Need for little hackers

Chapter 289 Thousands of Miles Away Intention

Chapter 289 Thousands of Miles Away ([-]) Intention


Emily thinks that San Siro's background is not correct in all likelihood, Huang Tang's Hongmutang may be the major shareholder behind San Siro, and Mr. Wang's family is just a puppet of Hongmutang.

Lisa immediately seconded this inference.

She went on to say: "No matter what the background is and what the origin is, our goal and main task now is the upcoming lawsuit. Since the other party has no sincere reconciliation, then don't bother with them."

Emily felt that Lisa was right, and nodded repeatedly.

Qi Na asked suspiciously: "What are you doing, are you doing double reeds?"

Lisa burst out laughing.

The big black man knocked on the car window and said to Emily, "Where are we going now?"

Because the time was advanced, all the big black men asked this question.

Qina raised his eyebrows: "Of course I went to visit Chinatown."

Emily cheered, and today was considered a holiday.

Big Hei became anxious when he heard this: "This place is not as safe as you think!"

Qi Na got out of the car, patted the big black man on the shoulder, and said, "Hey, brother, don't worry too much."

He got out of the car with Lisa and Emily, followed by three robot assistants, surrounded by security companions of the big black man.

The three robots quickly attracted the attention of tourists in Chinatown, and then people found the real master, Qi Na and Lisa.There was a sensation immediately, and a large number of tourists flocked to find Qi Na to take photos and sign autographs.

Fortunately, this time, Big Hei is very experienced, and asked all his companions to quickly surround Qi Na, so that a small distance was formed between the onlookers and Qi Na, and with the two robots beside Qi Na, it was so safe. Sex and flexibility are much greater.

But Lisa is much more lonely. Most people recognize Qi Na, but they don't know Lisa and Emily.

And the only protection around them is Emily's robot assistant.

The onlookers did not retreat because of the disgusting bodyguards around Qi Na, but instead greeted Qi Na more enthusiastically and tried to shake hands with Qi Na.

The scene was lively, but not chaotic.

People along the street applauded non-stop when they got the news, and enthusiastically called Qi Na's English and Chinese names.

In the crowd, Qi Na was dealing with the people, and accidentally caught a glimpse of Hall Master Huang and his group of disciples and grandchildren in the corner of the street.Beside him is Mr. Wang, the owner of the San Siro.

Mr. Wang was staring at him, his face kept flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking!
Although this trip to Chinatown was lively, he didn't find any private time, and it turned into a celebrity outing. Qi Na didn't care. Lisa was really depressed, and finally found a time to come out. It was half public and half private, but it was all ruined.

Emily advised her: "Okay, at least everyone will come back safely, you know, this is negotiating with the underworld, what else do you want!"

Lisa didn't take it seriously: "A small underworld can still make a lot of money, what are you afraid of!"

"It's hard to guard against a stab in the back, miss!" Emily said.

"I don't believe that a small hall will not take sides with Qi Na, even abandoning decades of foundation?" Lisa retorted.

It was rare for the two to start arguing, and Qi Na said from the side: "It is said that a strong dragon can't beat a local snake, but a local snake is a local snake after all, and a little harassment is inevitable. Don't think too much."

The two of them were arguing about the bottom line and courage of the American underworld, but they didn't expect what was the meaning behind this underworld negotiation!
Qina returned to the hotel, locked himself in the room alone, and began to look up all the information about Hongmutang on the Internet, and even visited the local police station and the database of the US FBI through the back door.

Of course, I gained a lot, and even discovered that Hongmutang was involved with many famous figures in Chinese history...

But the Redwood Hall has nothing to do with San Siro, which makes Qina feel even more weird. Could it be that the Redwood Hall is really just a matchmaker?Got your focus wrong?Or is it just that I am a little more neurotic?

Qi Na did not give up his doubts easily. He let go of the mahogany hall and asked San Siro a question: "What is San Siro's intention in arranging such a reconciliation meeting that is not sincere before the trial?"

"Don't they have ulterior motives?" Qi Na was worried that they would have some weird means and concoct some bad news, such as Qilin Wing's executives begging San Siro for reconciliation!
But what is the value of such news?

If the Redwood Church has nothing to do with San Siro, then they will not allow the information to be leaked by San Siro in this way. If it is leaked, I am afraid they will not be able to gain a foothold in the arena.

Qi Na began to look for news about San Siro in the entire Internet world. In the English-speaking world, San Siro's main business is clothing and high-end restaurants in Southeast Asia, as well as several high-end hotels and casinos in the United States.In general, the business scope is quite messy.

In the Chinese online world, Qi Na saw the news of the acquisition of NMC and various investment news in the mainland, but most of them were various mineral resources. Of course, as the most eye-catching investment project in China, real estate, they also saw Won't let it go.

San Siro is listed on the Hong Kong market, so he continued to check the financial reports of listed companies. Generally speaking, the profits are very, very good, and it should be a stock with good returns.

That being the case, the patent lawsuit with Kirin Wings is a bonus project for San Siro. First, it expands the company's popularity and influence. Second, the loss will not affect the main business. Cash will also fill the company's capital reserves and allow it to continue to expand.

