Chapter 1002
Chapter 1009
Seeing this scene, Ji Polu finally put his heart in his stomach. The killing effect of this round of Hundred Tigers galloping rockets was good. At least one-third of the Hu people were shot and killed. The business district was also under construction. It is rather gloomy. There is not a single well in the entire commercial area. Drinking water is brought in from the Dongba River through pipelines, including drinking water for all horses and people.As long as the water source is cut off, the entire commercial area will be without water. As long as people have no food, as long as they drink enough water, it will not be a problem to persist for seven days.The most indispensable thing in the business district is all kinds of food, but water cannot be guaranteed.In the absence of water, the remnants of the barbarians in the commercial area can last up to three days.

Ji Polu obviously didn't intend to let these barbarian soldiers go easily, and said to the soldiers beside him, "Go and push some ballista artillery carts over and fire incendiary bombs at the business district."

The power of incendiary bombs, any general of the Wei army is very clear, but incendiary bombs can not only rely on fire to burn the enemy to death, but also the poisonous smoke produced when burning can also cause a lot of damage to the enemy, especially when the fire is together, the barbarians must In order to fight the fire, the little water that was originally stored was wasted on the fire.

The war drums are rumbling, the horns are bursting, and the Tiele cavalry outside the city are still fighting. Although there are not many defenders on the city wall, even the entire city wall is not enough to stand, but Ji Polu is not worried, because these Tiele cavalry are not at all. There is no siege equipment, as expected, despite the aggressiveness of the Tiele cavalry, it is actually no different from sending them to death.

At this moment, Qibi was not good-looking at all, he never expected to meet such firm resistance here.There are only two thousand Wei soldiers stationed in Beiting City. This is an open secret in the entire Western Regions. In Beiting City, they have mixed in five or six thousand warriors from all ethnic groups in the Western Regions. Without exception, these warriors are the most brave and skilled fighters of all ethnic groups and tribes To put it bluntly, each of them can block ten with one. However, after a full hour passed, the turmoil in the city became more and more serious, and the flames became brighter and brighter, but they still did not open the city. Door.

In order to prevent the soldiers of the Wei army from suppressing the Hu warriors in the city, Qibi had no choice but to order the soldiers to launch an attack like moths throwing fire, so as to share the pressure of the Hu warriors in the inner city.In just one hour, more than half of his cavalry had suffered casualties, but they failed to achieve the desired goal.

Especially my confidant Alpamus (meaning brave and strong), he is the enemy of ten thousand people in his tribe, he can catch up with galloping horses on foot, and tear cheetahs raw with his hands, especially when he weighs 36 catties The iron treasured sword can tear the enemy's troops and horses to pieces.And Alparmus is not alone, he also brought more than 130 Tiele warriors.

At this time, just as Qibi thought, Alpamus was making his last effort. Alpamus, who was burnt to ashes by the incendiary bomb, discussed with several Huren spy leaders, and finally After finding the loopholes of the Wei army, it must be true that the number of Wei army troops in the city is too small, especially in the area with the Han people in the inner city, there are only [-] soldiers guarding it.

Although the rockets of the Han people are very powerful, they only have one chance to launch, and the reloading is very slow. According to the plan, other leaders will lead the remaining soldiers to attack in the direction of the business district and the city gate. The Han people are afraid that they will seize the city gate, so they are arranged in that direction. There are nearly two hundred of them, and the defense is the tightest.

After less than half an hour of preparation, the barbarian soldiers in the city assembled again and launched an attack on the city gate. In fact, the iron wall is not indestructible, as long as enough force is used, the iron wall can be pulled down. Rejecting the horse also loses its effect.

With a cry, two or three thousand Hu soldiers attacked the city gate again. Wei Jun's Hundred Tigers rushed rockets began to fire, and thousands of firecrackers flew in the air. The Hu soldiers were roaring and screaming. , Many barbarian soldiers fell to the ground with arrows, and the soldiers on the ground were soon trampled into flesh by the barbarian soldiers behind them, and finally turned into dust, life was as cheap as grass.

Naturally, the soldiers of the State of Wei fought to the death and never retreated. Although it was only a thin army of 200 people, it was like a beast that would devour all the barbarians wherever it went.

