Need for little hackers

Chapter 258 Green Insurance Be careful

Chapter 258 Green Security ([-]) Be careful

Just as people took the scandal about Qi Na's affair with Li Sufen, the general manager of a five-star hotel as a fact, and extended it into a scandal, because someone died in this incident.

The whole trend of public opinion is attacking the dishonesty of Kirin Wings, and some people even threw an unknown liquid at the five-star hotel where Li Sufen is staying. Quite a few netizens applauded this, thinking that the liquid should be urine, not because it is not yellow and white Sorry for the mix.

Lisa and Zheng Xiumin have received Qi Na's instruction and don't move for now. Lisa attaches great importance to the word-of-mouth relationship with Qilin Wing. In her opinion, this kind of scandal has greatly damaged the image of Qilin Wing, so she is extremely anxious.

Qina looked at her, and said unhurriedly: "There are a lot of nonsense people in this world, and few of them would really see their own image as spotless. You are not a Virgo, why are you so stubborn?" ?”

Qi Na took a bite of the steak and continued: "How many people are there who abuse us? The so-called public opinion is only influenced by these people who want to speak -- in my opinion, it's just the angry youth. What really affects the current situation is the Most of them won't be them!"

"The current situation?" Xiang Yuyao next to Lisa was a little confused.

"For me, those who can afford Suzaku robots are the most important. They are those who influence and influence the current situation." Qi Na explained.

Lisa didn't say a word, and she couldn't agree with Qi Na's attitude. Although she is not a Virgo, she cherishes Qilin Wing's external image very much. In other words, she regards Qilin Wing as more important than herself.

Seeing Lisa's preoccupation, Qi Na suddenly felt that the delicious steak was boring, and pushed away the plate and said to Lisa, "Forget it, let me tell you the truth. Ye Tingfei has already arranged a press conference, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock .At that time, the specifications will be relatively high, and a blow to the green world will also be announced. So you don’t need to explain, the clearer clears itself.”

Lisa was taken aback, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why didn't you say it earlier."

Qina shrugged: "I don't want you to get involved here."

Xiang Yuyao pulled Lisa down: "Hurry up, Qicheng's steak is really tender."

Lisa snorted and ignored Qi Na.

The dinner tonight was initiated by Xiang Yuyao, originally there was Zheng Xiumin, but she went to BJ for a business trip.

The steakhouse was the beginning of all the relationship between Xiang Yuyao and Qi Na, so the two exchanged eyes many times.However, there have been a lot of things recently, and there is no more intersection between them.

Xiang Yuyao said at this time: "It turns out that we want to attack the Green World Organization. No wonder the demonstrations and banners at our gates have disappeared since yesterday."

Lisa nodded: "The ones at our door are gone too. It seems that Ye Tingfei is still more reliable than Du Juan."

Another meaning of what she said was full of dissatisfaction with Du Juan.Xiang Yuyao smiled: "I heard that Du Juan will be transferred soon."

This kind of official news was unknown to Lisa and Qi Na, Lisa muttered: "No wonder I haven't seen Liu Shuangshuang these days."

Xiang Yuyao smiled: "She is probably hesitating whether to go with Du Juan or not!"

Qi Na asked curiously: "Where is Du Juan going to be transferred? Who will be the new one?"

Xiang Yuyao shook her head: "It's hard to say, it's possible to go to a province where the old and the young are poor, and become a high-ranking official."

Qina nodded: "That's not a good thing either."

"Oh, you can't say that. After the vice-government, there will be high-ranking officials and secretaries, as long as she doesn't make any mistakes." Xiang Yuyao explained: "She has a wide network of contacts. I believe that after a few projects, her career will skyrocket. .”

Lisa didn't have a good impression of Du Juan, and said, "It doesn't matter if she's a superstar or not, I just want to replace her with a woman, women are too difficult to deal with."

