Need for little hackers

Chapter 265 Actual Combat Outstanding Youth

Chapter 265 Actual Combat ([-]) Outstanding Youth

Qi Na returned to Ningnan three hours later, while a large number of reporters in Hong Kong were still searching for Qi Na at the airport.

Since Qi Na stepped into Hong Kong, he has invaded any area with cameras and controlled these cameras, the purpose is not to record his tracks.This is a safe habit, or a natural sense of insecurity - after all, it is not the mainland.

So when Hong Kong journalists searched for Qi Na and finally learned that he had already left Hong Kong, they tried to recover his words and deeds in Hong Kong, but they found nothing except the photos of him and Nie Miao who were captured that day.

None of the cameras in the hotel, mall or traffic captured Qiener.This is puzzling.

Some people even wondered whether Qi Na had been to Hong Kong.

But the picture captured by someone is genuine.

Qi Na and Nie Miao, a new-generation actress in the mainland show business circle, put their shoulders together and held hands with five fingers intertwined.Although both wore baseball caps and tried to keep a low profile, there were still too many photos taken.

On that day, the gossip news about Qi Na broke out on all major websites, but the major TV stations, newspapers and other media seemed to have no voice, and took a cold treatment of this news. The TV station took ten seconds to say that a man suspected of Qi Na appeared in the Hong Kong, causing misunderstandings.

This made the viewers and readers extremely angry. Finally, someone explained that Lifeline’s representative office in Hong Kong issued a lawyer’s letter, stating that someone pretended to be Qi Na’s activities in Hong Kong. I hope the Hong Kong media will not add fuel to the flames, otherwise Lifeline will definitely pursue it to the end.

There are only a few photos in the hands of the major media, and the shaky camera footage, who can guarantee that the tall guy in the camera must be Qi Na?
The hotel where he stayed and the immigration department refused to release this information, so everyone thought that it must be Qi Na, but they were not sure.So the media played a side ball, and actively sought more information to confirm Qi Na's real body.

Qi Na has only been in Hong Kong for 24 hours, but he has caused Hong Kong to fly.When the gossip news spread to China, Zheng Xiumin angrily smashed the MACBOOK Pro he just got.

Qina was very distressed when she heard that, her MBP was a high-end model, costing tens of thousands of dollars.

Xiang Yuyao scolded him for being heartless, but Qi Na just laughed.Xiang Yuyao also had nothing to do with him, thinking that unless Lisa and Zheng Xiumin restrained him together, there might be some news in the future.

However, it is not easy for Lisa and Zheng Xiumin to get along peacefully. It seems impossible for both of them to accept each other and restrict Qi Na together.

Xiang Yuyao shook her head and didn't think about it anymore. This was purely Qi Na's housework. Outsiders could only watch from a distance, so she didn't even mention it, so she stopped mentioning it and changed the subject to talk about the recent turmoil of Qinglong The robot was leaked.

Qina nodded and said: "I'm also quite annoyed, but the leak will happen sooner or later, and it's not easy to keep it secret, but this video was obviously dubbed in the military's database, and Ye Tingfei said that they are investigating. This is also good, and our pressure to keep it secret will be much less."

"What about you? The core of all these things revolves around you! What arrangements do you have?" Xiang Yuyao asked casually.

"What arrangements can I make, just work honestly." Qina said as he pressed his fists to his cheeks, pretending to be charming.

Xiang Yuyao reached out and grabbed his ear: "It's still cute."

However, Qi Na took advantage of the opportunity to hug Xiang Yuyao, and pressed her on the sofa: "Stop being cute, sell yourself, do you want it?"

"Go, go find your goddess, and we will be spared." Xiang Yuyao said in her mouth, but she had already started her hands, and she was already panting for a while.

Qi Na teased her: "I can't wait."

Xiang Yuyao bit his shoulder: "Bad guy, come whenever you want..." As she spoke, she bit even harder.

Qi Na turned over and let her be the master.After being separated for a long time, the two relived the mandarin dream again.

When Qi Na woke up from Xiang Yuyao's fragrant boudoir and was about to go out naked, he suddenly heard voices outside, he was startled, and after listening carefully, it turned out that he came here early in the morning to pay New Year's greetings to Xiang Yuyao Sanyang executives.

After hearing Xiang Yuyao say to find a document, Qi Na went back to bed.

Xiang Yuyao made a silent gesture to Qi Na, and whispered to send them away immediately.

She bent down to rummage through her suitcase, her round buttocks were exposed, and her underwear with no traces was looming. Qina suddenly became interested. Seeing that the door was closed, she immediately got up and stood at the front door. Behind Yuyao, she pulled her skirt up, Xiang Yuyao was startled, but she relaxed in a blink of an eye, but she still wanted to push him away, but Qi Na didn't let go, Xiang Yuyao had no choice but to just say it.

Qina nodded, and Xiang Yuyao cooperated, letting him fiddle with it, and still leaned over to find the documents.

The deep tear made her frown, and the unprecedented pleasure of cheating once again enveloped her.

Say yes, but how is it possible.

Xiang Yuyao's legs soon became weak, and Qi Na hugged her. Xiang Yuyao pushed open the suitcase, but found the documents under the suitcase. She turned around and said with difficulty to Qi Na that the documents were found, and they will meet again later. Accompany Qi Na.

At this time, the guests outside the house called Xiang Yuyao loudly, let's talk about it when I can't find it and go back to work.

Only then did Qina's claws let go of Xiang Yuyao.

