Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1006 Wei Guo Technology ***?

Chapter 1006 Wei State Technology?

Chapter 1013 Wei Guo Technology ***?

The Battle of Goodberg, which took nearly one and a half months, finally ended with the victory of the Puli and Pandya coalition forces.In this battle, the Puli Kingdom sent more than 370 troops and 510 nine war elephants, while Pandya sent [-] troops and [-] two war elephants.Liu Laozhi, governor of Wei State in Puli Kingdom, and Xie Xuan, governor of Pandya Kingdom, jointly commanded.

After a month and a half of fierce fighting, the Prussian and Pan coalition forces paid a price of nearly 3 casualties, and almost completely wiped out one and a half Aksohini's more than [-] troops under the command of the governor of Andhra Pradesh Bintou Shada Gupta.However, Bintou Shaduo Gupta only fled Gudbe City with less than [-] Chaluqi cavalry.

The battle of Gudebo was divided into two stages. In the early stage, Bintou Shado Gupta was the main attack. On the plain more than [-] miles in front of Gudebo, he encountered the tenacious resistance of the Pu and Pan coalition forces. The bravery and excellent equipment of the coalition forces, after only paying more than [-] casualties, Bintosara Gupta chose to retreat.

However, Liu Laozhi and Xie Xuan attacked resolutely, using [-] firearms soldiers of the Wei army to attack a Pulitna left behind by Bintou Sado Gupta. In half an hour there was a rout.As Pulitna retreated in the rear, Xie Xuan resolutely assembled more than [-] war elephants from the Pu and Pan coalition forces for a quick pursuit.After a day and night of hard fighting, Bintoushata Gupta's retreat also turned into a rout. When Bintoushata Gupta retreated to Gudebo City, the soldiers under his command lost more than [-] troops.Then the Puli and Pan coalition forces surrounded Gudebo City, and Bintushaduo Gupta went to the city to kill the enemy himself, but he could not recover from the defeat. It turned out that after the defeat of Bintushaduo Gupta, the Buddhist monks who accompanied the army sent by the king of the Puli Kingdom However, Guru Rona Karnataka recruited his Tamil generals to surrender. At the critical period when the Pu and Pan coalition forces besieged Gudebo City, he saw that Bintusha Gupta's victory was hopeless and the reinforcements were nowhere in sight. The Tamil generals under his command launched a mutiny at night, and the Andhra Pradesh Buddhist soldiers who had been bewitched by Rona Karnataka also followed suit. More importantly, these Buddhist soldiers took advantage of the chaos and opened the city of Gutbeg. At the south gate of the city, a large number of Pu and Pan coalition forces took the opportunity to enter the city.Seeing that there was no way to recover, Bintou Chaduo Gupta had to flee.

The 45-day battle ended with this bizarre ending, which also gave the two newborn countries of Puli Kingdom and Pandya Kingdom a period of recovery.

With the snail-like mobilization speed of the Gupta Empire, it would be at least two months after the Gupta Emperor Samadhara Gupta, who was located in the city of Fahrenheit, got the news of the Battle of Gudebo.At that time, even if he mobilized the army to retaliate, it would take at least half a year.In the past six months, it was enough for Wei Jun to train the Puli Army and Pan Diya Army to look like them.

The Puli Army and Pan Diya Army were cleaning the battlefield excitedly. Wei Guo didn't look down on the rags on the battlefield.

The people of Wei at this time were proud. The soldiers of the expeditionary army would find Hu prostitutes to solve their physical problems when they needed it, but if they were asked to marry a Hu woman, even the poorest beggars would rather be single than beggars. They will not do this, because even if they are illiterate, they also understand the truth that if they have tarnished the noble blood of their ancestors, they will never be able to enter the ancestral grave for the rest of their lives.Except in modern times, the Han nationality has always been a proud nation. Even the great emperor Li Shimin, who is known as the Khan, and his princess family would rather marry their children to the poor or marry commoners than marry the royal family. .

