Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1005 Send Your Majesty a Palace

Chapter 1005 Send Your Majesty a Palace

Chapter 1012 Send Your Majesty a Palace

Seeing the command flag, the four Saimen knife carts were pushed by the soldiers of the Wei army to run over the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions on the city wall.The soldiers of the Wei army hiding behind the Saimen knife cart held the grenade in their hands and counted to three before throwing it out.There was a rumbling sound, and there was a lot of screams. Slowly, the sound of explosions disappeared, and the smoke gradually faded. Nearly a hundred soldiers of the Western Regions Allied Forces were strewn across the field, and mourning was everywhere.The ferocious face of the enemy commander gradually became clear, and in just a few breaths, the hundreds of Western Region coalition soldiers who climbed the city wall were exhausted...

Several survivors were also compressed into an extremely small space by the plug car.

A Wei Jun captain hid behind the Saimen knife cart and shouted: "surrender or die! I will count to three!"




"Grenade ready!"

At this moment, someone from the dozen or so defeated soldiers in the encirclement said in blunt Chinese: "Don't hit us and surrender!"

"Special envoy, it's a good luck not to disgrace!" Jiang Pu's hearty laughter was heard before the person arrived.

Ji Polu looked up and saw a strong man with raised brows and eyes that were about to tear apart. "Who are you?"

"A certain Lu Jingzong!"

"Huh!" Ji Polu said in surprise, "Are you Han? Or do you have Han blood?"

Although Lu Jingzong's Chinese accent is very weird, the person who will take the name Lu Jingzong must be a Han Chinese.

Lu Jingzong said: "That happened 14 years ago. At that time, there was a civil strife in Liang, and naturally there was no time to take care of the Western Regions. Qiuci took the lead in expelling the Han people, and Liang officials became self-reliant. Soon after, Shule Kingdom was also inevitable Zhang Chonghua of Liang sent troops to surrender before, and the king of Shule was named the governor of Shule of Liang State). At that time, my father and more than 1 Han people were isolated in Shule. Surrounded by more than [-] Shule people in a valley , Later, due to being outnumbered, all the men who were taller than the height of the wheel were all killed, and there were only less than a hundred people left."

Speaking of this, Lu Jingzong was already crying.Higher than the wheel actually means that the diameter of the wheel is about 120 centimeters of the later generations, in fact, it almost kills all people over the age of six.

Hearing this, Jiang Pu's eyes were about to burst, and he roared angrily, "Zhang Zuojian son should die!"

Ji Polu asked very calmly: "How many Han people are there in Shule now?"

Lu Jingzong said: "Including me, there are seven people."

Of course, what Lu Jingzong said was not accurate. In fact, there are at least a hundred people who are descendants of the Han people alive, and more than [-]% of them are women, and they are all reduced to camp prostitutes.

In fact, even if Lu Jingzong didn't say anything, Ji Polu guessed something. After all, he had served the Anbei Army for many years and was more familiar with the traditions of those Hu people.Killing adult men, keeping women and children for assimilation, this is how they expand the barbarians.

Ji Polu said: "These barbarians will pay the price for their stupidity. Whether it is Shule or Kucha, they are all rabbits whose tails can't grow any longer! Lu Jingzong can rest assured, your blood feud, this special envoy will help you avenge it." Already, when the main force of the Anxi army arrives, this special envoy will write to His Majesty, please aim to ease the country and not seal the sword!"

"Envoy? Are you?"

Ji Polu said: "A certain person is the special envoy of His Majesty the Emperor Wei to the Western Regions, in charge of all affairs of the Western Regions!"

"Please ask the special envoy to be the master of the grassland people!" The eight-foot-tall man was crying like a child.But then he told the truth while weeping.Just when Yu Wenyi ordered the countries in the Western Regions to send troops to attack Beiting, Yu Wenyi sent troops to attack the countries in the Western Regions and controlled most of the people in the Western Regions. These hostages amounted to more than [-] people. Back off and they'll kill the hostages.

Hearing this shocking news, both Ji Polu and Jiang Pu took a deep breath, they were so fucking crazy.

What's even crazier is at the back, Ji Polu said: "Even if the enemy changes tactics, we should also change tactics!"

"Change tactics, how?" Jiang Pu asked puzzled, "What does the special envoy mean?"

