Need for little hackers

Chapter 285 Patents The Road to the Future

Chapter 285 Patents ([-]) The Road to the Future


Duan Shifei saw that Qina came down from the hotel with a relaxed expression, but he didn't find Emily, so he asked.

But Qi Na rolled her eyes: "She left some documents in the room."

Although Duan Shifei had already made a lot of guesses after waiting for a long time, he was still a little dissatisfied when he saw that nothing had happened to Qina.

After waiting for a while, the big black bodyguard began to urge again: "No, according to your time requirements, we are already late."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Duan Shifei said.

Just as she was talking, Emily, who changed her clothes, trotted over.She said she was embarrassed, and her eyes didn't dare to look at the truth.

There are three Suzaku robots in the carriage, and the space is a bit crowded, but these three robots are responsible for their safety, so they must stay together.

The three of them were silent, and no one spoke.

Duan Shifei was a little angry and jealous from the bottom of his heart, while Qi Na pretended nothing happened, and Emily was a little guilty and dared not say anything.

They drove for an hour from the hotel where Qina stayed to the Kirin Wing Robot flagship store. Finally, Emily couldn't hold back, broke the silence, and said, "It's also fortunate that in North America, the roads are not congested."

Duan Shifei said coldly: "Well, it doesn't matter if it's three or five minutes late."

"Oh, oh." Emily hummed twice and didn't speak.

"Fay, it's a bit troublesome. Our way forward is occupied by enthusiastic fans." The big black man who opened the way ahead reported to Duan right and wrong through the walkie-talkie.

"What about the second route?" Duan Shifei asked.

"Uh, it's a bit troublesome now!" The big black man hesitated.

"What?" Duan Shifei didn't hear clearly.

"The crowd is already coming. God." The big black man complained.

Duan Shifei heard the big man in black directing the convoy to retreat, but found that the fans and supporters of Qina's car flocked to them, completely surrounded the convoy before the convoy could turn around.

They didn't care about the rough bodyguards at all, and quickly squeezed the bodyguards to the periphery by relying on the strength of the crowd.

The supporters kept knocking on the glass next to Qi Na, and through the glass, Qi Na could also hear them calling Qi Na's English name "Alex."

Qi Na has the illusion of a superstar, but he came to the United States for the first time, and he was an international wanted criminal by the US government a few months ago. How can he be so sought after and admired now?
He said to Duan Shifei: "Are you sure they didn't chase the wrong person?"

Duan Shifei said angrily: "Look at their slogans and playing cards. They are all your face. Are they chasing you or chasing me? Chasing me, I really want to!"

She knew that Qi Na was teasing casually, but the matter had come to this point, what's the use of teasing, the big man must be asked to bring his bodyguard team back as soon as possible, and do a good job of security.

But obviously any work by the big black man is in vain, there are too many people on the scene.

Emily glanced at the GPS map, they were at least ten minutes away from Lin Hui by car, and they were directly two kilometers away!
How to do?
Waiting for support from the local police?

Or let the driver force the start and break through the enthusiastic fans?

Duan Shifei, the person in charge of security for Qina's trip to North America, was a little hesitant. She had to keep negotiating with the big black guy and ask them to find a way.

The final thousand words of the big black is one sentence: We will try our best.

Duan Zhengfei was a little desperate.

Emily said: "Let's get out of the car and let Xiao Er and Jasmine open the way!"

What she meant was to let the three robot assistants temporarily act as bodyguards, responsible for opening the way and protecting Qi Na.

When Xiao Er heard Emily mentioning her, she said, "Thank you Emily, we will definitely complete the task perfectly!"

Just when Duan Zhengfei was hesitating, Qi Na said, "No need, I'll go out from above."

Duan Shifei and Emily were taken aback and refused in unison.I was a little dissatisfied with his wanton behavior in my heart.

Qina smiled slightly: "First of all, they support me, and secondly, they are just a little too enthusiastic."

He said they are these enthusiastic supporters, or you can call them fans.

"So no matter what, I am safe. If there is really a Green World extremist organization killer, or the remnants of the Pakistani Black Moon Group, then there is no guarantee at any time, not just now."

"I want to have the closest contact with my supporters." Qina seriously looked at Emily and Duan right and wrong in front of him.

Responding to him were two women in unison: "No!"

Qina frowned: "You guys have a good understanding!"

Duan Shifei vetoed Qi Na's suggestion, and then contacted the black man, who finally brought her good news: a team of policemen had come to help.

"Good job!" The big black man finally heard the long-awaited sentence from this Asian woman. He and his team still hoped to continue with Qi Na's future journey in North America.


The fanatical supporters beside the big black suddenly burst into unprecedented screams.

What happened?The big black man didn't dare to be negligent, he pushed aside the obstacle with all his strength, and then froze.

A person got out from the roof of this luxury car, revealing half of his body.

It was Qi Na.

He put his hands on the sunroof, struggled to break free, and jumped onto the roof of the car.Stand still.