This is the pride in the bones of the Han people, but the more than 300 years of blood, tears and humiliation in modern times have completely thrown away the pride left to us by our ancestors.Worship foreign things?If it is in this era, people will definitely be scolded to death.

Xie Xuan and Liu Lao's tents each have no less than a hundred daughters of the chieftains of various tribes in Tamil or Pandya, all of whom are all beauties.Even for a woman of this status, Liu Laozhi and Xie Xuan still looked down on her, but Ran Ming, an outlier, was almost forced, so they reluctantly accepted her as a concubine.Even if they are concubines, the children born to these women are not going to take them back to the Central Plains, but stay there.

The war is over. Although the soldiers of Wei State seem to be wandering around the battlefield at will, but if you look closely, you will find that their hands are never three inches away from the handle of the knife. Start the grenade.The sun in the South Asian subcontinent is extremely bright and dazzling.

Xie Xuan wore sunglasses polished with firewood crystal very smugly, while Liu Laozhi watched the Gupta dancer dance happily.At this moment, bursts of crying were suddenly heard.Xie Xuan frowned, but Liu Laozhi suddenly shouted: "What's going on?"

The army is a violent machine. Of course, sometimes some outrageous things are unavoidable. For example, the US troops stationed in Japan in later generations will rape and kill people from time to time.Now in a newly occupied city, it is quite normal for this kind of thing to happen.

Hearing the reason for this incident, Liu Laozhi said to the guards beside him: "You tell the generals of the Puli Army and the Pandiya Army that I don't care what they do, but don't let me see this dirty scene, or I will be killed by you." Knives don't recognize people!"

Xie Xuan squinted his eyes and looked around, and said in a low voice: "This time we won a complete victory. Tiger head, have you noticed that there are a little more red sandalwood here!"

"There won't be many soon!" The thief Liu Lao said with a smile: "I have ordered the servants to cut down all the red sandalwood. I want as much as I have. Anyway, I don't want it for nothing. It costs ten cents a piece."

"Damn!" Xie Xuan followed Ran Ming and learned how to swear, Xie Xuan pointed to Liu Laozhi's nose and said, "You have the nerve to say that a side of ten Wen is worth more than ten pieces of gold in the country of Wei. [-] times the huge profit, besides your cutting method, I am afraid it will take a long time, and the red sandalwood will be cut down to extinction."

"If the species is extinct, it should be extinct. What does this have to do with me?" Liu Laozhi said disapprovingly: "I didn't cut off one anyway? Your Majesty likes rosewood very much. I know he has a pen holder, which is very precious at ordinary times. , You said that if I give His Majesty a palace made of rosewood, will His Majesty promote me to Lieutenant General?"

"I don't know if you will be promoted to Lieutenant General or not." Xie Xuan said with a smile, "But I know that if you dare to send him away, Doctor Yushi will definitely impeach you like a sieve!"
The vassal state of Wei State is completely different from those vassal states in Chinese history. The only thing they have in common is a name, and they are also vassal states.The Wei State adopted all-round control over the military, cultural, political, and economic aspects of the two vassal states of Puli Kingdom and Pandya Kingdom.

It is not to say that these vassal kings are used as puppets, at least they have enough autonomy in internal governance, especially within the framework of Wei State's requirements.The political system is copied from that of the Wei State. Both the Puli Kingdom and the Pandiya Kingdom adopt a three-level administrative system of state, county, and county, and a three-level auxiliary administrative management system of Jia, Bao, and town.The state of the vassal state has the governor, Biejia, and Changshi, the county has the prefect, the captain, and the county magistrate, and the county has the magistrate, the magistrate, and the master.

As for the army, it has completely abandoned the Gupta-style Sena, Pulitna, Aksohini and other establishments, and changed it to the new military system of the Wei State. Among them, the Puli Kingdom has six main infantry divisions and six infantry divisions. The garrison division, two cavalry divisions, and one directly under the war elephant regiment.Among them, the security division has a small establishment, and the entire division has only more than [-] people.The Pandya Kingdom was reorganized into five main infantry divisions, a cavalry division, and a war elephant regiment.Among them, the military equipment of the Puli Kingdom and the Pandya Kingdom are all equipment eliminated by the Wei Kingdom. Of course, these are purchased with funds from the two countries, and the price is not low.As for the crossbows and firearms equipped by Wei, of course they would not be equipped for the servants of the two countries.

