Need for little hackers

Chapter 286 Patents Influence

Chapter 286 Patent (VIII) Influence

Most of the front pages of the American media on the second day were dedicated to Qi Na, which was almost unprecedented, and the words of the emperor of China appeared in the headlines.

Unicorn Wings carried out a global media spread in North America in another way.This kind of influence cannot be achieved by advertising communication.

In response to Qi Na's brief public speech, some people used this to criticize the US District Court's ruling on the ban on the sale of Suzaku robots, thinking that this is a reversal of technology.

But others criticized Qiener for taking the opportunity to put pressure on the judge.

Some technologists expressed their support for Kirin Wings. They expressed their opinion that even if there is a patent infringement lawsuit, it is not serious enough to require a ban on sales, because the other party to the lawsuit does not have a similar patent infringement lawsuit. Some products, or ongoing product development, are just suspects of patent hunters.

Another day later, the White House announced that the President of the United States will receive Qi Na.In particular, Keener will be awarded the Congressional Medal.

This news is astonishing. Just a year ago, the U.S. government issued an international arrest warrant, declaring that Qi Na was an international hacker and so on, adding a lot of charges to Qi Na. Not to worry about the arrest warrant, he is even about to become a guest of the President of the United States, and he wants to get a medal from the President!
This contrast is astonishing, but it is clear to a discerning eye that a group of robot fighters recently deployed by the US military in the Middle East are products of Kirin Wings. step into the age of robots.

The deployment of these products means that the death rate of American soldiers will continue to decrease, and the chain reaction will be that the US government's overseas military spending will also decrease, thereby reducing the internal pressure on the current president's overseas military policy.

After all, after the casualties are reduced and the economic burden is reduced, the president will naturally have a lot of room for maneuver.

This reason belongs to the President of the United States himself, and another reason is that the robot technology has matured and developed in Kirin Wings, which is of extraordinary significance to the future of human beings.

When Qi Na heard the news, he asked Duan Zhengfei: "Is it true that Mr. President really wants to give me a medal?"

Duan Shifei first said seriously: "That must be true. You are already a great man recognized by the world. Isn't it appropriate to give you a medal?"

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing. This kind of medals are never distributed everywhere for no reason. Everyone knows that such things include currency, and if they are issued too much, they will be worthless.

Therefore, relevant agencies recommend it to the White House and Congress, and most of them contact some senators, and then they are reviewed by a special agency, and finally decide whether to grant it.

The Qiener medal is no exception.Duan Shifei also spent time and real money, but after laughing, Duan Shifei explained: "However, it took only two days from our activity to the positive answer, which shows that the other party must have had this intention long ago. We are just Lucky hit."

Qina thought for a while, and solemnly said to Duan Zhengfei during the dinner: "I would be very happy to meet with the President of the United States, but as for the medal, I don't think so. I don't care much about this kind of honor."

He has always kept a rational distance from any political figures and political groups. She knows this right and wrong, but she thinks it is just an honor, and unexpectedly, Qi Na still refuses.She felt a little regretful, but still expressed her understanding to Qi Na.

The next day, Qi Na arrived at the White House on time and was received by the current President of the United States. The standard of the reception was very high, and there was even a regular media meeting.

Nor did the President of the United States appear to be upset that Kiener refused to accept the medal, even though the news had already spread.

When the media broadcast live, there was a rolling subtitle saying that Qiener refused to accept the presidential medal.

But no matter what, the meeting ended smoothly, and Qi Na continued to expand his influence in North America.

After Qi Na left the White House, he turned to the airport to meet Lisa.

Watching Qi Na's reckless behavior on TV, Lisa couldn't sit still at all. Under the instigation of a group of friends, she bought a plane ticket and flew over overnight.

Knowing that Zheng Xiumin also had a plan, Qi Na complained secretly, but fortunately Wu Jun persuaded Zheng Xiumin.Otherwise, under the watchful eyes of Lisa, Zheng Xiumin, Duan Shifei, Emily and others, can they still work?

When Emily heard that Lisa was coming, her mood immediately darkened a lot, but they were a perfect match, so what did she have to say.

As soon as he got into the car with Lisa in his arms, Qi Na heard the good news from Lin Hui. The judge agreed to the application of Kirin Wings, thinking that the sales of Kirin Wings in North America would not affect the patent lawsuit, nor would it affect the patent lawsuit. Plaintiff has suffered irreversible damages.

Therefore, the sales ban in North America has been lifted.

Qina's eyebrows twitched: "This is good news."

Lisa faced him: "Hmph, yes."

With Qi Na and Lisa in North America at the same time, the focus of Kirin Wing's work has also shifted to the United States.

The two worked together, Lisa began to make final preparations before the lawsuit with the lawyer team, while Qi Na went to the headquarters of SPE Software Company and started his own visit plan at the same time.

This is the first time he came to his own company as the founder of SPE.It sounds a little funny.

However, more than 500 SPE employees spontaneously walked to the side of the road to greet Qi Na, which caused traffic to be blocked for a while.

Qi Na had a fruitful communication with the engineers of SPE.It can also be regarded as making up for my long-term technical regret of herding sheep.

