Need for little hackers

Chapter 256 Green Security Loophole

Chapter 256 Green Insurance ([-]) Loophole

Qina is not the kind of person who has not experienced big storms. In the face of assassinations, accidents, and explosions, he has already seen through life and death.

The difference is that he cherishes the safety of those around him more.Therefore, he is willing to help others and treat everyone around him well.

But right in front of his eyes, he watched Li Chenguang, his old classmate who had defected to him by chance, die tragically in front of him, and he claimed to be omnipotent, but at this moment he was helpless.

This dislocation produced a huge loss, which made Qina feel deep pain and regret.

He even regretted that he shouldn't have this trip to BJ!

If he hadn't come to BJ by himself, Li Chenguang would not have been in danger, let alone die.

His family will be the same as usual, watching Li Chenguang leave early and return late every day.

And now?

Perhaps, what if I didn't agree to the dinner that night?
How could these latter things happen? !
At that time, he was moved by the influence of the graceful Li Sufen, and his subconscious mind was disturbed by hormones. Even after the meal, he tried his best to control his emotions!
But when the decision to go to the banquet was made, the final result may have been doomed.

Qina thought about every detail.Regret and self-blame.

But he never let go of the murderer.

Qi Na buried the pain deeply in his heart, determined to take revenge, no matter who it was, no matter how far away, he would investigate to the end, revenge, revenge, revenge.

At this moment, he was patiently waiting for the news from Ye Tingfei, because the attack target was Qi Na, which aroused great attention from the top military officials, and even the head of the military intervened in this matter, so the entire BJ's police circle immediately launched a huge momentum at the end of the year crack down on.

The investigation of this case is also carried out by a joint investigation team composed of the police and the military.

On the other hand, Zheng Xiumin and Wu Jun personally visited Li Chenguang's family to express their condolences. Faced with Li's mother who shouted to return my son, Zheng Xiumin burst into tears.

And Wu Jun explained the whole thing to Li Chenguang's father and wife alone.

Because of the investigation of the case under consideration, this case was reported and conveyed as an ordinary traffic accident, and it was not disclosed that Qi Na was in the car.

In fact, when Qi Na was in such an ordinary limousine, even General Hong couldn't believe it, and the chief was also inexplicably surprised, and even euphemistically told Qi Na that he needs to pay attention to safety.

But this sentence feels a bit of an afterthought now.

In fact, when he heard that Qi Na was going to BJ, Wu Jun proposed to organize a special person to be responsible for Qi Na's safety, and even drafted a huge working team to serve Qi Na, including doctors, masseuses and so on.

But when Qi Na saw it, he immediately vetoed it. He said that he was alone, a meeting, a reporter interview, and three meals at most, and there would be no other activities, and he lived in a five-star hotel. , As long as you are careful, you will be fine. He also joked to Lisa and Emily: "Ordinary people, three or five are not my opponents. In addition, I don't believe that someone will target me. It's incredible."

But he never expected that someone would actually attack him.

Qi Na's self-blame also included the vetoed security work, and Li Chenguang was killed because of his carelessness.

Now people only know that Li Chenguang, the chief representative of the BJ representative office of Lifeline, died in a car accident, but they don't know that Qi Na was also in the car at the time, but his life was saved.

Except for Li's mother who was a little out of control, everyone in the Li family was very calm and said to Wu Jun, "I'm listening to the police, as long as I can find out the truth."

Wu Jun also gave Li Chenguang's family a high pension, up to 2000 million. In addition, Zheng Xiumin said that in the future, he will give Li Chenguang's parents and wife a safe living expenses every month until they don't need it.

But the Li family did not respond to this. After all, the dead were the father of the child, the son of the parents, and the husband of the wife. They were the core of the family.How could they have the mind and mood to care about these things?
When everything was going on in an orderly manner, some posts began to spread on the Internet, such as "Li Chenguang deserved his death, drinking and driving and playing car shocks, hurting innocent residents."

This post spread rumors that Li Chenguang was drinking and driving, playing with car shocks, which caused a car accident and killed three people, the driver, the assistant, and the chef.

Such malicious rumors can easily cause emotional fluctuations in family members.Moreover, it is extremely easy to provoke the one-way thinking of angry youths, so it was reproduced on the Internet one after another, causing a lot of abuse and slander.It has affected the image of life online.

Wu Jun quickly issued a statement, mourning Li Chenguang, and explained the cause of the accident at the time, emphasizing again and again that Li Chenguang was indeed drinking that night, but he was driving another professional old driver, and he was the co-pilot at the time, and the back seat It was Li Sufen and her female assistant.

Li Sufen's hotel group also issued a statement.

But this did not quell the rumors, but attracted more people to study the accident.

First of all, some people questioned, Li Sufen is a high-ranking, beautiful person, much higher rank than Li Chenguang, how could she have dinner with Li Chenguang?This is clearly problematic?

Immediately, some people speculated that there might actually be a fifth person, and who it would be. This character was almost ready to be revealed. The Qi Na who appeared in front of the TV station and foreign media that day could be anyone else.

According to the tacit understanding between Lisa and Zheng Xiumin, Lisa also issued a short statement, to the effect that a dinner was indeed arranged that night, but Qi Na shirked it and took the night shift high-speed train business class back to Ningnan that night.