"Defense means not just passive defense. "Defense" is the purpose, not the process. The goal of "defense" can be achieved without losing the city. As for the process, you can innovate and take the initiative in your own hands. Let the enemy be defeated. Leading by the nose is the kingly way of war." Ji Polu said: "If you want to control the initiative in the offensive and defensive battle, then you can't be led by the nose by the enemy. Why should they eat, drink and sleep enough? Attack the city whenever they want? Why don’t they discuss the time with us and start the fight as soon as they say it? So, what we have to do now is to take the initiative back. Let us grasp it! What shall we say in the future? Fight when it’s time to fight, and rest when it’s time to rest, if they want to fight or rest, they have to see our faces first.”

"Special envoy, please explain clearly how to fight!" Jiang Pu said loudly.

Ji Polu turned to Lu Jingzong and said, "The coalition forces of the Western Regions should have only 3 horses left?"

"Reporting to the special envoy, there should be less than 3 troops!" Lu Jingzong said: "The coalition forces of the countries in the Western Regions have suffered heavy losses, especially the Kucha Kingdom, which has lost more than [-] troops, and their elite troops are almost lost. It's over half."

"Nowadays the Western Regions are covered with ice and snow, not a single blade of grass grows, and [-] soldiers and horses are dispatched. The fodder consumed by the horses every day is not a small number." Ji Polu said: "Then you must know where they put the fodder?"

Lu Jingzong nodded and said: "Most of the fodder for the coalition forces is brought from the city of Yelle Shouzhuo. There is enough fodder for six days' consumption in the camp every day."

"We have no way to deal with Yelle guarding the city." Ji Polu said, "Then is there any way to get close to the forage field of the allied forces of the Western Regions?"

Lu Jingzong said: "The lowly position is the captain of the Shule Kingdom, so there is a chance to get close to the forage field. However, the forage field is very tightly guarded, even if you can get close, there is no way to burn it."

"Captain Jiang!"

"The end is here!"

"Tonight, you choose a thousand elites and go out of the city on sledges at night. Each sledge is fully loaded with a rocket launcher. As long as you can take [-] steps from the forage field, the coalition army of the Western Regions will never be able to keep the forage field!"

Jiang Pu was taken aback: "Attacking the camp? This... is a special envoy. The last general has carefully inspected it. The enemy's camp is well established. The chief general is obviously capable of running the army. He is not an incompetent person. At night, the camp's bright and dark sentries let out three miles away. Besides, we have 1000 people attacking the camp, I'm afraid we won't be able to get close to the enemy camp..."

"Didn't you read the book? Don't you remember the story of "Wolf is coming"!" Ji Polu sighed, and said, "Who told you to rush into the enemy camp? Isn't that sending you to death? I Just let you attack around the camp, can you use the grenade? Throw it in the direction of the enemy camp, throw it as far as you can, and blow it up with a bang, hehe. They will definitely come out to chase... As long as the enemy comes out of the camp to chase, you will Run, repeat this, they must know that you are bluffing, and they will definitely not talk to you again, at that time, your chance will come."

Jiang Pu murmured: "What wolf is coming, isn't it just what is said in the Art of War that the truth is false, and the truth is false, and the false is true?"

Jiang Pu is worthy of being an experienced general, and he quickly understood the intention of destroying the prisoners.After nightfall, Jiang Pu personally led [-] elite troops and quietly left the city on [-] sledges.After the night raiders left the city, they headed straight east, then made a big bend, and then turned to Qianfo Mountain in the southwest.

Fortunately, the enemy general seemed to know a little bit about the art of war, and he actually knew the siege method of "encircling three ques and one". The [-] troops surrounded the north, south, and west sides, but only let go of the east side, and only sent some troops to attack the city. Changsan sergeants and scouts were closely monitoring the east. Obviously, the enemy's main goal was only the city of Beiting, not to annihilate the Wei army to the maximum extent.

In fact, this is not Kangli Muke's art of war, but Yu Wenyi's fear.Yuwen is too afraid of the Wei State. If the [-] Han people in Beiting are really massacred, I am afraid that Ran Ming will not want to enter the Western Regions. After all, the two emperors of the Wei State valued their people more than anything else. The Han people, even if they ran to the sky, would never die.Yuwen would not annoy Wei Guo for a Beiting city.

