Need for little hackers

Chapter 264 Actual Combat Failed Vacation

Chapter 264 Actual Combat ([-]) Failed Vacation


Faced with this sudden change, Qi Na's entire camp was caught off guard. Duan Shifei accepted Qi Na's request and immediately arranged for Emily to go to the United States, and at the same time began to cut off from Qi Na.

SPE Software Company first announced that Qi Na was only an early founder and did not participate in the explanation of the company's operations, and repeatedly explained that SPE Browser Company did not and would not steal user data, nor would it open interfaces to any government or individual.

Then, after the investor meeting was held, the issue of Qi Na's shares was quickly dealt with, and then an announcement was made, explaining that Qi Na's shares had already been transferred to many people in Life Online.

Of course, these things cannot satisfy everyone, but at least it shows the attitude of SPE browser company and Qi Na to actively cut off.

This series of reactions from SPE Browser Company angered the people of China, and a large number of netizens began to besiege and abuse Duan, saying that she had forgotten her ancestors and so on.

But the person involved, Qi Na, didn't speak again after Qilin Wing made an announcement.It's just that the Weibo of the No.1 People's Hospital quietly released a message on the New Year's Eve: "Qina has been discharged from the hospital."

Chinese people immersed in the Chinese New Year atmosphere did not pay much attention to this matter, and the number of retweets and comments on the day was only in double digits.

At this time, it was rare for Qina to enjoy a vacation. Although everyone was worried, Qina still insisted on traveling alone.

Lisa wants to stay with her mother, and Xiang Yuyao also has a daughter to care about. Emily has already left for the United States with her daughter.Qi Na is also very sad to lose such an important assistant, but she is going to help herself watch SPE, she is her spokesperson in SPE, and her work is also very important.

Wu Jun was ordered to go to the home of his deceased old classmate Li Chenguang to accompany Li Chenguang's family through this difficult year.

Originally, Zheng Xiumin wanted to go on vacation with Qi Na, but she voluntarily gave up this opportunity. On the second day of the new year, she and Lisa would visit Qi Na's parents together.

This caused Qi Na a headache, so he could only ask Jian Ning and Fan Ning to take care of him.

Qi Na first went to BJ by the high-speed rail, put on a down jacket, climbed the Great Wall in the light snow early in the morning, returned to the high-speed rail station in the afternoon, continued to go north, watched the ice lanterns in the northeast, and flew directly at twelve o'clock at night Chengdu.

He didn't stay in any hotel, but found a sauna. He did this to hide his whereabouts. He went to Leshan early the next morning, and then flew to Shenzhen in the afternoon.

Originally, he still wanted to go to Dongguan, but unfortunately Dongguan is not as good as it used to be, and he no longer has the mood to be happy.

Holding the Hong Kong and Macau Pass, Qi Na arrived in Hong Kong.

At this time, the news about the Qinglong robot developed by Kirin Wings spread more and more in the overseas media, and the media in Hong Kong also speculated about the authenticity of the incident, and additionally mentioned the Kirin milk tea shop opened in Hong Kong.

Qi Na saw that the milk tea shop was mentioned in the newspaper, and remembered that Lisa had mentioned it, so he simply rushed over to have a look at his own products in a foreign country.

This milk tea shop is deployed in a shopping mall. Because it is Chinese New Year, there are many activities to celebrate the New Year. Many young people and children wait in line to buy milk tea, because the Kylin Milk Tea Shop does not accept cash, and all operations are done through life online. The platform only operates, of course, including the mobile APP.

The eyebrow boards of the milk tea shop are two LED display screens. The pattern on them is the super cool shape of the Suzaku robot, and the exterior of the milk tea shop is also affixed with a sticker of the Suzaku robot.

From time to time, customers stand in front of the stickers with milk tea and take pictures.

Qi Na looked at the bustling milk tea shop and smiled slightly. Lisa's propaganda was really effective. Although the foreign media was influenced by the US government and attacked Qi Na as developing a killer robot, the Suzaku robot was still accepted by most people.

The first batch of [-] Suzaku robots has been shipped, and there are already a lot of postings, introductions, and videos on the Internet.

