Need for little hackers

Chapter 252 Green Insurance Where to Stay

Chapter 252 Green Security ([-]) Landing

After hesitating for a while, Qi Na agreed, but he said again: "I can provide a piece of core code and help you with personnel training, but I will not touch weapons and final terminal debugging."

Military robots like Qinglong can still be regarded as defensive, and they are still within his controllable range. Missiles are not what he has the final say on.

General Hong nodded: "No problem, if they still can't develop advanced artificial intelligence with the core code and your training, then they can only spank their ass."

This matter has been negotiated, and Tian Xiu's matter is going through a process, meaning it is meaningless.Qina breathed a sigh of relief.

General Hong got up to shake hands with him, which meant that the cooperation was pleasant, but Qi Na didn't move, but said: "General Hong, since the headquarters has a very urgent need for artificial intelligence, then in the formation of the robot corps, there is a need to control them." Is there no demand?"

Ye Tingfei looked at Qina with a smile on his face, as if he saw a profiteer selling groceries.

He wanted to remind General Hong, but General Hong didn't see Ye Tingfei's eyes at all, but widened his eyes, wanting to listen to Qina's next words quietly.

Sure enough, Qi Na began to describe his combat command system eloquently, especially mentioning electromagnetic radiation, the working mode of electronic equipment under interference, and the radiation-proof and anti-interference materials for the robot he was about to develop.

The corners of General Hong's mouth were drooling.Repeatedly said: "Very good, very good."

As soon as Qi Na changed the subject, he was going to pack and sell these things to General Hong.

General Hong is worthy of being a soldier, with a firm will, he suddenly reacted: "Isn't this a matching package? Do you still need our money?"

Ye Tingfei heaved a sigh of relief. Although Lao Hong was old, he was not so old and confused.

Qina let out a sigh, with exaggerated contempt in his eyes, and said: "You buy a computer with an operating system and Office, but do you need to install broadband if you want to surf the Internet? If you want all the computers in your work unit to go online, do you still need to install it? To install a router and switch, to ensure that the Internet will not be attacked, do you need to buy a firewall, and if you want to put the company’s information on the Internet, do you need to buy a server and find someone who can make a website and write code? to do this?"

He said slowly: "You can't expect a computer to do all the work of routers, switches, firewalls, servers, and code writers. This is unrealistic. Even if this computer is powerful, these services will , It will also cause the computer performance to be unstable and unable to operate normally."

General Hong couldn't help but said, "It seems to make sense."

Ye Tingfei was also persuaded by Qi Na's rhetoric.

Qi Na said: "I can help you with the future combat command system, anti-radiation, and anti-jamming systems."

Seeing General Hong and Ye Tingfei looking at each other, he said: "We can change the cooperation method. We can add 30 million yuan to the total price of each robot in exchange for these things. There is no need for additional prices, and in addition we I can give you the agency rights of arms sales, and leave [-]% of the selling price to you. It can also help you generate some income. At that time, the price of military robots with a combat command system will double, and you will double your profits by then. "Arms sales It must go to the upper echelon, otherwise the businessman will sell the country if he sells it himself, and the Ministry of National Defense will not let it go.Qi Na knew this very well, so he simply proposed it on his own initiative, and added conditions by the way, to fight for his own interests.

General Hong was fascinated by the vision of Qi Na.

Fortunately, there is still a determined Ye Tingfei.He coughed.

General Hong smiled at Ye Tingfei in embarrassment, and finally said: "I have nothing to say about this matter, we will report your suggestion to the superior, and we will discuss it later. At the same time, I also brought you a report today. A gift. I hope you can accept it."

General Hong took out a file from the briefcase on his right and handed it to Qi Na.

Qi Na was extremely curious, and saw the two words “Secret” marked on the file, followed by a bunch of numbers.

He opened it curiously and was taken aback.He looked up at General Hong.

General Hong smiled at him.

It turns out that this dossier is a jigsaw puzzle of the life and work trajectories of the network hacker career at Qiener University up to a series of recent activities.

Although much of the information is new and obviously added recently, there is no doubt that the military has pieced together this complete trajectory of Qi Na's life.

General Hong said: "Young people made some mistakes when they were young, and God will forgive them."

Qi Na had mixed feelings. When he was young, he didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so he managed to sneak into the network of a certain military base, and thus infiltrated into the military network. The four of them illegally downloaded a large amount of top-secret military materials.They stole information only to exercise their skills and show off to friends on the Internet, but they really didn't leak it at first.

But after all, there are four people, each of them has different ideas and different living habits. At one time, a USB flash drive with some military materials was lost. They didn’t care about it at first. Unexpectedly, Qi Na logged on to the military website again and found that the military had found the data. Lost, this part of the leaked information caused the military deployment along the coast to become empty talk, and had a huge impact. The headquarters was thoroughly investigating the leak at the time, so a lieutenant had already been sent to a military court.

This news scared Qi Na to the shit, and leaked the state's military secrets. This was an event that would kill his head. Qi Na hurriedly informed his partners that it happened to be the graduation season.

