Chapter 1003

Chapter 1010

Kanglimuke is the sharpest iron spear in the hands of Yuwenguo Yuwenyu.

The position of the enemy army is too far away, even with a telescope, you can vaguely see a silhouette, a golden flag embroidered with an unknown totem is waving in the wind, under the flag, a general in dark red armor stands in the middle of the team and the generals on the left and right Talking and laughing loudly, pointing the whip at the top of the city from time to time, and laughing a few times.The enemy's clothes are very colorful, including red, yellow, green, and white, and even messy clothes. There are also obvious differences in appearance and skin color. There are yellow people with black hair and black eyes. There are white people with blond hair and blue eyes, and there are also brown-skinned Central Asian people. There is no doubt that this army of 4 people is indeed a coalition of small countries in the Western Regions.

"Looking at the situation now, this city is not easy to defend?" The muscles on Jiang Pu's cheeks twitched a few times, and he turned his head to look at the soldiers on the top of the city. Everyone's face was ashen, and there was a little panic and fear in their expressions.Ji Polu's heart sank deeper and deeper, and he was about to say something, when an enemy cavalry came slowly, came a stone's throw away from the city, and shouted at the city wall in broken Chinese: " The Han people in the city heard that my king said that as long as you surrender, you will be let go, and no one will be killed. You can also take your belongings with you, we only want Beiting City."

Ji Polu looked at the eight-ox crossbowmen beside him, and asked, "Are you sure you can shoot him dead?"

Ba Niu crossbowman said timidly: "Special envoy, it's windy today, and I don't have absolute confidence in my position."

"Then how sure are you?"

"Fifty percent, no, up to sixty percent!"

"Liucheng!" Ji Polu gritted his teeth and said, "Liucheng did it too, shoot him dead!"

As the eight-ox crossbow slowly adjusted the firing angle, after a while, the crossbowman said: "Special envoy, it's done!"


The crossbowman smashed the wooden hammer on the machine bracket, and there was a sound of "swoosh", and the thick crossbow flew towards the Hu cavalry. The speed of the crossbow was so fast that the enemy cavalry had no time to dodge. Only turned half a body, at this time only heard a muffled "bang", the enemy cavalry screamed and flew upside down from the horse, the eight-ox crossbow directly ordered the human target, it would not be a simple kill, then The huge impact directly cut the enemy cavalry at the waist. Although the upper body flew out with the crossbow gun, the lower half of the horse remained on the horse's back. I saw with my own eyes that my lower body was bleeding outwards. He rode to death with an expression of extreme astonishment on his face, as if he still couldn't believe that he died in such a way.

The death of an enemy cavalry is nothing more than an insignificant speck of dust to the [-] coalition forces of the Western Regions.However, such a terrifying death method still caused a lot of panic to the coalition forces of the Western Regions.Seeing this scene, Conley Muke shook his head slightly and said: "It seems that the Han people are determined, and they must be prepared for a fierce battle."

After three days of busy work, the enemy cut down trees from more than ten kilometers away to build siege equipment. Although the nomads are not good at siege, it does not mean that they do not make siege equipment, especially the high carts made by the Gaoche people. , even the Han people have to admire.In just three days, the coalition forces of the countries in the Western Regions built hundreds of thousands of ladder cars. , You can directly erect the three-section ladder and put it directly on the city wall.

As for equipment such as rushing carts, goose carts, and arrow tower trebuchets, the coalition forces of the Western Regions may not know it, or they may disdain it. Anyway, they only built thousands of ladder carts.

Thousands of people attacking a city and tens of thousands of people attacking a city are completely different concepts. When tens of thousands of people shouted and killed in unison, rushing from the outside of the city to the root of the city wall like a tide, just that kind of scene can make people feel psychologically. Completely lost fighting spirit, not to mention relying on [-] regular troops and [-] or [-] temporary civilians to repel these tens of thousands of people one by one. People who can be trampled to death, let alone people, people who know how to resist and fight.

From the moment of the siege, Ji Polu clearly felt that the will of the defenders at the top of the city was showing signs of collapse, and even he felt somewhat desperate. In his eyes, this city was absolutely worthless. Anyone who wants to hold on, maybe everyone knows this cognition in their hearts, but they are just waiting for the final knife to come in the fight, and it will be over once and for all.

