Need for little hackers

Chapter 298 Traveling Thousands of Miles Away

Chapter 298 Thousands of Miles Away ([-]) Traveling

Sanhei and Xiaozhe pushed open the door of the hotel room and strode forward, facing two waiters. They hesitated for a moment, but finally realized that it was their professional inertia. greeting.

Sanhei stopped leisurely, and turned to respond to them: "Thank you, and I wish you a happy Chinese New Year too." After saying that, Sanhei followed Xiaozhe closely and entered the elevator.

During the Spring Festival, there are many tourists coming and going.The elevator was also overcrowded, and the sudden squeeze of two robots made the passengers scream.

But people were also very excited when they found out that they were taking the elevator with a robot. Although the Suzaku robot has been released to the public for a year, the number is limited after all, and it is very rare to be able to get close to the Suzaku robot.

Someone asked Sanhei and Xiaozhe, "Where are you going? Where is your master?"

"Master?" Sanhei hesitated for a moment, which was reflected on the surface of his machine, as his movements were stiff.

"Are you talking about my employer?" Sanhei asked back, "We are going out to find him."

"Happy Chinese New Year." Sanhei and Xiaozhe left the elevator and said goodbye to these passengers politely.

They have to take a taxi, and the elevator continues down to take the subway or enter the underground parking lot.

When the doorman saw Xiaozhe and Sanhei, he hesitated for a moment, but he still called a taxi for them with the online payment sign of Life Online.

It is impossible for Xiaozhe and Sanhei to carry cash, but they both have accounts on Lifeline, which brings convenience for travel and free activities.

Adhering to the ambition of continuous expansion in the past year, Life Online has successfully logged into Hong Kong, Bangkok, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions, and its influence is becoming stronger and stronger.

The booming online payment business in Hong Kong is proof.

When Xiaozhe and Sanhei stood in front of the taxi, the taxi driver hesitated. Of course he already knew the Suzaku robot of Qilin Wing, but it was the first time to carry them.

Sanhei seemed to guess the driver's intention, and said, "Can you rest assured that the weight of the two of us does not exceed 300 kilograms, and your taxi can bear it."

Xiao Zhe is more considerate of the driver: "If you have concerns, we can double the fare."

The driver nodded and agreed when he heard that it was doubled. After the two sides discussed, the original fare of more than 200 yuan became more than 500 yuan.

But Sanhei and Xiaozhe didn't care, for them, the price was not difficult.

The car left the hotel under the crowd watching, and soon arrived near the Marriott City Hotel.

Sanhei and Xiaozhe got out of the car, walked to the entrance of the adjacent subway station, went down into the subway station, made several turns, and passed through a passage. Suddenly, it was an underground shopping mall full of people.

According to the map, this underground shopping mall is connected with the underground shopping mall of Marriott City Hotel.

But no matter where they go, the images of Sanhei and Xiaozhe are too obvious.

"It's disgusting, why do they always stare at us like this?!" Sanhei was annoyed.

"Because we are robots!" Xiao Zhe answered him.

"Haven't they seen other robots?" Sanhei obviously couldn't understand.

"Maybe, but it's rare to see two robots like us acting together." Xiao Zhe answered him.

When the Suzaku robot communicates with its companions, it relies more on internal information flow instead of direct dialogue, so although they have been complaining about humans, humans watching them or passing by them will not hear them.

The two robots stopped and looked at the pedestrians in front of them who looked at them curiously from time to time.

Sanhei said: "In this case, we will definitely not be able to enter the guarded Marriott City Hotel."

"Why do we go up secretly?" Xiao Zhe couldn't understand.

"Should we go up in a fair manner and fight with them?" Sanhei was very disapproving.

"Why not." Xiao Zhe's seriousness was even more ironic.

Sanhei paused for a few seconds: "I think we may have a better way!"

The difference between these two robots is very obvious. Sanhei is more active, while Xiaozhe is more innocent.

The chat between the two robots is also very interesting and hilarious.

Sanhei pulled his partner Xiao Zhe, leaned against the vending machine, and said to him: "We can pretend to be the companion of a certain passenger, and then go up in a fair manner."

"In this way, even if you are surrounded by people, you don't have to mind." Sanhei's method really took a lot of thought.

Xiao Zhe naturally said yes, most of the time he followed Wu Jun's family to do services, and there were far fewer times when he needed to think independently.

But Qi Na, who was monitoring them remotely, vetoed Sanhei's method.

If two Suzaku robots appear in the Marriott City Hotel, this kind of whereabouts is too obvious, and it is like telling each other that Qilin Wing sent someone.

So Qi Na told the two robots that they had to go in secretly, not those who shot.

Sanhei fell silent all of a sudden, and Xiao Zhe was even more silent.

"I said, I've come up with an idea, but you should also think of a way." Sanhei urged Xiaozhe.

Xiao Zhe was silent and completely unresponsive.

