Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1007 Your Butt Is Sitting Crookedly

Chapter 1007 Your Butt Is Sitting Crookedly

Chapter 1014 Your Butt Is Sitting Crookedly
Hearing Liu Laozhi say that Wei Guo will increase its troops by 50 troops within half a year, Kameta Verasan and Jiberi Bird Nam's eyes lit up with excitement.The reinforcements provided by the Great Wei Empire are undoubtedly a guarantee of safety for them.The consumption of at least 50 troops, neither of them took it seriously, guarding the natural fertile soil, as much food as they wanted, the Tamils ​​would be eaten by wild animals, get sick and die, and some would be killed by the enemy. Why not be starved to death.The big deal is to tax those people more and tax them heavily.

"In addition, I would like to remind the two kings. Although the Gupta Empire was defeated this time, it was only temporary. The wolf ambition of the Gupta Empire has not been greatly affected by this. They are still deliberately trying to eliminate Puli and Pan Diya. Once they are re-armed, they will inevitably re-launch the war. At that time, the scale and intensity of the war may exceed imagination." Liu Jianzhi kindly reminded.

The State of Wei would definitely not send the soldiers of the Wei Army to South India to die. It would definitely be a disaster to compete with a large country with a total population of nearly 4000 million.In Ran Ming's plan, the Nanyang aborigines can be eliminated, but the Nanyang aborigines are too prolific, and there are still quite a few of them. Killing them will definitely not kill them all, and it will arouse their fierce resistance. Besides, these The aborigines are lazy and hostile to the Han people in their bones. If this continues, it will definitely cause conflicts.So the best way is to let them serve as cannon fodder on the battlefield and eliminate them in the war with the Gupta Empire.

And Liu Laozhi said that in the 50 army, only a small number of officers were Han generals, while the main soldiers and grassroots officers were all Nanyang natives, especially among them were many fierce Japanese slaves.The fighting power of this group of indigenous servants is definitely not high, but with the equipment and the training of the Wei State, they can't be much weaker than the Gupta Empire, a wonderful country. At most, three or four people can be exchanged for the Gupta Empire. It is much better to suffer a loss and lose a certain amount of equipment and money than to sacrifice the soldiers of Wei State.

While the Western Regions and South India were tense, the Wei State was still busy. From the Wei Emperor Ran Ming to the cabinet ministers, they were all very busy. The newly conquered territories needed to be consolidated, cities built, and repairs made. Roads and water conservancy all over the world need to be repaired, expeditionary soldiers need to be rewarded and appeased, and dilapidated cities need to be rebuilt after years of war. There are also education and scientific research, two big money eaters, but the annual income of the imperial court is really not enough.

At this time, there was a bridge in front of Ran Ming. To be precise, it was a model of a bridge. This was the first surprise that the Gongshu family gave Ran Ming, a Yellow River bridge that could connect the north and the south.This is the Yellow River Bridge built in the north of Luoyang City. The bridge is 360 nine steps long and four feet six feet wide. It can pass four heavy-duty carriages side by side.

When Ran Ming received the news, it was too late. I am afraid that the bridge will be completed soon.After putting the power in the cabinet, Ran Ming basically didn't get involved, and it turned out that there was a loophole.The Gongshu family's application was approved, and Ran Ming never knew about site selection, design, funding, deployment of craftsmen, and the start of construction.When Shang Shu ordered Wang Jian to bring such a beautiful model of the Yellow River Bridge to Ran Ming to watch the ceremony, Ran Ming broke out in a cold sweat.

God, they are so crazy that they dare not build a pontoon bridge, but a permanent steel and concrete bridge. If something goes wrong, it will be a national problem.

Could it be that there are signs of a revolution in Wei's scientific research industry?
The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation, the mother river, the birthplace of Chinese civilization and 5000-year history and culture, the symbol of the Chinese national spirit, and the totem of the dragon.The Yellow River is the longest river and the second longest river in Chinese history.The earliest bridge on the entire Yellow River was the Zhenyuan Bridge built in the ninth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty.However, Zhenyuan Bridge is just a pontoon bridge, using 24 large ships as piers, and Zhenyuan Bridge is only 830 meters long.