This approach is actually reasonable. Although Yuwen Kingdom and other small countries in the Western Regions brazenly sent troops to attack Beiting, they still have some scruples about the prestige of the Great Wei. The will to defend the city, on the other hand, can be regarded as a donkey on the slope. I hope that the Wei army will withdraw eastward wisely, and the Wei army will suffer fewer casualties. In the future, after Ran Ming recovers, they will have room for change.War is always a continuation of politics.

Just like the celestial dynasties of the later generations, even though the small countries in the south provoked every day and the people were furious, the fact that the celestial dynasties still did not dare to fight was not because of military issues, but because of political issues.

The so-called Thousand Buddha Mountain is actually one of the remnants of the Tianshan Mountains. During the Tang Dynasty, the Hui people sculpted hundreds of thousands of Buddha statues.At this time there is no such name.

Jiang Pu looked excited when he saw the large camp stretching for several miles.He said to a guard beside him, "You seem to go to that mountain often, don't you?"

"It's a small one who has been out a few times!"

"Have you seen the mountain behind their camp? Take a few people and bring more grenades, go around, climb up the mountain, and set it up to detonate. Maybe we don't have to attack at night today. As long as the grenade triggers an avalanche, it will Much easier!"

When the relative turned his face to look at the enemy camp again, his face was full of murderous intent: "Second Platoon, follow me!"

On the 4796th day of the first month in 27 of the Yellow Emperor's Era, Qianfo Mountain outside Beiting City was completely silent, with a few faint lights flickering as if drunk.The cold wind howled, except for the occasional groans of wounded soldiers in the allied army camp of the Western Regions, it seemed that the entire camp had fallen into a deep sleep.

After a lot of effort, Wei Jun finally climbed to the main peak of Qianfo Mountain, but it was a pity that more than 60 grenades were detonated at the same time, but still did not cause an avalanche.Although Qianfo Mountain is a remnant of the Tianshan Mountains, it is neither high nor steep. The snow on it has been blown away by the cold wind, so Jiang Pu intends to artificially create an avalanche to bury the coalition forces of the Western Regions. It cannot be realized.

In fact, this is not surprising. Conley Muke is a good general, and he will definitely not put his camp in a dangerous situation.However, the huge explosion still caused chaos in the camp of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions. It was not until three to four thousand troops searched the inside and outside of the camp carefully that they stopped tossing.

However, before the soldiers of the allied army camp of the Western Regions fell asleep again, they saw a dozen horsemen rushing towards the camp gate in the direction of the main entrance of the Western Regions army camp.The sentries of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions, who were exhausted by the explosion just now, hurriedly rode their horses to stop them, but just after a while of tossing, their horses had consumed a lot of horsepower. What's more, there are no knights on these dozens of war horses, and they carry light weight, so they run faster.Fortunately, the strong camp gate stopped the dozens of war horses, and they were safe and sound. Before the sentries of the coalition forces from the Western Regions breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly launched fireballs, one after another, in front of them. Immediately afterwards, a deafening explosion sounded in the sky.

Looking at more than a dozen war horses, which acted as carriers of gunpowder and became horse-body bombs, this made the soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions feel very incredible.For the nomads in the Western Regions, war horses are their partners and second lives, and they have a deep affection for war horses.But the generals of the Wei army only used these war horses as a tool, which could be ridden, and of course they could be used.Even the value of war horses is not cheap in Wei State, but compared with human lives, Wei Jun is more sympathetic to the lives of soldiers.

Although the two so-called night raids didn't even hurt Mao of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, they drove Kang Limuke, the commander of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, mad.At this time, the camp was in chaos again, and there was even a roar in the camp.Ying Xiao is not a trivial matter. In order to quickly quell the civil strife in the camp, Kang Limuke had to take cold-blooded measures to kill hundreds of soldiers from the Western Regions allied forces running around.

At this time, almost all the camps of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions were tossed so that they could not sleep, and the lights were brightly lit. Conley Muke angrily dispatched five or six thousand cavalry to look for the incoming enemy.

It is a pity that Jiang Pu's troops attacked at night. In order to get closer to the enemy camp, all the troops and horses were camouflaged with white cloth, even the reins of the horses were painted white.Not to mention at night, even during the day, if they don't get close, the sentry cavalry of the coalition forces of the Western Regions will not have any abnormalities.

