Need for little hackers

Chapter 263 Actual Combat Wanted Order

Chapter 263 Actual Combat ([-]) Wanted Order


At five o'clock in the morning, the whole battle was over.

At ten o'clock, thirty robots had arrived at the military base near the border, and returned to southern Ningnan by transport plane.

Qina looked at Gao Qinglin and Ye Tingfei who looked exhausted, and the intense sound of gunfire and explosions seemed to be still in his ears, and he felt as if he had passed away.

Of course, the battle was a complete victory. The team lost only three robots, one of which was seriously damaged, and the other two were still able to act and fight, which were considered minor injuries.

And all the robots were hit more than 30 times, and the armor surface was full of bullet craters.

The data obtained by the entire team after the battle is aggregated in large quantities, and these data will be used in later analysis to help improve the combat system.

Qi Na is not satisfied with the number of losses, but fortunately there is another explanation, that is, the weapon system is lacking. Of course, the M4A1 is good, but it is the first time to use it. The test before departure is just an adaptation, and it has not yet Form a tacit understanding of combat with the entire robot.

Thinking about this, Qi Na gradually felt drowsy, but forced himself to stay awake, not daring to sleep, he half-closed his eyes, and returned to Ningnan.

Lisa, Min Rui, Zheng Xiumin and others who knew about this matter had already received the news and were waiting for him at the airport. Two intelligent mobile robotic arms transferred all the robots participating in the battle to a special robot transport vehicle, which was covered with a concealed container.

Lisa was terrified when she saw the unrecognizable robot that had been battered by the flames of war, and vowed that she would never let Qi Na do these things herself in the future.However, Qi Na was also very clear in his heart, and took the initiative to say to everyone: "Let Gao Qinglin take people to the next actual combat test, and Gao Qinglin will not go next time." He meant rotation, since Gao Qinglin is the main engineer of Qinglong Robot to participate It is necessary to go to actual combat, and with practice, the product can be better improved.

Back at Qilin's Nest, after Qi Na had a full meal, Ye Tingfei was already waiting for him in the office like a ghost.

Qi Naqi said: "Didn't you stay at the border?"

"Just came back." Ye Tingfei explained.

It was only then that Qina noticed that his trousers were still wet, but the shoes were changed.

Ye Tingfei said: "The headquarters just gave me the news that I am satisfied with the performance of the Qinglong robot. It is generally believed that the current firepower is the shortcoming of the Qinglong robot. I hope you can solve it as soon as possible."

"Well, after all, he's not Chu Ge anymore, so it's not amazing." Qi Na laughed at himself.

"Yes, everyone is gradually starting to be pragmatic. The last time we mentioned the additional order of [-] units, everyone is hesitant now. Fortunately, General Hong persuaded the chief to continue to equip the troops except for [-] units, and the rest will be allocated. The Weixu District and other important positions are engaged in security. Don’t be unhappy, the headquarters almost rejected this order.” Ye Tingfei continued: “Now that we have these robots, how should we deploy them and what kind of effects can they play? Effect, is the maintenance cost high in the later stage? You don’t have to think about these issues, but as the headquarters, you have to think about them.”

"The strategic level is indeed not my job, and I don't think about it." Qi Na said sincerely.

"But you don't have to worry. Robots will definitely be the trend in the future. You can wait a few days at most." Ye Tingfei said with a smile.

"I can wait. For such a big company, more than 1 people can't afford to wait." Qi Na sighed.

"It's okay, I can give feedback to the headquarters, and even to the chief. The significance of the Kirin Wings is great. It is really wrong to ask individuals to bear the economic losses at the national defense level. There will always be a solution." Within the scope of authority, a sum of money will be allocated before the Spring Festival, about 7000 million yuan, which belongs to the research and development subsidy in the scope of the previous contract between the two parties.

7000 million is a drop in the bucket for Kirin Wings, but it is Ye Tingfei's wish.

But in fact, with the funds for the first [-] orders, Kirin Wings is already very well-off for the time being.

Qi Na thanked Ye Tingfei, and the two parties then agreed on follow-up tasks, including after the Spring Festival—after returning from the United States, they would go to a base in the north for an artificial intelligence communication meeting. It's a training meeting, so communication will be more appropriate.

Ye Tingfei thought it was a small problem, so of course he agreed.

Then there is the research and development project of Kirin Wing's robot-specific weapons. Qi Na promised to start in the next year, and the research and development base will be deployed in Asakawa, not in Ningnan.

Ye Tingfei felt that this location was chosen very well.And urged Qi Na to move the production base there as soon as possible and quickly increase production capacity.

Qina smiled wryly and said, "The German machine tool factories have already left one-third of their annual production capacity to us. Production capacity really cannot be completed overnight."

Because the Spring Festival is approaching, the factory area is a little quiet. A large number of R&D personnel have received generous year-end bonuses, and they have asked for leave one after another to go home for the New Year.

In Lisa's office.

Looking at the quiet unicorn nest, Qina turned to Lisa and asked, "Is my passport and visa ready?"

Lisa shook her head: "The business invitation letter from SPE has just arrived, and the rest will be handled by SPE's Shanghai representative office. We just provide your materials."

