Need for little hackers

Chapter 292 Thousands of Miles Away The Curtain Opens

Chapter 292 Thousands of Miles Away ([-]) The Curtain Opens

Qi Na pretended to be shocked by Emily's news, causing Emily to raise her mouth to express her dissatisfaction.

He seemed to be Fu Lin's heart, and suddenly figured out the meaning of Hall Master Huang's expression.

He said to Emily: "Immediately apply to the court to request that the patent license shall not be transferred during the litigation."

Emily was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand what Qi Na wanted, but she still quickly carried out Qi Na's request.

The lawyers moved immediately, and at the same time, the lawyers added a requirement that any form of corporate restructuring should not affect the change of patent rights in this lawsuit.

In short, the parties in this lawsuit cannot be changed until the lawsuit is over.

At this moment, Emily understood a little bit that Qi Na was preparing for a protracted war to drag San Siro to death.

She only understood the surface, but she still didn't see behind the actions of San Siro.

But it doesn't matter, it will be court time soon.

Apart from waiting for news from Jenny and Meg, Qi Na patiently waited for the seven days to pass slowly.

From nowhere in sight to a week, the change of time made Qilin Wing tense up and down instantly. Lisa, Emily and others looked even more serious.

For everyone in Kirin Wings, this is a life-and-death test. Although someone has analyzed it, no matter whether the lawsuit is won or not, it will not affect the pace of Kirin Wings in the field of robotics.

But whether it can go into battle lightly will inevitably affect the subsequent development.

Lisa began to refuse interviews from the media, and issued a company-wide gag order, entering a battle state.

Looking at their status, Qi Na had no choice but to express his judgment to his colleagues again. First of all, whether the lawsuit is successful or not, it will not affect the development of Qilin Wings.Secondly, if they lose, there will be an appeal. The longer the delay, the better it will be for Qilin Wings. Third, this is a protracted battle, and of course miracles will occur under certain circumstances.

The first of these three items is naturally everyone's consensus, but it's just that Qi Na said it, and everyone feels more at ease.

Seven days flew by, and a large number of reporters and live broadcast vehicles of various media gathered at the entrance of the hotel where Qi Na was staying and the entrance of the court.Every scene in this lawsuit is broadcast live.

The judge solicited opinions from many parties at the time. San Siro did not agree to open the trial at first, but Lisa immediately agreed to the live broadcast, so San Siro immediately agreed.

For this reason, many American cable TV stations, national radio and television networks, etc., have bought the live broadcast rights.

In China, a number of TV stations have purchased broadcasting rights. For this reason, a large number of personnel who understand English and are very familiar with American laws were specially called to prepare behind the scenes.

The Century Litigation really had an extraordinary influence.

When Qi Na got out of the car and walked towards the court, both sides of the road had been cleared by the police. He looked serious and did not express anything to the supporters and opponents on both sides of the guardrail.

It was only when I walked to the high steps of the court that I suddenly remembered that I turned around and waved to them, and then quickly turned and walked into the court.

All of this was recorded by the camera, not a second was deleted, and it was recorded and transmitted to the world.

After a while, relevant personnel from San Siro arrived, and Mr. Wang, who had met Qi Na once, also appeared among them.

Their appearance was not greeted with warm cheers like Kirin Wings, but boos instead.

For these affirmations, they had plans in advance and didn't care.

When the judge arrived, everyone in the courtroom stood up.

Then I saw a bailiff walking up cautiously and whispering to the judge.

The judge looked surprised, as if he was confirming with the bailiff. After getting the confirmation from the bailiff, the live TV showed the judge a close-up. The judge was a little frightened. He stood up in a hurry, knocked on the hammer and announced loudly that an unknown package was found in the lounge next door. For safety reasons, the court was temporarily adjourned, and all personnel quickly moved outside the court.

The sound surprised everyone in the courtroom. With the assistance of the judicial police, people evacuated in an orderly manner.

Qilin Wing's lawyer quickly reported to Qi Na and Lisa that this was not simply an unknown package, but the FBI's intelligence pointed out that some anti-robot organizations in North America were trying to attack Qi Na during this trial.

Qina has long since ignored the clumsy tricks of these thieves, but the security of Qilin Wings will not be downplayed.

Lin Hui once again deployed more than ten Suzaku robots to protect around Qi Na.

After waiting for several hours, the FBI confirmed that a suspicious package had been found, and the judge then postponed the trial to the next day. When Qi Na, under the protection of nearly 20 Suzaku robots, walked slowly into the nanny car, this scene followed the scene. Netizens and TV media were disseminated, so some netizens on social media spoke and ridiculed Qi Na: He can only hide behind the robot.

The implication of this sentence is that Qi Na is a coward.

Qi Na found that he was furious, but he still acted calmly, and said to Emily: "Tomorrow you will arrive last, and I will arrive first. Adjust the order and time slightly, so that you don't have to prepare so many robots. It's a bit of a fuss."

Emily agreed to Qi Na's request face to face, but there were many robots. Although they didn't show up, they were on call at any time. The original team of big black bodyguards was increased from six to ten.