However, the news of these explanations and statements did not quell malicious speculation and gossip questions.But it has aroused the curiosity of netizens.

Previously, some online posts had exposed that Qi Na was romantic by nature, and seeing that he was surrounded by women, one would know that he was a cat.

So gradually some people involved Qi Na's personal virtues, thinking that something must have happened between Qi Na and Li Sufen.

Faced with these rumors, Lisa decided not to respond, and Zheng Xiumin also decided to deal with them coldly.

But when the rumors were spreading, Qi Na found Lisa and asked her to seek help from the railway department, and then issued a statement, asking the railway department to prove that Qi Na had left BJ at that time.

The foreign propaganda of the railway department immediately received the help of the joint investigation team of the military and the police, and forged a surveillance photo of Qi Na boarding the high-speed train at [-] o'clock in the evening.

Zheng Xiumin saw this photo, so she called Lisa, thinking that the whole thing should calm down, but Lisa was full of uneasiness.

"Qina was in the business class. Even if there were few people in the business class that night, he got on and off the bus. His image is so outstanding. How could no one see him?" Lisa said anxiously: "This will definitely be exposed by others." .”

Zheng Xiumin was puzzled: "Then why do you still make such a statement?"

"I don't know, Qi Na asked for it." Lisa explained.

Sure enough, as Lisa expected, in less than four hours, some passengers on the forum questioned that she had brought a lot of luggage, so she carried it out from the time the bus arrived at the station. She was trying to find a strong passenger to help , but did not find out, she questioned whether Qi Na was in the car at the time, and the photos of the railway department were fake.

Many people were dumbfounded by the photos of the railway department, and thought that the matter was over, but unexpectedly, some people still questioned it. They were all excited, thinking that there might still be something tricky, so someone tried to log in to the railway through internal connections. The ticketing inquiry system of the department retrieved the passenger information of the business class, but they were disappointed. The ticketing system of the railway department actually recorded that only the business class ticket of this high-speed train was sold that night. Affected by the blizzard, less than [-]% of the tourists were there, and there were not many passengers. In addition, it was late at night when we arrived in Ningnan, so it was normal for ordinary passengers not to see Qina.

It seems that a drama about human flesh questioning on the Internet is about to die down.

Lisa, Zheng Xiumin, Emily, Dai Xiaolan and others who were always paying attention to this bloody drama all breathed a sigh of relief, quietly waiting for the smoke to clear away.

Then just wait for the results of the military-police joint investigation team.Everyone has such an idea.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, in the whole day after that, although there were still people making all kinds of unimaginable speculations, the state of the entire public opinion was irreversibly calmed down.People turned their attention to the Spring Festival travel that has already started.

Unexpectedly, everything was unsatisfactory, a photo of Qi Na with his head down in a luxury car was posted on the Internet, this is a group of photos, in addition to Qi Na with his head down in a luxury car, there is also a photo of Li Sufen and Qi Na walking out of the hotel together , There is also a surveillance photo of the vehicle passing the toll booth.The time recorded in this group of photos is obviously different from the time disclosed by Qilin Wings and Life Online.

What does this mean?
The entire Qilin Wing and Lifeline are lying, not only that, the railway department is also cooperating with them in lying.

So the angry netizens forgot to shout for the hard-to-find train tickets of the migrant workers, but were immersed in the emotion of being deceived and fooled. They launched crazy cyber attacks on Qilin Wings and Life Online. Unfortunately, The swarming of their forces is a disaster for any website, but for Qilin Wings and Life Online, it is painless, just sprinkling water.

But it was the end of the year, so netizens began to change their strategies. They clicked a large number of purchases and payments in various stores on Life Online, causing the store’s goods to be removed from the shelves, and then when the goods were received by Kylin Wings Logistics, everyone canceled According to the regulations of Life Online, these operations are normal behaviors and will not be punished, but this caused a large number of shops to be emptied and removed from the shelves, and at the same time, the logistics platform of Kylin Wings also produced a large number of invalid operations. , making the system under enormous pressure.

However, apparently the angry netizens didn't realize that they are just such three tricks. Soon, Peter took over the fully automatic operation of Life Online. He reviewed all the IDs and IPs that had similar operations. Some confirmed malicious accounts were suspended.

At the same time, some reckless netizens were dealt with in a punitive manner. He suspended the order cancellation function of these IDs, and prompted "The server is too busy. It seems that there are too many friends canceling orders at this time." This is simply Naked slaps in the face.

It’s not as simple as that. Peter also gave priority to the delivery of these goods. According to the regulations of Life Online, once they enter the logistics and transmission link, they are not allowed to return, so these netizens had to accept a bunch of goods they didn’t need. Communicate the return with the seller.

These secondary developments have become the condiment for the cyber attacks launched by netizens on Qilin Wings and Life Online.

Some netizens with a clear mind laughed at them for doing it for themselves, so netizens started to pinch each other again.

Both Life Online and Qilin Wings refused to visit.

Facing Lisa and Zheng Xiumin, Qi Na explained lightly: "Making photos of getting on the train is a big loophole, but I just want to release such a loophole, waiting for people to discover it. The person who can prove my loophole is The culprit."

"Now I'm waiting."

After Qi Na finished, both Lisa and Zheng Xiumin felt his murderous intent and shuddered.

"Qina, Ye Tingfei is here." Emily opened the door and came in.

(End of this chapter)

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