A group of supporters in Wuyangyang did not expect that a god-like idol would appear in front of them in such a way, and the whole group began to crowd towards Qi Na as if they had fallen into madness and started to go crazy.

The supporters who were close to him were even more excited, and some even fainted directly.

Fortunately, no matter how crazy the supporters are, there are always a few companions who can calm down and fainted, and they are carried out by them.

But the situation was still getting out of control, the big black man took advantage of the gap and finally stood next to the car with his companions, desperately blocking the fans who wanted to rush into the car.

The helicopters of many TV stations that were broadcasting live in the sky kept circling in the sky. For them, the move of Qi Na just now brought them ratings, and the value of this live broadcast was even higher.

In the camera, you can clearly see the fans cheering for him all around, and Qi Na is standing on the roof of the car, as if he is honoring the king.

At this moment, an anchor blurted out: "The Emperor of China."

In an instant, the title became popular on the Internet.

At this time, everyone in Kirin Wing, who was watching the live broadcast across the ocean, was in a cold sweat.

Lisa's heart hangs in her throat, and the host is saying: Qi Na's move is very unsafe and inappropriate. He should consider his own safety instead of simply acting on impulse. You must know his safety. Tens of thousands of Kirin Wings employees and many investors are involved.

These words reached Lisa's heart, and she immediately dialed the phone, regardless of whether it would disrupt Emily and Duan Shifei's work arrangements.

But Emily didn't pick it up. It wasn't Emily's intention. Emily didn't have the heart to respond at all. She and Lisa are on the same mind now.

"Qina, come down quickly, it's too dangerous." Duan Shifei shouted.

What does this mean? If someone wants to surprise Qi Na, it is very easy for him to obtain weapons.

Qina didn't care about this. He saw more and more excited and excited supporters, and he felt a special feeling in his heart. No matter when and where, there were always people who misunderstood him, attacked him, and slandered him. Although he had a strong heart, He didn't care about these things, but his thoughts were still fluctuated when he encountered such enthusiastic support beyond his imagination.

Xiao Er followed behind him and also jumped out of the skylight, but at this moment all the focus was on Qina, and no one paid much attention to him.

After pondering for a while, Qi Na finally took a step forward, stepped on the edge of the front window of the car, jumped onto the front cover, raised his hands above his head, and shouted loudly to all the supporters: "I'm coming!"

His voice was very loud. Although there was a lot of noise around, most people still heard his roar. In an instant, it seemed that there was an invisible mute button, and the audience immediately fell silent, and the commotional people began to calm down.

Qi Na enjoyed the effect very much, and shouted again: "I'm coming."

He uses English. For very common language, with the help of an intelligent brain, coupled with the language communication with Duan Shifei and other staff members such as Hei Daguo in the past few days, he has such a one-way dialogue—speech , certainly no problem.

"Everyone, I'm here." Qi Na repeated this sentence for the third time.

He raised his hands above his head again, and the audience fell into madness again, and everyone applauded and cheered for him.

Under Duan Shifei's repeated request, the big black man led his security team to take advantage of the calm moment, and surrounded Qina, trying to separate him from the surroundings.

But Qi Na moved again, his jumping ability was amazing, and he jumped to the bottom of the leading car with all his strength. At this time, a volunteer recruited by Lin Hui sent over the megaphone in his hand. Speaker, standing on the roof of the SUV, delivered an impromptu speech to all the supporters in the audience.

"Many people came to the scene today. I know that many people even traveled thousands of miles and rushed here overnight. Thank you very much."

"Just now my assistant told me not to stand on a high place, it's not safe, I told them, because of you, I'm safe."

The audience shouted Qi Na's English name: "Alex." The momentum was shocking.

Emily and Duan Shifei had already got out of the car, looked at and listened to Qi Na, they were no longer as worried as they were just now.

"Today, our first robot flagship store is about to open. Due to various reasons, this store is temporarily unable to sell to the outside world, but there is no doubt that no matter what kind of barriers, this is the way to the future."

"Yes, it is the road to the future world."

"And today, you stand on the road to the future and will witness this moment of initiation."

"The miracle starts from this moment!"

Qi Na continued to use such cool provocative language to stimulate the supporters, and the supporters became more and more enthusiastic and began to shout long live.

Yes, chanting "Long Live." in Chinese

Some people even tried to organize themselves, starting from the leading car of the convoy to the flagship store, forming a human wall, and the middle of this human wall was their arms.

Qina quickly understood what they meant, hesitated for a while, took off his casual shoes, and stepped on the first person's arms. He said thank you softly, then slowly straightened up and walked forward slowly.

The atmosphere in the audience was extremely high.

Emily and Duan Shifei were dumbfounded.

The big black man was even more at a loss.

In the live TV broadcast, the astute anchor shouted: "The emperor of China is walking on the road to the future."

Lisa, who was thousands of miles away, relaxed, and she should be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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