Need for little hackers

Chapter 291 Thousands of Miles Away The Trend

Chapter 291 Thousands of Miles Away ([-]) Trends


Qi Na and Lisa, the leaders of the two Unicorn Wings, spent Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in the United States.

On December 31st, Lisa couldn't hold back her impulse and took Qi Na to Times Square in New York. Together with the tourists, they celebrated the arrival of the new year and celebrated the New Year's Eve during the countdown.

Qina was recognized quickly, but he didn't care, and the tourists around were also immersed in the joy of the New Year, and there was no embarrassing star-chasing situation.

In the hustle and bustle, Lisa put her hands together and prayed silently.

A video camera has captured them, and Qi Na enthusiastically waved and grimaced at the camera, his fieryness matched Lisa's calmness, and this scene was watched by countless people in the world at the same time.

In an instant, people at the scene captured this scene and exposed it on social networks, triggering countless topics.

One of the topics that people have been speculating about is that Qi Na and Lisa are together. Are they really a couple?At this time, some domestic netizens explained to friends all over the world that in fact, Qi Na also has a confidante named Zheng Xiumin, and the emotional intersection between the three is very subtle.

Topic [-]: What wish did Lisa make at that time?Some people are very pragmatic, thinking that Lisa is praying for a smooth end to the lawsuit with San Siro, some people are ridiculous, saying that Lisa is praying for world peace, and some people are very romantic, thinking that Lisa can make a wish to get together with Qi Na.

In any case, in this era, no matter where Qi Na goes, he attracts countless attention and brings countless topics.

He has already stood at the pinnacle of the world without his own knowing, and every word and deed is affecting the world.

Some people are obsessed with him because of the Suzaku robot he created and opened the era of robots, and some people are obsessed with him because of his legendary life experience like an inspirational novel.

In this year, Qi Na once again became the person of the year of the world's major media, continuing last year's limelight.

In this year, the Suzaku robot began to be sold globally, the simplified industrial robot began to invade more industries on a large scale, and the Qinglong robot even intervened in the local wars of human beings, affecting more and more human beings and human society.

Whether robots are good or bad for human beings, this kind of debate is bound to last, and for a long time, this society will slowly adapt to the services provided by robots in this debate, living in a society where robots and humans coexist middle.

No matter whether this result can be accepted by everyone, there is no choice, unless you go away to practice in seclusion in the mountains.

But the opponents still won't back down. Although the former extremist organization Green World has been wiped out, more and more extreme new anti-robot organizations continue to emerge, constantly trying to launch attacks and deterrence against robots.

This kind of news kept appearing in the newspapers, and it also caused a lot of controversy.

Shortly after Christmas, Qi Na accepted another interview with a certain media. The total interview time was three hours, and Qi Na had to spend two hours to sort out the changes in the world after the influx of human society into robots for the interviewers.

He concluded in one sentence: No matter what, the integration of robots into human society is a trend that no one can resist.This trend has already begun when human writers, science fiction writers, or movie artists created this image, and we have only realized this step.

Robots are trending and unstoppable.In the end, the reporters concluded with such headlines.

On the car back after the New Year's Eve event, Qi Na asked Lisa, "What wish did you make?"

Lisa smiled slightly, her voice soft: "If I don't tell you, it won't work if I tell you."

Qina smiled and said: "If you don't tell me, I can guess it."

Lisa glanced at him: "Don't lie to me, I don't believe it!"

Qina looked at him, but didn't say anything.

When I came to Times Square today, Emily was very obedient and didn't follow, and even made excuses to hold off the right and wrong, which made Lisa cherish this rare two-person world very much.

Seeing that Qi Na didn't speak, Lisa couldn't help herself, and said, "Actually, it's nothing..."

Qina immediately interrupted her: "Oh, what a beautiful fireworks."

"What, what fireworks." Lisa rushed over and leaned against the window, but the lights outside were brightly lit, so she couldn't see any fireworks.She looked at Qi Na.

Qina looked innocent: "It must be blocked by tall buildings here, so I can't see it."

Lisa knew that she had been fooled by him again, and cursed herself inwardly, Lisa, Lisa, why are you so memoryless and so easily fooled by him.Just as she was about to speak, she was hugged by Qina, so tight that she couldn't breathe.

The sunroof of the car was opened, and a gust of cold wind came in, but it also brought coolness. Lisa and Qina snuggled up together, looking at the faintly visible stars in the sunroof, both of them fell into a brief silence.

Then I heard Qi Na muttering about his future expectations. He first talked about the development of the company, and then he started to mention himself and Lisa, but he never mentioned Zheng Xiumin, who couldn't get around, and never mentioned the second marriage. Character.

Lisa was a little disappointed, but fortunately this was the second time he wanted the two of them to live together, and it was the New Year, so she was relieved.