Qi Na did not come out to have dinner with Lisa and Emily.Duan Shifei questioned Lisa and Emily: "What did you do to him?!"

Although Emily quarreled with Lisa in the morning, which made her a little unhappy, she immediately turned her eyebrows coldly at Duan right and wrong: "I'm afraid it's not your turn to ask questions!?"

The implication is that Lisa, Qi Na's real girlfriend, hasn't spoken yet, so you're so wordy! ?
Duan Shifei snorted: "I'll go and have a look."

Just as she was about to go out, she saw Qi Na walking in by herself, and everyone could tell that Qin Na had something on his mind.

Lisa and Emily looked at each other and asked him.

Duan Zhengfei is also curious.

Qina shook his head: "It's nothing, I just think today's meeting is a bit strange, why San Siro reconciled with us, I am a little confused!"

Duan Shifei laughed: "What's the matter? They're afraid of losing the lawsuit."

Qina shook his head: "Including the acquisition of NMC and other investments, they have invested less than [-] million yuan in this project. With their company's capital, they can still resist this failure."

Everyone didn't understand what he meant.

"This lawsuit is a bonus item for them. It is beneficial to win, and there is no loss if they lose." Qi Na explained: "That's why they won't be afraid of losing the lawsuit!"

Lisa immediately followed up and said: "Maybe they just wanted to win and made a plan to lose the lawsuit." She explained: "Instead of gambling on the so-called fair judgment of the judge, it is more appropriate and cost-effective to leave with a vote of cash."

"It's not too early to pay for nothing." Emily supported Lisa's opinion.

After listening to this, Qi Na was speechless, and felt more and more that there were indeed many possibilities. Maybe the other party came to test his attitude? !He nodded, spread his hands, and said: "Forget it, don't think about it, I'm starving to death, whoever gives me something to eat."

Emily rolled her eyes: "What time is it, the hair is gone."

Lisa pointed to the cabinet against the wall: "There are some dried fruits left in the hotel, as well as the instant noodles we brought, and bread, you can enjoy it by yourself."

Qi Na was immediately discouraged: "I want to eat meat!"

Emily chuckled: "There's meat, Master Kong's Braised Beef Noodles. There's beef."

Qina rolled his eyes at her: "It's not funny at all."

Duan Shifei looked at the two of them teasing Qi Na, and said, "There is a rib shop not far ahead, I'll take you to try it."

"Ribs?" Lisa was curious.

"Grilled ribs and pork ribs are all made by the chef's own secret sauce, and the taste is very good." Duan Shifei introduced.

Emily snapped her fingers domineeringly: "I know, there are in the house of cards, delicious. But I want to lose weight!"

"You have to eat enough to have the strength to lose weight." Duan Shifei said.

The shop craftsmanship introduced by Duan Shifei is really good, and even Emily, who has been clamoring to lose weight, couldn't help but eat two servings.

And Qina feasted on it even more.

Because he came out late at night and asked the big black security team to work overtime, Qi Na was very embarrassed. Although Duan Zhengfei said that he would pay them for overtime, Emily, who understood Qina's wishes very well, arranged for these bodyguards to taste it at the next table It was delicious.

Fortunately, in this rib shop, although it may not be a high-end restaurant, the people who dine are very quiet and very qualified. Occasionally, someone will come to say hello to Qina, and no one even bothers him to ask for a group photo. Make them eat a full meal.

When he returned to the hotel, Qina was still thinking about San Siro's intentions, and he always felt a little pimple in his heart, thinking that this matter should not be so simple.

But since he couldn't figure it out, and Lisa and Emily didn't care much about it, he sought help from the domestic team.

This matter is special, so he first communicated with Wu Jun who he thought had the best view of the overall situation.

In order to avoid eavesdropping, Qiener used encrypted lines.

Wu Jun was busy. After listening to Qi Na's introduction, he hesitated and said, "If I were Mr. Wang, the owner of San Siro, what would I do when this lawsuit is about to go to trial?"

He was asking rhetorically, and also asking himself: "The first is to promote San Siro, and the second is to seek more evidence to ensure that the lawsuit can be won."

"He didn't do these few things," Qi Na replied to Wu Jun.

Wu Jun hesitated for a moment, then said: "He seeks to reconcile with you!"

Wu Jun paused for a long time, and Qi Na couldn't hold back anymore. Then Wu Jun said: "Is there something wrong with them internally? They want to cash out?"

A thunderbolt flashed through Qina's mind.

However, this is just a guess. The financial reports of listed companies alone at least show that San Siro is healthy.

Wu Jun said: "That's the financial statement, it's easy to falsify. Think about it, they even have a casino, and they also have high-end restaurants. The business items are mixed, and the family background is probably not clean. To make a fake financial report, for them, Presumably there is no moral pressure."

But Wu Jun immediately said: "This is just speculation, but according to your information, there should indeed be an internal problem within them, otherwise it cannot be explained."

"What should I do?" Qi Na hesitated.

"I'll go to Hong Kong to see and understand their situation." Wu Jun immediately made a decision.

But Qina immediately stopped him: "No, Lifeline needs you more, I'll think about it again."

Wu Jun suggested again: "Or you can ask Doris for a favor and find out the truth."

Qina's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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