Need for little hackers

Chapter 280 Patent Statute of limitations

Chapter 280 Patents (II) Statute of limitations

Tian Xiu briefly introduced the past of mycity and NMC, and then said that NMC was hit by accidents after Lina took over, which also caused operational difficulties. The investor Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong finally decided to sell NMC, and the successor was San Siro .

It took only about a year for it to go from being a black horse of e-commerce that was all the rage and unparalleled in the limelight to the final dismal ending and fading out of people's sight, which made people sigh.

Tian Xiu couldn't help repeating a few more words about the future fate of NMC.

When NMC was in the hands of San Siro, it was placed with high expectations at the beginning, hoping to get a share of the e-commerce world in full swing in mainland China.

If you really do things down-to-earth, this idea is actually very promising.However, San Siro's approach is eager for quick success. They first gave up the NMC brand and grafted many sub-brands of San Siro, which is actually starting from scratch.In fact, it is a way of seeking fish from a tree, which naturally completely destroys the value of NMC, and soon NMC becomes worthless.

However, San Siro's sub-brands have limited influence in the mainland and cannot carry their original vision at all.

The trader responded quickly and immediately began to adjust his strategy. He thought he was very smart and felt that the value of the virtual fitting system had not been tapped, so he filed a lawsuit against a large number of similar virtual fitting systems on the market.It is believed that they infringed NMC's patent rights.

But he underestimated the ability of these merchants, such as, which quickly blocked these imitation virtual fitting systems.And insisted this applies the Internet safe harbor principle.

San Siro's legal counsel and NMC trader were also helpless.This matter will not know.

At this time, NMC’s ​​internal salary has not been paid for many months, which caused public outrage. A technician saw that the trader valued the virtual fitting system so much, and secretly copied a copy of the source code. When the company laid off employees, this technician was also laid off. But he didn't get the rights he deserved, and the fight failed. This person simply posted this painstaking work of Qi Na on a well-known foreign code hosting site, and simply made it open source.

Others can obtain the complete code without paying a penny, and the entire technological world has improved the video capture technology by a whole level. Of course, outsiders don't know about it.

But soon San Siro passed a lawsuit and deleted the hosting, but the source code has been made public. Someone recompiled a more concise system based on this, and it spread a lot, and the e-commerce website became smarter, and passed third-hand and fourth-hand Transit, to avoid San Siro's lawsuit, use this service openly.

One year after San Siro acquired NMC, they announced that they would close down NMC. Their mainland e-commerce strategy failed completely.

But maybe they discovered something else.

Pay attention to the development of Kirin Wings and Life Online, and the extensive use of video capture imaging processing technology in Kirin Wings.

Patiently waiting for Qilin Zhiyi to grow into a giant, he finally couldn't hold back and started to attack.

Listening to Tian Xiu's introduction, Qiao Wenming sighed: "They are patent vultures. It's shameless to rely on patents to blackmail them if they can't play e-commerce."

Keener's office.

Lisa said to Qi Na: "What is your strategy for this matter? Go to court?"

Qina was silent for a moment and said, "I don't know."

Lisa was also hesitant: "We still have to evaluate how much this matter affects us."

"Well, let Tian Xiu or Jian Ning go to the United States, meet Emily, stay a few more days, and observe the development of the situation." Qi Na suggested.

"Okay, I'll talk to Qiao Wenming and Quan Xuejun again," Lisa said.

Regarding this incident, Qilin Wings was divided into three factions, and the party involved, Qi Na, was a little ambiguous, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

As we all know, Tian Xiu, who is very valued by Qi Na, advocates responding to the lawsuit immediately and striving for the initiative.

Qiao Wenming, on the other hand, suggested to wait and see the development of the situation, and not to act too hastily.

They all have their own opinions and reasons. Lisa can’t say anything, and she still can’t make up her mind after repeated hesitation. She suddenly realized that the current company’s senior management structure is not a problem, but when it comes to some sensitive issues and forward-looking aspects, It is very insufficient.

In this regard, she is very envious of Zheng Xiumin, who has a strong assistant like Wu Jun.She regretted letting Qi Na send Emily to the United States, otherwise Emily would be a very good assistant.

But in the face of the newly formed team, Lisa quickly suppressed the idea of ​​calling Emily back. After repeated considerations, she decided to follow Qi Na's suggestion and made an arrangement for Tianxiu to go to the United States to join Emily and bring San Siro to San Siro as soon as possible. This lawsuit figured it out.

At the same time, Lisa deployed the media to coldly deal with any information similar to official nonsense.

I hope to prevent myself from making this lawsuit news hot, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But this is an Internet world, how can there be an impenetrable wall in the world.In addition, Kirin Wings is still the most popular and eye-catching company in the world today, and any news that has a little relationship with Kirin Wings is the headline report, followed by a series of interpretations for several days.

So when SanSiro ​​sued Kirin Wings, all the media felt like a treasure, and the domestic media were more keen on translating, but everyone in Kirin Wings believed that the domestic media would never give SanSiro ​​such a big page for no reason. report and presentation.

With such an analysis, SanSiro ​​is also manipulating behind the media, which is inevitable.

Facing the lawsuit news, Lisa chose to deal with it coldly, and she hoped to deal with it when Tian Xiu and Emily had definite information.

