Need for little hackers

Chapter 268 Actual Combat Xiao Xu

Chapter 268 Actual Combat ([-]) Xiao Xu

It is said that it affects morale, but it is actually Wu Jun's excuse. He still hopes that Qi Na can return to his life online more often, which will be of great benefit no matter whether it is public or private.

Of course, business is business, and private is the relationship between Zheng Xiumin and Qi Na. They are silent, as a witness of their relationship, and Wu Jun, a classmate of Qi Na's university, can't just sit idly by.

So there are various excuses for Wu Jun.

For Qina, Life Online did make a lot of money this year, but he was busy with Qilin Wings and neglected Life Online, so he really didn't pay enough attention to it. So, at the request of Zheng Xiumin and Wu Jun, he re- Back to Life Online, I participated in the debriefing meeting of the middle-level cadres.

Because of Qi Na's arrival, the entire conference room was instantly filled with excitement and tension.Colleagues who came to the stage to give reports in a row were stuttering and unable to speak, but in general, the debriefing meeting ended smoothly.

Since Qi Na wrote the document of transferring Life Online to Zheng Xiumin, he has never checked the work emails of Peter or Li Wenbin, Dai Xiaolan, and Xiao Xu, so now that the debriefing meeting is over, he feels strange.

But in general, Life Online has been moving in the direction of the platform.

The only thing that makes Qi Na incredible is that life online is too profitable, or the e-commerce platform is too profitable.

The average daily turnover has already exceeded 20 billion, and the market share has already approached Taozhen and surpassed JD. The domineering attitude in the reports of various managers at the debriefing meeting made Qi Na Secret praise, although this is contrary to Qi Na's own introverted personality, it does not hinder Qi Na's love.

He sneaked a glance at Wu Jun, and before he knew it, Wu Jun had imprinted a deep Wu family imprint on his life.

At the end of the debriefing meeting, Qi Na corrected his spirit and expressed his hope and vision for the future. He once again emphasized the thinking of the future big platform.

Wu Jun naturally used his speech to introduce the work deployment for the next 2-3 years.

Qina deeply admires Wu Jun's solid work and strong execution ability.There is only one thought in my mind, Zheng Xiumin should not have to worry about anything with the help of Wu Jun!

Especially with the wings of the life line already established, as long as they don't kill themselves, I am afraid that no one can knock them down.

By the way, there is also a powerful artificial intelligence Peter.The efficiency and various costs of having him in Lifeline are far lower than those of peers.

This is also the core competitiveness of Life Online.

Back in the office, Xiao Xu, as his assistant in Lifeline, has already cleaned up his office. Although there is still a smell of water, it is always fresh and refreshing.

Looking at Zheng Xiumin opposite, the thought of pulling away and leaving once again surged in Qi Na's heart.But today is not the right opportunity, Zheng Xiumin smiled, Qin Na was afraid that she would propose to visit the elderly, and was hesitating to talk about it, Xiao Xu opened the door and came in, holding a cup of strong tea in his hand, this is Qin Na's last wish Love, it's a pity that the robot Xiao Er took a step forward, stopped Xiao Xu, and said, "Please don't approach."

Xiao Xu was taken aback, "This is tea."

"Okay, please leave it to me." Xiaoer said it was businesslike.

"Xiao Er, this is Xiao Xu, my apprentice, you need to get to know him." Qina immediately introduced, so don't let Xiao Xu misunderstand.

"Okay, Xiao Xu, Xu Zhi, CTO assistant of Life Online." Xiao Er mechanically reported Xiao Xu's basic information.

Xiao Xu pouted and handed the strong tea to Xiao Er.

Qi Na took a sip of strong tea, and couldn't help mentioning Xiao Xu's recent situation to Zheng Xiumin.

Xiao Xu is the only apprentice he admits to the outside world, and he has always been more concerned, and if Xiao Xu hadn't warned him, he would have been poisoned to death.Therefore, it is not awkward to ask him about his situation.

Zheng Xiumin sighed, and said: "I don't know what to say, Tian Xiu is always rejecting this child, but this child just likes Tian Xiu, with such a big age difference, he doesn't think much about it."

Qina understands that Tianxiu is jealous of her own identity, and because she was wandering between life and death before, she was very lost in life. After her identity as a spy faded, her lack of faith also made her feel inferior. Maybe accept Xiao Xu, who is eight years younger than her.

"What do you think of the relationship between the two of them?" Qi Na immediately asked Zheng Xiumin, he decided to help Xiao Xu.

Although Xiao Xu is fragile, he is as stubborn as a cow, and he will not turn back when he hits the south wall with what he is sure of.

Zheng Xiumin pursed her lips and smiled: "I think it's pretty good. Xiao Xu is honest and motivated. After Tian Xiu arrived at Qilin's Wings, he has never been late. He is serious and proactive in his work. He only rests three days a week. These three days are still good. They all go to Tianxiu’s house to help the elderly with some physical work. Tianxiu and his family have not had a good relationship in recent years, the elderly, how can they do without children to take care of them, so I still like Xiaoxu quite a lot.”

Qi Na was secretly amused, Xiao Xu didn't expect to be so devoted, which made him ashamed, but what did Zheng Xiumin mean by saying subconscious?