The true modern bridge is the Yellow River Bridge on the Ping-Han Railway, which was built by a Belgian company and engineers from the United States, Germany and Italy were hired to participate in the design. This is a veritable international cooperation project.But only one-way railway bridges were built in that era.The model of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge in front of Ran Ming is a reinforced concrete T-shaped rigid structure bridge. It is very similar to the later Yinchuan Yellow River Bridge in terms of data and design indicators.

However, the Yinchuan Yellow River Bridge was completed and opened to traffic in China in July [-]. At that time, the construction technology was among the top in the country.Ran Ming is not yet conceited that Wei's technological level at this time can be compared with that of the later Celestial Dynasty.

Ran Ming looked at this very spectacular model, and angrily scolded: "Isn't this a joke? How can such a Yellow River Bridge be started now?"

Wang Jian looked at Ran Ming bristling with anger, and was immediately frightened.Wang Jian timidly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, due to the isolation of the Yellow River, it is difficult to connect the north and the south. Now there are more than [-] registered operating ships on both sides of the Yellow River. The goods were limited, and there was still a large backlog of goods, and many people and merchants complained. Under such circumstances, Gong Shuchuo, an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Great Wei Dynasty, wrote a memorial requesting the construction of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge, and this memorial was quickly approved by the cabinet."

Ran Ming also calmed down at this time. Since it was a memorial passed by the cabinet, it was legal. Since Ran Ming had delegated the power to the cabinet, he would not backtrack.

Ran Ming said again: "Why don't I know when this Luoyang Yellow River Bridge was approved? Although I delegated the power to the cabinet, I am not a fool. Don't I need to send such a big matter to my imperial court? Although I I'm usually very busy, but I'm absolutely clear that my imperial study has never received a memorial for the approval of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge."

Ran Ming gave the cabinet a lot of power, such as the appointment of officials, the appointment and removal of officials below the fifth rank, the cabinet can make all the decisions, and there is even no need to send the information to Ran Ming's imperial review, and the appointment and dismissal of officials of the fourth rank and below will be done. When submitting the report to Ran Ming Yulan, only the appointment and dismissal of civil and military officials at the level of state governor or lieutenant general will be reported to Ran Ming for approval.For financial expenditure authority, projects with less than 30 gold only need to be archived, and do not even need to be submitted to Ran Ming for reading. Items with at least [-] gold will be reported to Ran Ming Yulan, and projects with more than one million gold will be submitted to Ran Ming. approval.

Ran Ming's words were a bit harsh, and it should be said that he was a bit angry.Wang Jian said with a miserable expression on his face: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I really did not submit the examination and approval memorial to Your Majesty for review."

Ran Mingdao: "The authority I gave to the cabinet is clearly written. Any large-scale national project construction must be reported to me. However, Prime Minister Wang, you have disappointed me so much!"

Hearing this, Wang Jian wanted to slap herself twice.However, he had to bite the bullet and explain: "Your Majesty, the subject is implemented in accordance with the cabinet responsibility system."

"What? Do you really think I'm a fool?" Ran Ming suddenly laughed angrily, "If even a project like the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge is not considered a big project, then tell me what is considered a big project." ?”

Ran Ming was laughing, but the smile was so sinister that even the temperature in the hall seemed to drop a bit.

"I'm afraid, this is really not a big project!" Wang Jian said.

"That's right, you're very responsible. As prime minister, if you don't shirk, you can be considered a man!" Ran Ming suddenly leaned down and said, "Where are you going to put me in this way?"

Wang Jian felt very wronged at this time, he wanted to cry, but until now he still didn't understand why Ran Ming was angry.He just kept kowtowing and murmured, "I'm afraid, I'm going to die!"