The armies of the two countries are trained by the Governor's Office of the State of Wei stationed in the two countries in peacetime, and must be under the command of the Governor's Office in wartime.The governor of the Governor's Office has the right to deal with all the generals of the servant army within the framework of the military law, even the senior generals of the Puli Kingdom, similar to the generals of the Wei State, as long as they do not obey Liu Laozhi's order, Liu Laozhi can also execute him directly.

However, Wei's treatment of vassal states is not like that of Western powers in later generations who treat their colonies. Wei's merchants take [-]% of the output of the two countries' resource development and directly hand them over to the kings of the two countries. The labor required, except for prisoners of war. , the civilians are also paid salaries, and the salary level is a high-paying occupation in the two countries. With the development of various resources in the two countries, a large number of pro-Wei workers and businessmen began to appear. Every mine controlled by the State of Wei will pass through Easily boost the local economic prosperity.

In this way, not only did not arouse the resentment of the local people, from the local officials to the common people, more or less benefited from the businessmen of Wei State.Those merchants from the State of Wei are not iron roosters. They occasionally send some cheap linen or food to the poor local people, and they also open the door to local officials, such as helping the children of local officials to study in the State of Wei. Local officials purchased real estate or real estate in Wei State.

In particular, Wei State wanted to increase its cultural influence on the two countries. After all, the two countries are not traditional Chinese vassal states, and they have no sense of identity with Chinese culture.Therefore, in terms of cultural output, Wei Guo spared no effort.A large variety of delicacies, clothing, and furniture began to flow into the Puli Kingdom and the Pandya Kingdom, with high quality and low price, and soon occupied the mainstream of the consumer markets of the two countries.

On March 4796, 3 in the Yellow Emperor era, after the Prussian and Pan coalition forces defeated the Andhra Pradesh army, they quickly attacked and quickly divided up 18 of the 23 cities in Andhra Pradesh.Pushed the front of the soldiers along the Krishna River.Among them, the Puli Kingdom obtained ten cities including Gudebo, and seven cities including Vizianagrand.On March [-], the Prussian and Pan coalition forces entered the defensive stage. They couldn't eat a fat man in one bite. No matter how much territory they seized, it would be useless if they were unable to hold it.It is very different from the situation in Tamil Nadu. The entire Tamil Nadu is dominated by Tamils, but in Andhra Pradesh, there are people from the sugarcane tribe, Vihapoloyana, Sarangayana, Vishnu Kundi, Vakataka, Pallava, Ananda, Kalinga and other top eight are everywhere.

Once the Gupta Empire counterattacks in the future, the Puli Kingdom and the Pandya Kingdom will be under tremendous pressure in the future, and it is even a question of whether they can persist.But it is much easier to set up a river defense line along the Krishna River.Just when Liu Laozhi and Xie Xuan led the coalition forces of the two countries to deploy the defense line along the river, Fankameta Verasan, king of the Puli Kingdom, and Jiberi Bird Nam, king of the Pandya Kingdom, jointly resisted the Clichy Na River Defense Command.

Although these two are the kings of the vassal state of Wei State, they both enjoy the political treatment of first-rank princes. Liu Laozhi and Xie Xuan did not dare to neglect them, so they ordered the honor guard of Wei State to be stationed in the Governor's Mansion of the Puli Kingdom They lined up to welcome the two kings.

Fankameta Vilasan is very similar to Jiberi Bird Nam. They are both tribal patriarchs. They both gained power through armed coups in the tribe, and then became the founding king with the support of the Wei State. .They all know that their ability to become the king of a country is inseparable from the support of the Wei State. Even if the Wei State can support them to become kings, once the Wei State is angered, especially the two governors of the Kingdom of Heaven, Their fate is sure to be very tragic.Therefore, they did not dare to be arrogant, nor did they dare to put on airs of a king in front of Liu Laozhi and Xie Xuan.

