Need for little hackers

Chapter 269 Actual Combat

Chapter 269 Actual Combat ([-])

Although Qi Na is working steadily, the general environment is getting worse.
Of course, it was actually aimed at Qilin Wings. After Qi Na was announced as a wanted criminal, Gao Qinglin, Min Rui, Lin Hui and others were included in the blacklist.

Although Lisa was not blacklisted, she was more nervous and worried than them.

She believes that if it continues to develop at such a pace, it will be a huge oppression for the future development space of Kirin Wings.

Although it is only to suppress military robots, some officials and scientific and technological personnel have publicly expressed their opinion that artificial intelligence will endanger the survival of human beings.

These previous remarks were also very popular, but there is no doubt that they were just rumors and malicious slander by some people or groups with malicious plans.

But the official voice, coupled with deliberate guidance and manipulation of public opinion, has aroused people's concern, and gradually triggered protests.

Although domestic public opinion has been controlled to a certain extent, ordinary people still have a large amount of foreign information introduced into the country through various channels out of concerns for their own safety.

All these have affected people's goodwill towards Kirin Wings.

In some places, the business of Kirin milk tea shops has obviously been affected. Lisa used all kinds of tricks to spread word of mouth, but in the general environment, these small tricks could not affect the overall situation, and what worried Qi Na even more finally came on the day when the dragon raised its head.

German machine tool manufacturers stopped cooperating with Kirin Wings, and even stopped cooperating with other domestic companies.

That is to say, there is no problem with the current completed order, but the new order will no longer fulfill the contract.

Existing service and spare parts orders will be fulfilled by the machine tool manufacturer, but new spare parts orders and services will no longer be accepted.

Machine tool manufacturers are unwilling to do this in their hearts, but they have no choice but to be coerced by the trend of the general environment.

In order to make up for their apology, the manufacturer additionally provided some technical parameters of the accessories and the experience of reuse.It can also be regarded as an expression of their guilt.

The cooperation with German machine tool manufacturers was interrupted, and the supply of military robots was not possible without the supply of new machine tools.

Qi Na felt indescribably indignant, and he couldn't help but said to Lisa and Jian Ning: "If I had known, I should have gone to the United States first, and dismantled their core network first."

Such wisecracks are said now, and it does not help the matter.

Ye Tingfei, the military representative, kept urging Qi Na to mass produce as soon as possible, but Qi Na scolded them for tearing things down more often than for helping them.

Ye Tingfei heard that the German machine tool was discontinued, and said disapprovingly: "Then use domestic machine tools, what are you afraid of? Our cutting-edge products may be a little bit worse, but based on this precision, we need to do some redesigns to produce some surplus. Quantity is always feasible."

He said it was simple, and then Qi Na ordered two of the most advanced machine tools made in China, and the debugging was finally completed. The produced parts have a huge influence on each other, and there are even obvious bugs.Not to mention, the machine tool lacks stability.

Qina muttered, "Waste of money."

He obviously felt that funds were flowing, especially the data center and factory construction funds in Asakawa flowed out like running water, and the pressure was huge. Out of instinct, he was too afraid of cash flow problems.

As we all know, the robotic arm has always been a profitable department, but the overall loss is still due to the protracted development cycle and huge cost. In addition to self-sufficiency, tens of billions are bank loans. At the end of last year, Suzaku Robot developed During the critical period, funds were almost dry.At that time, it could be described as a last-ditch battle, but fortunately, it came true.

Afterwards, the military's orders solved all the problems, but their customers were too single. Except for the military, there was only the first batch of external orders for [-] Suzaku robots. These exchanged funds supported the Kirin Wings.

It's not that they are unwilling to mass-produce Suzaku robots for the civilian market. In fact, the orders they have received have exceeded 150 units for full payment and prepaid orders. You must know that the unit price of each unit is more than 150 million , an order of [-] units means [-] billion, and these funds are enough to solve many problems.

But their factory is only that big. Last year, the first batch of [-] Suzaku robots to the outside world stopped all the mechanical arms and gathered all the resources. It was only after nearly a month of busy work before the Spring Festival that it was barely completed. Order.

Now that the orders for the robotic arm have to be met, the Qinglong robot has to be produced, and the Suzaku robot can't be sloppy, then one thing can be confirmed is that it is impossible to support these orders with full overtime.

Time flies and it’s already May, the weather is getting hotter, the production problem has not been resolved for a long time, and there is not even a trace of it, Qi Na is worried, Lisa also began to report the shortage of funds, Qi Na began to plan to sell the data center, of course this is just a joke In other words, he wants to sell the data room from the lease, and exchange a sum of money from Life Online to deal with the turnover.

While Lisa was urging Ye Tingfei to pay the second payment, Ye Tingfei replied to the interview.

