Need for little hackers

Chapter 274 Eight Diagrams Change hands

Chapter 274 Gossip ([-]) Change hands

All good things happen for a reason, in other words there is no free lunch.

The reason why Qi Na wanted to hand over the factory to Zhundian did not say clearly, but Zuo Shenhai was not deaf. He had heard of the huge amount of construction on the side of Asakawa a long time ago. It is said that the data center alone is half the size of Asakawa County. , he felt that there was moisture here, but it was not important, it only showed the important position of Asakawa in the Qina Empire.

And if this factory is in Asakawa, it means two things. This is not a tasteless project, but a very important project.

Secondly, there is something hidden about this project, or Qin Na thinks it is a hot potato and needs to find a successor.

Zuo Shenhai asked: "Then Mr. Qi, may I ask, what is the direction of this research and development room? How big is the factory?"

Qina's expression was slightly embarrassed, he lowered his voice, and said embarrassedly: "Arsenal!"

What Qi Na was talking about was the project of developing supporting weapons for the Qinglong robot. It has been secretly operated this year, and the results have been remarkable, but the more this happened, the more anxious Qi Na was. This made Qi Na quite worried.

You know, when did a private arsenal appear in this country?

The fundamental reason why Ye Tingfei and the organization he represented handed over the research and development unit to Qi Na was that it was restricted by Qi Na's advanced robot technology, and no one in China except Qilin Wing could do it.

Of course, Qi Na is well aware of these.

Besides, Qi Na was unwilling to show the world the image of a murderous madman.

Zuo Shenhai suddenly realized, and when he was about to speak, Qi Na said, "The factory can be handed over to you immediately. As for your sole proprietorship, you should find one or two partners. This is up to you to arrange, and I will not interfere." Actually, Qi Na Na wanted to imply that he and Ye Tingfei would communicate again, but this kind of thing is over, and there is no need to say it too clearly.

Zuo Shenhai is actually still hesitating, but the temptation of the arsenal is too great. In this world, the most profitable business is arms besides drugs. He has no determination to resist the temptation at all, and nodded to express that he is willing to accept it.

Qi Na continued: "The personnel in the research and development studio are still employees of Kirin Wings, and they will still belong to Kirin Wings for a period of time. They can be transferred back to Kirin Wings at any time, but I can guarantee that without your consent, we will not They will be withdrawn, but if they wish, whether they stay in the R&D room or return to the Kirin Wings, neither you nor I can stop them."

What Qi Na did was actually throwing the stall to Zuo Shenhai, but he also helped them on the road for a while.

Zuo Shenhai nodded, and replied again: "I have initially agreed, but I have to think about the specific cooperation model. I will reply you tomorrow."

Qina nodded and relaxed, Zuo Shenhai stood up and said goodbye.Qi Na sent him out of the office building.

Zuo Shenhai walked all the way to the parking lot, his legs were a little erratic, and his whole body felt in the fog. He came here this time only to establish contact with Jian Ning, the middle-level backbone of Qilin Wings, to pave the way for the follow-up work. The road is flat, but he didn't expect a big blessing to fall out of thin air, so big that he couldn't believe it.

After a long time in the rivers and lakes, he quickly reflected from the joy and excitement, and began to think about a question: "Why did this matter fall on my head, and secondly, why didn't Qi Na do this by himself? What is he worried about? Or , is there any hidden secret?"

Zuo Shenhai didn't have any thoughts, perhaps because of his excitement, he couldn't straighten out his thoughts at all.

After thinking about it, he contacted Doris and wanted to ask her advice, but unexpectedly Doris was on vacation, she suggested that Zuo Shenhai communicate directly with Zheng Xiumin or Wu Jun, which would be more direct.

Of course, Zuo Shenhai and Zheng Xiumin knew each other, but their relationship was not good enough to confide in each other. After all, Zheng Xiumin was his junior, and she was still a young girl.It is also impossible for him to socialize too much.

But this time, he still bit the bullet and went to General Lane to visit Zheng Xiumin.

Zheng Xiumin was about to get off work, and was very surprised to see Zuo Shenhai. Although he didn't take his surprise visit seriously, Zuo Shenhai is an elder with a upright personality. During the internal strife last year, his support at the critical moment played a role decisive role.Zheng Xiumin has always maintained a respect for Zuo Shenhai in his heart.

Therefore, she immediately put down her handbag, arranged to go to the small reception room, and received the interview in person.

Zuo Shenhai was a little embarrassed, and after a few words of politeness, he turned to the topic.

Hearing Zuo Shenhai's question, Zheng Xiumin hesitated, after all, she knew the inside story very well, and the key point was that Qi Na didn't want to get involved in the manufacture of weapons, especially this kind of direct killing weapon.In addition, his distrust of the authorities is also one of the important reasons.Finally, he is unwilling to add the label of a murderous maniac to his already famous reputation.

She knew these reasons very well, but she didn't know where to start. After a little hesitation, she explained the most important one. Qina didn't trust the authorities, which meant that she was a little worried about policy swings.

Zuo Shenhai suddenly realized, he suddenly remembered that Qi Na said that it is not a bad thing to be a sole proprietorship or find one or two partners.

There is also something in the words here, when did Qina become so rich, he didn't say a lot of things, and liked to hide them.

Zuo Shenhai relaxed and started joking.

He asked Zheng Xiumin: "Mr. Zheng, are you interested in coming together?"