However, those newly recruited new army soldiers have no fear at all, because they are originally outlaws, and the managers of various companies have even ordered them to die in battle. Regression shall be dealt with by the law of the state, and the firm shall be dismissed.

The enemy's attack finally started, and tens of thousands of troops were mobilized to attack the four walls of the Beiting. Although the ladder cart is also a good siege tool, it is a pity that in front of the Wei army's eight-ox crossbow is vulnerable.In the first wave of attacks, nearly a hundred ladder vehicles were soon smashed into pieces by Wei Jun's ballista, and even lost their maintenance value.

Although the ballista shells are as lethal as the heavy artillery of later generations, even the rapid-fire artillery, the power is too weak.But in this era, it has achieved unexpected results.

People are full of fear of the unknown.This kind of fear can cause two kinds of behaviors. One is to completely destroy the thing that makes them fear.The second is to escape far away, the farther the better.Regarding the firearms of the State of Wei, the attitude of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions is obviously the second one. The loud noise like a punishment from the gods, and the pieces of robes falling on the ground rolling and screaming, many timid and believing enemies The soldiers immediately dropped their swords.Kneeling down facing the city wall from a distance, piously repenting his crimes, less than an hour after the siege of the city, morale plummeted and came like a tide.It receded like a tide.

Conley Muke was obviously dissatisfied with the performance of the allied forces of the Western Regions. He directly asked for the military law and killed dozens of thousands or hundreds of generals.

Kangli Muke said: "When attacking the city today, those who are the first to escape, no matter which generals or soldiers, will be beheaded and shown in the camp to imitate you. If you attack the city tomorrow, whoever dares to take another step back will be divided by five horses!"

With hundreds of heads falling to the ground, Kangli Muke's military law was also announced to tens of thousands of coalition camps.There is no way, who dares to retreat again, unless it is too late, if you rush forward, you may die, but if you retreat, you will definitely die.In this obvious choice, almost all coalition soldiers chose to charge.


There are mountains of corpses piled up under the city, as well as on the top of the city.In the offensive and defensive battle of less than an hour, more than 200 defenders on the top of the city have fallen, and the corpses are piled side by side on the horse path of the city tower. The blood stains on the ground and the pairs of eyes that are dying are telling the world about this war. How tragic.

Ji Polu looked at the soldiers of the allied forces of the Western Regions who continued to fear death, his face became numb.As more and more soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions were forced by Conley Muke to fight Wei Jun, the battle became more tragic.In the end, there was still a ladder car on the city wall.

Numerous soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions holding their shields rushed up the city wall from the ladder.The first climbers were all brave without exception. These brave coalition soldiers quickly occupied a place on the city wall. They drove back the soldiers of the Wei army on the city wall and quickly destroyed two ballistas.Ji Polu said: "We have long been sinners in the Wei Dynasty. Your Majesty forgives our crimes. How can we repay the king's kindness?"

"Only after death!"

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, only blood can wash away our sins, and only fearless death can our souls be embraced by Haotian." Improving morale in front of him: "Don't be sad, die for the country, and die well. Don't be sad, maybe you and I will be like them in a short time, returning our souls to Haotian's embrace, enjoying endless glory in Dongtian Paradise."

War is a fight between people. No matter how advanced the weapon is, no matter how extraordinary the tactics are, the ultimate goal is to destroy the enemy as much as possible. Therefore, in a war, the soldiers trust and obey the officers unconditionally, and the officers obey the general unconditionally. , From top to bottom, this war has a chance of victory.

For the generals of the Wei army, whether they are new soldiers or veterans, they are more willing to believe in their emperor Ran Ming, and they are more willing to believe that the state of Wei will not let them die in vain, so in this case, those soldiers of the Wei army can do better. Work together.

The jerky slashing and slashing of the soldiers of the new army gradually became smoother, and those civil servants or business managers gradually got used to the blood, and their jerky movement coordination became more and more skillful. They lifted up one after another, and there was a clanging sound. Most of the arrows were blocked by the shield, but some sporadic arrows luckily passed through the gaps in the shield.Shoot into the body of the enemy in the back row.

