Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1000 Anxi Wind Rises

Chapter 1000 Anxi Wind Rises
Chapter 1007 Anxi Wind Rises

However, the strike effect was not satisfactory, but Ji Wei believed that as long as Wei Guo could produce a hot air balloon with a larger load capacity and more flexible control, it would be able to carry out a larger-scale raid. will be a joke.

However, due to the limitation of technological level, actual combat is not yet possible.Moreover, the Institute of Armed Forces Research has conducted experiments on a new type of eight-ox crossbow. This eight-ox crossbow will have some air defense functions and can shoot into the air.However, at this stage, the application of hot air balloons by Wei's military is actually limited to aerial reconnaissance, assistance in command, transmission of orders, and early warning in the air.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely step up research efforts and actively carry out research in this area!" Didn't Wei Wu know that Ran Ming attached great importance to steam engines?As long as the research results are obtained, in addition to being rewarded by Ran Ming, the influence of the Mohist School will also be greater.At present, some Mohist children have entered the Metropolitan Procuratorate to serve as supervisory censors. Although these Mohist officials are not high-ranking, they have great power. From Wang Jian, the prime minister of the Wei Empire, to traffickers and soldiers, they Has the power to impeach.Although the current situation of Confucian officials in the DPRK and China has not been fundamentally broken, it is a good start after all.

Ran Ming has pointed out the research direction for them, and they only need to research in those directions.In this way, you can also avoid a lot of detours.After leaving the airship project department, Ran Ming and others went to the Materials Research Department of the Great Wei Royal Academy of Sciences.Materials engineering is the most obvious symbol of a country's scientific and technological strength. The Department of Materials of the Wei State Royal Academy of Sciences is also one of the objects of Ran Ming's focus. Because Ran Ming is eager to bring Wei State into the industrial revolution, materials are the largest among them. The key factor.To give a very simple example, the mechanical structure and working principle of the steam engine are actually not complicated. The biggest difficulty that restricts Wei Guo from successfully producing a practical steam engine is that there is no boiler with high breakability and high pressure resistance. In the production of internal combustion engines, cylinders have higher requirements for steel, and there are many structural components that require high-strength and high-hardness alloy steel. If these materials are not researched, the manufactured steam engines or internal combustion engines cannot be used at all. Of course, in the military The same is true in the field, such as musket barrels and gun barrels, these gun steels also require special steels. If the materials do not make breakthroughs, the development of technology is just a joke.

In the era when the Celestial Dynasty developed satellites in later generations, various imitations were also carried out in technology. Of course, the name of a copycat country is not for nothing. They can all be manufactured, but the manufactured things have become decorations, not only efficient, but also prone to failure. The most fundamental reason is that the quality of domestic materials is not up to standard.Especially after the Shanghai Volkswagen joint venture, they wanted to localize all of them. As a result, none of the more than 3000 factories producing speakers in the country passed the acceptance inspection of the Volkswagen project department. It has to be said that this is a very sad tragedy.

Ran Ming's plan is that in future wars, Wei Guo will gradually cancel cold weapons and equipment, and bring all equipment into the era of hot weapons. Artillery and muskets will be the main equipment. In order to improve the service life and safety of gun barrels and musket barrels Performance, the demand for new alloy steel is particularly strong.At this time, the Royal Academy of Materials is divided into the alloy steel project department and the ceramic project department.

In China, the production of pottery skills can be traced back to the era from 4500 BC to 2500 BC. It can be said that an important part of the development history of the Chinese nation is the history of ceramic development. The pursuit and shaping of beauty are reflected in many aspects through ceramic production, and form the very typical technical and artistic characteristics of each era.When Wei State improved production efficiency and technology on a large scale, the porcelain manufacturing industry in Wei State also achieved breakthrough development, especially the invention of ceramic knives, which achieved a milestone effect.

Papermaking in Wei State is well developed, but the paper produced needs to be cut, and when it is printed into a book, it also needs to be cut and bound. Although the paper is very soft, but countless sheets of paper are stacked together, it is very difficult to cut. Called the imagination.In order to further improve production efficiency, Wei Guo invented a hydraulic cutting machine, but although this cutting machine was invented, there was no suitable tool.

