Need for little hackers

Chapter 257 Green Insurance The world is impermanent

Chapter 257 Green Insurance ([-]) The world is impermanent

Of course, Ye Tingfei did not come alone, beside him was Major Wu, the military representative of the Joint Investigation Team.

Major Wu saluted Qi Na, which made Qi Na a little uncomfortable.Ye Tingfei glanced at Lisa and Zheng Xiumin behind him, hesitant.

But Qina said: "Let's talk, they are all mine."

One sentence can be understood in two ways.

Ye Tingfei and Major Wu understand that Lisa and Zheng Xiumin are trustworthy people. After all, the content to be reported to Qi Na is highly confidential and cannot be disclosed.

But Lisa and Zheng Xiumin both blushed, they were all his people, when did they promise him?
Major Wu looked stern, and said to Qi Na: "Colonel Qi, about this attack"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Na interrupted him: "I'm not a colonel, don't make a mistake."

Major Wu looked blank, but Lisa and Zheng Xiumin were even more surprised: "Colonel Qi?"

Ye Tingfei pulled Major Lawu awkwardly, and said in a low voice, "Qina didn't accept the arrangement of his superiors, so this title is inappropriate now."

Lisa asked Qi Na curiously, and Qi Na answered them embarrassingly. Ye Tingfei approached Qi Na the day before yesterday and said that the Military Commission considered Qi Na's safety and intentionally recruited Qi Na and awarded him the title of colonel. He was originally a major general, but his age Too small, not so fast, just get a colonel to overshoot, and then appoint him as the chief expert in information.

Qina is not stupid, of course he understands that this arrangement is based on multiple assumptions, but overall it can be regarded as recruiting security, but Qina can also be regarded as a member of the system in a yellow robe and mandarin jacket, and with an amulet, those who are against Qina Organizations that are eyeing it, including the media, probably have to weigh it.

Zheng Xiumin was a little excited when she heard it, but she immediately shook her head when she thought about it. This is obviously not in line with Qi Na's consistent independent and free personality.

But Lisa knew that Qi Na was desperately pulling Tian Xiu out of the system, so how could she jump in by herself?

Sure enough, Qi Na immediately rejected Ye Tingfei, saying that he would not accept it. His attitude was even clear that he was equal to the chief and General Hong. He insisted on this bottom line, and would never give up these bottom lines and principles for a little sweetness.

Ye Tingfei expressed his understanding.But it seems that he did not convey Qi Na's attitude back.

Ye Tingfei explained to Major Wu, apologized to Qi Na, and said, "I reported to my superiors, but they insisted that I continue to persuade you, so there was a time lag in between, I'm sorry."

Qina nodded, not blaming Ye Tingfei, but said: "I hope you can explain my attitude to your superiors clearly. If you feel any difficulties, I can communicate with them directly."

Ye Tingfei was extremely embarrassed, and quickly said: "No, no, I will explain clearly."

Back to the topic, Major Wu introduced the progress of the joint investigation team.

The joint investigation team found the vehicle that caused the accident on the second day of the incident. It was a heavy-duty trailer truck. This kind of truck was not allowed to enter the Fourth Ring Road, but this vehicle entered the urban area. Except for the reason of late night, The investigation team believes that it has something to do with the weather, that is, the snowstorm.

Hearing this, everyone felt that the surname Wu was too wordy.

Even Ye Tingfei felt that the pace of his speech was too slow, and he wasn't writing case analysis, did he want to be so detailed?He urged: "Let's focus on the key points. Mr. Qi has a lot of things to do, and everyone is very busy."

Major Wu let out an oh, and then sped up the tempo.

The joint investigation team quickly found out the information of the owner and driver of the heavy truck, but when they found the driver on duty, they were strangled to death and stuffed into the freezer. The owner of the car and the assailant had made a phone call, and the assailant lived in this car for two days under a false name.

But when the assailant abandoned the car, he burned the front of the car with gasoline, so no valuable clues were left behind.The investigation of this lead has made limited progress.

The investigation team turned to investigate the passengers in the car. Li Sufen, who was in shock, provided a clue. When they came out of the Mongolian Hotel, Li Chenguang asked the driver why he took the small road to the south instead of the ring road. Usually, the ring road might be blocked. , but after ten o'clock at night and heavy snowfall, the traffic must be smooth.

But the driver at the time replied that it was because of a traffic accident on the side road.

Immediately, the investigation team checked the recordings of the traffic broadcast that night, as well as the accident report of the traffic police department that night. There was no accident on the ring side road, and the radio did not broadcast these messages. What they said was to remind drivers and friends to slow down and pay attention. Safety.

So the investigation was directed at the driver, who was married and had a son. After checking his financial information, he found that he had received a transfer of 200 million yuan that afternoon, and the transfer description was the word "help".

But the driver's wife didn't know about the 200 million yuan, and even the bank card was temporarily issued by the driver in the afternoon.

And following the bank's transfer information, there was no clue. Obviously, the other party was well prepared and carefully protected his secrets and tail, leaving nothing for the joint investigation team.

In this situation, Qi Na took the initiative to throw out the loophole, and finally led to the fox. Qi Na was categorical. Netizens can't wait to jump out of the siege, trying to use the photo information in their hands to make trouble, but unexpectedly fall into Qi Na's trap instead.

