Need for little hackers

Chapter 288 Patent sitting in court

Chapter 288 Patent ([-]) Sitting in Court


Find the underworld to come over as a lobbyist? !After a moment of hesitation, Qinaru understood, and said, "San Siro wants to solve it privately, but he doesn't want us to expose it, so the underworld is the best messenger."

"They are quick-witted." Lisa sneered.

Qina said again: "There is nothing to talk about. Just decline."

Emily nodded and turned to leave, when Lisa said, "Why refuse, go and have a look!"

She immediately explained: "Harmony makes money, the underworld is a local snake, why offend them immediately, go and have a look, it's also counted as giving them face, if you can save it, you will immediately have revenge with them!"

After listening to her analysis, Qi Na also felt that it made sense, and said, "Then go. Let's go there together, and it's considered a tourist. The local Chinatown can also be regarded as a tourist attraction."

It's easy to say, but the travel arrangements can't be too casual. The big man and his security team accepted the task. They are very familiar with Chinatown and quickly gave a travel plan, but Emily hesitated whether to let Robot assistants go along.

Qi Na said: "Of course, in the past, if there are more people at the scene, they will stay in the car and have a response."

Early the next morning, Qi Na, Lisa, and Emily drove to Chinatown in a convoy organized by the big black bodyguards.

There is an old atmosphere in Chinatown, the three of them look very fresh, there are small vendors on the side of the road, selling all kinds of trinkets, Lisa couldn't help but ran to buy a Tang ornament, but the black man stopped her , warned her: "None of the hawkers on the roadside here is clean, and nine out of ten are secret whistles and eyeliners. Your goals are too big, and it is really not suitable for you to show your face everywhere like this."

Lisa stuck out her tongue, feeling that her back was covered with sweat, and she looked at the old man who sold Tang ornaments as a hunchback, it really didn't seem like he had anything to do with the underworld.

Seemingly seeing Lisa's doubts, the big black guy told her: "There is a saying in China that people look at people through the cracks, so don't treat them as ordinary people."

Lisa thought for a while, and understood what he meant by looking at people through the cracks of the door, but could this old man be considered a member of the underworld, at best, he was just a pawn, and he could have much energy.

Big Hei smiled wryly at his doubts: "The older you get, the weirder it is. Maybe his son is the master of that hall, or he is a master himself. You Chinese pay attention to hermit cultivation, and this is also a good place to practice."

The big guy Hei tried to speak English in a way that the Chinese could understand. Lisa was a little dizzy, and Qi Na said: "He said that the big hermit lives in the city. I can't see that Brother Hei understands China quite well."

Lisa pursed her lips and smiled, the big black man seemed to understand what Qina said, and said again: "I have been in Chinatown for a long time, so I understand a little bit."

Emily interrupted them: "That's it, Longfeng Tea House, such a familiar name."

Lisa pursed her lips and smiled: "Aren't there dragon and Phoenix teahouses in Hong Kong movies?"

"Oh, let's go in." Emily didn't care that there was a Dragon and Phoenix Tea House in that movie, but she was a little apprehensive. After all, she came to negotiate with the underworld, and it was the first time for her.

There was a notice that the Longfeng Teahouse was closed for the day. Emily hesitated for a moment, and then saw a strong young man who pushed the door open. He was wearing a vest in the cold weather. His arms were full of muscles. Walking over, he nodded when he saw Emily, and said, "Please."

With that said, he turned around and walked into the teahouse.

The two companions of the big black man walked over and opened the door of the teahouse. The big black man walked in front first, followed by Emily, then Qi Na and Lisa, and finally the two bodyguards.

This staff made the passers-by in Chinatown unavoidably surprised. Did some underworld boss come?
The Longfeng Tea House sounds majestic, but in fact it is very cramped. The first floor is [-] to [-] square meters. They then walked up the stairs to the second floor. They suddenly realized that it was only [-] square meters. , and saw that there were already two people on the round table in the middle, and there were more than a dozen people standing behind them.

The young man in the lead bowed slightly, and then said to Emily, "Please sit down."

Then he stepped back.

Just as Emily was about to speak, the big guy in Hei did it himself. He threw away all the chairs that had been arranged and replaced three chairs. sat down.

Emily asked Qi Na and Lisa to sit down, leaned next to Qi Na, and said, "Since we're here, we don't want to waste time, please."

Sitting opposite were two old men in their 70s. The fat old man who spoke first said, "Mr. Qi, I'm sorry to bother you to move. It was beyond our expectation that you came here. Thank you very much. "

He paused for a while, then continued: "I'm an old bone, I don't like to be seen by old beauties, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to leave this Chinatown. Ha ha."

This man spoke Mandarin, which surprised Qi Na.But Qina didn't say a word, he didn't want to do something unprepared, so he took a picture of this person with his intelligent brain, searched on the Internet, but found nothing, and the fat and thin old man gave him inconsistent feelings, fat Although the old man is round, but there is more of a gangster in his brows, while the thin old man is much more refined, obviously the two are not the same.