Zuqiu, the owner of the workshop who makes a living as a printing business, was also troubled by this problem. Once, because of a business problem, he was so angry that he threw a tea bowl, and the broken porcelain pieces on the tea bowl flew into the tableware. In the account book, as many as fifty or sixty pages of the account book were scratched by broken porcelain pieces. After this accidental discovery, Zuqiu suddenly had the idea of ​​using a porcelain knife instead of a steel knife to cut paper.It is also God's will. Although Zuqiu's main business is printing, his in-laws are porcelain manufacturers. Due to the influence of Wei Guo's sea gold rush, his in-laws also went to sea. The ship sank in a storm, and the accidental death of Zuqiu's in-laws made the porcelain kiln of his in-laws unable to continue to operate. Out of human considerations, Zuqiu bought the kiln.

Therefore, in the case of owning a porcelain kiln, Zuqiu started an experiment. After nearly two years of repeated experiments and repeated changes in the manufacturing process, Zuqiu finally succeeded.

At present, the best alloy knife in Wei State can cut more than 900 million times without breaking, but the price of this kind of knife is not low, almost reaching the equivalent of gold, while the porcelain knife invented by Zuqiu has more than twice the price of alloy knife. Wear-resistant hardness, and the price is only one-tenth of the alloy tool.Driven by this low price advantage, almost all papermaking or printing industries in Wei State have adopted cheaper porcelain knives.Thanks to the invention of the porcelain knife, Zuqiu repaid the sweetness of it. He then organized craftsmen to conduct research and invented a knife that could cut wood.

Slowly this kind of porcelain knives also attracted Ran Ming's attention. He vaguely remembered that in high-end restaurants in Europe, the knives used were not metal knives, but porcelain knives. Porcelain knives were not only sharp, but also safe and non-toxic. The advantages that metal knives do not have, under the influence of the health care environment in the world, the industrial scale of porcelain knives is as high as tens of billions of dollars.Ran Ming also thought that the knives of the later generations were really what they said in the propaganda. It was a new technology of nano-ceramics. This term sounded lofty, which also made Ran Ming stop thinking about research.

But it didn't look like in this era, Wei Guo could actually invent porcelain knives and put them into use. Ran Ming clearly remembered that in later generations, the Mohs hardness of this kind of porcelain knives could reach 9.0, second only to diamond.The wear resistance of zirconia ceramics is not available in any alloy tool.The state of Wei then put a lot of effort into the research of porcelain. With the support of the imperial court and the promise of great profits, craftsmen of the state of Wei gradually started research on new types of porcelain, which not only made blue and white porcelain that should not have appeared in this era appear, but also Moreover, thin-bodied porcelain also appeared, which made Wei Guo a lot of profits.

Porcelain is China's traditional strength, so although Ran Ming didn't pay much attention to it, the results are very gratifying. Due to the influence of Ran Ming, the living habits of the people of Wei State have also undergone major changes, especially in the indoor bathrooms. A variety of ceramic decoration materials, such as tiles, ceramic tiles, drainage pipes, facing bricks, exterior wall bricks, sanitary ware, etc.

Of course, the ceramics industry has made significant progress in terms of materials. In fact, alloy steel has also made breakthrough progress, especially spring steel, which can be industrialized. As for other alloy steels, Wei Guo has obtained more than 600 kinds of alloy steels in recent years. The invention patent of steel, these 600 kinds of alloy steel, can be widely used in various fields of Wei State.Especially seeing the development of materials, which allowed Ran Ming to see the progress of Wei's industrial revolution, and made another big step forward.

In addition to the material project department, the Royal Academy of Sciences also has a chemical research department, which mainly studies problems in the field of chemistry. As for the chemical project department, there are more branches, including 26 branches such as gunpowder and printing and dyeing.

After inspecting the major project departments of the Academy of Sciences, Ran Ming also expressed condolences to these scientific research talents. Of course, this is only a superficial effort, but Ran Ming still underestimated the status of the emperor among these talents. These researchers were overwhelmed.

After leaving the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Ran Ming was very satisfied with the scientific research progress of the Academy.In the impoverished state of Wei, a country that was almost built from ruins, it is already very good to be able to develop to this stage.What's more, with the empire's massive investment, the empire will gradually surpass Europe and Africa and become the leader in these scientific research fields.Of course, in the final analysis, these technologies must serve the empire's great cause of world hegemony.