This kind of robot with learning ability has become an artifact in the minds of many people.

Someone even did a test to let the robot learn to attack others with knives and sticks, which can be clearly seen in the video, which was rejected by the robot.

The Suzaku robot quickly became an important member of these families, helping to take care of children, take care of the elderly, help with housework, clean up the room, almost everything that can be imagined, the robot can quickly learn.And every job can be done very well.

This also dispelled the idea of ​​many people thinking whether they would buy it back and make it a decoration, so even when the Spring Festival was approaching, some people went directly to Qilin Nest with the full payment, and wanted to take a Suzaku II robot away.

Of course this is obviously impossible.

Kirin Wings only accepts reservations made on Lifeline, and full payment is required.At present, more than 1 orders have been accumulated. According to the current production capacity of Kirin Wings, it will take at least August or September to complete the digestion.

Faced with such emotionally charged consumers, Lisa, who was gradually getting more money, decisively started to promote the logistics worker project, which is a door-to-door delivery robot for Kylin Wings Logistics.

Keener no longer specifically asks about the combination with these products.Instead, it was completely left to Lisa and Min Rui to deal with.

In the next year, there is no doubt that the first issue is to increase production capacity.

If it weren't for the recent disruption by the Green World environmental extremist group, these works might have advanced faster.

Instead of buying milk tea, Qina went to a nearby coffee shop, ordered a cup of coffee, and sat down to relax from the hard work.

He decided to stay in Hong Kong for a few more days, and the different customs made him feel fresh.

However, he soon realized that Hong Kong people were not very friendly. For example, when he asked for the WIFI password in a coffee shop, the waiter was not enthusiastic and said several wrong passwords in a row.

Qina also saw her reluctance, remembered the rumors on the Internet, simply cracked the WIFI password by himself, and took a tablet to look for a suitable hotel on the Internet.

But after searching and searching, there is nothing suitable. The online reservations always show that they are full, and there are not a few people who come to Hong Kong to celebrate the New Year.

Qi Na simply contacted Peter and asked him to help find a hotel nearby.At this time, there were more and more customers in the coffee shop, and the clerk kept wandering in front of him. Qina understood that this was because he disliked him for not spending much money, occupying a seat, and wanted to drive him away.

Qina smiled at the clerk, shook his head, picked up his backpack and left.

"Oh, that man is so tall."

"It seems very familiar, I don't know if it's a celebrity." A customer looked at Qina's back and said to his companion.

The clerk laughed secretly in his heart: "A Yankee is like a beggar, and this group of Yankees still regard him as a star!"

Qina continued to move forward. He was tall and could not avoid people's attention wherever he went, especially indoors. So he went out of the shopping mall, followed Peter's prompt, and went to a nearby star hotel. There was only a presidential suite. The full amount has been paid on the account, and Qi Na only needs to show his documents to check in.

Qi Na couldn't help laughing at Peter's generosity. Over the past year or so, Peter has accumulated a huge amount of wealth and kept giving away props to netizens in the game Legend of Quarrying. At one time, some people thought he was a rich second generation. Arouse gossip among netizens.

Qi Na thanked Peter, followed the instructions, went through the formalities, and was going to take the elevator. Unexpectedly, when the elevator door opened, a woman rushed out in a hurry and bumped into Qi Na.

But Qina was tall and mighty, and stood there without moving, but the lady across from him just sat down on the ground, and all the documents and handbags in his hand fell on the ground.

Qina hurriedly helped her up, and apologized repeatedly, although the other party rushed out and bumped into her, but at least he was a man, so his demeanor should be higher.

This is a very beautiful lady, in her twenties, with light makeup, fair cheeks, big round eyes, extremely energetic, staring at Qina, seeing Qina apologizing, she muttered a word and didn't make a sound.

Among the women that Qina came into contact with, this lady whom he met by chance was the most beautiful one he had ever seen.

Qina's heart was about to move, and he couldn't help but want to make friends. While picking up the beautiful woman's documents, he moved to the side of the elevator, made way for the passage, and said, "Beauty, I'm sorry, are you not injured?!"