Ji Polu standing on the top of the Beiting city looked at the chaotic camp of the allied forces of the Western Regions, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Don't sleep today, I think you still have the energy to attack tomorrow?"

People's energy is always limited, and anyone who doesn't sleep well at night will have no energy the next day. It must be very difficult to launch that kind of crazy offensive.

However, Ji Polu obviously underestimated Jiang Pu's capabilities.Throughout the night, starting from midnight, every half an hour of isolation, Jiang Pu would send a small team to approach the camp of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, and then throw grenades indiscriminately, turning around and running away without looking at the results.After doing this again and again, the generals of the coalition forces of the Western Regions have become accustomed to Jiang Pu's harassment, and they don't bother to move even if the grenade bombs are louder.

Be it explosions or raids, the enemy general has read several military books on the Central Plains, so he can see it clearly. This is clearly a strategy for exhausting the enemy. What is the best way to deal with exhaustion?Just sleep unshakably, ignoring everything.Therefore, from the general to the sergeant, except for the two soldiers and horses who were ordered to wait to pursue Jiang Pu, the rest of the people were all inert.Once a person develops psychological inertia, it proves that his unlucky days are not far away.

It wasn't until the seventh harassment that Jiang Pu seized the opportunity to turn fiction into reality.In the fourth attack, it was actually close to success. The wall of the enemy camp's side camp was blown open by a cluster grenade.The soldiers of the Allied Forces in the Western Regions just hastily pushed there again with a few wooden stakes.You must know that it is very cold to dig a big hole and bury wooden piles. The work is very heavy, and these coalition soldiers are too lazy to move.

For the seventh attack, Jiang Pu went out from three directions. The front battalion and the rear battalion each sent a platoon of cavalry to attract the only two mobile cavalry left by the coalition forces of the Western Regions.And his more than [-] people concentrated their strength and launched a full charge to the side camp when the two enemy horses were chasing the decoys of the two platoons.

This was a real charge, and when Jiang Pu and other [-] cavalry were getting closer to the camp on the side, even less than a mile away, the sentinels in the camp on the enemy side felt something was wrong.But it was too late to think about the reaction at this time. The two mobile cavalry that could be dispatched at any time were at least seven or eight miles away from the camp. Even if they flew, they would not be able to fly back for a while.What's more, the horses charge at full speed, which consumes a lot of horsepower. Their two armies don't have two sticks of incense or even a quarter of an hour to come back.

Aiming at the already destroyed wall of the enemy camp, hundreds of grenades were thrown. These grenades not only blew up the wall to pieces, but also made those in the side camp react faster and rushed to the edge of the wall. The lives of soldiers.

Almost without any resistance, Jiang Pu and more than [-] riders rushed into the side camp smoothly, and the Hundred Tigers galloping rocket on the sled was aimed at the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions who got up in a hurry.How could the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions who got up in a hurry have time to get their armor?The barbarian soldiers without armor became the best targets for the hundreds of tigers galloping together.

The soldiers on the sleds are simply a small arsenal, the Hundred Tigers galloping rockets, and those grenades are all free to greet the enemy.Since the sky was too dark and the line of sight was not wide enough, no one including Jiang Pu could say exactly how many people were killed by the bombing, but it was easy to hear the screams of dying enemies everywhere.

However, due to the lack of vision at night, even with Lu Jingzong leading the way in the chaos, Jiang Pu still could not find the forage location of the enemy coalition army. In fact, Jiang Pu did not know until later that the valley closest to the forage field was only less than [-] steps away. Yes, but I missed it by accident.

Although the enemy's losses were not clear until the end, the attack power of the coalition forces of the Western Regions was much weaker the next day, especially almost every day, the enemy began to line up the city just after dawn, but this time it was almost noon Only then hastily launched a symbolic attack.

When the allied forces of the Western Regions besieged Wei State's strategically important Beiting in the Western Regions, the Puli Kingdom and the Pandya Kingdom, located at the southernmost tip of the South Asian subcontinent, also fought with their former suzerain Gupta Empire with the support of Wei State. Fierce war.

Gutbeg City is the junction of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, which is famous for its rich rosewood.At this time, the war in Gudebo City was over. At this time, the Puli Army and the Pandya Allied Forces were cleaning the battlefield. The ground was scorched and smoked, and the ruins were ruined, but the battlefield was filled with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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