Maybe they are too confident to believe that they will be reversed.

The initial investigation team did not believe this clue, but through this clue, the investigation team finally got some conclusions and next work plan.

Lisa listened to what Major Wu said in detail, and she also corresponded to the Internet war a few days ago, but she still couldn't wait to ask: "Major Wu, what is your conclusion?"

Major Wu glanced at Ye Tingfei and then at Qi Na, he seemed a little hesitant, but Ye Tingfei urged him: "Don't be tricky, just say it directly."

"This attack was launched by the Green World Organization," Major Wu said calmly.

"Green World Organization?" Both Lisa and Zheng Xiumin were in disbelief.

It is unbelievable that this extreme environmentalist organization, which conducts propaganda and activities under the name of the great trust of human civilization, even started to carry out assassinations, but Major Wu will soon present the evidence in front of them.

This is a copy of a dossier with some color photographs.

Major Wu said: "After the other party posted the photos, we immediately paid attention to them. We are very lucky that they are still posting, so we have a lot of room for maneuver. Although the other party uses multiple proxies to surf the Internet, the IP address information cannot be queried, but By learning about the tool software information he used, blocking these tool software, forcing him to constantly change proxy servers and tool software, and finally forcing them to show their fox tails, they were locked up immediately.”

Zheng Xiumin glanced at Qi Na, it seems that many things should be done by Qi Na himself, she felt that the Green World Organization found the wrong opponent.

Major Wu continued: "After locking the target, we arrested them. They are the middle managers of Green World." Inquired, and got some valuable clues. One of them is the flow of money. Green World Organization did lose a huge amount of money, about 400 million, a month ago. I believe this huge amount of money is divided into two parts, 200 million to buy the driver , took an abnormal route, and we speculate that the other part should be the cost of hiring killers."

"Actually, there are still some details linking the Green World Organization and this attack." Ye Tingfei said: "So we are sure that there is a debtor, and the creditor is the Green World Organization."

Zheng Xiumin asked: "Then what should we do next?"

"Currently, the Green World Organization has been attacked. The 610 Office has announced that the Green World Organization is a cult. This attack is to completely defeat the Green World Organization, collect more information, and find the real murderer." Ye Tingfei said .

After talking for a long time, in fact, the real murderer has not been brought to justice. Lisa and Zheng Xiumin felt a little regretful.

Ye Tingfei continued: "We will close the case as soon as possible, you have to trust us, the entire investigation team is working overtime..." He saw the disdainful expressions of Lisa and Zheng Xiumin, and wanted to explain.

Qina interrupted him: "Okay, I see."

After the meeting, Lisa and Zheng Xiumin left Qi Na's office, Ye Tingfei took out another stack of files, handed them to Qi Na, and said, "Tian Xiu's."

This should be one of the achievements of Qi Na's entry into BJ, Tian Xiu's complete set of discharge documents, Qi Na can't help but sigh, lamenting the impermanence of the world.Thinking of his old classmate Li Chenguang again, he almost burst into tears.

But in front of Ye Tingfei, he forced himself to be calm and dialed the internal number. Tian Xiu didn't know why, so he walked into Qina's office impatiently. Seeing Ye Tingfei was there, he felt embarrassed, his cheeks flushed, and he didn't know what to say All right.

Qin Na looked at her appearance as a pissed off young daughter-in-law, and thought of her once fierce and enthusiastic, and the system is a good model, if you change your appearance, you will have to change it.

Qi Na handed the document to her and asked her to sign it if she felt that there was no problem, completely bleaching her identity.

Tian Xiu picked up the files and checked them one by one. In the short few minutes, the expression on his face changed several times, like oil paint falling into the water. Finally, he couldn't help but shed tears of excitement, gritted his teeth silently, took the Picking up a pen that Ye Tingfei handed over, he signed his discharge document with a swipe of the pen, and Ye Tingfei applauded enthusiastically.

Ye Tingfei said: "From now on, you are an employee of Qilin Wings and have nothing to do with us."

Tian Xiu carefully wiped away the tears rolling down her cheeks, without speaking.

But Qi Na asked Ye Tingfei: "Has your intelligence team taken back?"

Ye Tingfei laughed and said: "It's been taken back a long time ago, so don't think too much about it, do you think I will secretly arrange another intelligence unit? I have no intention but powerless." After speaking, Ye Tingfei just laughed.

Qi Na curled his lips, of course he knew that Ye Tingfei's words had something in them, and they were absolutely not credible, but he was in control of everything in the factory, and he could see all the little tricks of the military, so he was not afraid of Ye Tingfei's tricks.

The office was clean, and Qina sat alone in the office, feeling hard to calm down.

Li Chenguang's death made him unable to let go. He wanted to visit Li Chenguang's family at first, but was rejected by Wu Jun and others. After that, he could only ask the company to give his family more money compensation.

But he understands that money cannot replace a living person.When people are gone, they are gone. No matter how good life is, there are still defects.

Li Chenguang's family may need more time to adjust to the accident.But what else can he do to help his family?
give money?
No, to find out the truth and bring the murderer to justice, maybe in this way we can have an explanation for Li Chenguang and his family.

Perhaps this is also an explanation for myself.

(End of this chapter)

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