The leading Tiele warrior was a strong man as big as a mountain, none other than Alpamus.With a grin on his face, he put the six-foot-long iron sword in his hand across his chest.The ring of the iron sword was tied to the wide leather waist, and the body started to run, and the iron sword, which was exerting force from the waist, swept out like a white horse.

The iron sword is actually what people often call a hundred-refined refined steel. This kind of sword is said to be able to cut gold and jade. Alpamus hoped that with his own sword, he could cut down the iron barrenness and open a passage for the next chapter. , a path to victory.

"Clang clang!" Sparks shot out, a gap as big as a bean appeared on the iron laziness, but what made Alpamus even more distressed was that instead of cutting through the iron laziness, his precious sword showed cracks one after another .

Although cutting gold and cutting jade is not an empty talk, there is a prerequisite, that is, the iron must be small enough. Of course, it is not a problem to cut steel bars with a diameter of 25 mm or 28 mm, but it will definitely be difficult to cut off rebars marked [-] or [-].

Although he failed and lost his precious sword, Alepamus was not discouraged, but casually untied a noose from his waist, flicked it lightly, and the noose caught Tie Lanshan, and became as strong as a mountain Alparmus, like an agile monkey, quickly climbed over the iron barrier and became the first Hu soldier to jump over the barrier.

It's just that his body fell to the ground like a heavy weight. Before he could get up, two spears pierced his shoulder blades. After two loud shouts, his heavy body was picked up by the spears, and then hit heavily The barbarian soldiers behind him.

The other one took out a grenade, then gently pulled the lead, and threw the grenade into the barbarian formation.Although the State of Wei did not restrict weapons, it did restrict armor or bows and crossbows. As long as these items were transported into the city, they would definitely be detained by the checkpoint outside the city gate, unless they were allowed to take them away when they left the city.Of course, it is impossible to confiscate them completely. After all, there are countless sand bandits and horse bandits in the Western Regions, and businessmen also need to protect themselves.

With a loud bang, four or five Hu soldiers were blown away. Witnessing this scene with their own eyes, a trace of confusion inevitably appeared among the Hu soldiers.

It was slowly dawning, and the chaos in the barbarian business district of the inner city had subsided, but at this time, Ji Polu gradually felt a sense of uneasiness. It is said that he lost the secret work of the barbarians in the inner city. The cavalry did not retreat, but retreated about five miles outside the city and began to camp.

Ji Polu recalled his arrangement over and over again, and he found that there was nothing wrong with his arrangement.The Tiele people seem to have no chance of capturing Beiting City.

Just when Ji Polu was thinking about it, a soldier suddenly reported in a panic: "Special envoy, an enemy appeared in the east of Beiting City. It seems to be Gushi Kingdom (that is, Cheshiqian Kingdom, whose jurisdiction is roughly equivalent to the southeast of Turpan today. ) army."

"How many people are there?"

"It's about a thousand, and half of them are cavalry!"

"Special envoy, an enemy has been found in Nancheng. The enemy's banner is unknown. It seems to be from the Quli Kingdom."

"Okay, very good, very good!" Ji Polu gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that almost all the countries and tribes in the entire Western Region have come!"

Captain of Beiting is Jiang Pu, who is over forty years old. He used to be Zhang Chonghua's imperial guard Xiaoqi, and he has been Captain of Beiting for 18 years. They are very familiar with the customs and habits of the ethnic group.Looking at the dense crowd of barbarians outside the city, water could almost wring out from his face.

"Ji Special Envoy, this is not so good!" Jiang Pu said, "Currently about [-] to [-] troops have assembled outside Beiting City, and it seems that there is a tendency to increase. What should we do?"

Jiang Pu knew that he was a vassal, so he didn't dare to embarrass Ji Polu. When Ji Polu came with the emperor's order, Jiang Pu regarded himself as an invisible person and handed over all the power to Ji Polu.But at this time, he had no choice but to come forward, because he must be the captain of Beiting on the surface. Once the city is lost, he will be the first to be held accountable.

