked the question first.

The flight attendant said with a grin, "That's the boss of Qilin Zhiyi."

"Mr. Qi, oh, Qi Na." Someone finally responded.

"Damn it, I actually sat with him." The bald man yelled regretfully, without leaving behind Qi Na's signature, group photo, or business card.

Hearing that he was the boss of Qilin Wing, there was a lot of discussion in the business class for a while, and someone asked, "Why did Qina go to BJ?"

"How can he take the train when he is so rich?"

"What do you care? Maybe people go to BJ for vacation!" Someone said disdainfully.

"No, he's going to CCTV!" A man picked up the newspaper in his hand, and there was a full-page CCTV advertisement on it.

In the middle of the advertisement is the back-to-back of Qi Na and the Suzaku II robot. The title is [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, comprehensive, financial, and news channels will be live broadcasting the face-to-face column——Conversation with him. , SPE browser software company CSA Keener.

It is puzzling that the TV station actually advertises the program preview in print media such as newspapers.

It seems that CCTV is paying special attention to this interview.

The passengers in the business class are either rich or expensive, but these people have lost their color under the aura of Qi Na, and they are even discussing the old saying that people should not look like they are true.He looked at Qi Na as ordinary, but he didn't want to be the famous boss of Qilin Wings.

Before he stepped into the rivers and lakes, he was already full of legends in the rivers and lakes.

Some people wanted to go to the train to look for the traces of Qi Na. This kind of opportunity to get in touch with the legendary richest man was too difficult, but the flight attendants and police officers resolutely stopped them.

These business class passengers had no choice but to hold back when they got off the bus and were lucky enough to meet Qi Na again.

The high-speed train made a temporary stop in the suburbs of Beijing. After only one minute, Qi Na got off and got into a black SUV that was parallel to the train. The engine of the SUV roared and it sped away from the sidewalk.

The passengers on the train didn't notice the abnormality, but they didn't know that the most valuable person on this train, Qi Na, had sneaked away.

Ye Tingfei drove the car and said, "It's been a bumpy journey, thank you for your hard work."

Qina smiled: "When you're in your territory, you start playing tricks on me?"

Ye Tingfei also laughed, and said, "How can this be false? It's about caring about you."

"If you care about it, you won't let it go. If you don't give me the person, you will increase the price later. A robot will add 50 yuan, no, 100 million yuan." Qi Na joked casually.The person he was talking about was Tian Xiu.

Ye Tingfei has already realized the important role of Tian Xiu, and he is unwilling to let such a talent go.

Ye Tingfei smiled wryly: "Then you kill me, General Hong will not let you go." He acted like he wanted money, no important person, and no one.

Talking and laughing, Ye Tingfei turned the steering wheel back and forth, and finally entered a heavily guarded compound, the car stopped, and Qina got out of the car and followed Ye Tingfei to this old three-story office building.

A tall figure came over in the corridor, a middle-aged man in his 50s wearing a general's uniform.

Ye Tingfei took a step forward, saluted, and then introduced that it was General Hong who came to pick up Qi Na.

General Hong held Qin Na's hand enthusiastically, and said, "Qi is always young and talented. I am an old man, it is always an honor to see Qi."

Qina would not be affected by General Hong's ecstasy.

He smiled slightly, and replied: "Mr. Hong is offending me by saying that. In front of you, I am still a junior."

"President Qi, you're being polite." General Hong held Qin Na's hand tightly as he walked, but he didn't let go, which made Qi Na very embarrassed.But from outsiders, it seems that the two are very close.

However, Qina quickly understood in his heart that General Hong's gesture was purely a statement. The surroundings of the office building were cleaned exceptionally clean. There are many people, and they all seem to be busy with their own affairs, but that one is not listening with their ears upright.

Knowing this reason, Qi Na felt a little sympathy for the superficially eloquent General Hong. In the system, even though he had a title, he still had to abide by the rules in this environment.

But once the negotiation between the two sides started, the little sympathy that Qi Na had for General Hong disappeared.

General Hong insisted on giving up Tianxiu to Qina.

