Chapter 1001
Chapter 1008

With the re-opening of the Silk Road in the State of Wei, Beiting became prosperous again. At this time, there were tens of thousands of Han people in Beiting. They brought advanced farming technology and drove the great development of agriculture in Beiting. .Although the industrious and simple Han people have brought great development to the economy of Beiting, especially relying on advanced technology, a large number of farmlands have been reclaimed. People who have never been to Xinjiang think that Xinjiang is a desert. In fact, this is a very wrong understanding. .Not to mention other places, there are ten large and small rivers in Beiting alone, and the area suitable for arable land exceeds 16 (600 million mu). In addition to these cultivated lands, there are more than 600 million mu of forests. The grassland area exceeds 5000 million mu.

With the influx of Han people, the industrious Han people quickly created a wealth of wealth from the land here by relying on hardworking hands, thus quickly widening the gap between the rich and the poor between the Han people and the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions.At this time, the bad roots of human nature emerged, and the wealth of the Han people also attracted the peeping and serious dissatisfaction of all ethnic groups in the Western Regions.

However, the strength of the Han people in the Western Regions is no longer comparable to that of the West, unless they occupy the Yuwen Kingdom of the ancient country of Cheshi. If Cheshi State, Gaoche State, and Rouran Han State develop normally according to history, after about 150 years, the Turkic Khanate will be established here, and then gradually invade eastward.

Of course, Yu Wenyi was also very vigilant about the westward advance of the Han people, but in order not to overly stimulate the Han people, he did not take drastic measures against the Han people in Beiting.However, Yuwen did not let the Han people develop in the Western Regions, but established Juliushouzhuo City (ancient city of Liuyun) at a place 220 miles west of Beiting, a post station on the original Silk Road. It not only blocked the way of the Han people's westward march, but also held back the development of the Han people in the Western Regions. , both the north and south lines of the Han Chinese Silk Road are blocked, unless the Han people are willing to cross the Kalamaili Mountain or Bogda Mountain in the north, but these two huge mountain ranges are high mountains with an altitude of more than 160 meters, covered with snow all the year round What is more difficult is that there is no mountain road here, and one can imagine the price to be paid if you want to open up a new road.

Before Wei Guo's army really entered the Western Regions, relying on the strength of the Central Asia Development Company alone obviously did not have the strength to deal with Yuwen Kingdom.The strength of the Central Asia Development Company is not weak, and they have no pressure to deal with ordinary sand bandits, but they are not strong enough to deal with Yuwen Kingdom, which has tens of thousands of elite troops.Under such circumstances, Yuwen Kingdom was stuck on the Silk Road, not only guarding the road of the Han people's westward march, but also relying on the Silk Road to collect a large amount of taxes, thereby achieving the development of national power.

However, even so, Yuwen still has no intention of letting go of the Han people in Beiting, because he wants to take the opportunity to test the bottom line of the Wei State. The Wei Congress will not have any attempts in the Western Regions. With the strength of the Wei State, once the Wei State is born For the strategic intention of advancing westward, Yuwen Kingdom still does not have the strength to confront Wei State even if it includes all the tribes in the Western Regions.

Even in the extremely cold weather, the conspiracy under the ice in the Western Regions was still not frozen. This conspiracy against Wei Guo's actions slowly began to breed.

Beiting has entered the night, and the Wei soldiers guarding the city wall began to light the torches. Except for the sound of snow and ice, everything seemed to be completely silent in the night sky.Today, Ji Polu, the special envoy of the Western Regions, conducts routine patrols along the familiar streets regardless of the cold.Although the Han people have no less than 4 people in Beiting, the army is too small.With only less than [-] soldiers, if you want to completely defend this Beiting city, you can't tolerate any mistakes.

Looking at the quiet city, everything seems to be very peaceful except for the wine shops opened by orchids and many drunkards making noise.Slowly, Ji Polu led more than 100 soldiers to inspect the small Beiting City and began to climb the city wall.

