Need for little hackers

Chapter 281 Patent Worry

Chapter 281 Patent ([-]) Worry

Standing at the door of the office, Qi Na heard Meg talking about the deadline, and was in a daze. Time flies so fast, unexpectedly, two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, after two years, I and Meg are back to the starting point.It is necessary to make an end to Meg's private sale and patent agreement.

Fortunately, everyone is very calm, even if one party loses the lawsuit, they will not be cornered.

When Lisa heard Meg say that today is the last day, she was taken aback. She waved Quan Xuejun to go to the court to initiate a lawsuit. At the same time, she asked Qiao Wenming to contact the Ningnan Municipal Committee and ask for their assistance. To put it bluntly, she asked them to call the court immediately. , and shall not make any difficulties in this matter.

It's not that Lisa doesn't trust the court, but that Du Juan has a delicate relationship with Lisa. Lisa's way of saying hello to Du Juan is to avoid complications.

Meg stood up and said, "Let me go with you. I'd like to tell you about the key points of the matter at that time. It's best to call a lawyer."

As soon as she turned around, she saw Qi Na.

Qi Na smiled at her.

Meg was a little embarrassed, but quickly calmed down, and said, "It's been two years, and this matter still hasn't been resolved. We have to figure it out after all."

"Yes. After all, we have to figure it out. It seems that we have gone in a circle and returned to two years ago." Qi Na said.

"It's been a circle, but I can't go back to the past." Meg said, followed Lisa to go out, Qi Na suddenly hugged Meg, and whispered in her ear: "Thank you."

Facing Lisa, the reception staff of Ningnan Court was a little flustered. The vice president hurried over and received him in person. All the procedures were specially handled, and all the matters were successfully completed. In less than an hour, the court issued the subpoena Handle it well. At the reminder of Meg, San Siro still has a temporary agency in Ningnan to deal with the aftermath of NMC, but this agency is often empty, so Meg suggested to prepare an extra summons and use a special person to serve it to Hong Kong.

The vice president immediately nodded and said yes, it was a special matter. That night, the staff of Ningnan Court flew directly to Hong Kong by plane, and sent the subpoena to the legal staff of the San Siro headquarters the next morning.

When San Siro's legal counsel saw the subpoena, they panicked and even forgot to sign it, but the person delivering the ticket would not forget it.

And Lisa held a press conference on this lawsuit for the first time in order to prevent San Siro from playing any tricks.

In just a few hours, a large number of domestic and foreign media gathered in Ningnan, as if to win a lottery. With the help of Zheng Xiumin, Lisa arranged the press conference in the open space indoors in Jiangjun Lane.

The last press conference held here was a temporary press conference authorized by Wu Jun for the battery laboratory explosion last year.

This time, Lisa personally faced the world's major media.

Lisa briefly introduced the ins and outs of the video capture patent held by San Siro.At the same time, it criticized San Siro for trying to blackmail Kirin Wings through patents.And the origin of their patent is not correct.

The real holder of this patent is Qi Na, and Qi Na has no objection to owning these patents.Now Qi Na wants to get back his rights.

"We believe that the law will give us justice." Lisa said.

"A turning point in the lawsuit of the century!" This is the headline of the pro-Kirin Wings media.

"Kirin Wings counter-sued San Siro with evidence, more than a chicken feather." This is the editor of the social edition, and he is a black unicorn.

"One lawsuit proves the legend of Qi Na again." The reporter and editor are obviously fans of Qi Na, they firmly believe that Qi Na will win the lawsuit,
"San Siro was countersued, and Kirin Wings' infringement lawsuit made waves." This is a rational media that only makes ordinary narratives.

In the United States, the judge accepted Emily's request for a new evidence investigation and agreed to an extension.

This is good for Kirin Wings. After leaving the court, facing a bunch of media, Emily replied calmly: "The judge accepted our proposal. I believe we will be treated fairly, even though we are a Chinese company."

"What do you think is the chance of Kirin Wings winning the lawsuit?" the reporters asked.

"You should ask the judge, right!" Emily responded with a smile, quickly got into the car, and under the flashing lights, the car sped away.

Sitting in the car, Tian Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally we can go back."

Emily was a little surprised: "You want to go back, so who will cooperate with me?"

"Lisa, she will come." Tian Xiu said.

Tian Xiu paused for a moment, then added: "I'm also in some trouble now, it's better to go back and plug the leak earlier."

Emily was taken aback: "Who messed with you."

Tian Xiu is Qi Na's favorite technician, even surpassing Min Rui and Gao Qinglin.This makes many executives of Kirin Wings not understand that Tian Xiu is as indifferent as a cold-blooded animal and has almost no contact with others. Even though she leads the software laboratory, she hardly communicates with others except for work and meetings.

There is no popularity within Qilin Zhiyi, but she is the most valued technical person by Qi Na. Although other people don't like her, they dare not say anything more.

