Need for little hackers

Chapter 262 Actual Combat Another Battle

Chapter 262 Actual Combat ([-]) Fight Again

Gao Qinglin said to everyone: "During this time, I have been thinking about the weapon system of Qinglong robot. Due to the limited conditions, there are only some marginal products. A sniper scope that can exchange data with the robot. I also cooperated with Tianxiu to develop a positioning system, oh , not our positioning, obtain the position of the opponent's fighters through various means, then track and calculate the action trajectory of the opponent's fighters, and update the system of each robot participating in the battle through the network synchronously, so that the attack efficiency will be greatly improved. "

Tian Xiu was a little embarrassed at the side: "It's just a gadget." To her, this thing is really not worth mentioning.She added: "The associated command and control system has been completed, version number is 0."

The version number is 0, which means it is still in the testing stage, Qina nodded, and was very happy to hear the feedback from the two favorite generals, and said: "Then send these equipment and systems to the battlefield for testing. "

Tian Xiu left the ward with Min Rui and Gao Qinglin, leaving only Lisa.

Lisa thought that he just wanted to be alone with her, but Qi Na mentioned the idea of ​​starting another company, which couldn't even be invested by Kirin Wings.But all research and development is still carried out in Kirin Wings.

After Qi Na explained the reason, Lisa said worriedly: "I understand that you are worried, but isn't it just trying to cover up what you're doing?"

"But there is always an extra firewall, so let's put the R&D base in Asakawa. Let Jianning continue to requisition the land." Qi Na arranged.

"Then who will be arranged to run the company?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know, this matter is not very urgent, let's discuss it later. If necessary, call the board of directors, Xiang Yuyao, Zheng Xiumin, and Wu Jun to discuss together." Qi Na said this, it seems that there is another meaning, everyone wants to make a fortune come together?

Lisa was a little confused, but the extra [-] units order was good news, and she was extremely happy.

The next day, a large truck drove into Qilin Nest and came out with a full load in less than two hours. This time, the destination of the large truck was a military airport in the western suburbs of southern Ningxia. Soon a military transport plane roared into the blue sky.

Qina endured nearly three hours of turbulence before arriving at the military base adjacent to the border.But there are still hundreds of kilometers to go to the border to approach the bandits in the Golden Triangle.So the two already prepared helicopters are ready.

Thirty Qinglong robots came down from the transport plane, walking neatly and in the same shape. The base leaders who greeted them were dumbfounded at this moment.He suddenly understood the real reason why his superiors demanded absolute secrecy.

A fully automated loading and unloading vehicle carrying a desk-sized box was at the forefront of the robot line. Its robotic arm loaded the box into the helicopter, and the previously spacious aircraft immediately became crowded.

The robots didn't complain, but filed in one after another, filling the helicopter to the brim, even though their bodies were extremely awkward, they didn't make a sound.

The director of the base couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, it's a robot, so there's no need to mention discipline. It's highly obedient to orders, and it doesn't even say a word or make a sound. It's too shocking."

"They don't use language to communicate, but communicate through wireless information streams, so you can't hear their complaints. In fact, they haven't stopped complaining since they got off the plane." A tall man appeared next to the base supervisor, frightened One supervisor.

It was Qi Na who spoke, and he greeted.

Under the watchful eye of the base supervisor, Qi Na boarded another helicopter, accompanied by Ye Tingfei and Gao Qinglin.

And the SEAL team who cooperated with Qiener to wipe out the environmental extremists of the green world earlier today has arrived at the border and has been waiting for them for a long time.

Among the thirty Qinglong robots, there are seven people in a group, and one of them is the captain, the main robot, and all contact information is conveyed and communicated with other team members through him, that is to say, he can control the whole robot. squad.

One person is the deputy of the team, who is a sniper, lookout, and reconnaissance. He does not participate in direct operations, but does sniper support.

The rest are players.

Six people are divided into three groups or two groups for activities, which of course need to be arranged according to the situation on the field.

In addition to these four teams, there are two robots that are mainly responsible for rear support and defense. To put it bluntly, they are to protect the safety of Qi Na, Ye Tingfei, and Gao Qinglin.

The helicopter landed in an open space, and the Qinglong robots got off the plane one after another. Qina took out a tablet and checked their destination. The straight-line distance was estimated to be more than two hours, so Qina asked the guide for the route and time. .

The guide was a border guard soldier. He was surprised and excited to see so many robots. Facing Qina's question, he replied excitedly: "Report, we will arrive in three hours on foot."

Three hours? !
Qi Na was a little worried about the energy supply of the robots. After all, they had to be on standby after arriving at the camp. When they could go into battle was also a question. It was already evening, and when it got dark, the battery consumption of the robots would increase again.

The dense jungle around made Qi Na and others in the inland feel fresh and worried.