But things developed very quickly, and soon SanSiro ​​in Europe also filed a lawsuit, and at the same time requested that before that, the European Court prohibits the sale of all Kirin Wings' design-infringing products.

The European Court of Justice quickly approved this request. In fact, these Kirin Wings are not very concerned about this. All the current markets of Kirin Wings are in China, and they will soon be listed in North America.The European market is still in a blank period.

Lisa was relieved when she received the news, but news soon came from the United States that SanSiro ​​also sent a similar request to the U.S. court, which quickly approved it.

This is like a domino. Starting from Europe, the United States, Canada, etc. soon made similar judgments.

Affected by this, Lin Hui, who had just started working in the United States, suspended his work and began to cooperate with Emily and Tian Xiu.

After Tian Xiu and others approached SanSiro's North American agent, the response they received was a claim of 800 billion U.S. dollars.

Lisa was stunned when she heard the news, and felt that Tianxiu had made a mistake in the number, and she must have made a mistake in the last zero.

But Tian Xiu told her very clearly that yes, San Siro is poor and crazy.

Lisa immediately asked Tian Xiu not to contact her in private, these people are just making lies.

Then Emily and others began to hire lawyers across the United States and began to prepare for a positive response.

As for the lawsuits in Europe and other places, Lisa is just perfunctory. She firmly believes that as long as the cases in the United States are handled properly, other places will be solved.

SanSiro ​​has no bottom line, or they are not sure in their hearts, so they pay special attention to activities outside the court.

They quickly exposed the information about Tianxiu's private contact before, and the message conveyed was that if Qilin Zhiyi didn't have a ghost in his heart, then why did Tianxiu want to contact in private?

In a series of activities carried out by the lawyers before the trial, the lawyers of Qilin Wing warned Tian Xiu and Emily that if there is no further evidence, Qilin Wing should be prepared to settle out of court, then Qilin Wing may have to pay It's a tall $100 billion settlement.

This is obviously not the amount that Lisa and others are willing to accept, but the lawyers said that the evidence in San Siro's hands is very strong, and the possibility of Qilin Wing losing the lawsuit is very high. Once the lawsuit is lost, the high compensation that Qilin Wing is waiting for Possibly more than $500 billion.

This will be the largest patent infringement lawsuit ever, arguably the lawsuit of the century.That's what the lawyer said.

Lisa feebly turned off the video conference.She said to Quan Xuejun and Qiao Wenming: "This lawsuit is developing too fast. We have no experience at all. If we lose the lawsuit, it will be ruined for Qilin Wing."

Qiao Wenming had no choice but to comfort her: "The lawyer said that, maybe we are indeed at a disadvantage, but on this basis, can we make some strategic adjustments, such as delaying the trial time and collecting some evidence."

Quan Xuejun also had the same opinion, but Emily sent back the information the next day, and the judge only agreed to postpone it for one week.

Lisa faintly felt that there was a huge black shadow behind the court and San Siro, controlling the situation.

When Lisa was about to have a remote conversation with Emily again, Yang Tingting informed that Meg had come.

Meg looked apologetic when she saw Lisa, and she said, "This incident was caused by my selfishness and self-willedness. I'm really sorry."

Lisa and Qi Na helped Meg's fashion brand hype and publicity before, which made Meg very grateful.Now that Kirin Wings is facing such a lawsuit, it makes Meg feel very tormented.

Although Lisa was restless, she still persuaded Meg not to think too much. This matter had indeed reached an understanding at the time, and it has become a thing of the past. The current predicament is caused by the greed of San Siro.

Yang Tingting brought tea to Meg, and Lisa asked her to call an impromptu executive meeting.

Meg took a sip of tea and said to Lisa, "Actually, I'm here to give you some advice, and I hope it can help you."

Lisa was curious: Is there any connection between Meg and the people in San Siro? Is there any good way?
Meg's method has nothing to do with San Siro, but a way to draw fire from the bottom.

That is to allow Qi Na to sue NMC in Ningnan for not having the right to dispose of the video capture imaging system.At the beginning, NMC and Qi Na had an agreement, but Meg took these agreements secretly. In order to get Jenny out of prison as soon as possible, she took these patents, technologies, and codes, and sold them to San Siro. However, Meg’s partner Lina clearly remembered that this compensation was recorded in the name of resignation compensation, so there was an error in the logic. Even if it is compensation, Qi Na can also refuse it, because this is a forced buying and selling, and he does not accept it.

In other words, San Siro got it wrong, and naturally this lawsuit against Qilin Wings was out of the question.

So is this okay? Lisa asked.

Before Qi Na came over, Qiao Wenming, Quan Xuejun, Jian Ning and others had all arrived at Lisa's office.

Qiao Wenming asked: "The statute of limitations for patent infringement lawsuits is two years. Is it too late?"

Meg took a look at Qiao Wenming, this question is the key, she was a little excited, and said to Lisa: "If you look at the time when I sold the patent, it was more than two years, but when Lina and Qi Na talked about compensation, it's not too late. In time."

Lisa became excited: "Really!"

"Yes, the statute of limitations expires after twelve o'clock tonight." Meg tried to be as calm as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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