When he was hiding in Xiang Yuyao's boudoir, drunk and dreaming, a piece of news came unexpectedly, and the oscillating Qi Na was at a loss.

This news was brought by Liu Shuangshuang. She also knew about Qi Na and the female star Nie Miao, so when she saw Qi Na, she had a frosty expression on her face, as if she didn't answer.

News came from the superiors that the relevant departments decided to award Qilin Wings the title of Outstanding Youth Commando, and Qi Na the honor of Top Ten Outstanding Youths, followed by Lisa, Gao Qinglin, Min Rui and others with different titles,

It is even planned to be given to the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.It's just that Qi Na has not published any papers, which makes the reviewers very embarrassed, and everyone is discussing how to make an exception.The implication is that the academicians of the two academies of Qi Na can no longer escape.

In the Kirin Wings office, there are Lisa, Zheng Xiumin and others.

When they saw Qi Na, they all chose a cold face, which made Xiang Yuyao secretly laugh.

Qi Na simply pretended not to know, and didn't rub his cold face.

But regarding the news brought by Liu Shuangshuang, he still made a decision in front of everyone: "What are these titles, what's the use? They used them to demonstrate to the United States and express their position to the outside world. We are just their war situation A pawn in the game is meaningless."

Lisa and others have already guessed Qi Na's attitude, which is in line with his usual style and not surprising.

But blatantly rejecting this kind of favor from the superior seems a bit inappropriate.

Liu Shuangshuang advised Qi Na not to be so unkind.

But Qina's decision has been made, and Liu Shuangshuang's repeated persuasion is useless, so she has to go back and report to Du Juan.

Qina suddenly stopped her: "Wait a minute."

He turned his head and said to Lisa: "This is my opinion, but it involves Gao Qinglin, Min Rui, Lin Hui, Tian Xiu, I don't seem to be able to directly refuse on their behalf, why don't you give them a call and listen to their opinions .”

Lisa was taken aback, and Xiang Yuyao took the opportunity to say: "Why don't we all give in, if you don't want to be on the list, let Xiao Gao and the others be outstanding young people, so that Shuangshuang can explain it easily, and Du Juan can also explain it, the superior You won't lose face either."

Qi Na was taken aback, looked at Zheng Xiumin, Zheng Xiumin also nodded, this method is the golden mean that is good for both parties.

Lisa also expressed support for this.

Qina thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.But let Lisa and Zheng Xiumin call them in turn.

Sure enough, Tian Xiu is unwilling to be a March [-]th red-banner bearer and an outstanding young man even if he dies. He is simply a copy of Qi Na.

Under Lisa's persuasion, the others accepted the arrangement.

So in the TV news program that night, the headline was that the country bestowed various honors and commendations on Kirin Wings. Before this year has passed, such a large-scale public commendation of a private enterprise team is really amazing. Inquiry.

And people with a discerning eye can also see something strange. Qi Na is not on the list, Lisa is not on the list, and Emily is not on the list. The three giants of Qilin Wing are not there. What does it mean?There was a lot of discussion for a while.

At the end of the announcement of the commendation, first there was news about the celebration of the Spring Festival from all over the country, and then there was an old news about the head inspecting the Kirin Wings after New Year's Day, but there was new content in the old news.

The content of this news is that the chief inspected the joint research room of Kirin Wings and the Military Equipment Research Institute.

And what is shown on the screen is the Qinglong robot.

The Qinglong robot was shown to the world for the first time.

The whole body is painted in camouflage, and the height is 1.9 meters. The chief has to look up at the robot.

When sprinting forward at full speed, the [-]-meter can break through the nine-second mark, and you can easily browse through various obstacles, wade in water, and fall into mud pits without fear.

With the light cooperation of two or three Qinglong robots, they jumped over a three-story building in an instant.

The demonstration on the screen does not have live ammunition weapons, the only equipment is a rubber stick, but the ferocity of forty or fifty Qinglong robots that act in unison in an instant emerges chillingly.

At the dining table, Xiang Yuyao whispered while watching the news, "I'm afraid today's news broadcast will break the ratings record."

Qina smiled.

Watching TV with them were Qiao Wenming, Fan Ning and Jian Ning.

They accompanied Zheng Xiumin and Lisa back from Asakawa to Ningnan, and specially paid New Year greetings to Qina.

Jian Ning kept laughing after seeing Qi Na, as if she knew about Lisa and Zheng Xiumin.

After watching the news, there was a moment of silence at the dinner table.

Fan Ning changed the topic and said, "President Qi, Qianchuan is full of your name now, you are not in Qianchuan, but you are influencing us everywhere."

What she said was funny and everyone laughed too.

Jian Ning also joined in the fun and said, "In your previous primary school, your profile picture was already hung in a prominent position in the school, and the teachers who taught you had been paid a raise. Not to mention the middle school, I met you yesterday. Principal Li, said that the Distinguished Alumni Association would like to invite you to show up, even if you can't show up, you can just write a congratulatory letter."

After she finished speaking, everyone laughed even more.

Qi Na said solemnly: "How can I do that? I have a net worth of tens of billions, so how can I just scribble casually? If a word is published, will it be framed?"

Jian Ning said seriously: "Principal Li said earlier, as long as you write a small note, you will give me a red envelope, and I will give you a red envelope, he said..." Before she finished speaking, the audience was already laughing Boom, Zheng Xiumin was already lying on the table laughing, her body was twitching, and she lost all strength in laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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