Need for little hackers

Chapter 300 Paragraph Harvesting the Mulberry Elm

Chapter 300 Paragraph ([-]) Harvesting the Mulberry Elm


Lisa told Qi Na decadently: "The judge rejected our request to postpone the trial."

Qi Na looked as usual, and said to Lisa: "It's not necessary to give the result tomorrow, oh no, it's already today. Although delaying for a day is beneficial to us, we have already taken advantage, so don't worry."

Lisa admired Qi Na's calmness and confidence, but Meg and Jenny did not show signs of waking up in the hospital. It is said that they had taken an overdose of drugs and caused brain damage. The doctor said that they needed to rest.

So Lisa very much hopes to prolong the time, so that the lawsuit can gradually benefit Qilin Wings.

But Lisa obviously ignored an important point. If the kidnapping of Meg and Jenny, Wu Jun and Xiao Xu was related to San Siro, and now the incident happened, wouldn't the people in San Siro not respond?

That morning, the third day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the trial continued.

To everyone's surprise, Mr. Wang, the general manager of San Siro who had been listening before, disappeared. People whispered and guessed what happened to San Siro. Some people thought that it happened to be the third day of the Lunar New Year. Just come here.

But in the afternoon, Mr. Wang's assistant and secretary were absent, and people began to realize that although the trial and refutation were still exciting, people's minds were no longer here.

Qi Na looked at Lisa beside him, Lisa's expression was erratic, as if she was thinking about what happened, he pushed Lisa and smiled.

Lisa was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. She just lost her mind after relaxing her nerves.

The moment of Lisa smiling like a flower was also captured by the TV cameras who have been paying attention to them.

Immediately, a line of subtitles appeared under her profile picture: Lisa has a chance to win.

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, someone came to visit Qi Na and Lisa again.

But this time Lisa turned him down.

At this juncture, the other party has shown weakness one after another. If there is really something wrong internally, the other party is carrying out a huge conspiracy.

Qi Na said to Lisa: "The ghost is plotting, the other party is begging for mercy."

Lisa smiled, she slept soundly last night.

Lisa thought for a while, and then said: "Well, no matter what, we are still too young. Looking back now, why did the two of us come here excitedly? Just spend more money and find a few lawyers. What a waste of our time time."

Qi Na put his arms around her shoulders and enlightened her: "We have lost nothing, we have lost nothing. In my opinion, others may think that we have no experience, but we have also released our attitude to the outside world. It's just a patent lawsuit, but we have gathered the energy of the whole company to deal with our opponents, and anyone who covets us will have to weigh it. Second, we have opened up the US market and established our huge influence in North America. We have products, There is also me personally, generally speaking, North America will be our main battlefield, and being able to establish such a benign influence foundation will do more good than harm.”

Qi Na couldn't stop the car when he opened his mouth: "In addition, we also established offices, R&D, and customer service in North America, and also helped SPE launch a new version of the SPE browser, which further consolidated the positions of SPE and Life Online in their respective fields. I think it’s the right time to come to America this time.”

Lisa pushed him away and muttered, "Yes, yes, it's the right time."

Lisa's sudden little emotion made Qi Na a little overwhelmed, but seeing Lisa pouted, cute and playful, Qi Na pulled her into his arms again.

She must still be upset about her ambiguous relationship with Duan Shifei.But the conscience of heaven and earth, he and Duan Shifei have never even held hands.Then came the ambiguous relationship.

On the fourth day of the trial, because San Siro and Kirin Wings did not provide new evidence, the judge announced the adjournment, but because the case involved a huge amount of money—San Siro still paid a sky-high $100 billion in compensation, so the verdict was not pronounced in court, but announced at a later date result.

The judge rang the hammer, and the quiet courtroom became noisy in an instant.

The reporters had long expected that the trial would be over today, but they all swarmed in front of Qina, the camera flashes made people's eyes go dark.

Surrounded by reporters, Qi Na finally delivered a speech on the case with a smile on his face: "I believe the judgment will be fair. What I need to reiterate is that this patent right is inexplicably linked to our product, just because The same author, let’s take a look again, even if they own this patent, what have they done with this patent? This patent has not grown any more, it is still the rough, simple, opportunistic patent, this little bit Their ideas were not valued by the other party, and what they thought of was to sit on the sidelines and take advantage of opportunities to see if they could file a lawsuit and blackmail a sum of money. During this period, they even had heinous behavior. It is unforgivable."

The reporters didn't know why Qi Na said the following paragraph, it was simply a very bad accusation, and even the last two sentences implied something else.

Isn't Qi Na afraid that people from San Siro will go to court to sue him again?
Someone asked Qi Na what confidence he had in winning the lawsuit! ?
Qina didn't answer any more questions. With the help of the security guards, he passed through the turbulent crowd and left the court by car.

At the same time, SPE started its IPO, and the huge influence brought by Qi Na became more and more obvious at this time.

American newspapers commented that SPE will overnight become an IT giant comparable to Twitter and Fez Blog.

But Qi Na no longer has the intention to stay in the United States.He hastily said goodbye to Duan Shifei.