Ji Polu suddenly fell silent for a long time, before sighing, "Bei Ting... is Your Majesty's Bei Ting, the Great Wei's Bei Ting, even if we still have breath, we must guard Bei Ting for Your Majesty, Your Majesty has never forgotten Beiting, the Anxi Army has been formed since last year, and now it has already formed an army. In the future, our Beiting will be under the jurisdiction of the Anxi Protectorate. As long as we guard for three months, when the main force of the Anxi Army arrives, the Western Regions will be our Great Wei. world."

When Jiang Pu heard this, his expression became even more bitter: "As a special envoy, we only have less than [-] troops, but there are at least [-] troops outside the city, with a disparity of twenty times in strength. We can't hold it."

"If you can't keep it, you have to defend it." Ji Polu shouted loudly: "Our Great Wei has never lost a city. Do you want to be the first captain of Great Wei who lost a city or land?"

When Jiang Pu uttered these words, cold sweat dripped down his face in an instant, his lips murmured a few times, but he didn't dare to respond after all.

"There are [-] Han people in Beiting City, most of them are guards and buddies of various companies. As long as they are called together, they can help us defend the city with almost no training. Naturally, we can have the strength to defend it." Ji Polu Said: "Beiting City has food and supplies that can support us to fight for two years. There are three water veins under this city, and there will be no shortage of water. Besides, we only need to resist for more than three months. Die for the country, He deserved his death, and Great Wei will never treat any meritorious soldier badly."

Jiang Pu did not speak. The strategic position of Beiting is very important. Beiting is located at the eastern end of the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, the southeastern edge of the Junggar Basin, with Kalamaili Ridge in the north and Bogda Mountain in the south.If we want to implement Wei's westward strategy, then Beiting is the best material transfer base and bridgehead.If Wei State lost Beiting, it would not be able to prepare materials on the spot, and all materials would need to be transported from the rear, especially with deserts, Gobi deserts and high mountains covering more than 4000 miles, which would undoubtedly be a heavy burden.Of course, this is not the most difficult thing. The most difficult thing is the lack of water in the Western Regions, but Beiting has abundant water resources.

Hearing that Ji Polu was determined to defend the city, Jiang Pu choked up and said, "Ji's special envoy doesn't know that these merchants are short-sighted people who value profit over righteousness. How could they help us defend the city? If there are not many enemies, relying on our army The equipment is good and the city is solid, so it can be defended, but now the enemy is more than [-] times the number of our defenders. We really can't defend Beiting. There are only a few soldiers. The city defense is in vain, and the army crushes it Under the circumstances, Beiting must be unlucky, it... is a dead city without any hope."

"No, there is hope." Ji Polu said with a gloomy face: "Lieutenant Jiang doesn't need to talk anymore, just call all the companies in the city to take care of things. This special envoy has plenty of ways to make them bow their heads and obey orders!"

Jiang Pu didn't know that it was completely different from that time to that time. Most of these merchants were probably former merchants from Liang State, but Wei State's attitude towards merchants was different from Liang State's attitude towards merchants.In ancient times, merchants were basically raised as pigs. Once the pig became fat, the family would be ransacked and exterminated for any reason.Under such circumstances, it is simply a joke to say that merchants are loyal to the emperor and defend the country.But the state of Wei is different. As long as they don't break the law, their lives and property will be guaranteed.Especially the merchants and the chamber of commerce, they can use the power of the chamber of commerce to bring the lawsuit directly to the emperor. At this time, unless there is hard evidence, the local officials dare not touch those merchants at all.

At noon, hundreds of business managers had arrived in the conference hall of the Captain's Mansion in Beiting. These business managers gathered together and naturally discussed the purpose of Jiang Pu calling them. Some guessed that Jiang Pu wanted them to bleed. A lot of money, and some said that they should have taken a fancy to their buddies and acted as cannon fodder for the city defenders. In short, the discussions were all like a vegetable market.

At this moment, the guard sang: "The envoy has arrived!"

"The grassroots see the special envoy!" Facing a large group of people kneeling on the ground in darkness, Ji Polu said loudly: "You are all smart people. You live a lifetime. It is not good to live too smart. You will be punished by God. If you do one or two stupid things and appear ordinary, God will not dislike you. This special envoy has decided to live and die with Beiting, what are your plans?"

