Need for little hackers

Chapter 299 Paragraph Blasting

Chapter 299 Paragraph ([-]) Blasting


Qi Na, who is thousands of kilometers away, sent back the data information through the ghost virus. After data sorting, he can see what happened on the 50th floor of the Marriott City Hotel.

Although he couldn't see Sanhei, he still judged Sanhei's position through the analysis of the changes in the light and shadow of the camera.

And Sanhei paused.

Qina really wanted to tell him, you go straight up to find Wu Jun and Xiao Xu, don't dawdle.

But Sanhei didn't know, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After all, he was a robot and couldn't be deduced by common sense.

Qi Na wants to track down the whereabouts of the robot Xiaozhe, but finds that he can contact Sanhei again.

Sanhei: "Qina, I exploded the jammer."

Qi Na was taken aback for a moment, this triad actually used hacking methods to directly overload the electronic signal jammer in the building and shut it down.

He remembered that San Hei was following Xiao Xu, and Xiao Xu must often use San Hei to debug some data. In this way, San Hei must have learned some experience.

Qi Na didn't have much time to make more associations, and quickly ordered Sanhei to go through the corridor as soon as possible to track Wu Jun's traces, but at this moment he saw several lines drawn in the data brought to him by the ghost virus twisting.

That's a person!

Qina was startled, and was about to urge Sanhei to be careful, but he didn't want to see an arm sticking out from behind the man, and the hammer hit the back of the man's head heavily.

The man fainted immediately.

When Qina saw that arm, he knew it was also a robot, and it was naturally Wu Jun's robot assistant Xiao Zhe.Immediately relaxed.

Although Xiaozhe was a bit slow, he finally found him and joined Sanhei.

Qi Na gave orders to San Hei and Xiao Zhe at the same time, and now he rushed in to find Wu Jun and Xiao Xu, regardless of whether they would be discovered.

Sanhei and Xiaozhe received the order and acted immediately.

They walked fast, broke through the long corridor in less than ten seconds, pushed open the corridor door, and climbed up the stairs quickly.

Keener's order was constantly being played in their computing cores: fast, fast, fast.

There are only thirty or so steps, not steep, but obviously higher than ordinary floors.

This is an iron door with a combination lock, and Sanhei asked Xiaozhe, "Crack it?"

But in their two computing cores, they heard Qi Na's almost roaring order: blast! ! !

Sanhei shook his head, pushed Xiao Zhe who was eager to try, took a step back, turned sideways to the iron gate, ran up fiercely, kicked hard, a cloud of smoke rose from the concrete floor, and Sanhei's whole body hit the iron gate like a cannonball On, only heard a bang.

The iron gate was knocked open.

Qina, who was thousands of kilometers away, throbbed with the rumbling sound.

Sanhei rushed in, staggering on his feet. Although the environment was dark, their robots were equipped with night vision devices, which did not affect their movements. Besides, the robots themselves were equipped with hundreds of sensors, which made them sensitive to the surrounding environment.

To the surprise of both the robots and Qi Na, this place is not a terrifying hell with mountains of swords and seas of blood, but quiet and clean.

There are several closed rooms on one side, a small family swimming pool on the other side, and simple pools and water pipes next to it.

The robots didn't have any abnormal sensations, but if humans approached, they would feel an unusual fishy smell.

Where is Wu Jun?
This was the thought that came to Qi Na and the robots at the same time.

The movement of Sanhei blasting the iron gate was not small, and a few skinny men with green faces came out in shock.

They were startled when they saw Sanhei and Xiaozhe, and Sanhei and Xiaozhe were also taken aback. Sanhei was about to go forward and say hello when he realized that he had lost control of his body.

Qi Na said that it was too late, and he controlled the mechanical bodies of Sanhei and Xiao Zhe at the same time, almost bringing out all the potential of the robot's power, and the two robots rushed towards them like flying.

In an instant, those men with livid faces were knocked to the ground by the flying robot. The robot's body was rigid and unscathed. They all had broken arms and legs.

Sanhei regained control, and said, "It's too exciting."

Just as he was about to get up, he heard Xiaozhe exclaim: "Wu Jun."

Wu Jun was indeed here.

Sanhei jumped up immediately, and found Xiao Xu who was detained in the cage from the closed room.

He exclaimed excitedly: "It's great."

But Wu Jun and Xiao Xu were imprisoned face to face in a cage, unconscious and unconscious. Qin Na knew that the situation was unpredictable, and was afraid that something might happen to them, so he immediately said, "Three blacks, please call the police."

The communication modules carried by the robot are mainland, but this does not prevent the robot from making other communication methods.

Sanhei went to the men with broken arms and legs, searched for a long time, found a mobile phone, and then dialed 999 to call the police.

"Excuse me, what do you need?" Sanhei chose Mandarin, so a girl who spoke bluntly came out.

"Hello, I can communicate with you in Cantonese, that is, Cantonese, if you find it inconvenient." Sanhei said.