After Liu Laozhi and Xie Xuan exchanged pleasantries, Liu Laozhi said to the two of them: "Your Highness, you have all suffered, and the Great Wei did not enter South India, so you have been oppressed by the Gupta Empire for so many years. Well now, you have become a vassal state of the Great Wei Empire, and Great Wei will guarantee your safety, and you will also become an independent country. You and the people of the two countries will no longer have to suffer, and will be in Under the leadership of Wei Guo, live a happy life."

"This is all the great grace of the Celestial Dynasty. Otherwise, Pandya would have perished long ago. How could there be a chance to become independent again!" Gabriel Bird Nam said with red eyes.Pandya is different from the Puli Kingdom. The Pandya people have been working hard to restore their country. In the past few years, he has committed a lot of crimes and suffered a lot.

"Your Excellency the two honorable governors, the Kingdom of Puli is fortunate to be rescued by the heavenly court, otherwise, we people would never be able to make it!" Fankameta Verasan burst into tears.

Of course, acting skills are an essential skill for every politician, and they are also their basic skills. They can always cry when they need it, and of course they are equally ruthless when they turn their faces.Fankameta Villasan felt the taste of power, even though the power of the king had shrunk a lot due to the relationship with the state of Wei, it still made Fankametta Villasan like a drug addict, unable to stop.

"Your Royal Highness, I am deeply saddened by the tragic experience of Ryukyu in the past few decades. On behalf of His Majesty the Great Wei Emperor, I promise that such things will never happen again in the future. Wei Guo has become stronger, and we will Provide security guarantees to Puli Kingdom and Pandiya King. No country will be able to invade you again in the future." Xie Xuan said solemnly: "Any attack on any of the Great Wei's vassal states will be regarded as an invasion of Great Wei , Great Wei will fight to the end. You have to believe that Great Wei is the most powerful country in the world, and no one can ignore the interests of Great Wei!"

Xie Xuan and Liu Laozhi are the closest people to Ran Ming. They all know that Ran Ming is actually a Pixiu who can only go in and out. He has already eaten the meat of his mouth, how can he give up so easily?How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch?On the side of Wei, how could a big country be allowed to appear? In Ran Ming's plan, it is best for the Gupta Empire to split into more than 100 small countries, so as to best serve the interests of Wei.

"Thank you to the two governors of Shangguo!" Fankameta Verasan and Jiberi Bird Nam couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude.They only felt that with the support of the Wei State, the sword of the Gupta Empire hanging over their heads would not fall, and finally there was hope, and good days were coming.

"The Puli Kingdom and the King of Pandya have been ruined by the Gupta people over the years. In order to prevent this from happening again and to provide you with the necessary security guarantee, the Empire will plan to increase its troops to South India. In the early stage, 15 The 35 troops will be in place within three months and the 50 troops will also be in place within half a year, and you will be responsible for the supply of the [-] troops." Liu Laozhi said.

As for Wei Guo's guarantee, in fact, Fankameta Villasan and Jiberi Bird Nam are both half-believing and half-believing. After all, there is only one marine division in the Puli Kingdom, and the attached naval force is less than 2. people.As for the Pandya Kingdom, there is only one Class A division now.A mere 5000 people.The total number of troops stationed in the two countries is only 5000. Compared with the more than 200 million troops of the Gupta Empire, this number is obviously not enough.Although the Wei people are strong, they are not invulnerable. Fankameta Vilasanhe knew that Naya Malik, the governor of Tamil Nadu, had caused nearly 2 casualties to the Wei army.

You must know that compared with the Tamil Nadu army, they are much worse than the Gupta Empire's spiritual forces.Once the situation in Wei State is not good, they can leave by boat, but they have no place to run, Fankameta Vilasang and Jiberi Bird Namu, as long as they are caught by the people of the Gupta Empire, they will be killed by thousands of dollars All hell is possible.

(End of this chapter)

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