Ran Ming said: "I'd like to see how you argue. If your answer satisfies me, let it go. If you don't satisfy me, then Dawei may have to reorganize the cabinet in advance."

Wang Jian slowly took off his black gauze hat, put it in front of himself, and said, "This is really not a big project. Gongshuchuo applied for the construction of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge. The cabinet includes ministers, ministers of finance, ministers of engineering, ministers of business, and ministers of sea. Voted in favor, two abstentions, and one vote against, the memorial was approved. The cost approved by the Minister of Finance for the construction of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge was only [-] gold. Therefore, according to the cabinet responsibility system, no one gave it to His Majesty. Yu Lan, if Your Majesty thinks that I have neglected my duty, I will resign voluntarily!"

Hearing this, Ran Ming felt that he had made an own mistake.In Ran Ming's understanding, the construction of such a Luoyang Yellow River Bridge only cost [-] gold, and if it is converted into later generations' RMB, it may be less than [-] million.What is this money enough for?How could it be possible to build such a huge bridge? One must know that Ran Ming already knew clearly through the Royal Guard that the price of goods in Wei State has risen very sharply, especially the real estate. Ten years ago, he bought a set of three-entry in Yecheng The yard, with gardens and ponds, and rockery pavilions, cost only a million dollars.But now Chengguo buys a two-entry courtyard, which costs more than tens of millions of dollars.It has increased more than ten times, especially the shops on both sides of Suzaku Avenue, which are now sky-high.Any two two-story or three-story facades are worth more than ten thousand gold.

Eight thousand five hundred gold can buy a luxury house of about [-] acres in Yecheng at most, and it is impossible to build such a bridge anyway, even the design cost is more than this amount.

It turns out that the construction model of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge is the same model as the highway from Wei State to Luoyang. The major companies contribute capital, personnel, and effort, and share the income according to the shares.The imperial court of the Kingdom of Wei invested [-]% of the shares with the land. During the war, the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge will be used free of charge, regardless of whether it is for the army or for material transportation.

In this case, such a huge project is completely private capital, which makes Ran Ming completely speechless.However, although Ran Ming let Wang Jian go, he comforted him with kind words.In fact, it's not Wang Jian's fault, it's Ran Ming's fault, since the financial expenditure is limited, Wang Jian is not wrong.Ran Ming had to change the approval authority of the cabinet project, at least in terms of sending to the Royal Lane, regardless of state-owned or private projects, as long as the payment exceeds 30 gold, Ran Ming must be approved.

It was revealed at this time, but Ran Ming was also very concerned about the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge. He was afraid that because the quality was not up to standard, he would create a scumbag project, which would not harm only one person.We must know that once the bridge with a width of 360 nine steps collapses, it will cause tens of hundreds of casualties, which is too expensive.

Anyway, Ran Ming had been nesting in the Imperial Palace of Ye City for too long, and Ran Ming also wanted to take the opportunity to go out for a walk.Fortunately, when the news spread that Ran Ming was going to leave Ye and enter Luoyang, Xie Daoyun was not happy, so she said directly to Ran Ming, "The concubine is going too!" After leaving the Hornet's Nest, Liu Wei saw that Xie Daoyun was going, so she also acted like a baby to Ran Ming.Ran Ming agreed again, this time the stripes are going out, so is Li Jingmei, and Helena is also going.

The palm of the hand is flesh, and the back of the hand is also flesh, so Ran Ming doesn't care about it, and treats the whole family to going out for a spring outing.As a result, a large group of princes and princesses, plus Ran Ming's dozen or so concubines, made Lin Heishan and the royal guard Zhang Ping, who were in charge of security work, feel more pressured.