He went to search for the skinny old man again, but was surprised that the one with a 90.00% similarity was the current boss of San Siro.

It seems that San Siro is sincere when the boss comes forward.

The fat old man said again: "In fact, we still have some fate. Mr. Zhao is my cousin, and I am his cousin. Speaking of which, San Siro originally wanted to invite you through Mr. Zhao, so that we can meet and talk, but My cousin was very upset about San Siro's calculations at the time, and was too lazy to have anything to do with San Siro. San Siro was forced to find us. Hehe."

Qi Na nodded, but still didn't say a word. If he didn't say a word, Lisa and Emily didn't speak either.

The big black man and other bodyguards behind them are all on high alert.

The fat old man said: "I am Hongmutang, and my surname is Huang. You can call me Lao Huang."

He pointed to the thin old man beside him, and said, "This is the boss of San Siro, Wang, the king with three horizontal lines and one vertical line, Mr. Wang."

Mr. Wang nodded at them.

Boss Wang, Qi Na thought, Jenny worked under him?
Qi Na didn't speak, and Emily spoke on behalf of Qi Na: "President Wang, Mr. Huang, please speak if you have something to say."

Before they came here, they discussed that Qi Na and Lisa tried not to speak, and Emily would speak up, and they would not talk nonsense.

So Emily didn't have a word to spare.

"Mr. Wang's family has a lot of people, and the San Siro company is also very complicated. That's why there is such a lawsuit. According to Mr. Wang's original intention, he doesn't want to take it to a lawsuit." The fat old man still spoke on behalf of Mr. Wang , This made Qi Na wonder, did they discuss it before, that the master does not speak, and the one who speaks is the agent?
"Then Mr. Wang is going to withdraw the lawsuit now?" Emily was very straightforward, she thought to herself why I care about your company's complexity, it's none of my business!
"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here today," the fat old man chuckled.

His laughter was abrupt, floating in the empty teahouse.

Emily didn't even ask Qi Na for instructions, and didn't think much about it at all. She decided that the other party had something to say, so she didn't say a word.

The fat old man didn't feel embarrassed, and continued: "Of course, we also have conditions."

Emily nodded, and sure enough: "Please tell me."

The fat old man glanced at Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang hesitated for a moment, crossed his hands, put it on the table and said slowly: "We are willing to resell this patent to Kirin Wings."

Emily didn't say a word, she waited for Mr. Wang to make a price. For her, making a price is inevitable. If it is to stop the loss of NMC's investment, this expense can be decided by Emily.But she didn't believe that the other party would be so generous.

Mr. Wang threw the right to speak at this time, and he said, "I want to hear what Mr. Qi thinks."

What did Qi Na think?

Emily said without any hesitation, "Say it directly, I can make the decision directly!"

"No, I want to hear your thoughts!" Mr. Wang began to become tough.

Emily hesitated for a moment, and Qi Na said: "I don't have any ideas! Since we are here, it would be best if we can resolve it properly. Of course, this resolution must be acceptable to both parties."

This is an attitude, which shows that Qi Na didn't come here to be perfunctory.

It is indeed necessary for Kirin Wings to get out of the current chaotic state as soon as possible. Sales in Europe and Australia are affected by patent lawsuits and cannot be carried out. If the case can be resolved in advance, then the company's benefits will definitely be great. Useful.

"Okay, Mr. Qi is quick to say something, we are all straightforward people." Mr. Wang said: "At the beginning, everyone was angry, and the price was tens of billions, which was obviously impossible."

Emily nodded.

Mr. Wang glanced at the fat old man, and the fat old man seemed to nod his head. Then Mr. Wang continued: "Compared to the value of this patent, we set a relative price of 100 billion."

After hearing what he said, the fat old man hurriedly added: "U.S. dollars."

"Hehe." Lisa laughed out loud suddenly. To her, it seemed like she wasted a good morning and listened to a big joke.

The fat old man didn't know Lisa, and he only believed that she must also be an executive of Kirin Wings. When he heard her laugh, he couldn't help frowning.

Emily held back her smile and said, "Sorry, let's see you in court."

Qina got up immediately, and the fat old man hurriedly said, "We can discuss it."

Emily shook her head: "With such a high price, we don't have the courage to bargain."

Mr. Wang was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "The price is easy to talk about, easy to talk about. Let's talk about it."

Lisa walked out first with Qi Na on her arm, and then she heard Emily say, "[-] million, RMB."

Mr. Wang suddenly lost his voice.

The fat old man raised his voice several notches: "You are here to play monkeys!"

Emily smiled and said, "You mustn't say that about yourself. Let's go first."

When Qi Na returned to the car, he asked Lisa and Emily: "What is the relationship between Mr. Wang and Hall Master Huang?"

"A nest of snakes and rats!"

"The gangsters."

Qina shook his head: "Mr. Wang took a look at Hall Master Huang when he made the quotation."

"What do you mean?"

Lisa hesitated: "Could it be that Mr. Wang was kidnapped by Hall Master Huang?"

Emily spat: "You've watched too many Hong Kong movies."

(End of this chapter)

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