The jungle is humid and there are many mosquitoes. Gao Qinglin muttered as if to tell everyone: "The Qinglong robot itself has installed a three-proof module, and all components have been waterproofed. We have tested that the water depth is 20 meters, and the activity 10 Minutes are all right. Don't worry, don't worry."

He said rest assured, but everyone still raised their hearts to their throats.

No matter how good the product is, it has to stand the test of actual combat.Otherwise it's an embroidered pillow.

However, the thoughts of the people present were different. What Ye Tingfei thought was that there should be no problems, otherwise it would still affect his official career, oh no, it was his military career.

But Qi Na was thinking that if something went wrong, the subsequent order of [-] units would be troublesome.

When we arrived at the camp, it was already past nine o'clock at night, and Qi Na immediately put all the robots to sleep on the spot to preserve battery power.

But Gao Qinglin was very calm, the robots mainly consumed a little power during the nearly four-hour jungle road, and the energy-saving technology helped the robots save a lot of power at other times.So they can still deal with the raid robots.

The camp was set up in a small outpost, next to the border river, with only three soldiers. It was very small and rudimentary, but fortunately, there was also power supply, so Qina asked Gao Qinglin to charge a few robots that consumed a lot of energy.

The SEAL commander who arrived earlier introduced to Qi Na, Gao Qinglin and Ye Tingfei that after crossing the boundary river, the town of Mengsha, more than a dozen miles away, was like a base for bandits. They said it was a town, but in fact, it was originally a town where some merchants gathered during the market, and they usually lived there. The population is only over 100 people. After these gangsters who called themselves Jin Shuangyue rushed over, the residents died and ran away, leaving only the gangsters.

According to the eyeliner, there are a total of more than 200 gangsters. The main weapons are imitation AKs, some American M16s circulated through unknown channels, and some RPGs, and heavy machine guns. They are loaded on several pickup trucks, which are said to have excellent mobility. However, the regular army of the neighboring country was beaten into a panic by these equipments, and suffered heavy casualties.

"The regular army has been defeated, so did they also have new captures?" Qina immediately thought of this question, so he needed to reassess the opponent's armed forces.

"Well, it seems that there are some ammunition, some prisoners, and two infantry fighting vehicles. Do you think it needs to be more detailed?" The commander quickly replied.

"Is this the weaponry of the regular army?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Yes. So don't overestimate the opponent, and don't worry too much. After all, it's still a mob. The mob fights the mob. It's just a matter of courage and determination. Of course, the government army can't beat them." The commander made it clear.

Qi Na then said: "This is science fiction civilization versus primitive society, there is no reason for things to go wrong."

But the Art of War says: Know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.So he arranged for the logistics robot to fly two one-meter-sized quadrotor aircraft.

This aircraft has more equipment and more powerful power.The flying height reaches 100 meters, and it can hover in the air for three or four hours. It also has high-speed imaging, infrared detection, heat source detection, laser guidance and long-distance wireless transmission of signals. It can even use them for signal relay to ensure combat units and camps. The receiving device keeps in touch.

Qina immediately arranged the equipment and aimed the signal receiving device at the aircraft.Then Qina opened the huge box, which turned out to be a multifunctional control and monitoring platform.

Soon the signal from the aircraft was transmitted, and the picture was displayed on the monitor of the console.

The two aircraft arrived at the designated location above Mengsha Town in less than 10 minutes, one south and one north suspended in the air, and at the same time all the ground heat sources and infrared images were transmitted to Qi Na.

While the SEAL commander was still counting the heat source information on the screen to judge the number of people, the approximate number of people appeared on the right side of the screen, and there was even an analysis of men and women.Then on another monitor, the floor plan of the entire Mengsha Town and the marks of the active personnel appeared, which is more clear at a glance. What is even more rare is that this floor plan will be updated every three to five seconds, and all personnel marks will follow Variety.

Qi Na released two aircrafts again, this is to prevent the first two aircrafts from malfunctioning, and to fly out as a backup.

Similarly, the credibility and reliability of the detection of the four aircraft have also improved a lot.

Qi Na then said to the SEAL commander: "We are ready to act, please cooperate."

The SEAL commander immediately stood at attention and saluted, shouting for full cooperation.After saying that, he turned around and went back, and called all the soldiers to prepare for action.

The robots still made no sound and no abnormal noise. They set off with their weapons in hand, waded across the dry boundary river, and started a forced march under the guidance of their guides. Their two wings were the SEALs. Unlike the SEALs, they The movements are neat and soundless, as if a group of ants are galloping, gradually approaching their prey.

It was an unprecedented raid that will surely go down in history.

It’s just that the future history doesn’t know how to treat those fighting robots tonight. Perhaps, as the Green World Organization expressed, people cannot be slaves of machines.Qina was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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