Xiang Yuyao glanced at Qi Na: "Why do women make things difficult for women?"

Qi Na laughed too.

Du Juan is overly cautious, suspicious, lacking courage, good at calculating, but lacks the overall situation, but there is another advantage, that is, she is not greedy.

Qi Na raised his red wine glass and said to the two beauties in front of him, "Don't worry about it, let's toast and see Secretary Du Juan off."

He inexplicably added an old man, and immediately summed up the image of Du Juan. Xiang Yuyao and Lisa looked at each other and applauded.

After dinner, everyone was about to leave, and Xiang Yuyao took the initiative to ask Lisa to take Qina home, with the faint intention of avoiding suspicion.

Lisa naturally understood, but she didn't explain it clearly, she just complained about Qi Na: "It was supposed to provide him with a driver, bodyguard, and special car, but who knows that he would not want it anyway. It is not necessary to say that I am not a high-end person."

"He's just a loose character and can't stand restraint. You might as well kill him if you get him a few bodyguards who follow every day." Xiang Yuyao laughed.

Qi Na came out of the bathroom, walked over, and complained: "It's so annoying, I was accosted when I went to the bathroom."

As he spoke, Lisa saw a beautiful woman following him.

Lisa's complexion darkened, although she knew that this had nothing to do with Qina, but she always felt uncomfortable.

Xiang Yuyao smiled and said, "In the future, you will have to arrange someone to clear the venue for you when you go out." Of course, this was a joke, but according to the development trend of Qilin Wings, Qi Na's influence is getting bigger and bigger, which is probably inevitable.

When they reached the parking lot, Xiang Yuyao waved to them to say goodbye, and Qina pulled Xiang Yuyao back and said, "Don't worry!"

Lisa was startled, thinking that he was going to show off in front of her, and Xiang Yuyao was also a little uneasy, but Qi Na said, "Be careful in everything."

He took Xiang Yuyao's car key, pressed it, and the car lights flashed, and Xiang Yuyao understood what he meant.He sneered, "Do you think there really are car bombs?"

Qina nodded, with a serious face, which made Xiang Yuyao a little embarrassed, and glanced at Lisa.

Lisa is also a little funny, but can't laugh.

Qi Na approached the car and patted it lightly, then carefully opened the door, and leaned over to check the bottom of the car.I looked inside and out again, and felt that there was no problem, so I turned around and walked over, and said to Xiang Yuyao, "It should be all right."

Xiang Yuyao snatched the key from Qi Na's hand and scolded with a smile: "Your imagination is too rich."

Lisa looked embarrassed: "He has already checked my car and Emily's today."

Xiang Yuyao turned to look at Lisa, a little surprised.

She was just about to speak, hoping to appease Qina's sensitive heart, when she heard a loud bang of "Boom~~~~" and "Boom~~~~", a wave of heat hit her, and she lost control and flew up , When she reacted, her entire back fell on the muddy ground after the snow.It's also fortunate that the parking lot is dirt, otherwise the back of the head would have suffered a concussion.

She was thankful that her brain was safe, and then she remembered the safety of Qi Na and Lisa.

Struggling to get up, the car in front of him was engulfed in flames. The impact of the explosion caused the upper half of the car body to be torn apart, and the debris was everywhere.

Xiang Yuyao looked at Qi Na again, and saw that a broken strip from a car was inserted into Qi Na's shoulder blade, and blood was already streaming down. Lisa was under him, and one of his hands was pressed under Lisa's head. The incident happened suddenly, but Qi Na's first reaction was to protect Lisa's safety. She was a little jealous of Lisa, and she also envied Lisa very much.

She wanted to get up, but still fell down. Qina regained consciousness, and cursed: "I didn't see it, how could I still be tricked?"

"You're hurt." Lisa was terrified.

When Qina looked down, he realized that he was injured. The fragment was long and pointed, passing through the shoulder blade, revealing a little thorn, and blood flowed out.