Year [-] of the Yellow Emperor passed quickly. Except for the local war broke out between the Kingdom of Wei and the Gupta Empire, the South Expedition Army, the Zhennan Army, and the newly-built Annan Army in the south were all slowly advancing towards the Indochina Peninsula.The war did not drag down Wei's economic development, but instead made Wei more prosperous.The economy is developing in a good and fast direction.As long as the Gupta Empire is eliminated, Wei State will undoubtedly be further away from the status of world hegemony. Of course, Wei State is already a world power at this time.

As for Ran Ming, the minister's courtiers didn't understand very much.After decades of accumulation by the two emperors Wen and Jing, Emperor Wu of the Han conquered Mobei twice and emptied the treasury. However, the state of Wei was lucky. Since the founding of the state, the territory has been expanded since the founding of the country, and then the whole country has been unified. There have been wars almost every year. , but instead of the treasury being empty and the people living in dire straits, the state of Wei became more prosperous.

After the new year, it was the [-]th year of the Yellow Emperor era. After the Shangyuan Festival, Ran Ming listened to the government affairs report of the cabinet. This report not only included the summary of the development of Wei State last year, but also the development goals for this year.

"Your Majesty, gratifying progress has been made in the construction of highways in the Empire this year. Among them, [-] kilometers of new highways have been built, and the total length of national highways is [-] kilometers. Among them, the Ye (City)-Guangzhou (State) line The expressway is expected to be fully completed in the first half of this year. The Ye (City) Ying (State) line has been repaired to Lulong and the Lulong-Changli section can be completed in September next year, while the expressway from Chang (An) to Gaochang line , it can be repaired to Jincheng (now Lanzhou) in the middle of the year." Cen Xuan, Minister of the Ministry of Communications of the State of Wei, introduced: "In the future, the Ministry of Communications will complete the entire survey of the expressway from Chang'an to Chengdu, and it is expected that the official construction will start in the spring of next year. At the same time, Guangzhou Expressway planning to the Jiaozhou Line, Beiping to Guyan County (now Mount Kent, Mongolia, after the Wei State expelled the Northern Han Dynasty, a county was established here, under the jurisdiction of the Northern Army Duhufu, and the Anbei Duhufu was located in Qingshui City (now Nine kilometers south of Bell Lake) under the jurisdiction of four counties).”

Ran Ming is quite satisfied with these problems. Wei Guo basically does not use Han people to build roads now. Even if the people hired are responsible for the work of transportation or supervision, all front-line workers are native slaves from the Korean Peninsula or the Indochina Peninsula. In particular, the Murong Department of Guishun Xianbei has now split into four engineering construction teams, specializing in the construction of expressways in Wei State, especially the construction of the Yeying Line.

In this annual report, Zheng Huo said: "Your Majesty, last year, our Great Wei produced 40 tons of steel, 180 tons of steel, 850 million tons of coal, 55 million tons of cement, and [-] tons of cloth. Ten thousand horses..."

Generally speaking, Ran Ming is very satisfied with these figures. If these figures are obtained in later generations, they may not be as good as a province with a poor economy, but the area of ​​Wei State is nearly twice that of the later Celestial Dynasty.Regarding these figures, other ministers also talked a lot, but no one ever mentioned it. Last year, those unscrupulous businessmen, in order to fight for profits, reduced the number of slaves by more than 170. It is conceivable how high this casualty rate will be.

In fact, Confucianism is not as pedantic as people imagine, and there is one thing that later generations do not have, that is, Confucianism never regards barbarians as human beings.At this time, the four major powers in the world, among which the Roman Empire and the Sassanian Empire were at war, their economic development must have been greatly affected, and the crazy expansion momentum of the Gupta Empire was also disgraced by the State of Wei.Ran Ming believes that in this time and space, Hinduism will never have such a great influence in later generations, and Ran Ming will definitely do whatever it takes to crush the Gupta Empire in its cradle.

The Napoleon of ancient India was Napoleon.

Xie An, Minister of Finance of the Wei Cabinet, said worriedly: "In the past year, the financial revenue was 26 gold, of which the financial expenditure was 300 million gold, of which the financial expenditure was at all levels. Official salaries are 650 million gold, education expenditure is 620 million gold, military expenditure is 560 million gold, and infrastructure construction expenditure is 300 million gold. The fiscal deficit is 300 million gold.”