When Qi Na heard Sanhei's preface at the far end, he couldn't laugh or cry, but he still held back and didn't intervene.

In fact, even Qi Na didn't realize that he witnessed a record, a first time: the world's first robot called the police and was accepted by the police.

And the policewoman didn't expect that the caller who made her feel uncomfortable was a robot, and she unknowingly left her own trace in the historical records.

During the period of waiting for the police, Sanhei and Xiaozhe did not move around at the request of Qi Na, but only recorded as many video and audio materials as possible.

Qi Na understands that there may be variables at any time. This variable is whether the police can really be relied on? !This is not because Qi Na judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but something that must be considered.

So this time is to use the energy of the media.

The police had just arrived at the Marriott City Hotel and were about to enter the lobby when they saw a reporter arriving. They were very surprised and avoided the reporter as if there was no one else present.

Then the ambulance also arrived, and this kind of staff immediately aroused people's curiosity.

Seeing the scene getting more and more noisy, Qina relaxed.

He didn't rest for two days, so he was a little sleepy at this time, but he still remembered the whereabouts of Meg and Jenny. Although he was exhausted, he still patiently waited for news from the police.

At the same time, Qi Na began to recycle the ghost virus. At this time, the entire Internet world felt that the information from Hong Kong had undergone abnormal changes, lagging behind and unresponsive.

Just as the technical elites began to find out whether there was a problem with the submarine optical cable, or there was a delay in root DNS resolution, suddenly the data flow slowly returned to normal.

Make them puzzled.

It’s just that local users in Hong Kong will suddenly find that there are a lot of temporary files in the system folder. Some people also find that their mobile phone space has become smaller, but they can’t find where the files that occupy the space are.

Others found that some online terminals crashed frequently, or simply bricked.

For a time, digital manufacturers from all over the world found that there was an explosive trend of digital product repair reports from Hong Kong.

It took a long time before someone raised his own question: whether Hong Kong has been ransacked by the virus.It's a pity that things have passed for a long time, and no one pays attention to what happened on the Internet in Hong Kong that day!
Qi Na kept receiving good news. The police found Meg and Jenny next door to Wu Jun and Xiao Xu.

Qi Na told Lisa the news immediately, and then told Emily who was on the plane flying to China.

Emily also relaxed, but the next thing was not over for her. She had to contact the Ningnan police immediately and use their influence to communicate with the Hong Kong police.

Of course, there is also the need to reshape the relationship with Ningnan official circles.

Du Juan is convinced that she will be transferred after the year. This is an official who makes it difficult for both Qi Na and Lisa to express their feelings in one or two sentences.

However, she immediately took this position, and everyone let go of their grievances.

Lisa communicated with the lawyer, although she didn't know any inside information about Meg and Jenny, but for the sake of properness, she still proposed to the judge to postpone the hearing.

She is patiently awaiting the judge's reply.

Zheng Xiumin, who was in Ningnan, had already arrived in Hong Kong, accompanied by Qiao Wenming.It was Roy who greeted them.

Zheng Xiumin kept complaining about how this kind of thing happened, and at the same time worried about the safety of Wu Jun and others.

She rejected Roy's proposal to go to the hotel first, and went straight to the hospital where Meg and Jenny were rescued.

Lisa had repeatedly emphasized to Jung Soo-min before that she must rush to Meg and Jenny's side as soon as possible, for safety reasons, but the biggest reason is that when they wake up, someone can communicate with them and ask them about the information they collected .

While all of Qi Na's officers were working at full capacity, the media also felt the abnormal atmosphere.

At the beginning of the new year, in Hong Kong, the CEO and general manager of the world-class star enterprise Lifeline all appeared in Hong Kong, and Qiao Wenming, the chief operating officer of Kirin Wing, who was recently involved in lawsuits, also arrived.

What's the inside story here?

Could it be that they are secretly engaged in a new industrial revolution?
Sensitive reporters desperately wanted to find out more details, but they couldn't find the right way.

However, the media soon discovered that the injured young man in the illegal detention case on the top floor of the Marriott City Hotel turned out to be Wu Jun, the general manager of Life Online.

At that time, Wu Jun was accompanied by a young Chinese man.

Apart from attracting a large number of reporters to the hospital where Wu Jun was staying, the news had nothing special about it, but as soon as it got online, some people speculated that it could not be that Wu Jun likes men, so he found a male companion and came to Hong Kong for vacation Bar.

This kind of gossip news is the most eye-catching and the fastest to spread.

It was almost too late for colleagues in Lifeline to refute the rumors, and new news came out.

The Hong Kong media constantly exposed new news.

Along with Wu Jun, the Hong Kong local police officer Sergeant He, Meg, an important witness in the patent lawsuit of two women who are closely related to Kirin Wings, and Jenny, the shareholder of Kirin Wings, were also detained together with Wu Jun.

This makes people who gossip even realize that things may not be as simple as they imagined.


(End of this chapter)

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