Need for little hackers

Chapter 297 Thousands of Miles Away Three Hei and Xiao Zhe

Chapter 297 Thousands of Miles Away ([-]) Sanhei and Xiaozhe

Qina paused for a moment. He realized that this place was unusually weird, which made him think about it. Could it be that this is the base camp of San Siro?

However, searching on the Internet did not see any information about the connection between Marriott City Hotel and San Siro.

"Perhaps we still need to go to the police to understand the weirdness of this hotel." Lisa said cautiously.

"It's too late, no, you can contact the Ningnan Police Station and communicate with the Hong Kong police through them, but at the same time, I will find another way." Qi Na made a decision in an instant.

There is no time to waste at this juncture.Contacting the police is a last resort.Qi Na must have his own actions.

Seeing Lisa pick up the phone, Emily asked Qi Na what he meant by the second half of the sentence, and what else could he do.

Qi Na looked at Emily, and said two words from his lips: Suzaku.

Wu Jun and Xiao Xu brought two Suzaku robots with them when they came to Hong Kong, and they are still staying in the hotel on standby.

Isn't this the time for them to play a role?

Emily's first reaction was to use the Suzaku robot to carry out affairs outside the norms. If something goes wrong, causing people to worry about the safety of the robot, then in the next period of time, they will inevitably face overwhelming media attacks on Qilin Wings.

The Suzaku robot is running around in world-renowned cities, which is too ostentatious in itself.It is difficult to cover their tracks.

All-pervasive journalists will always find some clues.

You know, even though the whole world is singing the praises of Qi Na, there are always people who express concerns about the safety of robots.

Emily hesitated whether she should dissuade Qi Na.

Wu Jun, Xiao Xu, Meg and Jenny are all friends I know and understand. If they had an accident because they spoke up to prevent Qi Nabing from making dangerous moves, I am afraid I would not forgive myself.

But what about the future of Kirin Wings?How to choose?

And she looked at Qina again, with a stern face, and thought to herself: Maybe he has already weighed all kinds of feasibility, considered the worst consequences, and has long since refused to turn back.

If the behavior of the Suzaku robot is leaked, causing a huge crisis of trust, the biggest possibility is that the Kirin Wings will go bankrupt, and Qi Na will be ruined and even thrown into prison.

He has already decided to ignore these things for his friend, Emily thought to herself: I have no reason to stop, if I want to express my support for Qi Na, there will be no time to talk about it in the future - the worst thing is to die once, what is there to be afraid of.

Emily had many thoughts in her mind at once.The whole person gradually changed from panic and worry to calmness. After calming down, she stared at Qina, who was operating the computer, and one command after another was sent out. Although she didn't know which command was to activate the Suzaku robot in Hong Kong, it was obvious that Wu Jun, Xiao Xu, Meg and Jenny whose lives are hanging by a thread have a chance.

Lisa, who was communicating with the person in charge of the Ningnan Police Station, suddenly discovered that she and Qi Na were stranded outside, and there was an emptiness behind Qilin Wing.This led to poor communication between Kirin Wings and the city government, and little contact with the police station.

Lisa could clearly hear from the words of the chief of the police station that they were dissatisfied with Qilin Wing's current team.

Qiao Wenming is now in charge of the Kirin Wings, but he is a newcomer and has some bureaucratic habits. Although his work is excellent, he still does not have much prestige. The others, Min Rui and Gao Qinglin, are immersed in technology and have not participated in much management. Work.

Others have limited positions and have no way of convincing the public. This situation is also reflected in the contact and communication work between Kirin Wings and the outside world.

Before that, she took it for granted. After all, she was the CEO, but now she is facing an extremely important job, Lisa feels that the left-behind team is a bit powerless.She wished she could rush back to Ningnan and take charge of the overall situation.

She immediately made a decision. Although the affairs in North America are important now, it is more urgent to return to Ningnan.

Hearing that Lisa was going back to Ningnan, Qina didn't say much, but just nodded, he had already meant it.

But Emily objected, saying: "Before now, the lawyer team has been maintaining communication and cooperation with you. If you leave, the court will be held tomorrow. How to deal with this kind of gap, after all, this lawsuit can win but never lose. "

Lisa wants to say that there are still you and Duan right and wrong here?

But Emily immediately said, "So why don't I go back instead of you."

Lisa felt relieved, as if she had the same thought deep in her heart.

I heard Qi Na say, "Alright."

Since Qi Na agreed, Lisa naturally nodded in agreement.

Everyone can clearly distinguish the priority of things in their hearts, and no one cares about temporary gains and losses, even if it is emotional.

And Emily is one of the founders of the company. She has personally experienced almost everything. She is the third person in the company. Although she has been away for a while, her influence is still there.

She went back, the most suitable candidate at that time.

Emily didn't pause for a minute, picked up her bag and was about to leave, but turned back from the gate, hugged Qina in front of Lisa, kissed Qina's cheek on tiptoe, and then hugged Lisa in her arms , Emily's words echoed in Lisa's ears: Everything will be fine.

Duan Shifei chartered a plane to send Emily back to China.

