Need for little hackers

Chapter 287 Patent Who will sleep in the living room

Chapter 287 Patent ([-]) Who will sleep in the living room

Sitting in Qilin Wing's temporary office in North America, Qina took a cup of coffee and sipped it.

Lisa was very motivated and decided to expand in North America, not just to continue to support the North American sales team. She then rented an entire floor in the office building next door to SPE Software and began to deploy R&D and service teams.

This was a very quick decision, just like Qilin Wing's style, as long as the decision is made, he will go all out without any hesitation.

But as for the follow-up staffing, Lisa was in trouble for a while.

Qi Na said: "Let me do the technology, and leave the rest to Emily. Anyway, I have reconciled with Lao Mei now, and I am not afraid of them playing some monster moths."

Lisa's heart skipped a beat, and she secretly felt that something was wrong, but she also felt that she was thinking too much of a villain.

She pondered for a moment before saying, "Let me talk to Min Rui about the candidate. You should pay more attention to the lawsuit with San Siro."

Qina let out an oh, and didn't say any more.

Lisa always felt that there was a lump in her heart, so she took the time to call Zheng Xiumin. On the contrary, she had a little more trust in her direct competitor, and became a little wary of those hidden competitors who were smiling on the surface.

The so-called hidden competitors are people like Duan Zhengfei.

Duan Shifei is better than Lisa and Zheng Xiumin, with super abilities, and seems to casually flirt with Qina frequently, this kind of traceless behavior naturally made Lisa more wary.

Just after hearing what Qi Na said, Lisa vaguely understood Duan Shifei's intention to set up a research and development center before. Zheng Xiumin first advised Lisa not to make random guesses, maybe Duan Shifei was thinking about Kirin Wings!
But then Zheng Xiumin changed his tone and reminded Lisa to communicate more with Qi Na.

Although she didn't say it clearly, Lisa finally understood Zheng Xiumin's hint, but communicate more, what to communicate?

Lisa blushed, and she didn't know whether it was because the phone was hot or because she was upset.

How to do?
Lisa thought over and over again, and finally decided to go to Qi Na.

They live in a five-star hotel now. Except for Lisa and Qi Na who each live in a high-end suite, everyone else lives in a suite with three or five people. This is to ensure that they can be on the same floor and have a good relationship with each other. Taking care is also conducive to security.

As soon as Lisa stepped out of the room, the black bodyguard greeted him enthusiastically. Seeing that Lisa was about to knock on the door of Qina's room, he said, "Miss Lisa, Fay is inside."

What?Duan right and wrong in it? Lisa was furious, what time is it now, it's ten o'clock in the evening, why is she, a mature woman, running into Qi Na's room?The lonely men and widows are planning to have an accident! ?
The fire in Lisa's heart exploded in an instant, she raised her hand lightly but dropped it heavily, and punched the door fiercely.

"Qina, Qiena." Lisa shouted.

Anyway, this side of this floor is full of people from Qilin Wings, so I am not afraid of people complaining about the noise.

Well, even if it is seen gossip and gossip by my own people, I can't take care of it.

Soon the door opened.

"Oh, Lisa, you haven't slept yet!" The person who opened the door was right and wrong, her face was flushed, and the surprise on her face was so stiff when she saw Lisa.

Lisa's last bit of calm disappeared in an instant, and she said angrily, "Where's Qi Na?" Almost screaming.

Duan Shifei was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Lisa to lose control in an instant, and she felt uneasy, no matter what tricks she played, she could never hurt her friends and partners.

She moved away, pointed to the study in the suite, and said, "Qina is inside."

Lisa rushed in violently, swung her arm, and didn't even notice that she hit Duan Shifei.

Qina's voice came from the study: "What's wrong with Lisa?"

Lisa was about to rush into the study when she saw Qi Na come out, followed by Emily.

Both of them looked at Lisa in surprise.

Lisa froze for a moment, a little at a loss, why is Emily here?

Emily noticed that Lisa's expression was not right, so she hurriedly said, "Lisa, I just came over with Duan Shifei, and I want Qi Na to go to SPE for a few more days. Please ask Qi Na to go over, no, we will come over."

Her rambling explanation was actually to clarify the misunderstanding to Lisa.

Embarrassed and dissatisfied, Lisa's expression changed a few times, she turned around and left, passed by Duan Shifei again at the door, didn't even say hello, and went straight back to her room, only to hear the door slamming .

Qi Na sighed inwardly, and Duan Shifei said, "What happened to Lisa today?"

Emily thought to herself: "You don't know, it's strange." She said: "Lisa has misunderstood, Qi Na, you go and have a look, Duan Shifei and I will go back first."

Duan Shifei didn't want to leave yet, but as Emily said, she had no choice but to leave with Emily.

Qi Na hesitated for a quarter of an hour, but decided to explain to Lisa. He clearly remembered that Lisa's vinegar bottle was poured in NMC and left without saying goodbye, for fear that she would leave again.

Unexpectedly, Emily's call came: "You haven't gone there yet, have you?"

She called Lisa as soon as she left the hotel to comfort Lisa.Although the two of them didn't say anything about the problem, they knew each other well. When Lisa calmed down, Emily called Qi Na.

After listening to Emily's advice, Qi Na went to Lisa.

After all, women are easy to coax, and Qi Na said to Lisa: "I heard Emily tell me that you are worried about me being here. In fact, there is nothing to worry about. If you don't want to, then I will go back to China, or you and I Stay together! It's all fine, you don't have to think too much."

"Who thinks too much." Lisa said dissatisfied.His mouth was still dissatisfied, but the whole person was much calmer, and he said again: "It's others who think a lot, not me."

This other person is naturally pointing right and wrong.

Qi Na chuckled, thinking in his mind.

If Lisa is allowed to escalate conflicts based on personal feelings, it will not be a good thing for the unity of the Qina family.

Qi Na is going to solve this problem.

He smiled slightly, gently hugged Lisa into his arms, and said, "Okay, okay, when the lawsuit here is over, I will hand over the R&D center to Emily, and we will all go back to China."

Lisa was about to speak when she was interrupted by Qi Na: "I want to buy a bigger villa, do you want to live with me?"

Lisa was taken aback, is this going to live together?Her face flushed again, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her body felt a little hot.

Qina kissed Lisa's forehead and cheek affectionately.

Lisa seemed afraid that her thoughts would be seen through, so she pushed him away forcefully, and said angrily, "Who wants to live with you."

Qina pulled her back into his arms again, and said in a low voice, "I only prepared one room in the villa, and if I go late, I can only sleep in the living room."

There was something in his words, how could Lisa not know.

Zheng Xiumin must be with her everywhere!Now she still lives in the apartment!

Lisa let Qina hug her, Qina's snort tickled her ears, her heart was itchy, her whole body was weak, and she said softly: "I don't sleep in the living room!" Qi Na.

But Qina hugged her tightly, and said: "If you are late, you will sleep in the living room?!"

(End of this chapter)

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