Duan Shifei hated the toothache, but Lisa said: "Sister Fei, don't worry, I will stay, at least until June."

Duan Shifei forced a smile and said, "Well, oh, uh."

She put on a false smile and said to Lisa and Qi Na: "Well, you can leave after the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month. Everyone was too busy before, and I didn't take you out for a walk. My host was not good enough."

Qina glanced at Lisa, and Lisa acted as if nothing had happened, so Qina said, "Okay, let's go around."

Lisa followed up again: "Sister Fei, you don't have to worry about us when SPE starts IPO. Let's find a place to go shopping by ourselves."

Duan Shifei nodded with a face full of disappointment.

Qi Na and Lisa were playing and working together, and when they were about to return to China, news came from the Hong Kong hospital that most concerned them, and of course the news from the Hong Kong police.

Emily's work was fruitful, and the Ningnan police took the initiative. With the coordinated work of the two polices, the results finally came to fruition.

Of course, Wu Jun and Xiao Xu woke up first and recovered gradually.

Then there's Meg and Jenny.

It is a pity that their brains were damaged, and they were unable to provide more evidence and information.

However, through their trajectories, the police still found a lot of clues related to them.

The police closed the net and captured the general manager of the Marriott City Hotel and others who had absconded, as well as dozens of people including the major shareholder of the Marriott City Hotel.

At the same time, according to the previous police report, all the leaders of the local gang Wanshan Gang behind the Marriott City Hotel were arrested and brought to justice. Although some people absconded, it did not affect the police's reasoning and judgment and the chain of evidence.

Emily reports to Qi Na and Lisa simultaneously through the remote video communication function of the robot assistant.

According to the current intelligence analysis, the San Siro company has problems in its operation, and the chairman and deputy general manager are also the founders. Losing the San Siro company upside down, and only having an empty shell, the brothers accidentally discovered that the NMC acquired three years ago still had a patent that could be sold—or maybe there was nothing to sell at all, so they accidentally found NMC The legacy assets are going to be sold for money.

But when he found out that this patent was still related to Qi Na, he suddenly thought badly and tried to use this thing to blackmail Qi Na.

Unexpectedly, Qilin Zhiyi ignored them at first, and the brothers simply went to the United States to file a lawsuit. Unexpectedly, by mistake, they really found an opportunity.

Later, because the lawsuit got bigger and bigger, the old father of the brothers learned about the situation, and he was quite dissatisfied with it, but soon found that the company he created was in turmoil, so he had to approve the brothers doing.

As the biggest creditors of the brothers, the local gangsters were eager to get back their gambling debts, and urged Mr. Wang to reconcile privately with Kirin Wings, but were rejected, and then actively connected with other IT companies in Silicon Valley. Software companies are interested in this matter.

At the same time, Meg, Jenny and others who have been haunting the San Siro company to inquire about information are discovered, and the local gangsters naturally come forward to solve it.

Killing and silencing is originally a gangster's forte, but unexpectedly they are not facing simple police or detectives, but Qi Na, a person who can manipulate the world in an instant.

Soon the police took lightning action again, and many senior executives of San Siro were arrested.The fake accounts of San Siro listed in Hong Kong were also exposed, and it immediately fell by the limit and became a junk stock.

Ningnan police and Hong Kong police held a press conference to report the relevant situation, and the reporters at the scene took a breath.

The focus on Qilin Wings made them ignore another important message from the police. This mysterious attic on the top floor of the Marriott City Hotel is a secret stronghold for local gangsters to handle goods.

The so-called secret goods are people who are going to be killed by them.Here they would decapitate, dismember and dissolve the body with chemical solvents.Don't leave any, just wash it all away with water.

It is said that the sewer of the Marriott City Hotel was blocked last year, but it is not known whether it was blocked by human tissue or the appeal of an innocent soul.

The police found the DNA tissues of many people by the cement pool, and it is believed that no less than ten people died here.

This simple message is enough to persuade Hong Kong filmmakers to make a detective film, a suspense film, a horror film and a ghost film.

When Qi Na heard this, his heart was pounding, and he felt that his decisive decision was completely correct, although in the next few days after the incident, he apologized for the serious hacking behavior, especially the reports of a large number of digital product failures in Hong Kong. News feel guilty.

But think about it, if I hesitate for a day or two, I am afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Knowing that even the bodies of Meg and Jenny will not be found, how will I face their families and friends around me.

Lisa asked Emily curiously: "Why didn't they do it immediately, but injected anesthesia. Isn't this troublesome?"

Emily smiled slightly: "Isn't it just a coincidence that it's the Spring Festival! Although the big boss gave the order, but the minions felt that it would be bad luck to go to the knife during the Chinese New Year, so they planned to say it after the first day of the new year, but when they gambled, they procrastinated again. Let's talk Here comes Wu Jun and Xiao Xu again, the so-called debt is not worrying, these people plan to save together and build an assembly line to save trouble."

Lisa shuddered when she heard that, and said, "Fuck, are they still human?"

"They are all dangerous murderers who are wanted in Hong Kong and Guangdong. They are hiding to get money from murder." Emily has been with the police these days, and has long since stopped caring about these things.

(End of this chapter)

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