There is a crescent moon in the sky, and the night is as cold as ice.Looking at the distant city of Ye, Ji Polu murmured: "The night is deep, the past is so sad, and the sorrow and resentment are still there. The dawn moon wind in the frontier is getting tighter, and I am struggling to find the person in my dream. The first quarter moon, vaguely dreaming of my parents. The past will never be restored, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace and the grace of the king, but the armor is damaged!"

A soldier who was exiled from a gentry family said: "Unexpectedly, the major general not only wins the three armies bravely, but also speaks well. He is indeed an all-rounder in civil and military affairs!"

Although it feels good to be complimented by others, there is no way to make Ji Polu feel better. He also wants to make contributions in the Western Regions like Ban Dingyuan did back then, but at this time, it is different from the Western Han Dynasty. Wei Guo is more domineering than the Western Han Dynasty Much more, which caused strong hostility among the countries in the Western Regions.The situation has not been opened for a long time, which makes Ji Polu a little anxious. You must know that his father is the chief of staff of the Wei State, which is equivalent to the original position of Taiwei and General. He is worthy of the name. Therefore, in previous family letters, Ji Quan mentioned Wei's strategic layout more or less cryptically.

"There is no time." Ji Polu secretly said, "Chang'an's spring will come earlier than Beiting. I am afraid that Wei's army will go out for three months at most. When the army arrives in the Western Regions, he will completely lose his hope of recovery." Here's the chance."

At this time, Ji Polu was still unaware of the danger coming.Just on the snow field south of Beiting City, a large army is advancing silently at this time. There are about 5000 people in this army. Everyone is wearing sheepskin robes, and even the war horses are covered with pure white clothes. Yarn, marching on snow, can play a very good cover.

This is not because the generals of this army are very shrewd and thought of this very good camouflage function, but because this is their tradition.After Wusun subjugated the country, the Wusun people started a wandering life for more than 200 years, but after more than 200 years of wandering, at this time, the Wusun people near Tianshan formed a new ethnic group, Tiele.

Although the family name has been changed, the tradition of Wusun has not changed. They rely on advocating white and regard white as their respect. The whole tribe does not call the leader Khan or Shanyu like other tribes, but continues to be commensurate with Da Kunmi. Below Da Kunmi, Dalu (Prime Minister) was set up, then left and right generals, and then Hou, also known as Xihou, which is equivalent to the governor of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, managing local military and administrative power.

This army is actually a branch of the Tiele people who are active in the southern area of ​​Hami, and is under the command of Xihou Qibi.At this time, Qibi was no longer young, and he usually looked kindly and kindly in the clan, but at this time, Qibi's face was ferocious, and he burst out every word from his teeth: "The Han people have taken over our Iron Man. The Han people must be driven out of the territory of the strangled people."

This statement is actually very funny. Beiting accurately said that it should be the old capital of the Northern Huns. It has been almost 70 years since 300 AD, and it has nothing to do with these Tiele people.But these ordinary soldiers of Tie Le didn't know so much, he only knew to obey the orders of the leader.

A scar-faced man with a long-haired sheepskin hat wrapped around his head said, "Ama Leng is willing to advance for Xihou!"

At this time, Wei Guozhan's soldiers on the city wall could not see Tiele in the distance, but the Tiele people in the distance could clearly see the Han soldiers on the city wall. He put his hand on the top of Amareng's head and said: "Go, use your Amareng to kiss Qibi's toes, stood up and shouted loudly at the cavalry standing in the darkness: "In the name of the gods, kill all the Hans!" Dog, restore the glory of Da Tiele! "

The Tie Le cavalry slowly began to move, running at the forefront.Tiele cavalry, their scimitars gleamed coldly under the cold moon.

At this time, Ji Polu, who returned to the envoy's mansion, did not have the slightest drowsiness, his head was extremely clear, just today, he will seem to live his life again, whether it is his relatives or his enemies, Every face is vivid.Many forgotten past events emerged in front of him one after another, some of which made him unbearably painful, and some of which made him elated.

At this moment, Ji Polu suddenly noticed that there were circles of ripples on the tea in the uncooled tea bowl in front of him. At this moment, Ji Polu suddenly jumped up. Ji Polu, who had been in the army for a long time, knew that this happened , there is only one possibility, and that is that large-scale cavalry is charging.