So Emily felt that there would be some trouble for Tianxiu, and she needed to plug the leak, which seemed to be a big problem.

Tian Xiu shook his head, didn't say anything, and then fell silent.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about it, Emily didn't mention it.

When Tian Xiu returned to Kirin Wings, the first thing she did was to report to Lisa and others, but in fact Lisa had heard her say it [-] times in the video conference, so there was nothing new. San Siro lawsuit.

Sure enough, San Siro responded, attacking Qilin Wings tit for tat as a villainous company with no bottom line.

Even sending out the wings of the unicorn is the starting point of human extinction and so on.

Their rhetoric is exactly the same as the slogan of extreme environmentalists in the green world, which did not attract more people's attention, but instead provoked disgust from many technology media.

It can be said that the situation has been reversed from the initial dangerous situation. Lisa and others were at a loss at the beginning, but now they are sure of victory.

However, Lisa, who is under tremendous pressure, still carefully considers every detail of the lawsuit, hoping that there will be no mistakes.

Needless to mention the local lawyers in Ningnan, the original legal consultants, the company's legal counsel, and well-known lawyers hired from all over the country totaled more than 50 people. This is an unprecedented lawsuit, and Lisa strives to hit it all. Don't give San Siro any chance.

But San Siro will never sit still in the face of this fatal blow. They began to personally attack the relevant personnel of Qilin Wing and even fabricated various rumors about Qilin Wing when they had no cards to show.

All they do is for one thing, to muddy the water.

But they forget that no matter how muddy the water is, it is judges and collegial panels that make decisions in domestic courts, not ordinary people.

Besides, the powerful influence of Qilin Wings is simply unparalleled, so what if ordinary people are disturbed by rumors? !

However, the lawsuits in American courts are far away from the ocean and coupled with language barriers, it is even more impossible to be disturbed.

Time passed quickly, and when the two sides were engaged in a war of words, it was already autumn. Just after November, three to four hundred reporters from various media had gathered at the gate of Ningnan Court.Because the internal space is limited, although the court did not prohibit the audience, it still cannot accommodate so many people.

Therefore, in addition to the staff of Kirin Wings and San Siro, Ningnan government officials, Asakawa officials, Ye Tingfei and others also attended the scene. In addition, only local media in Ningnan were present, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, CNN, Reuters , Phoenix Satellite TV, TVB and other representative media are allowed to enter.

The first day was the stage for both sides to cross-examine and present evidence. Both sides were very restrained, and it was a smooth transition.

But the next day the situation changed suddenly, and the whole rhythm began to climax. The lawyer of Kirin Wings asked why Meg sold this patent to San Siro.

Meg explained that this is not a sale, but an exchange.

The lawyer asked why the exchange.

Meg went on to explain San Siro's lawsuit against Jenny, which San Siro hoped would drop the case and give Jenny freedom in exchange for the patent.

So through this conversation, Jenny was gradually brought out.It's a battered image.

The image of San Siro's thieves became three-dimensional at once, and it is not the first time that they have speculated like this.

But San Siro's lawyers didn't care. They started to make efforts. Their focus was on when Qi Na knew about this matter, and they were still thinking about the statute of limitations.

They questioned Roy, the agent of Mr. Zhao, the owner of NMC Century. Roy was very honest and said that Qi Na had already known about it that night.

The lawyer asked Qi Na what was his attitude?

Roy hesitated and said that Qi Na was very angry and did not attend the send-off meal that night.

So the lawyer started counting the dates and asked the judge to end the trial, and the statute of limitations had expired.

But Kirin Wing's lawyer retorted that there is no problem with this lawsuit.

Sure enough, the judge also supported Qilinzhiyi's lawyers and asked the defendant San Siro's lawyers to respect the judge and the court.

Obviously, the court in Ningnan has a clear tendency. Even if it is not too obvious, there is no doubt about the filing of the case.

At the end of the trial that day, the entanglement between San Siro and Jenny, the past and present of NMC, and the grievances between Qi Na and Jenny, Meg and others once again made the headlines of various media.

A large number of commentators made in-depth interpretations of the two-day trial, especially the inside story exposed on the second day.

Some people even dug out the media reports of NMC back then, lamenting that the passing of a black horse in e-commerce was so short.

If Meg, Lina, Lisa, and Qi Na could work together at that time, maybe there would be no Lifeline and Qilin Wings.

But what Meg did changed all that.

Some people lamented that the trial of the century actually started two years ago.It's just that no one knew it at the time.

Because Qi Na didn't want to appear in court, Lisa and the legal team made special arrangements for this. However, after watching the live broadcast of the trial that day, Qi Na was very disturbed. He found Lisa and decided to come to the scene the next day, when necessary.

Lisa was surprised that Qi Na didn't want to appear in court. She had already prepared for it, so she made careful arrangements with the lawyer, but what she said just now made her feel the pressure from Qi Na and the rare impetuous mood. .

Will there be any changes in tomorrow's court hearing? Lisa was a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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