When Qi Na heard Lisa's report, he felt a little uneasy, and said to Lisa, "Forget it, let's get ready. I'll raise some money from Zheng Xiumin's side, and when I see Ye Tingfei, I'll squeeze some money out."

Lisa listened to what he said was interesting, and even though she was facing a difficult problem, she couldn't help but smile.

Ye Tingfei took a military transport plane from BJ that night and returned to Ningnan.

Qi Na and Lisa are waiting for him.

Ye Tingfei didn't expect to see Qi Na, he was a little surprised, but soon realized that Qilin Zhiyi was facing enormous pressure now.

When Lisa urged him to fulfill the promise as soon as possible, pay the second payment for the first order, and pay the first payment for the second order.

Ye Tingfei spread his hands: "We are all acquaintances, and I can tell you frankly that it is impossible now, at least until you have to deal with [-] robots, we will be able to bring payment to the agenda."

Qi Na said dissatisfiedly: "Now there is a problem with production capacity, you are clear, and the reason is not ours, but the national level, how do you ask us to solve it?"

"I can't help it. I'm telling you the truth." Ye Tingfei smiled wryly: "This is a request from the superior. As for matters in the diplomatic field, we don't have much ability to intervene."

"If you all have this attitude, then I can respond very well: you don't want to take another robot from me, and you don't want to always take parts from me for the one thousand robots that have been delivered." Qi Na was angry .

"Alex!" Lisa called him softly.This hasn't been discussed for 3 minutes, so we can't just turn our faces like this.

Ye Tingfei lowered his head: "I have always regarded you two as friends, and I am willing to help you two. If you two feel that there is something wrong with me, I am willing to transfer away."

He also got a little angry and started to lose his temper.

Lisa hurriedly said: "Brother Ye, don't worry, and Alex don't get excited. This matter is definitely not something that the three of us can solve. If possible, Brother Ye, can you help us make an appointment with General Hong and use him to push the issue forward?" solution."

Ye Tingfei glanced at Lisa, then at Qi Na, and said, "Actually, I have another suggestion."

"What suggestion?" Seeing Ye Tingfei's hesitant and mysterious look, both Qina and Lisa were curious.

"Go and prove the strength of Qinglong robot." Ye Tingfei stared at Qi Na with wide eyes.There was a biting fierceness in his eyes.

It turns out that many elders in the temple are also full of uneasiness about robots and artificial intelligence, and some even ask the authorities to guard against Qilin Wings.

So let alone the [-] robots that did not have a full supply of the order, even if the supply was full, the fear of the Kirin Wings in the temple would force the authorities not to pay the order contract on time.

Let alone a second order.

Hearing what Ye Tingfei said here, Qi Na apologized to him for his rude attitude just now, and he said, "I heard your introduction, but I actually have an idea. I think foreign lobbyists have affected the temple."

Ye Tingfei nodded, there is no doubt about it, but he did not want to discuss these issues, and continued: "Recently, our ally Pakistan has retreated steadily in the battle against the extremist terrorist organization Black Moon, and the United States is still dealing with 2is The organization, exhausted, only promises to send out drones at the right time, conduct one or two air strikes, and leave it alone."

"Almost half of the land of Pakistan is now lost. The Black Moon Regiment has caused many humanitarian disasters. The army of the Black Moon Regiment has already approached the capital of Pakistan. International public opinion is paying attention to this place, and the only thing that can save Pakistan is to refuse Apart from their America, we are the only ones." Ye Tingfei continued: "Pakistan has asked us for military intervention."

He paused for a moment, and asked Qi Na word by word: "General Hong wants to use the Azure Dragon Robot Corps, and now I have a question, can you provide technical support."

The Qinglong Robot Corps has delivered more than 100 units before. Except for two operations, it is only conducting routine exercises. The military's research and development agencies are still analyzing the data of previous operations, and the entire combat system is still only on paper.

This disappointed General Hong and the others, and at this juncture, they could only hope that Qi Na would come forward to cooperate with his combat system, and the Qinglong regiment, plus the thousand robots that were about to be delivered, to cooperate with the recent If the weapons developed and trial-produced in a small amount, as well as the modified equipment, can effectively assume responsibility, then the whole situation will undergo subtle changes.

First of all, the decision-makers have a lot of room for maneuver. If the Qinglongtuan wins, then this is a matter of course. For the Qinglongtuan, they have greater capital to challenge the authorities and want to get back what belongs to them—that is, Can get back the contract money, in order to solve the urgent need.And if the Qinglongtuan lost, it would be a disaster for Kirin Wings, but it would not be a catastrophe, because there is still a civilian market to tap.In addition, the decision-makers also have an excuse to maneuver.

Qi Na quickly sorted out the context of this, and was about to speak, when he suddenly thought of another benefit: If the Qinglong team wins, then the US may not be able to blame the military combat robots.

This is also an excellent opportunity for external publicity and communication with the US.

So after looking at Lisa, Qi Na nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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