Need for little hackers

Chapter 279 Patent News

Chapter 279 Patent ([-]) News

Lisa and Zheng Xiumin drove back to Ningnan together, so when Qi Na left the awards theater, they had already left.

The robot boy said to Qi Na: "Alex, I'm very sorry, Lisa and Zheng Xiumin have already left."

"No need to apologize, let's go back too." Qi Na said.

The modified unmanned electric commercial vehicle quickly responded: "Target, Ningnan. Let's start now, the route is the most comfortable road."

Possessing the world's most advanced artificial intelligence technology, it is impossible for Qiner not to demonstrate its technical capabilities in areas such as unmanned driving.

Coupled with the ultra-high-efficiency battery developed by Kirin Wing, a similar electric vehicle can travel up to [-] kilometers on a single charge, which is sufficient for most applications.

Therefore, the battery project was held firmly in the hands of Kirin Wings and was not released. Several battery factories in Yancheng City were only qualified as OEMs and had not been authorized.Every move of this battery production is extraordinarily eye-catching, and it can be said to be another sharp weapon capable of changing the world.

Regarding the development of the battery project, Lisa's opinion is to acquire these multiple batteries and give full play to the production capacity of these manufacturers, so that there is no need to build new factories, so that there will be no conflicts in time.

But almost everyone is opposed to this, thinking that the core things still need to be controlled by themselves to be at ease.

The acquired factories are like picked up children, no matter how they are used, they will not be considerate.

For the different opinions of the two parties, Qi Na chose to avoid it, thinking that it doesn't matter too much, no matter who does it, as long as the supply of robot batteries can be guaranteed now.

He has all the right to speak, and he has not made a decision, so this matter is hanging here.

The vehicle slowly drove out of the SH urban area, got on the highway, and the speed gradually increased. There was only one waiter in the car, and Qi Na gradually relaxed and half-lyed on the seat.

Xiao Er said: "Alex, we are on the highway, your posture is very dangerous."

"Oh, this is the most comfortable way." Qi Na said.

"But if there is an accident, the death rate caused by your posture is as high as 100%, so please do your best and fasten your seat belt." Xiaoer insisted that Qi Na do well without any hesitation.

Qi Na raised his brows, not wanting to be wordy with the robot, so he asked Xiaoer to help him contact Zheng Xiumin.

But Jung Soo Min hung up on him.

Xiao Er said: "Zheng Xiumin doesn't seem to be happy, should I continue to call her?"

Qi Na shook her head, it seemed that Zheng Xiumin was really angry because she didn't know the truth.

On the expressway dozens of kilometers away, Zheng Xiumin rejected the mobile phone call reminder from the robot assistant.

Lisa glanced at Zheng Xiumin, hesitated to speak, Zheng Xiumin saw it, and asked her.

Lisa hesitated for a moment, but said, "I didn't want to tell you the truth, but it wasn't a big deal."

"What?" Zheng Xiumin felt that what she encountered was really a trap.

"Qina just wants to help his old colleagues hype by participating in this annual film awards ceremony, otherwise how could we not know that Nie Miao is there?" Lisa explained: "If it is normal, we must avoid it."

"The clothes the two of us used to wear were Meg's fashion brands. Walking on the red carpet and deliberately pretending to be irritated by Nie Miao are one of the topics of hype. At the same time, there are a lot of pictures and related Internet information word-of-mouth dissemination in the background, for the purpose of Help Meg promote the brand and let more people know about this high-priced custom fashion brand. Especially through us to improve the public, um, especially the entertainment actress's awareness of the brand."

As soon as Lisa explained, Zheng Xiumin complained: "Is there such a thing for fun? Do you want to play together?"

Lisa chuckled: "It's all Qi Na's bad idea, he said he doesn't need to tell you, I'm just the executor."

Zheng Xiumin was still thinking about how to settle accounts with Qina when she returned to Ningnan, Lisa suddenly hugged her and said in a low voice: "Actually, it's nothing, just treat it as if we had a date together, take it easy."

The three of them returned to Ningnan one after another that night, and went to a barbecue restaurant that Zheng Xiumin loved to go to, and ate the real kebabs that had not been seen for a long time.

Not long after, someone discovered them. Fortunately, the owner of the barbecue shop was very familiar with Zheng Xiumin, and he had arranged for people to maintain order. With the help of three robots, they finished the barbecue relatively quietly.

While eating the skewers, Lisa looked at her phone, giving orders constantly, and then couldn't help but show Qi Na and Zheng Xiumin the received messages.

With the help of word-of-mouth communication on the Internet and social media, especially the gossip energy of all kinds of fans, it doesn't matter whether the awards ceremony that night is successful or not. No one pays attention to who won the male lead, best director, and film. Here are the emotional entanglements between Qi Na and Nie Miao, Lisa and Zheng Xiumin and Nie Miao, Qi Na and Lisa and Zheng Xiumin.

Taking advantage of this wave of news, photos of the dresses worn by Lisa and Zheng Xiumin were widely spread, and at the same time, some people introduced the brands and design ideas of their dresses.

The new high-end fashion customization brand founded by Meg has become more and more popular in search keywords on the Internet, and it has also achieved the media influence that Meg has been hoping to achieve but has been unable to achieve in the past two years.