Seeing Lisa's appearance, she was still unwilling to let Qina go abroad. Qina secretly laughed, walked to Lisa's side, and watched her reply emails and deal with the to-do items on the ERP system.Hold her thin shoulders with both hands.He said softly: "Don't be angry. The reason why I want to go out is not only to fulfill my promise, but also to empty my mind. So many things have happened recently that I am a little overwhelmed. When I come back, I will accompany you well. "

Lisa twisted her waist and shook off Qi Na's hands: "Go as you go, why do you have so many excuses." Sure enough, she was full of jealousy.

Qina simply squatted down, looked up at Lisa, and said in a more delicate tone, "Don't be angry, I will definitely make it up to you."

Lisa snorted coldly: "Who wants your compensation. Hmph."

Qi Na stood up abruptly, grasped Lisa's cheek with both hands, and opened his mouth to kiss it. At first Lisa wanted to resist, but she could withstand Qi Na's might, so she quickly hugged Qi Na's back, affectionately Into the emotional outburst.

After a while, the two let go. Lisa's eyes gradually calmed down, and she wiped off the sweat from her forehead. Just as she was about to speak, she heard footsteps in the corridor and someone talking.

They separated immediately, and Qi Na pretended to sit on the sofa and paddle around with Lisa's ipad.Sitting firmly, the office door opened, Wu Jun walked in, and Emily.

Wu Jun looked incredible: "Qina, you may not be able to go to the United States."

"Why?" Qina was puzzled.

"You are wanted by the US government." Wu Jun still had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What?" Qina couldn't keep up with Wu Jun's rhythm.

Lisa looked at each other in blank dismay.

Qi Na looked at the arrest warrant issued by the US FBI, and the photo was taken when he was interviewed by foreign media in BJ not long ago.

There are two reasons for wanting to be wanted: 1. Large-scale network leaks, believing that Qi Na is a well-known hacker who has carried out large-scale cyber attacks on the United States; 2. Organized the development of machine-killing weapons, which violated international conventions.

At the same time, Qiner also listed 31 charges, including computer fraud, hacking into computer systems to obtain data maps, using signals and digital commands to destroy computers, stealing personal information, economic espionage and stealing trade secrets.

Qina couldn't help but laugh, but when he looked at the colleagues around him, they all looked serious, and he was embarrassed to laugh even after coughing.

Qi Na said: "It's really nonsense, shameless talk, nonsense."

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Now we must respond to their accusations as soon as possible. This may be okay for us. The biggest impact is the lifeline."

"Then do the cutting." Qina smiled wryly.

"Cutting what?" Zheng Xiumin asked back: "Can it be cut off? Your Qi Na represents Life Online, Qilin Wings, Qilin Wings and Life Online are twin brothers. How do you cut it?"

"That's right, everyone wins and everyone loses." Wu Jun and Emily nodded at the same time.

Not long after, Kirin Wings issued a statement, expressing serious protest against this move by the US government: "Qina himself abides by the law and has never done anything that violated the law. The US government is disregarding facts and spreading rumors. The slander has damaged Qi Na's reputation, and Qilin Wings will definitely file a lawsuit."

Then they refuted the matter about the killing machine. They were very careful not to refute the existence of the Qinglong robot, but instead asked, where is the international convention?

It is true that the United Nations has discussed restricting the use of robotic weapons, but that is only a discussion. There has not been a convention or a written agreement.

What's more, the real killer robots should belong to the U.S. drones now.

The full text ends with a proverb in Chinese: Only the Americans set fires, and no one else is allowed to light lamps.

Looking at the flimsy statement, Qina felt a little helpless.Facing Duan Shifei with a haggard face, he was even more uneasy and apologetic.

After all, the SPE browser is ready to go on the market, and now there is such an incident, I am afraid that the road to the market is far away.

Duan Shifei suddenly said angrily: "Damn it, I can't bear this tone, I'm going to court to sue them."

Qina immediately comforted her: "Let Wu Jun and Lisa do the complaint, there is only one thing you have to do now!"

"What's the matter?" Duan Shifei asked.

"Cutting!" Qi Na said firmly.

"Cutting?" Duan Shifei seemed to understand, and immediately shook his head: "No, I'm not the kind of villain who throws trouble."

Qi Na immediately explained: "This is the understanding reached by both of us. In addition, you can't monopolize the 17.00% of the shares. I hope you can transfer it to someone I can trust through legal operations." Qi Na explained , while joking.

A smile gradually appeared on Duan Shifei's face.

Qi Na's representatives are Wu Jun, Emily, Zheng Xiumin and Xiang Yuyao.

For this agent status, Emily must immediately resign from Kirin Wings, and the official website of Kirin Wings immediately announced that Emily had resigned three days ago.

Through such a layout, Emily will take her children to live in the United States and join the daily management of SPE.

Even if the relevant U.S. agencies know Emily's identity, but Emily's net worth is innocent, I hope they will not mess around.

Afterwards, Qi Na made a confession to Emily. The shares held by Zheng Xiumin will be transferred to Lisa after the turmoil is over, and part of the shares held by Emily will be officially transferred to Emily. The same goes for Wu Jun. will be transferred to other people such as Dai Xiaolan, Xiao Xu, Doris and others.This list is mainly limited to colleagues who live in the online entrepreneurial stage.

And these three parts accounted for [-]% of the total shares, and the rest was held by Xiang Yuyao on behalf of Qi Na, who really owned it.

This allocation plan has been understood and supported by Duan Zhengfei.

(End of this chapter)

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