Need for little hackers

Chapter 273 Eight Diagrams Zuo Shenhai

Chapter 273 Gossip ([-]) Zuo Shenhai

The emergence of the three-dimensional metal processing center of the robotic arm can be said to have solved the production capacity problem of Kirin Wings, especially the molding of the first set of machining centers, so as to imitate the production of the second set, the third set, and the improved fourth set In less than a month, they have been put into production one after another. The production capacity is released to produce 600 Qinglong robots per day, and then the fifth set starts, and the tenth set of processing centers are directly deployed in the Qinglong production base in Asakawa. After putting into production, every day About [-] units were produced and supplied to the Ministry of Defense.

These two sharp weapons played an unparalleled and irreplaceable role on the battlefield of Pakistan. In order to get the superior to agree to purchase these two sharp weapons, Ye Tingfei would mention them in every work briefing. At the beginning, he did not leave any traces, seemingly at random. To mention it, later on, they simply became aboveboard and shouted at the top of their lungs, and the leaders of Huyou must make up their minds to bring these two weapons into their pockets.

Originally, the Ministry of National Defense of the control and command system was developing it by itself, and the reason was that they did not trust Qi Na, the Kirin Wing.

But just as General Hong replied to the chief, since the robots are all bought, and you are still worried about software control, isn't this taking off your pants and farting, is it superfluous?

The chief doesn't know much about these technologies, but he is not stupid. Comparing the situation and status of the software on both sides, he can understand that some people still want to get a share of the military equipment research institute and get some money.

So the chief personally made the decision and bought the Qinglong robot combat command and control system of Kirin Wings, as well as multiple types of terminals. There are large control terminals with high efficiency and high throughput that are half the size of a house, and medium-sized control terminals that are the size of a table. As well as a small control terminal such as a notebook, a tablet, and even a miniature control terminal operated by a mobile phone.

The quadrotor UAV was transferred by Qi Na to Xiang Yuyao and Zuo Shenhai.

The production of this part is not the strong point of Kirin Wings. Well, to put it simply, the profit is not as thick as that of robots, and Kirin Wings is a bit contemptuous.

Just because Kirin Wings don't like it doesn't mean that Sanyang and Cundian don't like it. The four-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle was authorized by Qi Na to them. As an agent, Sanyang Company was immersed in a joyful mood.

But the punctuality is a bit embarrassing, their robotic arms are far less than Sanyang, and the three-dimensional metal processing center of the robotic arms is fine without their share. The production quota they can win for the quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle is also very small. limited.

Zuo Shenhai knew about Qi Na's kindness, but he was always unwilling, so he contacted Jian Ning personally, hoping to establish contact with her and prepare for the future work.

Zuo Shenhai wants to pay a personal visit to Jian Ning, the backstage manager of Kirin Wings.

Ever since Emily left Ningnan, went to North America, joined the SPE browser company, and held the shares of Qi Na, the contact between Zuo Shenhai and others and Kirin Wings suddenly decreased. As for stocks, Qi Na is not the kind of person who is unfeeling and unlucky, so he let it go, but this time when the production quota of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles came out, Zuo Shenhai regretted it all.How could he have made such a mistake after walking all his life in the rivers and lakes? He firmly believed that it was because he neglected to maintain a good interactive relationship with Qilin Wings, which led to this series of changes. melted.

Zuo Shenhai is determined to correct his mistakes, and wants to establish contact with Jian Ning in person. Based on his understanding of Emily's previous position, although Lisa is the CEO, she mainly focuses on media public relations strategies and company financial marginal data. For production, HR Emily has always been in charge of logistics and logistics, and Emily is equivalent to the chief butler of Qi Na.

And now Emily's successor is Jian Ning, she is Qi Na's middle school classmate, her importance is self-evident.

But Jian Ning asked the messenger to respond to Zuo Shenhai, if you have anything to talk about directly in Qilin's Nest.

Zuo Shenhai was a little dissatisfied. The young man just didn't know the heights of the sky and the importance of the matter. He didn't want to go, but after thinking about it, it was better to see than not to see, so he made up his mind and took the driver straight to Qilin Zhiyi.

Walking under the Yangtze River Bridge, the vehicles on the bridge stretching for several kilometers made the drivers lament. No matter how time flies, how society progresses, and how incredible the technology is, the Yangtze River Bridge in Ningnan is still stuck in traffic every day, without exception.

Zuo Shenhai was upset for a while, he kept looking outside the car, the more anxious he felt, the more serious the traffic jam became.

It wasn't until after six o'clock in the afternoon that the car crossed the bridge, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he arrived at Qilin's Nest.

Zuo Shenhai is very relaxed, not worried that Jian Ning will get off work on time at this point, since the establishment of Kirin Wings, it seems that the management has not worked overtime for a day.

He strolled to Jian Ning's office, saw the young and beautiful Jian Ning busy, and thought in a trance that his daughter, who had attended the punctual board meeting, seemed to be growing up not as smoothly as he expected under his wings.