Incendiary bombs, gunpowder bombs, and even gray bottles of golden juice were all thrown at the enemy's head. The Wei army soldiers who were hit by arrows or killed by the enemy were moved down the city wall by the civilians who had already prepared, or prepared for cremation, or prepared for medical treatment. trauma.Everything becomes very smooth.

At this time, Beiting City has also become a monster with its bloody mouth wide open, devouring the lives of the soldiers of both sides all the time.

Facing such a sharp and lethal firearm, the morale of the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions did not collapse. Although their eyes were full of fear, none of them retreated. Slashing with knives and halberds without flinching, the eyes of every enemy who climbed to the top of the city were full of crazy and decisive gazes, like trapped animals, attacking the defenders like crazy.

Seeing this scene, Beiting Captain Jiang Pu's heart sank rapidly. If even gunpowder and bullets can't scare them off, this battle will be difficult to fight.

"The countries in the Western Regions have always been eyeing Beiting. They attacked Beiting six times. The most serious one was in the seventh year of Yonghe. Have you seen the newly repaired city wall? That's where the people of Qiuci broke through. , At that time, Qiuci invaded Beiting City and massacred more than [-] soldiers and civilians in Beiting. Later, the former captain of Beiting, Zhang Yan, led a trilogy and finally drove the Qiuci people out of Beiting at the cost of almost annihilating the entire army! "Jiang Pu pointed to his chest with his thumb and said: "The last general once promised to the former Lord that as long as the last general is alive, he will never lose Beiting!"

"Lieutenant Jiang, do you think this special envoy looks like trash?" Ji Polu laughed and said, "You don't need to test this special envoy anymore. This special envoy is a person to be punished. If you don't make meritorious deeds in the Western Regions, you only have dead ears!"

Jiang Pu laughed and said, "Who dares to say that Chief Ji's third son is a waste?"

"Killing a few sand bandits and horse bandits is meaningless to this special envoy. I have been lonely for a long time. If it wasn't for the wrong step at the beginning, this special envoy would at least be one of the youngest major generals in Wei. However, It’s always impermanent, it’s useless to talk more!” Ji Polu patted the horizontal knife in his hand, and smiled presumptuously: “My horizontal knife is already very hungry, it has never been so hungry like it is now.”

Jiang Pu looked around and said with a smile: "They are wondering why the special envoy hasn't started to escape yet! Hahaha."

Ji Polu smiled and said: "Grandpa will show himself to the people no matter what this time, and to the barbarians from the Western Regions. The men of Wei can not only make money, but also farm land and brew wine. Wei's sons are still capable of fighting, but the [-] Hu thieves just happened to be sent to show off to the Western Regions with my grandfather."

After Ji Polu finished speaking, he said to Jiang Pu: "It seems that today's offensive in the Western Regions is coming to an end. This special envoy is going to take a nap for a while. Keep your energy up. If not, these grandsons will make moves at night."

Jiang Pu looked at the background of Ji Polu, and vaguely heard Ji Polu singing: "I think back in the past, Fubo Dingyuan, Han Qi was powerful all around, and the three-foot Qingfeng was looking for a seal. Hu Qi would dare to invade the border. The old road of Che Shi , the captives come to challenge, the iron horses are golden and the dust is dark, the soldiers chase Hu Feng with broken swords, and the fierceness will be left to future generations to see!"

"It's a fierce one for future generations to see. Major General Ji is really not a softie!" Jiang Pu smiled to the generals around him: "Let me just say, it is impossible for Great Wei to treat the third son of Chief Ji as an abandoned son. Let's see, although I can't guess who will be the special envoy, but I can guess that Wei Guo will never give up on Beiting. In the early years, when the former master managed the Western Regions, he said that all the territories in the Western Regions can be lost. Only Beiting cannot be lost. Beiting is the old capital of Longting for the Huns. This is a disgrace to the Huns. Lose."