Qina was eating the roasted eggplant with his heart. The eggplant was cut open in the middle and stretched out to the two sides. The eggplant skin at the bottom became a container. Put in seasoning, salad oil, and mashed garlic. , the fragrance is tangy, and Qi Na feels delicious like never before.

He sighed: "It turns out that delicious food can be so simple."

After a short pause, he added: "For Meg, we have done our best, and we hope they can get through this difficult time."

Zheng Xiumin curled her lips: "The current premium of the brand alone is to sell it, and it can make a lot of money."

"Then we don't care about it. We can meet each other calmly next time we meet, so that we don't always feel that we owe them." Qina said, after he finished eating the eggplant, he still dipped the meat with garlic and ate it all.

"It's so strange, how come you have such a strange idea?" Zheng Xiumin asked back.

"Okay, okay, stop talking about this." Lisa interrupted the topic, she understood what Qi Na meant, Meg was Lisa's old leader after all, and she was also the one who set the tone between Qi Na and Lisa.

But these are the past, and Lisa doesn't want to bring them up again.

In the early morning of the next day, various media were full of gossip news about the Shanghai Film Awards Ceremony last night. When Qi Na walked into the company, he found that the eyes of his colleagues were a little erratic, and he didn't care.

It was a bit late when Qi Na arrived at the company. Lisa, Qiao Wenming and others were in a meeting. When he entered, everyone stopped.

Qina signaled to continue, he was just here to listen.

Lisa said in embarrassment: "I'm afraid you won't be able to attend."

Qiao Wenming introduced: "Emily received news from the United States this morning that a company named SanSiro ​​has sued us in court. Unlike the previous small lawsuits, this time they invited a well-known American lawyer and submitted a very reliable case. In a word, this lawsuit is a bit troublesome."

Qi Na was taken aback: "Lawsuit? SanSiro?"

"Yes, San Siro." Lisa smiled helplessly: "The company that bought NMC."

"Damn it, isn't that the company that framed Jenny?" Qina finally realized.

"Why are they suing us?" Qi Na calmed down and asked the first question.

"Infringement, our software infringes their patent." Qiao Wenming introduced.

"Just kidding, they copied mine, right? Nonsense." Qi Na was very angry. If it was any other problem, he could accept it, but saying that his software was copied is a shame and a shame, just like someone accusing him face to face. Words are not the same.

Jian Ning took a naked document and sent it to Qi Na: "This is the document sent back by Emily. She said that the other party does have some patents, but she was not sure about the technology, so she forwarded the information."

Qi Na flipped through a few pages of documents, his heart was beating wildly, and he looked up at Tian Xiu at the far end. Tian Xiu looked worried, and nodded at Qi Na: "Yes, it is the video capture module of NMC's virtual fitting system. Patent, this is what they have in their hands."

"Fuck me." Qina scolded.

Only a few people present, such as Lisa and Tian Xiu, knew the grievances and hatreds involved.The others were confused, but when they heard Qina scolding, they finally knew that this lawsuit might not be easy.Not so easy to solve.

Lisa asked Qi Na: "Are we really infringing?"

Qi Na was noncommittal.Tian Xiu answered for Qi Na at the side: "The core of NMC's virtual fitting system is the video capture and calculation module. Through the algorithm design of the content of ordinary cameras, the most authentic and credible data can be obtained."

"From the beginning of the robotic arm, we have extensively used video capture imaging technology to analyze and judge objects."

"Whether it is the code data of NMC or the code data of Qilin Wings, it was actually typed by Qi Na himself."

Qi Na cut off her words and said: "In this regard, I did not think carefully. In the first few versions of the robotic arm, I intercepted a large number of codes that I wrote when I was at NMC. In some places, although The codes are different, but the design ideas and algorithm design of key scenarios are still similar, and the most important thing is that some of my comments at that time have not been deleted.”

"So, if they get our code information, then they can confirm that we have violated their rights?" Qiao Wenming asked.

"In principle." Tian Xiu replied for Qina who was in deep thought.

"But, isn't the code information all written by Qi Na? This is too unreasonable." Jian Ning complained.

After all, they are all their own people. At this time, the rest of the people are fighting for Qi Na.

And Min Rui kept shaking her head, seeing no one was talking, she said: "Now it's not about discussing who is right and who is wrong, but to find out the other party's bottom line, and we must actively respond to the lawsuit. Or other countermeasures. "

"Yes, complaining can't solve the problem." Qina dropped the document in his hand and leaned on the chair. Although it was morning, he already looked tired.He pointed at Tianxiu: "You sort out the causal relationship between NMC and San Siro, Jenny, me, Meg, and of course Emily, and tell everyone."

He turned his head and said to everyone: "This incident is indeed a bomb I planted. I was negligent and didn't solve it in advance. After this incident, we have to sort out all the patents and contracts in our hands and clear the landmines. In addition, the company's legal department must be strengthened, and the procedures for similar patent and contract review must be done step by step."

After he finished speaking, he got up and left the office, Lisa followed closely, and Tian Xiu cleared his throat in the meeting room and began to talk about the past.

(End of this chapter)

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