"Oh, what happened? Are you broken?" Sanhei didn't know: "I heard from Xu Zhi that I did the same thing once and didn't respond, but it was caused by him deleting my system files. Wrong. Then he sent me to the factory and reset. But my memory has always been intact."

"I'm thinking of a way!" Xiao Zhe suddenly said.

"Oh, thank God, I thought something happened to you, oh, it's best if nothing happened." Sanhei's tone became more cheerful.

The two robots discussed and found no solution, but they still made a decision to act separately.The reason is, of course, that the movement of the two robots is too great, and it is much better to separate them.

Sanhei wandered around the underground space twice, and found that the next floor was the parking lot, so he had a solution.

Alone, the robot walked down the dark passage, and came to the underground parking lot in the dim light.

When he was wandering around just now, he had already recorded the location, terrain, buildings and so on.So even though he came to an unfamiliar underground parking lot, he was still familiar with it and knew how to get there.

Along the sidewalk of the parking lot, Sanhei walked carefully, but not slowly, and soon reached the end of the parking lot, and he saw the elevator and the corridor as expected.

This is not a passenger elevator, nor a fire exit, but a passage for garbage removal.

You can smell the smell here from afar.

Sanhei stood still at the elevator entrance for 2 minutes. He was not hesitating, nor was there a malfunction, but was listening, hoping to hear more subtle sounds around him.

Sanhei made a simple judgment, at least on the upper floor there was no activity.

He went up step by step along the pedestrian elevator, his steps were lighter than usual.The design of Kirin Wings is quite humanized. There will be special silicone shoes on the robot's feet, in order to effectively reduce the sound of their footsteps when the robot is in action.

At this time, Sanhei is even tiptoeing.

The first floor, the second floor, the third floor, no, Sanhei realized that he had made a mistake, it should be negative three, negative two, negative one.

There was a hustle and bustle in front of him, Sanhei stopped, and the hall on the first floor could be clearly seen from the door opening in the corridor.Next to the door opening are two resting workers.

Sanhei's movements suddenly accelerated and rushed over.

He went up to three floors in one breath, and he won't pant, nor will his heart beat faster, but the power consumption is extremely fast.

The passage on the third floor was locked, and the chain lock was wound several times.

Is this channel blocked?
No wonder no one passed by, and there was no monitoring.

Sanhei is hesitating. His logic has strict requirements. Unless the life of his employer is threatened, he cannot perform destructive operations, especially when facing locks.

But Sanhei's logical calculations were quickly cleared up, Xiao Xu's life and death were uncertain, and his life was being threatened at this moment, so of course Sanhei himself could destroy these locks.

The chain lock is thick, and without special tools, it is impossible for ordinary people to break it with scissors, saw blades, pliers, and hammers.

But with robots, it's not that difficult.

Sanhei quickly found the weak joint in the chain lock, twisted the gap with both hands, and slowly exerted force, the battery meter continued to rise, and his energy consumption instantly surpassed all his previous action consumption.

There was only a click.

The chain lock was broken.

The silicone texture on Sanhei's palm showed a trace of damage, as he had just exerted too much force.He said to himself: "Let Xiao Xu give me a better silicone palm."

Fifty floors, ordinary people climb up, I am afraid that their legs will be weak and they will not be able to stand stably, but for robots, it only slightly increases the wear and tear of the parts of the knees, and it is still within the acceptable range .

Sanhei is very alert. When he reached the [-]th floor, because he had to go through a long passage, he didn't rush out immediately. Instead, he poked his head around and looked around. The function of the capture system quickly records the surrounding environment and the location of the surveillance camera, and at the same time calculates the blind spot where the surveillance camera is located.

Sanhei squatted down and slowly moved to the middle of the corridor. The soft carpet made him very uncomfortable. Sanhei wanted to report his progress to Qina, but found that all the wireless signals around him had disappeared.This made Sanhei a little worried, or a little overwhelmed.Will Qi Na know his progress?Does he have any arrangements or arrangements for himself?

The Suzaku robot Sanhei hesitated, so he decided to exit the signal shielding area, contact Qina, and then make a decision.

Sanhei slowly backed up with his buttocks pouted, step by step, his huge buttocks just hit the wall, making a clanging sound.

Sanhei didn't dare to move anymore, for fear of disturbing him.

After a pause for a few seconds, Sanhei thought of Xiaozhe. He didn't know how he was doing now, and he couldn't be contacted. He hoped everything goes well for him.

The robot logic of the three blacks has begun to care about the same kind who have only been together for less than 24 hours.

However, the logic of the robot quickly judged that there must be a problem with signal shielding in this building.

So many of my deviant actions don't count.

Sanhei thought again, if Qi Na knew his current position, what tasks would he arrange for himself?

Sanhei suddenly came up and said to himself: It must be something that breaks the signal shield.

(End of this chapter)

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