Qi Na ignored her, but said, "I want to help Xiao Xu with a few things!"

Tian Xiu has her own reasons for ignoring him, but from Qina's point of view, she needs someone who can protect her more, that is to say, she lacks a sense of security in her eyes, so Tian Xiu must accept Xiao Xu, The only way is to give Xiao Xu the confidence and qualifications to protect her.It is not enough to have self-confidence, but also to have real materials.

There is no way to give this thing, and there is no way to make it quick, but Qi Na can help him.

Zheng Xiumin asked curiously how he wanted to help?
Qi Na's solution is actually very simple. In the future, neither of them will be short of money. On the platforms of Qilin Wings and Life Online, and since they are Qi Na's own direct descendants, it is impossible for him to let the two of them live a tight life. of.

So his plan for Xiao Xu is to become famous as soon as possible and gain prestige quickly.

This made Zheng Xiumin very curious, this is not playing games, you can gain reputation by adding skill points! ?
"I am going to promote robotOS," said Qi Na, "There is a lot of room for manipulation here."

The promotion of robotOS naturally requires the establishment of a complete set of training and certification systems, which must be part of the marketing category.Marketing is still done by Kirin Wings, but the training and certification system can be released and let Xiao Xu do it.

With the rapid development of the robot industry, the future of the robot operating system is bound to be vast, so it is difficult to think about the training and certification system on such a platform.

In addition, for a long period of time, the artificial intelligence of Kirin Wings is the only one in the world, and those who can cooperate with Kirin Wings will be high-level institutions in various places: university research offices, technology research institutes, various laboratories, etc. Wait.

Dealing with them, it's hard to imagine that Xiao Xu is still just Xiao Xu, transformation must be certain.

Qi Na also said: "There are two benefits in doing this: first, Xiao Xu's identity has changed, whether his mentality can still be the same as the current innocence, how to treat Tian Xiu, this is a test, it may not be true for the two of them. It is a good thing, but it is definitely not a bad thing; second, Xiao Xu must deal with Tian Xiu in this process, and Tian Xiu will definitely understand the meaning of this matter, so if she has feelings for Xiao Xu, even if she is grateful She will help him with all his love, if he doesn't care and ignores him, then Xiao Xu should also understand that he should give up."

Zheng Xiumin muttered: "This is simply asking Xiao Xu to go to the Western Paradise to learn Buddhist scriptures. It will take ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties."

Qina smiled: "He is not Sun Houzi, and you are not Guanshiyin."

This matter was settled, and Zheng Xiumin waited for Qi Na to leave, then greeted Xiao Xu, and conveyed to him that Qi Na arranged for him to be responsible for the training of the robotOS operating system.

Zheng Xiumin only talked about this matter, and didn't mention the certification, let alone to support him in pursuing Tian Xiu.

Xiao Xu was a little apprehensive, and said: "I only use this system occasionally, and I came into contact with this system earlier than others, and asked me to train others, isn't that a little serious?!"

Zheng Xiumin's face tensed, and said: "Don't you know how to learn? Didn't you hear Qi Na say that you are his apprentice, are you going to lose him?"

After hearing Zheng Xiumin's words, Xiao Xu accepted it even though he still had doubts, so he resigned from Life Online, and turned to find Jian Ning to go through the entry procedures.

But unexpectedly Jian Ning said: "Qina didn't say that you would join the job."

When Qi Na saw Xiao Xu, he smiled slightly: "Are you rich? No, you can borrow some money from your sister and start a training institution by yourself."

Xiao Xu was startled, and vaguely understood.Bowed and left Qi Na's office. When Jian Ning sent him out, he specially handed him a special pass. This pass was an IC card, and the identity information on it defined his authority as not low. The reason for doing this was to let him He can freely enter and exit Kirin Wings and access various technical documents.

Xiao Xu returned to his single apartment, turned on the computer, created a new document, and was thinking about how to carry out his work when he heard a knock on the door. It turned out that two staff members from Kirin Wings delivered three packages the height of a person. .

Xiao Xu was very surprised, and only when he saw the note did he realize that it was a gift from Qina.

After taking it apart, it was found that it was a Suzaku robot, a desktop version of a micro-mechanical arm, a configured robotOS server, several computers, and 3D projection equipment.

Xiao Xu immediately started to open up the living room and the study room. It was just a partition made by the curtain, and the TV and game consoles in the living room were all removed.

He let the robot Sanhei, the name Xiao Xu gave the robot, measured the size, drove to IKEA, bought suitable partitions, cabinets, tables and chairs, and rearranged the living room.

When Sanhei arrived at IKEA, it caused a commotion. Many people came to watch and take pictures. The manager of IKEA also specially greeted Xiao Xu.

After the layout is completed, the server is placed in the gap between the kitchen and the bathroom, the noise is too loud, otherwise people will be driven crazy by the noise.

He and the robot sit face to face on a computer desk, and the desktop version of the robotic arm will cooperate with their work and help them tidy up the desktop. At the same time, it will be associated with the server and provide Xiaoxu with a basic environment for testing and work.

Xiao Xu sat down firmly and wrote down his work plan. First, he wrote an introduction to robotOS operation, and then an introduction to programming. This will be the basis for his work in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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