Zheng Xiumin smiled: "Forget it."

Zuo Shenhai just asked casually. Of course, he knew that Qi Na would not want his relatives and friends to be involved in the arsenal. After all, since ancient times, there have been very few private arsenals -- except for the blacksmith shop of course.

Zuo Shenhai understood Qi Na's worries, so he stopped hesitating. What kind of thing is this? !Where there is risk, there is benefit, and the benefit is directly proportional to the risk.

But how to find those partners to participate in this project?

The next day, Qi Na saw Zuo Shenhai in the office early in the morning.To his surprise, he saw Jenny and Roy.

It's been a long time since I saw Roy's warm-hearted image as before.Seeing Qi Na was very polite, and he didn't show an overly exaggerated or warm expression.

Jenny is a little embarrassed, this is the first time they have met since last year.

Qi Naqiang put on a smile, but was a little dissatisfied with Zuo Shenhai.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Jenny spoke first: "Alex, I'm sorry, I came here uninvited today, don't blame Mr. Zuo."

Qi Na didn't say a word, the robot waiter walked in and set out tea for them, Zuo Shenhai was extremely embarrassed, he regretted it very much, but now, he can't back down.

Zuo Shenhai said: "Mr. Qi, I invited Jenny to come here today. Regarding the handover of the Asakawa R&D Office, I want to work with a number of people, including Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong."

"Alex, my boss, Zhao Sheng, is very interested in this project and is willing to negotiate further, and ask Alex to give me a chance to cooperate." Roy said, his attitude was extremely humble, and he even placed his position very low. Deputy Qi Na butcher looks like.

Qina nodded, and at this time Jenny said again: "Meg and Lina's fashion is not going well, and I'm also looking for a way out for them..."

Qi Na interrupted her, and said to Zuo Shenhai: "Mr. Zuo, as I told you yesterday, this handover is a matter between you and me, and the subsequent work arrangements are in your hands, and I will not interfere. "He felt that Zuo Shenhai hadn't figured out the real behind-the-scenes of this matter at his age, and it was a bit silly.

But maybe Zuo Shenhai just wanted to get a vote?Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing the heart, he didn't bother to pursue it, anyway, the research and development was in his own hands.

"I understand." Zuo Shenhai's forehead was sweating, and he thought that even if only Roy appeared today, this situation would probably happen.

While talking, Jianning came in, and then Lisa, Lisa's expression changed slightly when she saw Jenny, but she still greeted Zuo Shenhai friendly.

Jian Ning held dozens of documents in his hand, as well as some document descriptions.

Lisa introduced to Zuo Shenhai: "These are a complete set of documents for the establishment of the company. Because the factory is secret, the local public security bureau is not qualified to inspect it, let alone the industrial and commercial taxation. So there is no registration, so there is no way Mention the transfer."

"All the documents here are the current equipment information of the factory and all the patent certificates, personnel information, land information, etc. that have been obtained so far."

"Most of the information is in the name of the individual. Mr. Zuo, you need to register a company locally as soon as possible, and then incorporate these assets and personnel into it. As for financial issues, you should find a way to solve them yourself."

"Of course, you have to take this information for verification, but photocopies, photos, and records are not allowed. These materials must be gathered together, and we will arrange for a robot to keep them. After completion, all materials must be returned."

While speaking, Lisa flipped through the thick documents to explain to Zuo Shenhai.

"When you arrive in Asakawa, you can ask Fan Ning for help. This matter is top secret. Try not to go through formal official channels. In fact, they all know it, but it still needs to be kept secret." Jian Ning introduced.

Lisa said softly: "Jianning will help you complete the preliminary handover interface work."

When Zuo Shenhai saw the equipment information and personnel information, his previous uneasiness and tension disappeared without a trace, and his whole body settled down.

Although Jenny pretended to be indifferent, her eyes were fixed on the material and she really wanted to take it into her hands and put it in her arms.

Sending off Zuo Shenhai and his party, Lisa asked Qi Na why he still refused to forgive Jenny, and Qi Na shook his head: "It doesn't matter if you want to forgive, I can't send her to ask her, let her beg me to forgive her again. This is too much." Cheap."

He paused: "Forgive me or not, I can't go back to the previous state of cooperation. She knows it very well. She is a selfish person. Although she keeps emphasizing that she cares about her colleagues and subordinates, she values ​​herself more."

Lisa still wanted to be long-winded, but Qi Na interrupted her: "Don't mention it any more, even if this matter is completely over, I will leave a heartache behind. Take it easy."

But Qi Na immediately asked again: "You said that Zuo Shenhai found a rich man in Hong Kong as his background, is that okay? Will Ye Tingfei agree?"

Lisa rolled her eyes: "What's the use of saying that now? They're probably talking about how to divide the spoils. You still want to get back what you gave away?"

"No, I'm just worried about Zuo Shenhai, and the arsenal isn't a hot potato. He was supposed to repay him. He was probably worried about the authorities, so he simply added a superfluous Hong Kong rich man to the game. He didn't know the future development of Mr. Zuo. Can you hold it?" Qina said lightly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao has always loved Hong Kong and the country, and he has a good relationship with the mainland, maybe he has high-level connections!" Lisa thought about it, and felt uneasy: "I'm afraid that Mr. Zuo will lead someone into the house. Alas, let’s take one step at a time.”

(End of this chapter)

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