Accompanied by Duan Shifei, Qi Na then met with many organizations, and listened to Duan Shifei explain a large number of unfamiliar terms such as IPO, road show, underwriting, SEC, etc., which made him dizzy.

Fortunately, he still maintained a friendly and kind expression towards everyone.

After the meeting, Duan Shifei returned to the conference room and said to Qi Na: "Some investment institutions estimate that our market value after listing will reach 600 billion to 800 billion US dollars. Why don't you seem to care about this? Speaking of which, you Qilin Wings and Life Online spend much more energy than mine."

Qina chuckled, but didn't say anything.

Duan Shifei asked: "What do you mean by laughing? Can I understand it as default?"

She went on to say: "I don't care, this time I'm here, but you are not allowed to run back so soon."

Her tone of voice was a little too whiny, her voice was a little hoarse, but now it sounded even more magnetic.

How could Qi Na not know Duan Zhengfei's hint, but Lisa and Zheng Xiumin had already made him unable to find Bei, so how dare he provoke Duan Zhengfei again.

But Duan Shifei was determined to keep Qi Na, when he saw Lisa, he suggested that Lisa let Qilin Wings also establish a research and development center in North America.

Her reasons are very positive. The laws, cultures, languages, and ideologies of the United States and China are different. It is impossible for products sold in the United States not to be disturbed by these reasons. It will definitely get worse. This is obviously not the original intention of everyone in Kirin Wings. So it is obviously a good solution to establish a research and development center to provide services for North American users.

Lisa didn't know there was any fraud in it, so she said: "Min Rui mentioned a similar suggestion before, but we haven't actually released it to the outside world, so we just let it go. Now it's officially released in North America, and now let's look at the reservation data. Far beyond our judgment, the establishment of similar institutions is a matter of course."

In fact, what Lisa said was that Min Rui proposed to establish a strong joint insurance service organization around the world, but what Duan Shifei meant was a research and development organization, one for pre-sales and one for after-sales, but they all serve the same purpose by different routes.

But Duan Zhengfei's ultimate goal is Qi Na.Lisa didn't notice this at all, but Qina looked at Lisa several times, wanted to say it but held back.

Duan Zhengfei sees it in his eyes and enjoys it in his heart.

In the next few days, under the arrangement of Duan Zhengfei, Qi Na successively visited some seniors and legendary talents in Silicon Valley.Even chatted with some notable veteran hackers.

Duan Shifei did not agree with Qi Na to visit the founders and executives of some well-known companies today. She said to Qi Na: "Your light is enough to cover them up. If you want to see them, they are the ones who come to see you. How can you visit them?" ?”

But she didn't find it awkward to visit some senior senior people, and even thought it was logical.

Perhaps she is also a technical background, and she also admires these legendary figures.

It is worth mentioning that when Qi Na saw some idols, he was also at a loss, and usually gave the Suzaku robot very generously afterwards.Duan right and wrong can't stop it.

In a week, more than ten Suzaku robots were sent out.

So a lot of anecdotes flooded the Internet.Qi Na left people with different silhouettes.

Leaving influence among ordinary people, the political circle of the White House, and imprinting in the technology circle, Qiener generally conveyed positive messages to the world step by step.Change the low-key and restrained image given to the world in the past.

Of course, Qi Na came to North America not to reshape the image, but to resolve the patent infringement lawsuit with San Siro.

Now that the public opinion situation is very good, it also provoked the media to gossip. Some reporters went to interview the relevant person in charge of San Siro, and their response was that Qi Na knew that he was in the wrong and was desperately earning public opinion. This lawsuit Kirin Wings is doomed.

Lisa's response was an understatement: "Really? It's like we haven't gone to court yet!"

The reporter asked the person in charge of San Siro what he thought of the judge lifting the ban on the sale of Kirin Wings in North America.

The people in San Siro are almost yelling: This is politics and money interfering in justice.

Lisa responds: We believe in the laws of the land of the free.

Soon the judge responded: Don't talk nonsense without evidence.

Under the provocation of the reporters, Kirin Wings and San Siro bickered back and forth before the trial, which gradually raised the public's attention several levels.

People's attention slowly returned to the lawsuit itself.

The public and people in the industry believe that Kirin Wings will win the lawsuit, because they believe that Qi Na, who created the Suzaku robot, cannot plagiarize --- many people don't understand what is going on in this lawsuit, so that Kirin Wings has repeatedly disclosed it to the public. The release explained that the inventor of this patent is Qi Na, but the patent right is now disputed.But people still don't care, anyway, Qi Na will win the lawsuit.

But people in the industry don't think so. Instead, they treat the lawsuit more objectively and fairly.It is believed that once the judge decides that the software code in the robot produced by Kirinwing matches the code features provided by San Siro, then regardless of whether Qi Na is the inventor or whether the patent right is disputed, Kirinwing will lose the lawsuit.

However, the judges have their own judgments. They believe that because there are too many legal documents and evidentiary materials—it is said that the materials provided by both parties need to be hauled by truck, the trial time will be postponed until further notice.

(End of this chapter)

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