The beauty shook her head and took her own file: "I'm fine, it's my problem, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Although the beauty complained that Qi Na was blocking the door, she still spoke very well, and she took the initiative to admit that it was her fault.

She nodded to Qi Na again, then turned and left.

Qina felt lost.

After washing up in the presidential suite, he lay on the sofa and watched TV for a while. It was showing local news and small things in the market, but Qina watched it with gusto. This was the best opportunity to learn about the local area.

Then change the channel to talk about science and technology news. In less than ten seconds, it really started to introduce Kirin Wings, Qi Na, Lisa, and the Suzaku II humanoid robot, etc., and evaluated it as an invention that ushered in a new century. He believed that the world will enter the era of robots, etc. .Overall the reviews are positive.

Qina was very happy to hear the praise, but he became numb after seeing too much.

After getting dressed, I took the elevator downstairs, but unexpectedly, there was an acquaintance in the elevator.

The beauty he knocked down before.

The beauty also recognized the strong man opposite at a glance, and she also smiled. She wore a pair of glasses, which added a bit of intellectuality to her beauty.

Qina also smiled at her, and couldn't help saying, "What a coincidence."

"Yes, are you here to travel?" the beauty asked.

"That's right!" Qi Na hesitated when answering this question: "To be precise, I just let go of my mood. I went to the Great Wall yesterday morning, went to see the ice lanterns in the northeast in the afternoon, and went to Chengdu in the evening. I saw the Leshan Giant Buddha this morning and arrived at noon. Shenzhen, through the port to Hong Kong."

Qi Na couldn't help but talk about his experience in the past two days, which surprised the beauty: "You are traveling and rushing to the show? You can't be a big star, right?! Could it be that you are rushing to a show?"

The beauty couldn't help but looked at Qina again, and Qina chuckled: "It's ridiculous that someone with a bad tone and a lack of physical activity has become a big star."

He paused, and continued: "It's just that this year is too tiring, so find a way to let yourself go."

The beauty nodded, as if she agreed with what he said, and when she looked up, the two chatted and walked out of the hotel.

Qina was a little bit unfinished, but he still said in a gentlemanly manner: "Okay, I will disturb your leisure time. You are busy first, and I will go find something to eat."

"Ah," the beauty was stunned: "Are you going to eat? I am also looking for a place to eat, why don't we go together."

When Qina heard that the beauties had met, he was overjoyed, and immediately said, "Okay, where are you going?"

With a smile on the corner of the beauty's mouth, she took out her mobile phone and looked at an APP, which was a navigation software for Hong Kong Free Travel: "I don't have any good places to go, so let's find out by map."

Then Qi Na followed the beauty and walked for a few blocks, found a food stall under an urban jungle, and ordered two bowls of special tomato noodles.

It was only at this time that Qina knew that the beautiful woman was called Nie Miao, a model, and Qina thought to herself, no wonder she is so tall!She is from BJ, and although she is very restrained when speaking, she still has a strong flavor of Beijing movies.

But for Qi Na, who stays behind closed doors, this accent is particularly pleasant, mixed in the Cantonese environment, it has its own style.

Qi Na introduced that he is from Hechuan and works in technology. There is nothing wrong with this statement.Fortunately, Nie Miao didn't delve into it.

After dinner, Nie Miao couldn't help but invite Qi Na to go to another restaurant together, saying that the restaurant was famous, and Qi Na didn't hesitate, and agreed with a nod.

The two gradually let go of each other, and each chatted about their worries and personal affairs. Qi Na talked about his selfishness affecting two outstanding girls, and felt a little regretful in his heart. Nie Miao was moved by Qi Na's sincerity, and she opened up about her choices in life, betrayal, deceit and harm, and once thought about committing suicide. , but in the end he chose to be strong for his mother.

Arriving at the open-air shop of claypot rice, the two each ordered a claypot rice. They were familiar with each other like a couple, picking up vegetables for each other, and later eating in different bowls.

After eating the claypot rice, the two of them were still unsatisfied, and continued to search for food according to the map.

