Need for little hackers

Chapter 270 Actual Combat Combat

Chapter 270 Actual Combat ([-]) Combat

And now that Ye Tingfei's request was agreed, the rhythm of the entire Qilin Wing entered the war period.

Putting a thousand robots into a battle at the level of a national civil war is not playing tricks, but a gamble with their wealth and lives.

After thinking about it for a while, Qi Na resolutely asked Lisa to block the news. Only a few senior executives of Kirin Wings knew about it. In fact, only Min Rui, Gao Qinglin, Tian Xiu, and even Lin Hui were blocked.

Lisa quickly arranged for the warehouse to go through the formalities for a thousand Qinglong robots to go out of the warehouse. She felt uneasy, and Qi Na insisted on going out in person. A Suzaku robot is Xiao Er, a Qinglong robot is called a tiger by Lisa, and the other bodyguard is Xiao Zhang, a former security officer they are familiar with and now the deputy security manager.

When Xiao Zhang heard that he was going to accompany Qina on a business trip, his professional sensitivity immediately made him realize that things must be unusual, but his military literacy made him not ask too many questions. He immediately went back to the dormitory to pack his backpack, and returned to the The company, waiting in the meeting room, waiting for Lisa's call.

At this time, the news of Ye Tingfei came. The leaders of the decision-making were discussing, but the leaders agreed that the Qinglong regiment should prepare for the expedition in advance. Note that it was only the preparation for the expedition. Qi Na secretly cursed: These old foxes.

The delivery order of a thousand Qinglong robots was signed by Ye Tingfei. At the same time, more than 30 container trucks drove into the Qilin Wing at [-] o'clock in the morning. The advanced warehouse management system made the whole loading and unloading process only take one hour. The container convoy disappeared silently in Ningnan.

They were also accompanied by Qi Na and his party, including Gao Qinglin, some technicians, and some security personnel.A total of more than 30 people.

Except for Qi Na and Gao Qinglin, the others didn't know where the destination was. They were full of curiosity. The angle and time of the plane's flight made them judge that it was flying to the northwest, which made them secretly guess.

The transport plane landed at a certain military base in the northwest. As one of the coordinators of the military, Ye Tingfei showed up again. He invited Qi Na to meet with the director of the base. In the base, Qi Na saw the [-] Qinglong robots delivered before the Spring Festival.

It turns out that this is the base of the Qinglong regiment.

The director of the base told Qi Na that the military is in communication with Pakistan, and once the superior's order is approved, they can start, so they are on standby now, and at the same time, a thousand Qinglong robots are loaded and unloaded to be charged and supplemented with energy.

There is a huge warehouse in the base, which is a robot waiting room built according to the requirements of Kirin Wings. It is used to store robots, and at the same time, the robots can be charged, scanned and detected, and data transmission and so on.

Qiener also summoned all worried personnel and announced the destination and goal of this operation.

For a while, everyone was talking about it.They were startled and frightened.

Qi Na said very clearly: "Our safety will definitely be guaranteed, but after all, we are going to enter a war zone, and there will inevitably be accidents in a war zone, so I can't give you any 100% promise, the only thing I can do is tell you The current situation is up to everyone to choose."

The security guards had already guessed the situation, but they didn't know that they had to go abroad, but they were calm and did not talk to each other, which showed the excellent quality of the former soldiers.

The technicians discussed with each other. Some were excited, some were frightened, and some were worried. At this time, Gao Qinglin told everyone about the company's policy. When entering a war zone, the subsidy per person per day is [-]. , The company provides pensions for serious injuries and disabilities, and the compensation for death is tens of millions.At the same time, the company will give priority to them in future promotion.

He said that he would send the agreement in his hand to everyone, and while everyone was checking the agreement, Qi Na said to everyone: "Manager Gao has told everyone about the company's arrangements, and now he has sent 10 to everyone's accounts. Ten thousand yuan, if you are unwilling to go out, remember to return the money to me."

"Hehe." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"In addition, we are the starting team. When we settle down, the backup supplies will follow up, and someone will replace us in one to two weeks." Qi Na slowly explained that the robot's accessories, charging facilities, etc. are all required resolved as soon as possible.

Although what Qina said was very thorough—it was risky, but the young people's ignorance of blood and fire, and their confidence in the robot army finally shattered all timidity. In the end, no one quit, and everyone was determined to advance and retreat together.

In another latitude of time and space, General Hong was outside the meeting room, patiently waiting for the decision of the top decision makers.

Filtered cigarette butts piled up on the ashtray on the table, and before I knew it, the two packs of cigarettes had been wiped out.

The waiter had changed three times, and the secretary fell asleep leaning on the sofa.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning that he finally saw the chief, and the chief nodded to him. General Hong was overjoyed, and his drowsy mind immediately woke up.

The chief only briefly spoke to him, and then staff from relevant departments formed a temporary command and coordination center with him, and the overall operation of the matter began.

The first thing the command center did was to confirm with Pakistan to send troops, but it was just robot soldiers.With the approval of the Ba Kingdom, the second thing is to issue an order, and all the Qinglong regiments in a certain base in the northwest are dispatched.

When the Pakistani people saw the army of robots appearing in unison at the military base like in a sci-fi movie, they felt a strong sense of shock, and the audience fell silent.

The Minister of Defense of Pakistan met with Qi Na, an old soldier in his 50s. He first expressed his gratitude and at the same time expressed his concern about the robot army.

According to the high-level communication between the two countries, the Qinglong regiment is only used as a weapon, and the right to use it belongs to Ba.This made everyone in Qilin Wings very dissatisfied, but this was the result of high-level communication, and it was also an order, so they couldn't help it.

Qi Na communicated briefly with the Minister of Defense without explaining his concerns, determined to use a battle to dispel their doubts.

The Minister of Defense told Qi Na that at a position 130 kilometers north of the capital, the vanguard of the "Black Moon Regiment" of the bandit army had already appeared.

Qi Na immediately said that an attack could be arranged.

Pakistan's military strength is weak, and it is impossible to provide helicopter assistance, so they split into two groups. Gao Qinglin led a large army to station at a military base in the north of the capital of Pakistan, which will become their logistics base.

And Qina took a hundred Qinglong robots and Xiao Zhang and other security personnel, and continued northward into the war zone.

They were traveling in a truck with poor protection, so Qi Na immediately asked to release a drone—a quadrotor aircraft.Reconnaissance ahead of the convoy.

On the monitoring screen of the Ipad in Ye Tingfei's hand, they had a clear view of the route ahead of the convoy, and they arrived at the designated location smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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