He was just about to speak, but someone on the sofa next to the door spoke: "Mr. Zuo, you are here!"

Zuo Shenhai was taken aback, and turned his head to see that it was Qi Na, which greatly surprised him, Zuo Shenhai's expression changed slightly, and he said politely: "Oh, Mr. Qi, long time no see."

Qi Na held Zuo Shenhai's hand and gave way to the sofa. Zuo Shenhai couldn't refuse, so he sat down with him.

Zuo Shenhai did not expect to meet Qi Na. As the most popular and legendary Qi Na, Zuo Shenhai had long since lost the idea of ​​recruiting him as his son-in-law in the early years. At this time, no matter his language or attitude, he was still full of respect. There was no trace of hypocrisy in this respect because he was much older than Qi Na.

He loves and respects Qi Na from the bottom of his heart.

Qina said with a smile: "We just had a meeting, and Jian Ning said that you were coming, so I said that I should just sit back and wait for you for a while."

He went on to say: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, and it's very rare to have time to sit down and chat."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Qi just came back recently, I thought I would come to visit you." Zuo Shenhai said seriously.

Qina couldn't help frowning, and said: "Mr. Zuo, you are too polite. If you have anything to do, just tell me what you need. If you say visits, it's a bit frustrating to me."

"Mmm, um." Zuo Shenhai was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

Qi Na changed the subject and talked about what he had seen and heard in Ba, Jian Ning brought Zuo Shenhai a cup of strong tea, then walked out of the office, leaving them behind, and especially closed the door behind him before leaving.

While talking, Qi Na mentioned his feelings in Ba, he said: "We originally thought that our software control and command system must be the best in the world. In fact, this idea is correct. After all, I am the only one in the world. , there is no semicolon, but the best and the best and the best to use are completely different things."

"In order to adapt to the actual needs of the front line, we constantly optimize the system and improve our logistics deployment system. Every change is a toss, and it feels like this is how it can be done. One coincidence, we were upgrading the system, the Black Moon Group Just in time to counterattack, apart from the robots, there are only dozens of flesh and blood in the camp. The Pakistani soldiers who are in charge of protecting us have been chasing the enemy excitedly before. , nakedly exposed under the eyes of the other party."

Zuo Shenhai was fascinated by what he heard, and couldn't help asking: "Then what happened next?"

"Later, of course, the bullets had already entered the camp. The closest soldiers of the Black Moon Regiment were only 30 meters away from us. We completed the system upgrade and restarted the equipment before this time. In fact, if they hadn't hesitated before, I'm afraid we When the equipment is restarting, they can rush in and wipe out dozens of us." Qi Na said here and couldn't help sighing.

"If they really have this ambition, then maybe history will have to be rewritten." Zuo Shenhai's compliment was insignificant, and Qi Na smiled slightly when he heard it.

"Yes, sometimes, when I read history books and read some articles, I feel that history, society, politics, and these humanistic things are actually driven forward by countless accidental factors. You can't admit it, some people I would compare these things to invisible hands, and some people say that gods are controlling people, but if you ask me, these gods and gods are too weak." Qi Na gradually relaxed and joked.

Zuo Shenhai laughed dryly with him.

After waiting for him to finish laughing, Qi Na suddenly looked serious, and said to Zuo Shenhai: "Mr. Zuo, I want to communicate with you about something. A few days ago, we arranged for you and Sanyang to produce quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles."

Zuo Shenhai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Qi Na would take the initiative to bring up this matter. This matter was handled by Jian Ning, so he only wanted to get in touch with Jian Ning so that he could get more orders in the future. I don't want these things to disturb Qi Na.

Could it be that Qi Na knew about this and wanted to place more orders with us?Zuo Shenhai secretly looked forward to it.

"Mr. Zuo, looking at it now, it is mainly due to the conclusion of our recent investigation that Punctual is not suitable for the production of such precision products, so we cannot place orders for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles." Qi Na went straight to the point, Zuo Shenhai I just felt that there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and my busy work was in vain.

Zuo Shenhai's face sank, and he added a few comments to Qina in his heart: heartless and untrustworthy.

He didn't say a word, the order was in Qilin Zhiyi's hands, and since Qina had spoken, no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't help.

"However, we are working on another matter, and we hope that it will be done on time. I wonder if Mr. Zuo is interested?!" Qi Na whispered.

Zuo Shenhai hadn't recovered from the blow just now, plus he was old and hard of hearing, so he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Qi Na asked again patiently, and Zuo Shenhai raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?" He still had a bitter look on his face at this moment.

"We have invested in a R&D room and an unmanned factory in Asakawa, and we will continue to invest on this basis in the later stage to expand production, but Kirin Wings has decided not to take on this part of the responsibility. We want to transfer this part to Zhundian, Mr. Zuo , are you interested?!"

After Qi Na finished speaking, Zuo Shenhai became even more strange. Isn't what Qi Na said was the Arabian Nights?Let others pick ripe peaches, is there such a good thing in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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