"The deficit is only more than 300 million gold?" Ran Ming was not as worried as Xie An, but a bit disapproving.As a mafia boss, Ran Ming knows the economy very well.Appropriate fiscal deficits and appropriate inflation will in fact stimulate economic development.In later generations, Japan's fiscal deficit is more than twice the total of Japan's GDP, while the debt owed by the United States alone amounts to tens of trillions. It is still the world's largest economy.Moreover, looking at the appearance of the United States, it seems that they are not in the mood to pay back the money.In fact, many angry youths in later generations clamored that China should force the United States to pay back the money. In fact, this is a very idiotic proposal. Once the United States pays back the money, a large amount of money will pour in, and China's economy will immediately collapse.

Just like Wei State, despite the crazy colonization and commercial development, the fiscal revenue of the Wei State court continued to increase.However, the inflation of Wei State is also very obvious. If in the third year of Yongxing, the currency value of each gold in Wei State is almost equivalent to 1 RMB in later generations, but at this time, the price of one gold is equivalent to 7000 at most. Yuan.

It is actually the most stupid way to regulate the country's economy by issuing new currency. It just blindly overdraws the country's credit. If it prints silver bills endlessly like the Ming Dynasty, it will turn the silver bills into a piece of waste paper.In fact, for the economic development of Wei State, Ran Ming relied on external plunder for the country to pay the interest of the bank. This sounds a bit absurd, but in fact, as long as it is flexible, it is not a big deal.

As for the economic system of the Celestial Dynasty in later generations, it is maintained year by year, relying on a disguised Ponzi scheme. This set of financial theories is clear to Ran Ming, but Xie An is not. Although Ran Ming told Xie An Many times, but the more he listened, the more confused he became.However, Ran Ming knew that there was no problem with Wei's economy at all.

Seeing Xie An's worried look, Ran Ming couldn't help but roll his eyes at Xie An, a historical figure who can be compared to Kong Ming.

Of course, although Wei’s fiscal deficit is not small, there is no problem at all due to the income support from overseas colonies. On the contrary, it can better promote economic development and improve the quality of life of the people. Then Ran Ming listened to a political report. In one year, Wei's grain production capacity reached 4000 million shi. This figure sounds like a lot, but in fact it is still not large on average. The per capita grain is only more than 760 catties per year.Of course, these achievements are enough to make Ran Ming proud. In the 5000-year history of China, only the Kangxi Dynasty introduced high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes and corns. In fact, the per capita was only 580 four catties.However, in Ran Ming's view, this figure is still a whitewash.

"Everyone, very good. The current empire can be regarded as a big country with a strong country and rich people. In this era, industry is the foundation of a strong country. The empire wants to become a world-class power, and even compete with other countries for the world To be an overlord must be supported by a strong industry. From the current point of view, although the empire still has considerable advantages compared with other powerful countries, we must not be complacent, and we must continue to forge ahead bravely." Ran Ming said with a smile.Although only the indicators of the output value of the empire were introduced at the political meeting.but.The specific and more detailed data had actually been sent to Ran Ming yesterday.The current strength of the empire.Overall, Ran Ming was very satisfied.

When Ran Ming was still holding the imperial meeting, the North Court at the foot of Tianshan Mountain was still in a world of ice and snow. The low temperature of minus [-] degrees made all the people lose interest in activities.

The place name Beiting is mainly because of the large-scale wars between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. By the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu had been severely injured and split into two chanyus in the north and south. Refers to the royal court of the Huns, which is the capital).In the 17th year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (74), the Han government sent Wuwei Geng to lead hundreds of people to farm in Beiting (north of Jimsar County). At that time, Beiting officially began to build the city.Even with the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, Beiting City has not fallen into the hands of the barbarians. However, with the civil strife in Liang, Liang's center of gravity has moved eastward, and Beiting City has been in disrepair for a long time, and its defense is not as good as before.

Fortunately, although the number of Han people living in Beiting City is small, they live surrounded by mobs. They are tough by nature and have good armaments, so they barely persisted for so many years.However, the area that the Han people can control in Beiting is only tens of miles around Beiting City.

(End of this chapter)

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