After Lisa got Emily's report, she doubled the number of bodyguards to twenty.

This is just the bodyguards who protect Qi Na closely, not including the outfield and observation posts.

All in all, if you compare the security scale of the President of the United States, except that law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and PD cannot be mobilized, the size of the bodyguard alone is actually comparable to the President’s Secret Service.

The next day, when the team of Qilin Wings was still broadcasting live on TV and set off for the court, Qi Na suddenly appeared in front of the public at the scene of the court. He stood on a high place in a demonstration and waved to all his supporters .

At this moment, Qina's bodyguards were sweating profusely, and the big black man rushed over desperately and dragged Qina down.

Qi Na was the first to arrive at the courtroom, inspecting the few spectators and the reporters who were doing the final adjustment of the live broadcast.

The reporters didn't expect him to arrive so early. After a brief hesitation, some reporters rushed towards Qi Na with a camera in hand.

Qi Na accepted it frankly and had several rounds of conversations with reporters.

"Why did you rush to court so early? Is it for security reasons?"

"Yes, this will also reduce the pressure on security." Qi Na is very frank.

"Could it be related to what people said yesterday?"

"Yes." Qina was very sincere: "Being scolded as a coward, who can bear it."

The reporter laughed, and everyone around him also laughed.

"What are your expectations for today's trial?"

"Naturally, we must win." Qi Na said.

"Are you going to court today?"

"I hope it can!" Qi Na looked at the camera and said seriously.

Today, there is no similar situation to yesterday, and the court session went smoothly.

The two sides tried to see each other from the beginning, and entered the fiery stage, and they were already shirtless for many rounds.Witnesses are constantly appearing in court, and materials are constantly being presented.

Not only the audience in front of the TV, but even the audience in the auditorium were overwhelmed. Gradually, most people could only watch the excitement.

The trial quickly entered the point where Kirin Wings challenged the legitimacy of San Siro's patent rights.

As the judge called out the next witness, Qi Na strolled onto the witness stand, and the audience suddenly became commotion.

Looking at this lawsuit of the century, the first thing to watch is the outcome, and the second thing to watch is not Qi Na's performance in court?
But it was San Siro's lawyer who first questioned Qiener.

"The left side of the code on the screen belongs to the video capture system, does the right side belong to the Qilin Wing?"

"Yes." Qi Na replied affirmatively, he didn't even look at the screen directly.

This is the first link. People thought that Qi Na would categorically deny it, but they did not expect that Qi Na would admit it so readily.

The lawyer was a little surprised, and couldn't help shrugging at his partners with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

And Kirin Wing couldn't sit still up and down.

Qi Na made a calm gesture to Lisa.

Facing the uproar in the courtroom, the judge tapped the hammer, and the audience slowly fell silent.

"Do you need to make sure?" the judge asked Kiener.

The lawyer stepped aside generously, waiting for Qi Na to speak.

Qi Na smiled: "I wrote these two pieces of code. Although the time is different, the code habits are the same. Even the vocabulary and marks when using comments are unique to me. So I just glanced at them. These codes lead to conclusions."

"The patent right belongs to San Siro." San Siro's lawyer reminded immediately.

"The code on the left was completed by myself when I was working at NMC. Of course, the code on the right was completed by myself when I was in Kirin Wings a few months later." Qi Na explained slowly and calmly.

"Mr. Qi Na, you should pay attention. These two codes are related to video capture and image processing. When you describe them like this, you also admit that the two codes are consistent, and the NMC code is written first. , In other words, you admit that the code of Kirin Wings has copied NMC's code and infringed NMC's patent rights." San Siro's lawyer hopes to seal the victory as soon as possible. "

"Mr. Lawyer, why are you in such a hurry?" Qi Na said slowly.

Frightened by Qi Na's reputation, the lawyer didn't yell at him on the spot, but politely asked him to continue.

"These two codes are very similar." Qi Na explained slowly: "What needs to be explained here is that the same loop statement is used here, and the same function is defined. On the surface, of course, they are almost the same. "

Ke Qina then said: "NMC's video capture imaging technology is based on two to three ordinary cameras to capture images of a fixed area, and determine the capture object through personnel designation or prescribed actions. This is a relatively fool-style video capture imaging technology. , I also assisted in the use of multiple methods such as shadow judgment, contrast judgment, and multiple movement judgments to cooperate."

"The technology of Kirin Wings is more complicated, requiring far higher precision than NMC. For example, the earliest practical application of this technology was Kirin Milk Tea Shop. The shoppers are constantly moving, and simply use shadow judgment , comparison, and multiple judgments, it is impossible to perform real-time tracking. At first, I simply imagined using more cameras for cross-comparison to solve the problem, but there are more than 20 cameras arranged on the door frame of the milk tea shop, left and right. It is used to capture data, but the actual result is that it still cannot solve technical problems.”

"So if I continue to stick to NMC's video capture imaging technology, obviously I will not be able to complete the subsequent development."

Qi Na's statement gradually made San Siro a little nervous, and San Siro's boss, Mr. Wang, kept moving his body to relieve the tension.

(End of this chapter)

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