General Hong said: "The information at that time did find your group of four, but then you suddenly disappeared, and the investigation could not continue. At that time, the headquarters thought that there might be ghosts, so everyone involved in the unit had to pass the test , causing complaints from all over the place. Later, the loophole was finally discovered, and everyone passed the test before it was over. But this case has become our first information security case. It has never been written off, and the pursuit has never been given up. But there are no more clues.”

"Until Tianxiu's persistence and the National Intelligence Bureau's discovery, these clues were combined and gathered to you." General Hong said: "However, it is meaningless now. The chief has approved the closure of the case, and this part of the file will be left to you." Let's talk about it as a souvenir."

Qi Na sighed: "This is also the reason why I was willing to take over the Qinglong project in the first place. There is a little bit of redemption in it."

"Okay, this matter is over. From now on, you can be as high-key or low-key as you like. There is nothing to worry about." General Hong said with a smile.

What he was talking about was exactly one of Qi Na's heart problems, and he didn't want to be too high-profile, because there was always a shadow in his heart.

Qi Na nodded and expressed his thanks to them again.

Originally received a gift from General Hong, Qi Na wanted to host a dinner for General Hong and Ye Tingfei, but General Hong shook his head and said, "You come with me now, someone has arranged for it tonight. Fortunately, you agreed to the invitation of the General Assembly Department, otherwise it would It wasn't a good dinner."

There was an invitation for dinner, and Qina just wanted to refuse, but according to what General Hong said, it seemed that the background was not small, so Qina nodded and followed General Hong.

This time he sat in a large military green SUV and drove at high speed all the way. After entering the urban area, the speed slowed down, and he went all the way along the central axis. He turned left in a busy city, and it was finally dark. He gradually lost his way, and the driver led him and General Hong through a guard post and stopped outside a courtyard.

General Hong and him were led by a secretary-like person into the main room of the courtyard house. Although it was a courtyard house, the entire house had been rebuilt, with blue bricks and gray tiles, but the floor was full of floor tiles and solid wood floors. The most important is the central hall, a pair of couplets, and the painting in the central hall is a scene of great rivers and mountains.A picture of a traditional old family home.

Qina was even more curious, but General Hong sat down facing him, leaving the upper and lower seats.

The waiter came in, made them tea and brought them refreshments.

Qina questioned who General Hong was, but General Hong refused to tell.

Qi Na had no choice but to keep silent.

Until the Chief shows up.

Only then did Qi Na wake up to the fact that the only one who could make General Hong make such a gesture was the chief.I am too slow.

The chief came with his wife, so General Hong took the lead, and the chief's wife and Qi Na faced each other.

Madam said: "This is a family banquet, please feel free."

Qina was a little cautious at first, after all, he was going to someone's house for dinner.

On the contrary, the chief and his wife were very relaxed. The chief kept talking about the robots he had witnessed, which made the chief's wife very envious.

After half a catty of wine, Qi Na relaxed, and talked endlessly about the problems of robots and artificial intelligence with the chief's wife.

He said it was a family banquet, and it really was a family banquet. The chief did not mention the cooperation with the General Assembly Department of the Ministry of National Defense. At the end of his farewell, the chief held Qi Na's hand and asked him to continue to contribute to the national defense project.

Qi Na calmly shook hands with the chief and said goodbye.

For him, in addition to designing weapons, it is more important to contribute to the country's tax revenue and create jobs for the country.

The calmness towards him surprised General Hong.General Hong sent him to the hotel he had booked. General Hong also drank a lot of wine. After Qin Na's repeated request, the driver sent General Hong there.

Qina only had a backpack and a T-shirt in winter, a typical image of an IT dog, and walked into the five-star hotel that Emily had booked.

But when Qi Na showed his ID card to check in, the hotel clerk was very sorry and said, "Sir, your reservation has expired, and we don't have any rooms."

Qi Na was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean?"

The waiter still kept smiling: "Our rooms are fully booked."

Qina glanced at the electronic clock on the opposite side, it was already ten o'clock, and it was indeed very late. Qina didn't know how Emily made the reservation, so he tried to ask: "I should check in directly here, you guys?" Did you make a mistake?!"

The hotel responded: "Sorry, there are no more rooms."

Qi Na was very depressed, but he didn't bring his mobile phone, so he had to borrow a phone from the front desk, but was rejected: "Sorry, our phone cannot make outside calls."

Qi Na feels that his experience today is like a black comedy. He just had dinner with the leader, but he is faced with the embarrassment of having nowhere to stay.The contrast was so great that Qi Na felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Seeing the fake smile on the waiter's face, Qi Na gradually became angry, but at least he suppressed his dissatisfaction. Just as he was about to speak, a guest came behind him and checked in directly with his ID card.

Qi Na was dumbfounded, pointed at the man and said, "Isn't this a pre-registration?"

"But your pre-registration has expired sir."

Qina waved his hand, not wanting to talk to the front desk, thinking about whether to borrow a mobile phone from the guests in the lobby to call Emily, or go outside to find a public phone.

(End of this chapter)

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