When crossing the road, Qi Na couldn't help but took Nie Miao's hand, and they haven't parted since.

Back at the hotel at three o'clock in the morning, Qi Na was nervous, but he led Nie Miao back to his suite the moment the elevator door opened.

Nie Miao seemed to be ready, but she still had goosebumps all over her nervous body.

But soon the two let go, as if they both agreed that this was an ONS, and both regarded this encounter as a romantic encounter.

But when Nie Miao experienced Qi Na's bravery, he really understood the reason behind Qi Na's absurdity. He was too strong.

The next day, the two continued to haunt Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories, looking for delicious food.

Unexpectedly, the men were strong and tall, and the women were outstandingly beautiful. They were the targets of people's attention wherever they went, and their identities were soon discovered.Someone secretly took pictures of them, but Qi Na was very vigilant, and Nie Miao was a little flustered. She told Qi Na that she was worried about paparazzi.

Only then did Qi Na realize that Nie Miao should be a well-known actress.He was taken aback, but quickly got rid of some troublemakers.Unknowingly, he returned to the shopping mall where the Kirin Milk Tea Shop is located.

Qi Na smiled dumbly: "No matter what, we should be happier now." He led Nie Miao to line up to buy Kirin milk tea.

Nie Miao also said happily: "I've never bought milk tea from a Kirin Milk Tea Shop before? I feel that the Kirin Milk Tea Shop is so high-tech."

It's the New Year, and there are not a few people queuing up to buy milk tea, and the queue has reached the lobby.

Qi Na and Nie Miao stood obediently at the end of the line.

When I was bored, a picture appeared on the big screen in the middle of the hall, and it was the on-time news from the local news station.

"The U.S. Department of Defense has released a video that appears to be a combat robot for military use being developed by a mainland high-tech enterprise, Kirin Wing. The US spokesperson said that it is very likely that Kirin Wing is conducting actual combat tests of the robot. The US spokesperson also said that this is an extremely Dangerous beginning, once the robot becomes a warrior, the consequences will be disastrous."

While the anchor was explaining, several Qinglong robots appeared on the screen, moving forward at high speed, their muzzles blazing.

This is exactly the battle scene at the frontier.

But why did the US get the supposedly top-secret video?Qi Na was stunned.

Just when Qi Na was in a daze, a group of people rushed into the hall, and someone led the way: "Here!" A group of people rushed over. Unlike ordinary people, they were reporters with cameras and microphones in their hands.

When Qi Na scanned it, there were actually eight or nine cameras, which is the limit of the TV stations and media that can gather in a short period of time. He also saw that there was a sign of entertainment every day on the logo of the microphone.

Qi Na turned around and led Nie Miao and left, but in an instant the reporters surrounded Qi Na. Fortunately, their target was not Nie Miao, and Nie Miao also cleverly moved out of the way and hid in the outer circle.

Qina was extremely embarrassed, a little at a loss in the face of the sudden change, and did not hear their questions clearly.

Noticing that Nie Miao had disappeared, he searched around, only to find that she was already in an inconspicuous corner outside the circle, the two looked at each other, Nie Miao made a goodbye gesture for him, followed by a light kiss, a little bit reluctant, but helpless .

Qi Na had no choice but to watch her leave.

"Mr. Qi, are you thinking of doing business in Hong Kong when you come to Hong Kong?"

"What image do you have of Hong Kong? Do you like Hong Kong?"

"How long will you be staying?"

"It is said that you have surpassed Li Chaoren to become the richest Chinese man. What do you think of this change?"

Countless questions kept popping up, and Qina shook his head without saying a word, struggling to get out of the encirclement, but this encirclement was no longer limited to reporters, a large number of citizens who had heard the news also gathered here, vying to think about it. Ask Qi Na to sign.

When he was in a dilemma, the security guards of the shopping mall came forward and escorted him away.But the reporters still chased after him all the way to the airport.

"That's the boss of Qilin Wings? He's richer than Superman Li? It seems like he drank coffee in my store yesterday." A waiter in the mall said.

"If you don't brag for a day, your skin will itch."

 I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and happy every day!
(End of this chapter)

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