Qina cursed again: "Fucking shit."

After saying that, his legs went limp, and he knelt down in front of Lisa and Xiang Yuyao, falling into their arms.

At this time, the surroundings also woke up from the tranquility after the snow, and there were countless shouts and terrified cries, and some people were beckoning to fight the fire, calling 110, 119, 120 and so on.

When Qina woke up again, he had already undergone surgery and was lying in the ward.

When I opened my eyes, I saw not Lisa, Xiang Yuyao, Emily, Zheng Xiumin, but that little nurse Yang Tingting.

Seeing him waking up, Yang Tingting said happily, "Mr. Qi, you're awake, I'll call Sister Xiang and Sister Lisa."

Qina snorted, the anesthetic had just passed, he said vaguely: "TV."

Yang Tingting hurriedly turned on the TV and adjusted it to the news channel for him.

Outside the room, Xiang Yuyao and Lisa rushed into the ward, and they were relieved to see Qi Na wake up. Qi Na saw the bloodstains on Lisa's cheek, and was secretly glad in his heart.Although he was injured, he was able to protect Lisa's safety. Looking at Xiang Yuyao, it was no big deal, and all the worries in his heart disappeared.

It was already past four o'clock in the morning, and the three of them briefly said a few words, and Xiang Yuyao asked Lisa to go home to rest, but Qi Na said, "No, you all stay here, I feel more at ease by my side."

He changed his mind to Zheng Xiumin, so he asked Lisa to call Zheng Xiumin and ask her to be careful.

Lisa said: "I called her earlier, and I also called Duan Shifei. Emily has also sent an emergency notice to everyone, asking everyone to increase their safety alert."


Qina felt that his eyelids were getting heavy, knowing that it was an anesthetic, he didn't resist, and after muttering something, he closed his eyes again and fell asleep unknowingly.

Xiang Yuyao stretched out the accompanying bed, which was only one meter wide, and Lisa whispered, "How do you sleep here?"

Xiang Yuyao said: "Go to sleep, I will sit for a while."

Lisa shook her head and said, "That won't work, you're working too hard." She suddenly thought, "Otherwise we'll be together, and I'll hug you." She was a little embarrassed as she said that.

Xiang Yuyao chuckled: "Aren't you afraid that I'll sneak attack you?"

"What?" The innocent Lisa didn't understand the meaning of Xiang Yuyao's words, but she seemed to think of something, and her face immediately turned red.

The next day two pieces of news shocked the world.

Based on the work briefing of the joint investigation team, the Ministry of Public Security held a high-level media briefing to report the "vicious traffic accident" that killed four people, and explained in detail the whole story.

This report surprised everyone. In the calm atmosphere of the Shoushan District, such a murder case actually happened. It even faked a traffic accident and burned a car with gasoline. It was the first time that the public heard the official words The term professional killer is both familiar and unfamiliar, and the dark world seems to be around us.

Announced and explained some announcements and explanations made by Kirin Wings in cooperation with the investigation of the Ministry of Public Security.It's not that Qilin Wings is avoiding questions or being dishonest.

At the same time, it was announced that the Green World Organization was precisely defined as a terrorist organization, not a cult organization as previously defined.

At the end of the briefing, relevant personnel announced a set of arrest warrants.

The explosion that happened in Ningnan the night before was also confirmed to be a premeditated car bomb, and the target was Qi Na.

The case was reported by the media, which sent chills down the spine of countless people, and at the same time ignited a year: serial hunting.

But as to whether it is also with the Green World Organization, the police did not respond.

All the doubts and mistrust of Qilin Wings on the Internet disappeared in an instant.Countless people expressed their apologies to Qilin Zhiyi, and at the same time wished Qi Na a speedy recovery.

Countless people even rushed to the No.1 People's Hospital, presenting bouquets and expressing a little bit of blessing.

The world is so impermanent and so real.

(End of this chapter)

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