"Brothers have also heard about it. Now that Wei has carried out military reforms, we are all raised by stepmothers. In the future, we can only take [-]% of the time. If we want to make [-]% of the time, the key is to look at the performance of the brothers. This battle must be fought well!" Beiting Deputy Captain said: "We must not embarrass General Xie!"

Kang Limuke rode his horse in the formation of the Western Region coalition forces outside the city, and looked at the defenders on the opposite wall of Beiting City in wonder. , but the men and horses are still the same as before, and the generals are still the same as before.The mere 3000 Kucha troops almost occupied Beiting City, but were finally driven out by the defenders because of lack of follow-up.But now he led a full [-] Western Region Allied Forces, including more than [-] people from the Kucha Army. They fought for a day, with more than [-] casualties, but they didn't take advantage of it.

Although the Liang army is considered a strong army, their combat effectiveness is about the same as that of the coalition forces of the Western Regions. Even when the soldiers are at their peak, they overwhelm the Western Regions, but they rely on more than [-] cavalry. It has an absolute advantage in the field, and took advantage of the continuous conflicts among the countries in the Western Regions to defeat them one by one.

Does Wei Guo have some magical power?He had already heard that the original Jingzhou Sima Zhangzhao of the Jin State led the Jingzhou surrender army of the Jin State. Since it was reorganized as a part of the Zhennan Army, it has always been invincible, and it is even more fierce than the regular army of the Wei State. Now Zhang Zhao has become the leader of the second echelon of Wei State.The Jingzhou Army is a world-renowned dough army, but after reorganization, it has become a world-renowned strong army.Could it be that after these old troops of the Liang army were reorganized, would they still be like this?

In fact, it’s no wonder that Conley Muke couldn’t figure it out, but China has never lacked elite soldiers since ancient times. What it lacks is a good system. Soldiers’ minds are very simple, and they need fair and just treatment.Wei Guo’s military system is very close to the professional army of later generations. The military salary is not passed through the generals at all levels, but directly distributed to the soldiers through the bank, which prevents the behavior of leading generals from drinking the blood of soldiers.As for the statistics of military exploits, there are representatives of the Soldiers Committee below to supervise them. Whoever dares to engage in favoritism and fraud in this respect will definitely have a long life.

As long as soldiers dare to fight, they will have the opportunity to change their destiny.The beheading of soldiers is directly linked to the rewards of farmland. If you want to get promoted and get rich, you just have to work hard on the battlefield.If you don't want to make progress, there is no way. If you want to make progress, naturally the atmosphere will change immediately.

Early the next morning, Conley Muke summoned the generals above the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions to give a lecture: "For thousands of years, the Western Regions have been the Western Regions of our Western Regions. Now that the Han people from Wei State have come, our relatives have suffered so much at the foot of Tianshan Mountain." Slavery, they should be the most honorable group of people in my countries in the Western Regions, but now they have to take the whip to graze cattle and sheep for the Han Dog! The Han Dog wants to let us seize our homeland and kill us with his own hands, I bah! He is dreaming! The Han dog wants us to surrender, I bah! How can my majestic descendants of the Kunlun God be humiliated by the Han dog. The city in front of us today was once the Dragon Court of the Great Huns, Now in this city, there are innumerable wealth of food, silk, gold and silver, and countless Han beauties. There is everything we want here, but there are only two thousand Han dogs guarding it. This city, take back our deprived glory. Rush now!"

The beliefs and totems of the countries in the Western Regions are different, but under the influence of the powerful Huns, they all blindly worship the Kunlun God. Some are wolves, some are white deer, some are golden eagles, and some are snow leopards. It is the totem of the Gaoche tribe, and it is actually a huge wheel.There is also a ferocious mother statue, the huge body occupies more than half of the totem, which means that it is the god of mother who feeds everyone on this land.

Since the ground outside the city was covered with thick snow, after yesterday's trampling, it turned into a solid ice surface.In this case, it is very difficult to charge, and if you are not careful, you will be slipped by the ice and snow.In order to prevent the charging soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions from slipping, when the Allied Forces of the Western Regions launched an attack, many soldiers in front of the team held bundles of forage and scattered the dry forage on the ice to prevent slipping.

(End of this chapter)

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