During this period of time, what Qi Na paid the most attention to was Meg's news, but to Qi Na's disappointment, Meg had no substantive news except for the rumors of San Siro from some relevant people, and almost every such rumor The company has it all, so I can't explain what the real problem is.

However, Meg then called Jenny to help. She did not communicate with Qi Na about this matter, but just reported again and found another channel for herself.

Jenny attaches great importance to this opportunity to repair the relationship with Qi Na, and soon got in touch with her former colleagues.

Jenny has her own judgment on San Siro, so she prepared a set of extremely deceptive rhetoric to her old colleagues: "San Siro is a small broken company, and their damage is limited. Don't you have to offend a super company like Kirin Wings?" Is it a giant corporation?"

The implication is that the company belongs to others, and the future belongs to oneself.

At the beginning, most people didn't care about it, but some people who knew the inside story couldn't help but hesitate in the dead of night.

But Jenny sticks to Hong Kong, and she firmly believes that there will be gains.

Time flies, and it is the end of January, and the Lunar New Year is coming.

Lisa was hesitating whether to return to China for the New Year, but Emily hurried in to find her and Qi Na.

In the conference room, she introduced: "Hallmaster Huang of Hongmutang sent someone to talk again, and they are willing to talk to us again."

Lisa immediately refused, thinking that there was no need to talk any more, but the other party opened his mouth loudly without sincerity, and any further talk would be a waste of time.

But Qi Na has other ideas. Meg is collecting information in Hong Kong, and San Siro is trying to chat privately here. Why don't he deal with the other party for a while, and maybe get some clues from the other party's attitude and words?

Lisa didn't know that Qi Na arranged for Meg, and felt that Qi Na was in a hurry, but she didn't have time to accompany her, so Qi Na planned to go alone, but Emily stopped him again, determined to go there by herself.

Her reason was that recently, public opinion was rumored that the court hearing was imminent. During this period of time, a large number of media gathered, and it was inconvenient for Qi Na to travel. It would be difficult to explain if these pictures were captured by media reporters.And Mr. Wang, the owner of San Siro, may not be there.

So the most convenient thing is for Emily to go there and find out the truth.

Qina thought it was true, so he arranged for his robot assistant, Xiaoer, to follow him.

Through the remote screen, Qi Na saw Hall Master Huang again. As Emily judged, Mr. Wang, the boss of San Siro, did not appear.

Qi Na immediately gave up looking forward to this meeting.

Hallmaster Huang set a condition for the negotiation, which is still 100 billion, but this time the unit is RMB.

This is tantamount to the other party making a big concession.After all, the exchange rate of the US dollar to RMB is still one to six.

Emily rejected Hall Master Huang's offer without hesitation.

This time Hall Master Huang was not as polite as last time, he slapped the table and said angrily: "For the sake of our compatriots, I will give you a chance. If you feel inappropriate, don't regret it in the future."

Emily ignored him at all, turned around and left.

Qi Na snapped his fingers, Emily is so handsome.

Qin Na didn't underestimate the other party too much, and immediately pondered the meaning of Huang Tangzhu's words, don't regret it?

regret what?Even if you lose the lawsuit, you can still appeal. This back and forth, at least four or five years, who is afraid of whom.

If Europe doesn't sell it, that's okay. After all, robots are hard currency now, and Europe is the demand side. It's the Europeans who are anxious, not yourself.

Emily felt that Keener was thinking too much.

Lisa watched the video recording and concluded that Hall Master Huang was angry from embarrassment.

Qi Na waved at them. They were all too naive in this matter, and it was almost impossible to change their personalities. So he still contacted Meg, wanting to see the situation of San Siro's headquarters in Hong Kong.

Meg felt a little embarrassed after hearing what Qi Na said, and said, "Qi Na, I'm in Ningnan now!"

Qi Na was stunned, and Meg immediately explained: "I arranged a more suitable candidate in Hong Kong. She used to have a higher level in San Siro, and she can get in touch with a wider network of people. I believe the information she can give back is more accurate."

She explained it like this, but Jina was still a little awkward. After all, this was the most crucial thing in his life. Meg was obviously a little perfunctory, which made him a little uncomfortable.

But who is this person Meg is talking about?

Qina turned his head and blurted out: "Have you gone to see Jenny?"

Meg smiled: "Of course, who else but her?"

She paused: "She is the starting point of all these entanglements, and she is the most suitable to do this."

Qina also smiled: "Maybe."

Meg comforted Qi Na: "Don't worry, Jenny knows the seriousness, the mistakes she made cannot be repeated!"

Qi Na laughed again.

Meg felt terrified by him, and regretted that she should not have told the truth just now, so she said, "I'll go to Hong Kong and see the situation." She didn't mention Jenny again.

Qi Na hung up the phone and looked at Hall Master Huang on the screen.He said to himself, "What trick are you playing?"

Emily, who had just left, suddenly rushed into Qi Na's office: "I just got the news that the court will start in a week."

(End of this chapter)

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