"The grassroots decided to advance and retreat together with the special envoy!"

"But defending the city will kill people!"

"Just die!"

Ji Polu said: "This special envoy guards the city for the integrity of Wei and the duty of a subject. Why are you guarding the city?"

This question is so in-depth that even Jiang Pu finds it inconceivable.When will these profit-seeking merchants in Wei State be so public?
In fact, this is an unspoken rule established by Ran Ming long ago. Although it has not been written into law on paper, it has always been done like this.As early as when the Zhongnan Development Company entered the Indochina Peninsula, each firm would get as much profit as it invested. Of course, if you want to get something for nothing, it is absolutely impossible.Since the establishment of the Central Asia Development Company, it has not opened up the situation for a long time, and has not shipped the goods directly to Central Asia. It has no choice but to sell the goods to the merchants of Yuwen Kingdom. The profit has been made by the merchants of Yuwen Kingdom many times. This is Shame on the whole Central Asia Development Corporation.

Induced by Ran Ming, the businessmen of Wei State were already very bold at this time. For the benefit, they dared to intervene in a country's coup, for the benefit they dared to organize mercenaries to overthrow the rule of a country, and for the benefit they dared to kill and set fire.Don't worry about the chance of rote memorizing the city, but the benefits will also be greater.These companies do not need to mobilize from breaking the captives, but directly carry their own weapons and armor, and accept the reorganization of Wei's Beiting Army.

These firms followed the pace of Jipolu, and their motives had nothing to do with the so-called loyalty.In the final analysis, it is still related to interests.Although most of the Hu people who surrounded Beiting City at this time were troops from various countries and ministries in the Western Regions, and none of them were soldiers from the most powerful Yuwen Kingdom, they were all not fools. However, the ministries and countries of the entire Western Regions will not unite to deal with Beiting at all.

As long as the armies of these countries in the Western Regions are defeated, the entire Western Regions will become the kingdom of Wei. They no longer need to be exploited by the countries in the Western Regions, and they don't have to act according to the face of the Yuwen Kingdom. Then their goods can also directly enter Central Asia. Mesopotamia, even as far as Europe.

In just one day, nearly [-] new troops were recruited. Some of these new soldiers were the bosses, stewards, assistants, and even some civilian accountants of warehouses, inns, restaurants and even brothels in Beiting City. He is also a member of the guards of major companies.

At this time, all the more than [-] Han people in Beiting, regardless of men, women, or children, were mobilized, and more than [-] of them were organized into an army. Others were not idle, and some helped craftsmen make arrows, repair or build Some of the new armor and weapons were rushed to the military rations, and some were responsible for building defense equipment, especially the fierce fire oil that was abundant in the Western Regions. The large amount of heavy fire oil mined would be refined into light fire oil, and then added with other raw materials to become Its power is second only to the kerosene of gasoline incendiary bombs of later generations.

The decisive battle came later than Ji Polu imagined. After all, the weather was too cold at this time, it was inconvenient to go out, and these barbarian troops did not have siege equipment. They spent a whole day in densely packed in four directions outside the city. Numerous tents were set up, and in the weather of minus [-] degrees, the tents were actually not effective in keeping out the cold, but the Hu people in the Western Regions not only had good physique, but also were more resistant to the cold, and they also had their own methods of keeping warm.After the tents were set up, those barbarians would pour boiling water on the tents, and after a while, the tents would freeze.With a few more layers of water, this tent becomes a thick igloo.Although the temperature in the igloo is still low, but there is a brazier inside and a fire is lit, so there is no need to worry about the cold.

The enemy didn't come up and attacked desperately, but set up camp slowly. Even when they were setting up camp, at least five or six thousand riders were always on guard against the four gates of Beiting, even if it was just these superficial phenomena shown by the enemy generals, Knowing that the enemy's general and army are not simple, it means that the defense of the city will have to pay a greater sacrifice than imagined. This time the offensive and defensive battle will be an unprecedented battle.

Ji Polu's guess is correct. Although these soldiers and horses are only composed of so-called "elites" drawn from various tribes of various countries in the Western Regions, they are not really elites. gram,

(End of this chapter)

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