Qina secretly cursed at the old fox. He knew that he attached too much importance to Tianxiu before, and was seen by Ye Tingfei and others, so he gave the feedback to General Hong. Naturally, General Hong would never let go.

Qina weighed his bottom line and continued to argue with General Hong.

"The weather is good recently. Mr. Qi should stay in BJ for a few more days. Feel the scenery of the northern country." General Hong said.

"Well, but it's too cold in BJ, I'm still comfortable staying in Ningnan. Tianxiu must stay." Qina responded without humming, and replied abruptly.

"Haha, haha, Mr. Qi was joking. BJ has heating, which is much better than Ningnan's damp and cold. The duty of a soldier is to obey orders." General Hong refused with a smile.

The two came and went, but none of them was concentrating on talking about substantive issues, and they were all evading each other.

"That's what I said, but my hometown is better. Tianxiu is also from Ningnan, why should General Hong make things difficult for others." Qi Na said.

"Those who have aspirations aim everywhere! Where is home in the world?" General Hong said again.

They kept going back and forth like this, and they didn't talk about the topic in a few words, which made Ye Tingfei restless and ran to the toilet three times.

General Hong said again: "Mr. Qi is indeed a hero out of a boy."

"General Hong is also an old man, with great ambitions." Qina replied.

"I still rely on you for my old arms and legs." General Hong's words were true.

"Don't say that, I still have to rely on you!" Qi Na said humbly.

"Oh, don't say that, let's help each other improve." General Hong said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, since General Hong promised Tian Xiu to give it to me, then I will thank her for her." Qina's sudden words surprised General Hong.

General Hong shook his head: "I didn't agree."

Qi Naqi said: "Didn't you say to help me improve? You are an elder, of course you have to help me, and of course you shouldn't embarrass me if you help me. If you don't embarrass me, of course you must give me Tianxiu."

Ye Tingfei burst out laughing, he couldn't admit that the old man and the young man were negotiating, the old man was his old leader, and the young man was Qi Na, who was known as the genius of heaven, the conversation between the two was too nonsensical.It's just talking about cross talk.

General Hong smiled slightly, as if he had a plan in mind: "I'm talking about supporting each other."

Qi Na also laughed.

The so-called mutual support means that both sides are unwilling to make concessions, so open the skylight and speak out.

The old and the young have been grinding for so long, and they have all seen the resilience of the other party. In such a way, neither party will hurt the peace, and both have tested the other's hole cards, so it's time for a showdown.

General Hong said: "The value of Tianxiu is immeasurable."

"So she was imprisoned by you for several months, and she was in danger!" Qi Na sarcastically said.

"Boss Qi, you have Bo Le's kindness to her." General Hong didn't care about Qi Na's disrespect.

"That's why Tianxiu should stay in the Qilin Wings." Qin Na said straight away.

"But there must be rules in everything, she is ours!" General Hong nodded at Qi Na, which meant that it was clear, you can make a price.Football stars also have transfer fees.

"I will not agree with you to invest in Qilin Wings." Qi Na began to show his bottom line one by one.

"I will not agree to maintain Tianxiu's status quo." Qina wanted to give Tianxiu an explanation.

General Hong nodded, but did not speak.

Qi Na was unwilling to continue, staring at General Hong.

General Hong glanced at Ye Tingfei.

Ye Tingfei coughed and said, "I think you understand the value of Tianxiu, but we can also understand the importance of Tianxiu to Qilin Wings. Now that there is such a thing, I think it is an opportunity for both parties to be able to Let's talk about it."

Ye Tingfei was not in the mood to play charades with them, and he said something frankly and honestly as soon as he came up: "The General Assembly Department hopes that you can assist us in the development and research of artificial intelligence, and help the information department of the headquarters to quickly improve the strength of artificial intelligence."

General Hong explained: "With your assistance, we believe that we can greatly improve the performance of control terminals in some areas, such as surface-to-air missiles." He said more thoroughly.

Qina nodded. It seemed that this was General Hong's real request.

(End of this chapter)

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