Yecheng is becoming more and more prosperous now, and it has almost become a huge metropolis. Sheng Jia walked out of the palace and went straight to Zhuque Street, which immediately attracted the surprise of these concubines who had not been out of the palace for a long time.Ran Ming didn't clean the street, and the people who really wanted to admire the beauty of the sky gathered on both sides of Zhuque Street.At that time, there were not only Han people on Zhuque Street, but also many Hu merchants or aboriginal students from Nanyang countries.

Just as he was about to leave the city gate, something happened. There was a commotion at the gate of the city, and there were cries.Lin Heishan was in a hurry and rode his horse to the gate of the city quickly.Things soon became clear. It turned out that when Ran Ming was traveling and the imperial guards were clearing the streets, a group of Hu merchants who had been driven to the side of the road overwhelmed a vegetable farmer's vehicle, and a dispute arose immediately, which turned into a fight.

Of course, those who were beaten in Wei State were all Hu people, even if it was a beggar in Wei State, it was not something a Hu businessman could bully.Let alone a farmer?Don't look at the poor peasants, they are the second class in political status after scholars.This crazy vegetable farmer was quite ruthless, and greeted him in three directions with a whip for driving cattle.

Lin Heishan yelled and stopped, and the vegetable farmer looked back and saw the general uniform of the Lin Heishan Imperial Guard, and immediately howled in mourning: "Mr. Jun, you must be the master of the grassroots. The nine members of the grassland family can live by these vegetables , these barbarians overturned the vegetable carts of the grass-roots, and the vegetables and chickens in this cart were all destroyed, and they are not willing to lose money."

Seeing that everyone had stopped, Lin Heishan scolded angrily: "Whoever is responsible for this, deal with it immediately, or go home and pick up the child!"

At this moment, an official in the green robe of a ninth-rank official made a quick decision on the spot: "The barbarian will fully compensate the vegetable farmers for their losses. If they have no money, they can easily become slaves and sell them directly for compensation."

As for the beatings of several Hu people, both the officials and the common people consciously ignored it.When Ran Ming saw this scene, he felt a little unreal.Ran Ming saw with his own eyes that the barbarians who were beaten were all blond-haired and blue-eyed Caucasians, maybe they were religious figures from the Byzantine Empire who were exiled in Yecheng because of the religious war, otherwise they would not be so poor.When seven or eight of Mr. Yang were whipped by a vegetable farmer, and he didn't even have the guts to fight back?
Ran Ming suddenly realized that this time is not the future generations, and the national self-confidence of the Han people has not been completely suppressed.Of course, Ran Ming also understands that the state of Wei has never been a place where barbarians can be presumptuous, even if it is a beggar in the state of Wei, accepting rewards from barbarians would be considered a great shame.The Han people have strong waists, no matter how poor they are, they will not be afraid of wealthy Hu merchants. Once there is a dispute, needless to say, the final winner must be the Han people of Wei State.

If an official of the Wei State dared to favor the Hu people, his official position would definitely end. Not only is it a matter of losing his official position, such an official would be considered a traitor to the nation by the people around him, and he would be isolated by the people around him, even if he was There is no place to drink water, unless he can truly be self-sufficient, such a tainted person can't find a place to eat with money.

At this time, the sixth son of the emperor, Ran Yu, who was sitting at the head of Ran Ming, said: "Father, those barbarians are too pitiful, and that vegetable farmer is too much!"

The sixth son of the emperor, Ran Tong, is the son of Li Jingshu, who is already six years old.

"Stupid, there is a reason to be patient in this kind of thing. Once they are tolerant, they will make progress." Ran Ming angrily said: "Throughout the ages, the rule of the country is nothing more than a sage on the outside and a king on the inside. What a stupid way this is. Remember, they They are not my people, and my sympathy will not be applied to them. There must be no compromise in this kind of thing. Once a small opening is made, habitual thoughts will gradually form, and the docile character of my Han people will Being ridden on the head by the Hu people, it must be strict, and rules must be formed, so that all the people in the world feel that the Han people are a group of indomitable people. No matter who, no matter when, when they are wronged, the country will do it for them. host."

(End of this chapter)

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