"Come on, beat the drums!" Ji Polu yelled, "The whole army is ready for battle."

"Boom, boom, boom!" The passionate drums sounded suddenly in the dark night, and the soldiers lying on the bed immediately put on their armor, looked for weapons, and prepared to fight.

Ji Polu quickly put on his armor, picked up a Mo Dao, and ran towards the city wall, ordering as he ran: "Quickly form a team of soldiers and horses, and immediately surround those Hu merchants. If they dare to make any changes, Shoot or kill."

Because last year's heavy snowfall came too suddenly and too early, there are at least 5000 Hu merchants trapped in the city. These Hu people all live in the business district between the outer city and the inner city, and they are not my family. Since they dared to launch an attack at this time, those Hu merchants and guards must have been arranged earlier. If they didn't have these backhands, would they use cavalry to attack the city?Only an idiot would do that.

Just when Ji Polu had just issued the order, turmoil began to appear in the business district of the city. Three or four thousand Hu merchants and guards, armed with knives, began to set fire everywhere in the city. Wherever these Hu people passed by, blood bloomed. The Han people, their sharp scimitars will kill there, and chop the Han people, regardless of men, women, old or young, into flesh.

"Sure enough, it's a conspiracy!" Ji Polu would understand even if he didn't use his head to think about it, even if he used his knees to think about it.This is definitely a long-planned conspiracy.

A big fat man with the appearance of a Han Chinese businessman avoided the deadly knife that was slashed at him with unusual agility, then put his head in his hands, rolled towards the torch like a huge meat ball, and quickly grabbed a torch in his hand .Then the torch was like a long spear, with a very standard thrust, stabbing at the resentful barbarian soldier.

"Ah!" There was a scream, the eyes are the weakest part of the body, even the most common torch can cause fatal injuries.

The rise of a nation must step on the bones of another nation or several nations.The Tiele people and Wusun are of the same origin, and they can also be said to be the survivors of Wusun. Since the loss of the country, the survivors of Wusun have lived a life of displacement.After more than 200 years of integration, many Dingling people, Gaoche people and some Huns were added to them, gradually forming a new ethnic Tiele.

If the history is not broken by Ran Ming, another huge nation will be formed in more than 100 years. This nation used to dominate the grasslands, and once fought so hard that Tianhe Khan had to beg for peace.After years of wars and natural disasters, most of the fifty countries in the Western Regions at that time had perished. At this time, the forces in the Western Regions basically existed in the form of tribes. However, although the territory of the Western Regions is not small, it is the grassland that nomads need. It's too big. A Han family can live a happy life with [-] mu of land (provided that the government is not corrupt), but once the nomads settle down (equivalent to a household), they need at least [-] mu or more of grassland.

However, although the pastures in the Western Regions are not small, the climate here is harsh, with short summers and long winters, and the growth of pastures on the grasslands is not considered lush, so the herdsmen need a wider space for their life.

If the Western Regions are a plate, then the meat on the plate is limited. If you eat more, others will have to eat less.Yu Wenyi led the entire Tuyuhun Kingdom to relocate collectively, and encountered collective resistance from the indigenous tribes of the Western Regions at the beginning, but they were not as strong as others, and instead were beaten to disgrace by the Yuwen National Army led by Yu Wenyi.There is a very big difference between nomads and farming peoples. They fear power but not morality. Whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.After repeated battles, instead of being weakened, the Yuwen Kingdom became stronger, especially the Gaochang Khanate, the Cheshi Kingdom, the Gaoche Kingdom and the Rouran Khanate, which were more powerful in the pastures of the world, were eliminated, and Yuwen became a powerful country. The leader of the Western Regions, at least on the surface, surrendered to Yuwen.