At the same time, Qi Na left the hotel and came to Qilin Wing's office. He occupied a conference room and began to retreat again.

The server in the office in North America has just been launched, and there are enough resources and bandwidth for him to use to cope with the massive data brought by the ghost virus.

In this conference room, for the first time, Qi Na turned on his intelligent brain to the highest load mode.

He not only interacts with the ghost virus he compiled, constantly corrects bugs, and improves the utilization rate of the ghost virus, but also tracks Gouqiang's whereabouts for several days, and he can see the traces of Meg and Jenny following Gouqiang.

In addition, he monitored hundreds of surveillance cameras in the Marriott City Hotel in real time, as well as municipal surveillance cameras at several entrances and exits around Marriott City.Qina believed that if Wu Jun and Xiao Xu appeared on these occasions, he would be able to find out.

Finally, through the wireless signal, he controlled Xiao Xu's Suzaku robot Sanhei and Wu Jun's robot Xiao Zhe at the same time.

The technical parameters of Sanhei and Xiaozhe are exactly the same, there is no difference, but in the later actual use, Sanhei is more used as a test object and document editing.And Xiao Zhe was regarded as a member of the family by Wu Jun, except for eating, bathing, and sleeping, he was present in most family activities.

So as intelligent life, they have undergone interesting changes.

But this time is not a good time to study the changes of intelligent life.

After Qina controlled them, Sanhei silently accepted, while Xiaozhe raised doubts.

Instead of forcing an order to obey, Qi Na told him that Wu Jun's life was in danger.Sure enough, Xiao Zhe called for the police to rescue Wu Jun.

After Qi Na explained it again, Xiao Zhe expressed his understanding and obeyed Qi Na's arrangement.Qi Na is just a follower of sight, and Xiao Zhe and Sanhei act freely, but accept Qi Na's guidance.

At the same time, at a critical moment, Qi Na will issue a mandatory instruction, and he will control the two robots.

Qina knew very well that this was a back door opened by himself, which exceeded the authority of the three laws set by himself, but at this critical juncture, he had already left countless future crises behind him, and he didn't care at all.

In the North American office of Kirin Wings.

When the foreigners learned that the big boss, Qi Na, was in the conference room, they couldn't help but go over curiously, spying on Qi Na through the gap in the floor-to-ceiling windows of the conference room.

I saw Qina controlling the computer for a while, his hands flying like a waterfall, and the codes on the screen cascading down like a waterfall, and then he became quiet again, sitting cross-legged on the conference table, not knowing whether he was thinking or just resting.After a while, he stood in the gap of the conference room, wandering around, as if he was walking in a busy city, avoiding the pedestrians coming and going.

These American devils marveled at Qi Na's pianist-like hands, and they were all dumbfounded.

Soon Lin Hui rushed to the office, and he drove away the American devils who were spying on Qi Na, and found a big black guy, and asked him to stay here 24 hours a day to ensure Qi Na's safety and not allow more people to approach here.

Qi Na gradually sorted out the whole idea clearly. Relying on the virtual reality world shaped by the ghost virus, he shuttled through the world scene a few days ago and the current time, and clearly found the dog Qiang who was monitoring and following Meg and Jenny. I also know where Wu Jun and Xiao Xu disappeared.

He tracked and paid attention to these two clues. Not surprisingly, the two clues overlapped. At least for now, Meg and Jenny have also been in and out of the Marriott City Hotel many times, although they have not checked in or communicated with other people. , but they are by no means just passing by.

The whereabouts of Gouqiang were also locked. Although it is not known what mobile phone number Gouqiang used, it is certain that he also used a disposable mobile phone.

Even Qi Na felt that Meg and Jenny sent text messages while waiting at the scene, nine out of ten they were talking with Gou Qiang.

Perhaps Meg and Jenny were waiting for inside news from San Siro or an insider's whistleblower, but they didn't know that the whistleblower who made them excited was actually Gou Qiang who was always following closely behind them.

Maybe someone did contact Meg and Jenny before, and important information was leaked, but that's all. These leakers were quickly exposed and dealt with internally by San Siro.

That's what Keener infers.

Qina also thought that it might be because after the internal disposal, San Siro was afraid of making a fuss, so he simply asked the dog to deal with Meg and Jenny.To avoid changes in the situation, affecting San Siro's patent lawsuit.

But a series of changes happened later, and it got out of control.

Qi Na thought so, but obviously this was just his own inference.

Although we still don't know where Meg and Jenny are, but I believe that as long as Wu Jun and Xiao Xu are found, Meg and Jenny will not be difficult to find.

The first step now is to let Sanhei and Xiaozhe go to the Marriott City Hotel to investigate where Wu Jun, Xiao Xu, and Sheriff He disappeared.

Although Qi Na is thousands of kilometers away in the United States, through the Internet, he parasitizes in the steel bodies of the two robots, Xiao Zhe and San Hei, and visits Hong Kong in another way.

At the same time, the huge computing power of the ghost virus has affected the entire Internet world in Hong Kong, as well as the mainland people who rely on Hong Kong and cross the Great Wall.

(End of this chapter)

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