As early as when Ran Ming established the Central Asia Development Company, the influx of Han Chinese into the Western Regions had attracted Yu Wenyi's attention, but at that time he had not gained a firm foothold and just swallowed his anger.But when Ji Polu arrived in Beiting again, Yu Wenyi decided to give the Han people a good look.However, because the territory of the Western Regions is too large, and the distances between the ministries are very far, just like Yuwen Kingdom and Chesha Kingdom in the southwest, the straight-line distance is nearly [-] kilometers. time.In this era, the Tianshan Mountains, the Kunlun Mountains and the Altun Mountains, the three huge mountain ranges, and the vast Taklamakan Desert need to be crossed. Even if it is just riding a horse, it will take more than half a year. Of course, the climate in the Western Regions allows you to go out for activities There is too little time, and there is only less than five months from the end of April to the beginning of October to go out, so it took a lot of time for Yuwen to contact other tribes.

Contact other tribes and expel Beiting City, the largest city of the Han people in the Western Regions. If the Wei State has no intention of the Western Regions, then he will become king and hegemony in the Western Regions. For a while, if you are really lost, you will submit a letter of surrender to Wei Guo and become a vassal state of Wei Guo.Yuwen's plan is very good. If he meets the monarchs of the past dynasties, he may really look down on the Western Regions, and he will definitely not waste money and money for it.

However, Ran Ming, the emperor of Wei, is a man of later generations. Standing on the shoulders of historical giants, Ran Ming already knew the value of the Western Regions. Even if the economic value is not considered, the strategic position is very good, especially on the Congling line Later generations only built three passages in the south, central and north. As long as fortresses are built on these three passages, China's strategic security can be guaranteed, instead of millions of soldiers like now, which not only consumes a lot of military expenses, but also involves too much of China. energy.

Ran Ming absolutely does not allow this strategic position to be lost, especially whenever he thinks that China has not even kept the birthplace of the great poet Li Bai, how can he exaggerate that the poets belong to China?
"For those who are not of my race, their hearts must be different. The ancients did not deceive me!" Ji Polu looked at the Western Regions showing his minions, and said lightly: "Fortunately, they have been guarded against them for a long time. They want to rely on these Hu merchants who sneaked into the city. I, Beiting City, think so beautifully!"

At this time, five or six thousand Hu soldiers who were charging towards the inner city or the city gate suddenly encountered a wall, yes, it was a wall.This wall appeared out of thin air. In fact, it is not a wall, but a huge plane, which is usually embedded in the road surface of the street, but obviously nothing unusual appears.However, after the activation of the pulley block, the wall formed by hundreds of thousands of planar horses separated the business district from the inner city and the outer city, forming a sudden appearance of the city.

Seeing the surrounding steel that was as thick as a child's arm, these barbarian soldiers finally realized that something was wrong.But before they had time to react, they saw dozens of hundreds of soldiers pushing two-wheeled vehicles one by one to the front of this depression, and the leading officer shouted: "The special envoy has an order, shoot to kill!"

Under the light of the fire in the darkness, the faces of these barbarian soldiers who had entered the city showed ferocious expressions, and the torches were lit one by one to lead the vehicles. Without exception, these hundreds of vehicles were all from Wei Guowu Research Institute. The Baihu Qiben type rocket car researched by the Institute, the whole vehicle is loaded with 99 rockets propelled by gunpowder. Hundreds of vehicles, that is, tens of thousands of rockets. Instantly propelled by gunpowder, these rockets emit a terrifying scream The sound, like ten thousand shooting stars, flew towards five or six thousand soldiers of the Hu merchants.

Hundred tigers galloping rocket is a weapon that the generals of the Wei army hate. The range of this weapon is too short, only a hundred steps, and the accuracy rate is too poor. Iron armor is 100% unable to cause lethal damage, but the cost is astonishing. Each rocket is as high as [-] yuan, and it costs [-] yuan to launch it once. This weapon is different from crossbow bolts and cannot be reused at all.

However, it is undeniable that the power against these Hu soldiers without armor protection is not bad, especially the Hu people who are crowded together, they are shot to the ground in pieces like cut down wheat .

At this moment, the Hu soldiers finally came to their senses. They babbled in Hu language, and then hurriedly retreated towards the business district.

Looking at the barbarian soldiers trapped in the business district, the three or four hundred Wei soldiers who were responsible for the suppression all beat their breastplates or chests with long knives and fists, and howled like wolves. : "Great Wei Wansheng, long live Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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